21st Century Skills Standards Rubrics

|Learning & Innovation |

|Creativity and Innovation |

|Work Creatively with Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Use a wide range of idea creation |Engages in multiple idea |Engages in idea creation |Did not offer ideas during the idea |Did not actively participate |

|techniques (brainstorming etc…) |creation techniques and fully |techniques and participates by|creation, but listened actively to |in idea creation |

| |participates by offering |offering ideas |other group members | |

| |insightful questions and | | | |

| |listening well to others in | | | |

| |the group. | | | |

|Creates new and worthwhile ideas |Consistently develops new and |Develops new and valuable |Develops new and valuable ideas using |Does not attempt to develop |

|using both incremental and radical |valuable ideas using both |ideas using both existing and |existing knowledge and resources |new and valuable ideas |

|concepts |existing and new knowledge, as|new knowledge, as well as | | |

| |well as existing and new |existing and new resources | | |

| |resources | | | |

|Elaborates, refines, analyzes and |Extensive reflection of own |Reflects on own ideas and |Reflects on own ideas and attempts to|Attempts to reflect on own |

|evaluates their own ideas in order |ideas and incorporates changes|incorporates changes in |incorporate changes in creative |ideas |

|to improve and maximize creative |in creative efforts |creative efforts to improve |efforts to improve the value of their | |

|efforts |demonstrating an understanding|the value of their work |work | |

| |of the value of analysis and | | | |

| |implementation of change | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Creativity and Innovation |

|Work Creatively with Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Develop, implement and communicate |Develops, implements and |Develops, implements and |Develops, implements and attempts to |Develops new ideas, but does |

|new ideas to others effectively |communicates new ideas to |communicates new ideas to |communicate new ideas to others |not effectively implement or |

| |others effectively in a |others effectively | |communicate ideas with others|

| |variety of conditions | | | |

|Be open and responsive to new and |Consistently and thoroughly |The ability to listen to |Listens to diverse views but does not |Does not listen to other |

|diverse perspectives; incorporate |listen to diverse views and |diverse views and incorporate |effectively incorporate in work |views |

|group input and feedback into the |incorporate in work |in work | | |

|work | | | | |

|Demonstrate originality and |Consistently demonstrates |Demonstrates creativity and is|Demonstrates creativity but does not |Does not demonstrate |

|inventiveness in work and |creativity and is realistic |realistic about the limits of |have a realistic understanding of the |creativity |

|understand the real world limits to|about the limits of the |the situation |limits of the situation | |

|adopting new ideas |situation in a variety of | | | |

| |situations | | | |

|View failure as an opportunity to |Embraces the idea that |Understands the importance of |Understands the importance of |Does not understand how |

|learn; understand that creativity |attempting/experimenting is |attempting/experimenting is |attempting/experimenting is an |failed attempts are part of |

|and innovation is a long-term, |an important part of the path |an important part of the path |important part of the path to success,|the process that leads to |

|cyclical process of small successes|of success and approaches |to success, including failed |but does not understand this includes |success |

|and frequent mistakes |opportunities with an |attempts |failed attempts as well | |

| |understanding that many failed| | | |

| |attempts are likely | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Creativity and Innovation |

|Implement Innovations |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Act on creative ideas to make a |Continuously applies creative |Applies creative ideas to make|Develops creative ideas, but does not |Attempts to develop creative |

|tangible and useful contribution to|ideas to make a real and |a real and useful contribution|make a contribution |ideas |

|the field in which the innovation |useful contribution to their |to their work | | |

|will occur |work | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |

|Reason Effectively |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Use various types of reasoning as |Uses various types of |Uses various types of |Uses reasoning as appropriate to the |Attempts to use reasoning as |

|appropriate to the situation |reasoning as appropriate to |reasoning as appropriate to |situation |appropriate to the situation |

| |the situation in a variety of |the situation | | |

| |conditions | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |

|Use Systems Thinking |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Analyze how parts of a whole |Recognizes and is able to |Recognizes how the parts of a |Identifies parts of a system but |Is only able to identify the |

|interact with each other to produce|manipulate parts of a system |system work together to |cannot explain how they work together |parts as one, rather than |

|overall outcomes in complex systems|to come together to accomplish|accomplish something | |each part individually |

