
creative BRIEFDATE:11/18/20BUDGET:?????PLANNING LEAD:xxxASSIGNMENT:Creative Brief – Apple WatchJOB CODE:xxxCREATIVE LEAD:xxxCLIENT:AppleTIMING:?????ACCOUNT LEAD:Sebastian Del PrincipeWhat is the background?Apple has dominated the wearable fitness tracker/smart watch segment for years, remaining the industry leader with 55% of the market share as of 2020. With the release of the Apple Watch Series 6, Apple has tasked us with creating an advertising campaign targeted at an audience that has been slow to adopt wearable fitness trackers, seniors, specifically age 65+. Our goal with this campaign is to spread awareness and increase sales to this demographic. As of 2020, only 3.3% of Apple Watch sales were attributed to the age 65+ demographic. We are looking to strengthen and expand Apple’s positioning, emphasizing the health benefits of owning an Apple Watch Series 6, especially during the time of COVID-19. We are aiming to showcase Apple’s health tracking system, specifically heart-rate tracking and Blood O2 measurements, in addition to how the Apple Watch can help users build a steady and healthy fitness routine whether they choose to do so indoors or outdoors. If Apple fails to commit to a campaign targeting this audience, Apple Watch adoption among age 65+ will remain extremely low and the company will fail to provide benefit among an age group that could in many ways benefit the most from Apple Watch usage, continuing the loss of potential sales and growth. What is the objective of the assignment?In order to solve the problem at hand, we will work to emphasize the seamless integration of health data from Apple Watch to iPhone, avoiding emphasis on features such as texting, phone calls, and high-performance exercise, and focusing more on the functional aspects of the Apple Watch. By showcasing the simplicity of Apple’s heart-rate monitoring and Blood O2 measurement technology, we will appeal to this demographic by marketing the Apple Watch as a “doctor on your wrist”. We will judge our performance based on sales data among this age 65+ demographic, comparing sales from before and after the campaign. We will also measure impressions among this age group, but rely primarily on sales given that this demographic is less active on social media. Who are we talking to?Demographics: Age 65+, male and female, married or single, comfortable disposable income, iPhone usersPsychographics: “Balance seekers” in regards to health, open-minded, mindful.Consumer Personas:Martha:Martha is a 66-year-old mother of two and high-school teacher who lives between her two homes in New York City and upstate New York. During the pandemic, she has been travelling between the two locations with her husband to fulfill various family needs. While travelling between the two locations, it has become more difficult to balance her professional work which is now done fully remotely and her physical and mental health. She enjoys horseback riding, going on walks, and doing yoga. During the pandemic, it has been difficult for her to set aside time for herself, especially time outside when she is worried about getting and/or transmitting the virus to her family. She would prefer for her and her family to stay out of highly populated places and hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus, but also would like to have some sort of assurance that her health and immune system are staying strong, especially as she gets older and has been forced to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. Martha has always been tech-savvy for her age and has owned an iPhone for many years. She has heard about wearable fitness trackers but has always perceived them to be for high-performance athletes looking to track their progress. JoeJoe is a 77-year-old father and grandfather living in suburban Pennsylvania. His family’s and his own safety and health are paramount to him. Joe is still working despite his age, and he feels that his health is even more important to him because of how much he cares about his job and family. His doctors have informed him that he has high blood pressure and is at an elevated risk of heart disease. Following this prognosis, he adopted a healthier diet and wants to improve his cardio-vascular health but isn’t sure where to start. Managing his work and home life is already difficult for Joe and health concerns are an added factor of stress. He is dedicated to finding new ways to improve his routine and health but is having difficulty finding ways to exercise in a sustainable and safe manner. He would like to be able to be confident in his own health on a daily basis, but even with semi-regular doctor check-ups would like to be even more cautious. Joe is very able at using new technologies but isn’t an early adopter by any means.WHAT IS THEIR CURRENT RELATIONSHIP WITH US? HeadThe 65+ age demographic is historically a laggard in technological adoption but as technology continues to become more prevalent in modern-day life, the demographic is deepening their understanding and usage of technology. This demographic had technology play a much less significant role during developmental years in their lives and in their careers. HeartAlthough the 65+ age demographic has been slow to adopt technology and internet products, since 2012 the number of senior internet users has grown by 10%, from 50% (2012) to 60% (2020). Many people age 65+ express a willingness to adopt new technology but are hindered by physical or mental conditions that have come with their age. In addition, this demographic is unsure of the benefits technology can have and feel that the barriers to entry for learning new technologies are too steep for many of them. Despite these barriers, this demographic is incentivized to adopt technologies as a means to connect with family members, likely attributing to the increase in internet usage among this age group over recent years. WalletThe mean income of Americans ages 65+ was $45,994 (2020) .The mean income of an Apple iPhone user was $85,000 (2020) Data shows that technological adoption is far more likely among younger, wealthier, and more educated seniors aged 65+This demographic does not have the money to accrue high medical expenses which may lead us to having an opportunity to market Apple Watches as cheaper, preventative measures against health and medical bills. what insight will help move them in new ways?Senior citizens are worried about their health in general, especially during a pandemic, causing them to be more cautious with their daily interactions leading to a lack of exercise and feelings of isolation. Using this insight, we can position Apple Watch as a device to provide a safety net with health tracking features such as emergency SOS, fall detector, heart-rate tracking, ECG measurements, and blood O2 levels. This will allow senior citizens to be more comfortable and confident in their health as they are able to track their own health data and make sure they get enough exercise. WHAT IDEAS WILL HAVE THE MOST IMPACT? RoutineOur campaign will demonstrate how Apple Watch can help enforce and create healthy routines in one’s day. We will show people doing various everyday tasks, tracking their movement, heart-rate etc., and taking breaks from those tasks to go out on short walks to close “exercise and movement rings”. The goal of this idea would be to show how easy it is to get some form of exercise on a consistent, daily, basis, whether you are comfortable leaving your home or not. Features and ComfortOur campaign will also demonstrate a simple overview of each feature being used in everyday settings. This will showcase Apple Watch’s most functional features and when to use them. We will display how easy it is to use each feature and track your own data over time such as improving your cardiovascular health and the comfort users feel in knowing that their heartrate and other health measurements are at healthy levels. The goal of this idea would be to spread awareness of the useful and important features Apple Watch has and how they can lead to being more comfortable with your own age and health. It would also demonstrate that your health is something you can take ahold of and monitor and/or improve. WHAT MAKES US BETTER OR DIFFERENT ENOUGH TO CLAIM THIS?Reputation & Brand RecognitionApple is a brand recognized all over the world by everyone. It is a brand that seniors know about regardless of their technological background/capabilities and are more likely to be receptive to trying. QualityApple has delivered technological breakthroughs with every generation of Apple Watch. They are a company known for the quality and work they put into every product and never hastily rolling out any of their products. Health Care WorkMedicare insurers have begun to offer subsidize the cost of Apple Watch for patients, making Apple the first product of its kind to have worked out such a deal. In addition, Apple has made it clear in recent years that they are dedicated and all-in on getting involved in health care and providing proven health benefits to their customers. What are the old conventions to avoid?We will avoid creating advertisements and spots with rapid cuts from feature to feature. We do not want to overwhelm our audience who are prone to being overwhelmed by technology. Focusing on story-telling will be more important for our target audience. We will also make sure to limit how much high-intensity exercise we show in our advertisements, rather showing more everyday usages of Apple Watch and simpler forms of exercise. We want to emphasize the functional and easy-to-use features of Apple Watch and how everybody can derive benefit from Apple Watch. What are the ANTICIPATED deliverables?ResearchFocus groups and surveys for our target audience, focusing on finding out which health concerns are most important to them and consequentially which Apple Watch features would be most useful for them.The research would also focus on which mediums are most appealing to our target audience. DeliverablesPrint and TV spots, limited social media (Facebook).Emphasizing story-telling around the everyday uses of Apple Watch and how it can be used to improve its user’s health and daily routine while keeping its user safe. We will primarily focus on print and TV spots, channels our demographic primarily consumes. ................

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