| |something | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Effectively analyze and evaluate |Consistently is successful at |Is effective in analyzing and |Is not thorough at analyzing and/or |Does not complete analysis or|

|evidence, arguments, claims and |analyzing and evaluating |evaluating evidence, |evaluating evidence, arguments, claims|evaluation of evidence, |

|beliefs |evidence, arguments, claims |arguments, claims and beliefs |and beliefs |arguments, claims or beliefs |

| |and beliefs | | | |

|Effectively analyze and evaluate |Embraces learning about |When analyzing and evaluating |Believes they are able to analyze and|Does not respect the view |

|major alternative points of view |material from different |material is non-judgmental |evaluate material from a different |point of others while |

| |points of view and is | |point of view without being |analyzing and evaluating |

| |non-judgmental in analyzing | |judgmental, but is not successful |material from a different |

| |the material | | |point of view |

|Effectively synthesizes and makes |Is able to apply the |Is able to understand and make|Is able to understand there is a |Does not attempt to |

|connections between information and|connections between |the connections between |connection between information and |understand the connection |

|arguments |information and arguments in |information and arguments |arguments, but is not able to |between information and |

| |order to support a perspective| |determine what they are on their own |arguments |

|Effectively interpret information |Is able to look at complex |Is able to look at information|Looks at information and sometimes is |Looks at information, and |

|and draw conclusions based on the |information and successfully |and successfully draw |able to draw conclusions |rarely is able to draw a |

|best analysis |draw conclusions and apply to |conclusions | |conclusion |

| |situation | | | |

|Reflect critically on learning |Thoroughly reflects critically|Reflects critically on |Attempts to reflect on learning |Does not reflect on learning |

|experiences and processes |on learning experiences and |learning experiences and |experiences and processes |experiences and processes |

| |processes and applies to |processes | | |

| |future work | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |

|Solve Problems |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Effectively solve different kinds |Effectively develops and |Effectively utilizes multiple |Effectively problem solves but does |Is not successful in |

|of non-familiar problems in both |utilizes multiple techniques |techniques to engage in |not utilize multiple techniques |utilizing problem solving |

|conventional and innovative ways |to engage in problem solving |problem solving | |techniques |

| |and can articulate reason for | | | |

| |choosing | | | |

|Effectively identify and ask |Effectively identify and ask |Effectively identify and ask |Asks questions with the purpose of |Does not attempt to make |

|significant questions that clarify |significant questions that |significant questions that |reaching a better solution, but fails |inquiries to understand other|

|various points of view and lead to |clarify various points of view|clarify various points of view|to consider other points of view |points of view for the |

|better solutions |and lead to better solutions |and lead to better solutions | |purpose of reaching a better |

| |in a variety of conditions | | |solution |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Communication and Collaboration |

|Communicate Clearly |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Articulate thoughts and ideas |Worked creatively to craft and|Communicated thoughts and |Creates a multimedia presentation but |Either creates a multimedia |

|effectively using oral, written and|present a comprehensive |ideas by crafting and |does not effectively |presentation but does not |

|nonverbal communication skills in a|multimedia presentation that |presenting a multimedia |address/communicate using both verbal |present, or fails to complete|

|variety of forms and contexts |uses both verbal and nonverbal|presentation using both verbal|and nonverbal communication |the multimedia presentation, |

| |communication. |and nonverbal communication. | |thus does not communicate |

| | | | |using both verbal and |

| | | | |nonverbal communication |

|Listen effectively to decipher |Thoughtfully reflected on and |Effectively reflected on the |Attempts to listen to the message and |Listens to the message but |

|meaning, including knowledge, |identified constructive ways |meaning, values, attitudes and|reflect on the meaning of the message,|does not demonstrate |

|values, attitudes and intentions |to apply the knowledge, |intentions of the message |but misses key information, values, |understanding of the message |

| |values, attitudes and | |attitudes or intentions and misses the|by not reflecting on the |

| |intentions of the message | |importance of the message |meaning |

|Use communication for a range of |Effectively uses |Uses communication to inform, |Communicates only to inform or |Communicates only to inform |

|purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct,|communication to inform, |instruct, motivate and |instruct |and does not demonstrate |

|motivate and persuade) |instruct, motivate and |persuade | |communicating for other |

| |persuade on multiple occasions| | |purposes |

| |using both verbal and | | | |

| |nonverbal communication | | | |

|Utilize multiple media and |Worked creatively to craft a |Crafted a product using |Crafted a product using multiple media|Attempted but did not |

|technologies, and know how to judge|comprehensive product using |multiple media and |and technologies but did not |complete crafting a product |

|their effectiveness as well as |multiple media and |technologies and reflected on |effectively reflect on the |using multiple media and |

|assess their impact |technologies and thoughtfully |the effectiveness and impact |effectiveness and impact of the |technologies and did not |

| |reflected on the effectiveness|of the product |product |effectively reflect on the |

| |and impact of the product | | |effectiveness and impact of |

| | | | |the product |

|Communicate effectively in diverse |Communicates effectively with |Communicates effectively with |Communicates with others in a diverse |Fails to communicate with |

|environments (including |others in diverse environments|others in diverse environments|environment, but fails to communicate |others in a diverse |

|multi-lingual) |using both verbal and | |effectively with others |environment |

| |nonverbal communication | | | |

|Learning & Innovation |

|Communication and Collaboration |

|Collaborate with Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Demonstrate ability to work |Consistently listens to |Listens to, shares and |Most statements, responses and body |Statements, responses and/or |

|effectively and respectfully with |others. All statements, |supports others. Statements |language are respectful; occasionally |body language were |

|diverse teams |responses and body language, |and responses are respectful |had a negative tone. Does not always |consistently not respectful. |

| |are respectful and |and appropriate body language |listen to, share with, and support the|Rarely listens to, shares |

| |appropriate. Always listens |was exhibited. |efforts of others. |with, and supports the |

| |to, shares with, and supports | | |efforts of others |

| |the efforts of others. | | | |

|Exercise flexibility and |Always listens to ideas and |Is willing to compromise with |Attempts to compromise with group to |Typically does not compromise|

|willingness to be helpful in making|demonstrates compromise |group to accomplish a common |accomplish a common goal, but |with group to accomplish a |

|necessary compromises to accomplish|allowing the group to meet its|goal. |sometimes interferes group from |common goal, and often |

|a common goal |full potential. | |meeting its full potential. |interferes with group from |

| | | | |meeting its full potential. |

|Assume shared responsibility for |Motivates all members to share|Participates and contributes |Attempts to share responsibility of |Either does most or very |

|collaborative work, and value the |in contributions equally by |to group’s work equally. |groups’ work, but ends up completing |little of the group’s work |

|individual contributions made by |valuing all members’ ideas and|Values all members’ ideas and |most of the work, without utilizing |and does not share or respect|

|each team member |contributions. |contributions. |input of others in group. |others’ ideas. |

|Information, Media & Technology Skills |

|Information Literacy |

|Access and Evaluate Information |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Access information efficiently |Identifies the key concepts of|Considers more than one |Demonstrates an attitude of |Completes simple research |

|(time) and effectively (sources) |the research being conducted, |strategy or tool when engaged |adaptability to respond to |strategies and sources, often|

| |acts on informed decisions to |in the digital information |inconclusive or ineffective search |not retrieving accurate or |

| |revise the search and selects |fluency process if the first |results and continues process without |complete information |

| |information based on |strategy or tool is |giving up | |

| |reliability of resource in |ineffective | | |

| |order to access information | | | |

| |efficiently and effectively | | | |

|Evaluate information critically and|Thoroughly evaluates the |Thoroughly evaluates |Evaluates information researched but |Does not evaluate information|

|competently |reliability of the source and |information researched, using |not thoroughly | |

| |the information researched, |internal and external | | |

| |using internal and external |validation | | |

| |validation | | | |

|Information, Media & Technology Skills |

|Information Literacy |

|Use and Manage Information |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Use information accurately and |Is highly effective in |Uses information accurately |Applies the information correctly, but|Does not utilize information |

|creatively for the issue or problem|relating various sources to |and creatively for the issue |is not accurate or creative in solving|collected to solve issue or |

|at hand |each other and applies them to|problem at hand |the issue or problem at hand |problem at hand |

| |solve an issue or problem at | | | |

| |hand | | | |

|Manage the flow of information from|Is able to apply large amounts|Is able to access and collect |Accesses only one or two sources of |Is not able to access quality|

|a wide variety of sources |of quality information from a |large amounts of quality |information |information |

| |variety of sources to make |information from a variety of | | |

| |decisions and/or conclusions |sources | | |

|Apply a fundamental understanding |When accessing and using |Understands the ethical and |Understands there is a need for |Does not understand the need |

|of the ethical/legal issues |information acts ethically and|legal limitations when |ethical and legal limitations |for the law and/or ethics in |

|surrounding the access and use of |within the legal limitations |accessing and using | |regards to information |

|information | |information | |literacy |

|Information, Media & Technology Skills |

|Media Literacy |

|Analyze Media |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|5.A.1 Understand both how and |Effectively creates messages |Effectively uses and creates |Can create a message, such as video, |Attempts to create a message,|

|why media messages are constructed,|using media, such as video, |messages using media, such as |visual aids etc…, but does not |such as video, visual aids |

|and for what purposes |visual aids etc… to |video, visual aids etc… to |understand how to use it to |etc…, but does not do so |

| |communicate for multiple |communicate a message |communicate a message effectively |effectively |

| |purposes | | | |

|5.A.2 Examine how individuals |Understands and creates media |Explores how media can |Explores how media can influence |Does not understand the power|

|interpret messages differently, how|that can influence beliefs and|influence beliefs and |beliefs and behaviors, but does not |of media in relationship to |

|values and points of view are |behaviors, while considering |behaviors, while considering |acknowledge diverse values and points |beliefs and behaviors in |

|included or excluded, and how media|diverse values and points of |diverse values and points of |of view |relation to interpreting a |

|can influence beliefs and behaviors|view in interpreting messages |view in interpreting messages | |message |

|5.A.3 Apply a fundamental |Uses various forms of media |Uses a form of media both |Uses media but does not always |Uses media but does not have |

|understanding of the ethical/legal |with a full understanding of |legally and ethically |understand the legal and/or ethical |a regard to legal/ethical use|

|issues surrounding the access and |appropriate use from both a | |issues | |

|use of media |ethical and legal standpoint | | | |

|Information, Media & Technology Skills |

|Media Literacy |

|Create Media Products |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|5.B.1 Understand and utilize the |Creates products using |Creates products using digital|Attempts to create a product using |Does not attempt or does not |

|most appropriate media creation |innovative digital tools to |tools to compose, illustrate |digital tools to compose, illustrate |understand how to utilize |

|tools, characteristics and |compose, illustrate and |and communicate information |and communicate information but does |digital tools |

|conventions |communicate original ideas or | |not complete | |

| |research | | | |

|5.B.2 Understand and effectively |Consistently communicates both|Understands and effectively |Understands there are cultural |Disregards cultural |

|utilize the most appropriate |verbally and non-verbally, |uses proper verbal and |differences, but does not effectively |differences and does not |

|expressions and interpretations in |with a deep understanding and |non-verbal communication in |communicate in a diverse environment |effectively communicate in a|

|diverse, multi-cultural |respect of cultural |respect to cultural | |diverse environment |

|environments |differences |differences | | |

|Information, Media & Technology Skills |

|Information, Communications and Technology (ICT Literacy) |

|Apply Technology Effectively |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|Use technology as a tool to research, |Effectively and consistently |When collecting, organizing, |Uses technology to collect, |Does not use technology |

|organize, evaluate and communicate |applies the use and understanding |evaluating and communicating |organize, evaluate and/or |effectively to collect, |

|information |of technology as a tool for |research, technology is |communicate information, but |organize, evaluate and/or|

| |learning and communicating the |effectively utilized |does not do so on a consistent |communicate information |

| |learning | |basis | |

|Use digital technologies, |Effectively and consistently uses |Uses technology as a tool to |Uses technology to communicate |Does not utilize |

|communication/networking tools and |technology, communication and |communicate and connect with |and connect with others but |technology to communicate|

|social networks appropriately to |relationships to successfully |others to access and |does not utilize it as a tool |and connect with others |

|access, manage, integrate, evaluate and|operate in a knowledge economy |successfully utilize |to operate in a knowledge |effectively |

|create information to successfully |(creating, evaluating and trading |information to operate in a |economy (creating, evaluating | |

|function in a knowledge economy |knowledge) |knowledge economy (creating, |and trading knowledge) | |

| | |evaluating and trading | | |

| | |knowledge) | | |

|Apply a fundamental understanding of |Manages data researched and |Manages data researched and |Uses information technology, |Uses information |

|the ethical/legal issues surrounding |applied from information |applied from information |but does not completely |technology, but |

|the access and use of information |technology ethically and legally |technology ethically and |understand the ethical and |disregards ethical and |

|technologies | |legally |legal obligations of accessing |legal obligations |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Flexibility and Adaptability |

|Adapt to Change |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|7.A.1. Adapt to varied roles, job |Adapts to varied roles, job |Adapts to varied roles, job |Attempts to adapt to varied roles, job|Attempts to adapt to varied|

|responsibilities, schedules and |responsibilities, schedules |responsibilities, schedules |responsibilities, schedules and |roles, job |

|contexts |and contexts in a variety of |and contexts |contexts |responsibilities, schedules|

| |conditions | | |or contexts |

|7.A.2. Work effectively in a |Works effectively in a |Works effectively in a |Attempts to work effectively in a |Attempts to work |

|climate of ambiguity and changing |climate of ambiguity and |climate of ambiguity and |climate of ambiguity and changing |effectively in a climate of|

|priorities |changing priorities in a |changing priorities |priorities |ambiguity and changing |

| |variety of conditions | | |priorities |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Flexibility and Adaptability |

|Be Flexible |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|7.B.1. Incorporate feedback |Incorporates feedback |Incorporates feedback |Attempts to incorporates feedback |Attempts to incorporate |

|effectively |effectively in a variety of |effectively |effectively |feedback, but not |

| |conditions | | |effectively |

|7.B.2. Deal positively with |Deals positively with praise,|Deals positively with praise,|Attempts to deal positively with |Attempts to deal positively|

|praise, setbacks and criticism |setbacks and criticism in a |setbacks and criticism |praise, setbacks and criticism |with praise or setbacks and|

| |variety of conditions | | |criticism |

|7.B.3. Understand, negotiate and |Understands, negotiates and |Understands, negotiates and |Attempts to understand, negotiate and |Attempts to understand, |

|balance diverse views and beliefs |balances diverse views and |balances diverse views and |balance diverse views and beliefs to |negotiate and balance |

|to reach workable solutions, |beliefs to reach workable |beliefs to reach workable |reach workable solutions, particularly|diverse views and beliefs |

|particularly in multi-cultural |solutions, particularly in |solutions, particularly in |in multi-cultural environments |to reach workable |

|environments |multi-cultural environments |multi-cultural environments | |solutions, but not in a |

| |in a variety of conditions | | |multi-cultural environments|

|Life and Career Skills |

|Initiative and Self-Direction |

|Manage Goals and Time |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|8.A.1. Set goals with tangible and|Sets goals with tangible |Sets goals with tangible and |Attempts to set goals with tangible |Attempts to set goals with |

|intangible success criteria |and intangible success |intangible success criteria |and intangible success criteria |tangible or intangible |

| |criteria in a variety of | | |success criteria |

| |conditions | | | |

|8.A.2. Balance short-term and |Balances short-term and |Balances short-term and |Attempts to balance short-term and |Attempts to balance |

|long-term goals |long-term goals in a |long-term goals |long-term goals |short-term or long-term |

| |variety of conditions | | |goals |

|8.A.3. Utilize time and manage |Completes tasks ahead of |Completes work on time by taking|Occasionally completes work on time. |Never completes work on |

|workload efficiently |schedule by creating a |advantage of the time provided | |time and uses does not use |

| |plan and scheduling time|and by using time management | |time management skills. |

| |to complete the work. |skills. | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Initiative and Self-Direction |

|Work Independently |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|8.B. 1. Monitor, define, |Monitors, defines, |Monitors, defines, prioritizes |Attempts to monitor, define, |Attempts to monitor, define, |

|prioritize and complete tasks |prioritizes and complete |and complete tasks without |prioritize and complete tasks without|prioritize and complete tasks|

|without direct oversight |tasks without direct |direct oversight |direct oversight |with direct oversight |

| |oversight in a variety of | | | |

| |conditions | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Initiative and Self-Direction |

|Be Self-directed Learners |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|8.C.1. Goes beyond basic mastery |Goes beyond basic mastery|Goes beyond basic mastery of |Attempts to go beyond basic mastery |Attempts to go beyond basic |

|of skills and/or curriculum to |of skills and/or |skills and/or curriculum to |of skills and/or curriculum to |mastery of skills and/or |

|explore and expand one‘s own |curriculum to explore and|explore and expand one‘s own |explore and expand one‘s own learning|curriculum, but does not |

|learning and opportunities to gain|expand one‘s own learning|learning and opportunities to |and opportunities to gain expertise |explore and expand one‘s own |

|expertise |and opportunities to gain|gain expertise | |learning and opportunities to|

| |expertise in a variety of| | |gain expertise |

| |conditions | | | |

|8.C.2. Demonstrates initiative to |Demonstrates initiative |Demonstrates initiative to |Attempts to demonstrate initiative to|Attempts to demonstrate |

|advance skill levels towards a |to advance skill levels |advance skill levels towards a |advance skill levels towards a |initiative to advance skill |

|professional level |towards a professional |professional level |professional level |levels, but not on a personal|

| |level in a variety of | | |level |

| |conditions | | | |

|8.C.3. Demonstrates commitment to |Demonstrates commitment |Demonstrates commitment to |Attempts to demonstrate commitment to|Attempts to demonstrate |

|learning as a lifelong process |to learning as a lifelong|learning as a lifelong process |learning as a lifelong process |commitment to learning , but |

| |process in a variety of | | |not as a lifelong process |

| |conditions | | | |

|8.C.4. Reflect critically on past |Reflect critically on |Reflect critically on past |Attempts to reflect critically on |Attempts to reflect |

|experiences in order to inform |past experiences in order|experiences in order to inform |past experiences in order to inform |critically on past |

|future progress |to inform future progress|future progress |future progress |experiences, but not in order|

| |in a variety of | | |to inform future progress |

| |conditions | | | |

Reflection demonstrates excellent preparation and expresses extensive reflection.

|Life and Career Skills |

|Social And Cross-Cultural Skills |

|Interact Effectively with Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|9.A.1 Know when it is |While engaged in |While engaged in |At times speaks when it is not |Often needs to be reminded |

|appropriate to listen and when |conversations/discussions an |conversations/discussions an |appropriate and does not listen |of appropriate times to |

|to speak |understanding of when it is |understanding of when it is |when it is appropriate |speak and appropriate times|

| |appropriate to speak and when |appropriate to speak and when it| |to listen |

| |it is appropriate to listen is|is appropriate to listen is | | |

| |demonstrated in a variety of |demonstrate | | |

| |settings | | | |

|9.A 2 Conducts self in a |Demonstrates professional |Demonstrates professional |Attempts to demonstrate |Does not demonstrate |

|respectable, professional manner|appearance for various |appearance and utilizes time |professional appearance and or |professional appearance or |

| |settings, as well as utilizes |management skills |utilizes time management skills |time management skills |

| |time management skills | | | |

| |consistently | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Social And Cross-Cultural Skills |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|9.B.1. Respects cultural |Always respects, |Respects, interacts, and works |With guidance can generally respect, |Exhibits no respect, poor |

|differences and works effectively |interacts, and works |positively with individuals from|interact, and work positively with |interaction, and an inability|

|with people from a range of social|positively with |other social and cultural |individuals from other social and |to work positively with |

|and cultural backgrounds |individuals from other |groups. |cultural groups. |individuals from other social|

| |social and cultural | | |or cultural groups. |

| |groups and seeks | | | |

| |opportunities to learn | | | |

| |from diverse | | | |

| |perspectives. | | | |

|9.B 2. Respond open-mindedly to |Different ideas are |Different ideas and diverse |Different ideasever when |Differences and diverse |

|different ideas and values |appreciated and diverse |opinions are accepted. |acknowledged, can be a of work. s |opinions are rejected and/or |

| |opinions are sought out | |or considering their acles before |ignored and sometimes result |

| |while developing a common| |them. and diverse opinions are |in arguments. |

| |understanding. | |sometimes ignored however when | |

| | | |acknowledged can be resolved. | |

|9.B 3. Leverage social and |Demonstrates a high level|Demonstrates an appreciation of |Demonstrates a limited appreciation |Demonstrates no appreciation |

|cultural differences to create new|of cultural and social |cultural and social |of cultural and social understanding |of cultural and social |

|ideas and increase both innovation|understanding and respect|understanding and respect for |and respect for the uniqueness |understanding and respect for|

|and quality of work |for the uniqueness of |the uniqueness of others. |others. At times appears indifferent |the uniqueness others. |

| |others. Encourages |Actively discusses avenues to |to the others. Supports own ideas, |Demonstrates intolerance and |

| |discussions to develop |develop ideas and presents |and appears not to be flexible to |lacks social interaction |

| |new ideas through active |encouraging opinions for |improve innovation and the quality of|skills. |

| |listening and offers |increasing innovation and |work. | |

| |opinions for increasing |quality of work upon request. | | |

| |innovation and quality of| | | |

| |work. | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Productivity and Accountability |

|Manage Projects |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|10.A.1. Set and meet goals |Goals and strategies were|Goals and strategies were |Goals and strategies were defined but|Goals and strategies were |

| |defined as specific |defined and met. |not met. |incomplete. |

| |measurable goals and | | | |

| |strategies were detailed.| | | |

|10.A.2. Prioritizes, plans and |A detailed project plan |A project plan was determined |A project plan was provided, but does|A project plan was not |

|manages work to achieve the |was developed. The plan |and managed effectively. |not include details regarding how the|developed. |

|intended result |clearly prioritizes each | |work will be prioritized and/or | |

| |aspect of the project and| |managed. | |

| |gives clear direction on | | | |

| |how the project should be| | | |

| |managed. | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Productivity and Accountability |

|Produce Results |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|10.B.1 Demonstrate | | | | |

|additional attributes associated | | | | |

|with producing high quality | | | | |

|products including the abilities | | | | |

|to: | | | | |

|10.B.1.a Works positively and |Consistently applies |Is constructive with criticism |Occasionally has a negative attitude |Typically is negative toward |

|ethically |ethics to all aspects of |when working with others. Has a|towards tasks, projects and/or |tasks, projects and/or |

| |work. Has a positive |positive attitude towards tasks,|others. At times does not apply |others. Does not consider |

| |outlook and creates a |projects and others. Applies |ethics while working on tasks and |ethics while working on |

| |positive work environment|values and ethics to all work |projects. |tasks/projects or with |

| |for all involved while |completed | |others. |

| |working on projects. | | | |

|10.B.1.b Manages time and |Consistently stays |Develops a timeline of the work |Occasionally off task in regards to |Always off task and does not |

|projects effectively |focused, prioritizes |to be completed and stays |accomplishing timeline. Thus, only |complete the work to be done.|

| |tasks, recognizes |focused throughout the process. |a portion of the work is completed | |

| |time constraints, | | | |

| |estimates time to | | | |

| |completion, and avoids | | | |

| |distractions | | | |

| |while meeting | | | |

| |deadlines, using time | | | |

| |effectively. | | | |

|10.B.1.c Demonstrates the |Effectively manages |Is able to manage tasks at the |Manages several tasks at the same |Is unable to manage several |

|ability to multi-task |several tasks at the same|same time within designated time|time, but struggles to complete |tasks at the same time. |

| |time and is able to |constraints. |assigned tasks on time or in an | |

| |accomplish task prior to | |efficient manner. | |

| |prescribe deadlines. | | | |

|10.B.1.d Participate actively, |Consistently provides |Provides useful ideas when |Sometimes participates in group and |Does not participate in group|

|as well as be reliable and |useful ideas when |participating in the group and |classroom discussions. Is not always|or classroom discussion. |

|punctual |participating in the |in classroom discussion and is |on time or reliable. |Cannot be counted on and is |

| |group and in classroom |reliable and punctual. | |consistently late. |

| |discussion and is | | | |

| |reliable, and always on | | | |

| |time. | | | |

|10.B.1.e Present oneself |Behavior and attire are |Displays professional and |Does not always display professional |Does not display professional|

|professionally and with proper |consistently appropriate |responsible behavior and dresses|and responsible behavior. Sometimes |or responsible behavior. |

|etiquette |for the occasion. Always|appropriately for the occasion. |dresses appropriately for the |Rarely dresses appropriately |

| |acts respectfully towards|Acts respectfully towards |occasion. Occasionally acts |for the occasion. Often does|

| |others. |others. |respectfully towards others. |not act respectfully towards |

| | | | |others. |

|10.B.1.f Collaborate and |Consistently listens to |Listens to others' points of |Sometimes listens to others, and |Is argumentative with |

|cooperate effectively with teams |others and their ideas; |view; always uses appropriate |often assumes others’ ideas will not |others’; does not listen to |

| |helping them to develop |and respectful language; tries |work; tries to work well with the |groups opinions and ideas; |

| |their ideas while giving |to make a definite effort to |team. |wants things done their way |

| |them full credit; helping|understand others' ideas. | |and does not listen to |

| |the team reach its full | | |alternate approaches. |

| |potential | | | |

|10.B.1.g Respects and |Consistently listens to |Listens to, shares and supports |Most statements, responses and body |Statements, responses and/or |

|appreciates team diversity |others. All statements, |others. Statements and responses|language are respectful; occasionally|body language were |

| |responses and body |are respectful and appropriate |had a negative tone. Does not always|consistently not respectful. |

| |language, are respectful |body language was exhibited. |listen to, share with, and support |Rarely listens to, shares |

| |and appropriate. Always | |the efforts of others. |with, and supports the |

| |listens to, shares with, | | |efforts of others |

| |and supports the efforts | | | |

| |of others. | | | |

|10.B.1.h Is accountable for |Consistently and |Takes responsibility for work |Sometimes takes limited |Does not take responsibility |

|results |accurately completes |completed. |responsibility for not completing |for completed on uncompleted |

| |tasks and takes | |work. |work. |

| |responsibility for work. | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Leadership and Responsibility |

|Guide and Lead Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meet Standard |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

|11.A.1. Uses interpersonal and |Effectively communicates |Effectively communicates and |Attempts to work with others to reach|Shows no sign of interest in |

|problem-solving skills to |and motivates others to |motivates others to work |a goal, but fails to communicate |achieving a goal |

|influence and guide others toward |solve group problems while |toward a goal |effectively to solve a problem or | |

|a goal |accomplishing a goal | |motivate others | |

|11.A.2. Leverages the strengths of|Consistently encourages and|Encourages others to use their|Show limited encouragement to others |Is negative towards others in|

|others to accomplish a common goal|motivates others to use |strengths to contribute to and|in achieving a common goal. |achieving a common goal. |

| |their strengths to |achieve a common goal. | | |

| |contribute to and achieve a| | | |

| |common goal. | | | |

|11.A.3. Inspire others to reach |Sets aside personal needs |Provides inspiration by |Sometimes inspires others to perform |Fails to inspire others. |

|their very best via example and |and inspires others to |demonstrating to others to |at their best abilities but sometimes| |

|selflessness |perform to their best |perform at their best |allows selfish needs to take | |

| |abilities no matter the |abilities no matter the |precedent. | |

| |obstacles or considering |obstacles before them. | | |

| |their own success. | | | |

|11.A.4. Demonstrates integrity and|When in a position of |Does not abuse their |At times puts personal needs and does|When in position of power, |

|ethical behavior in using |power, behaves ethically |leadership position to benefit|not apply ethics and integrity to |shows no signs of integrity |

|influence and power |and with integrity to |themselves by being ethical |their decisions or actions. |or ethical behavior |

| |motivate others to work to |and demonstrating integrity | | |

| |their full potential | | | |

|Life and Career Skills |

|Leadership and Responsibility |

|Be Responsible to Others |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeds Standard |Meets |Approaching Standard |Not at Standard |

| | |Standard | | |

|11.B.1 Acts responsibly with the |Was an integral part of a|Contributed to a community |Participates, but does not contribute|Does not contribute to a |

|interests of the larger community |community organization or|organization or event and |to community organization or event |community organization or |

|in mind |event and thoughtfully |reflected on the importance of |and attempted to reflect on their |event but reflects on the |

| |reflected on the |their involvement within the |involvement within the community. |importance of involvement |

| |importance of their |community. | |within the community. |

| |involvement within the | | | |

| |community. | | | |



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