AP World History

World History

Modern Period

|Period |Theme/Big Ideas |Terms/Concepts |Comparisons |

|Modern: 1750 C.E – 1914 C.E. |Industrialization |Industrial Revolution | |

|Industrial Revolution |2nd Agricultural |Agricultural Revolution Part 2 |Compare Scientific |

|Imperialism |Revolution |Enclosure |Revolution to |

|Political Upheaval |Rapid Technological |Importance of Coal |Industrial Revolution |

|Revolutions |Innovation |Urbanization |Contrast Social |

|Independence Movements |Capitalism |Rise of the Middle Class |Structures |

|Unifications |Imperialism |Technological Innovation |pre-industrial vs. |

| |Nationalism |Domestic system |post industrial |

| |Liberalism |Machines |Contrast capitalism |

| |Conservatism |Flying shuttle and spinning jenny |vs. mercantilism |

| |Anatomy of a Revolution |Steam Engine |Compare European and |

| |Latin American |Telegraph |Japanese Industrialism|

| |Independence |Telephone |Compare Imperialism in|

| |European Hegemony over |Radio |Latin America, Africa,|

| |Asia,China, and Africa |Light bulb |India, and China |

| |Intellectual Challenges |Internal Combustion Engine |Compare types of |

| |to the Status Quo |Airplane |“revolutions” |

| | |The Factory System | |

| | |Division of Labor | |

| | |Interchangeable parts | |

| | |Assembly line | |

| | |Efficiency | |

| | |Economies of Scale | |

| | |Child Labor and Exploitation | |

| | |Romantic backlash | |

| | |Economic Theories and Social Philosophies | |

| | |Adam Smith Wealth of Nations | |

| | |Free-market System | |

| | |Laissez-faire capitalism | |

| | |Karl Marx and Communist Manifesto | |

| | |Socialism and Communism as capital and industrial critiques. | |

| | |Luddites : anti-industrial and technology | |

| | |Reform: | |

| | |Factory Acts of 1883 | |

| | |Labor Unions | |

| | |Public Education, Wage and Labor Laws = goal of social mobility | |

| | |Positive Effects of Industrialism and Negative Effects of Industrialism | |

| | |Industrialization outside the West | |

| | |Meiji Restoration | |

| | |Emancipation of Russian Serfs | |

| | | | |

| | |Imperialism | |

| | |In search of markets and natural resources: stealing is easier than dealing | |

| | |Helps establish national prestige. Source of alliances and nationalistic competition | |

| | |Justification: | |

| | |Social Darwinism (perversion of the theory) | |

| | |White Man’s Burden | |

| | |Ethnocentrism | |

| | |Might makes right | |

| | |Imperialism in India | |

| | |British East India Company | |

| | |Robert Clive | |

| | |Sepoy Mutiny | |

| | |Bahadur Shah II | |

| | |Indian National Congress | |

| | |Imperialism in China | |

| | |Opium Wars = Drug pushers force open the door | |

| | |Treaty of Nanjing | |

| | |“Unequal treaties” | |

| | |Hong Kong become British possession | |

| | |Contrast Imperialism in China vs. India/Africa = wanted trading concessions not | |

| | |colonies | |

| | |Chinese Revolt against Manchu Dynasty | |

| | |White Lotus Rebellions | |

| | |Taiping Rebellion | |

| | |Sino-French and Sino-Japanese War | |

| | |Spheres of Influence + “Open Door” Policy | |

| | |Boxer Rebellion | |

| | |Boxer Protocol | |

| | |1911 Sun Yat-sen Republic | |

| | |Japanese Imperialism | |

| | |Treaty of Kanagawa | |

| | |Meiji Restoration: shogun out, emperor in, Westerners Out = Last Samurai | |

| | |European Imperialism in Africa | |

| | |Slave Trade Ends but country still raped as it is carved up from afar by European | |

| | |Powers | |

| | |Conrad’s Heart of Darkness | |

| | |South Africa, Zulus, the Boer War, and Apartheid (African National Congress) | |

| | |Egypt: Muhammed Ali + Suez Canal | |

| | |Compare European Colonialism in Africa and Latin America | |

| | | | |

| | |Political Upheavals: | |

| | |The American Revolution (Seven Years War helps set up French Revolution | |

| | |French Revolution | |

| | |Liberty, Equality and Fraternity | |

| | |Estates General | |

| | |National Assembly | |

| | |The Declaration of the Rights of Man | |

| | |Phases of the Rev | |

| | |Terror | |

| | |Jacobins | |

| | |Napoleon and Napoleonic Codes | |

| | |Conservative Restructuring | |

| | |Metternich and Congress of Vienna | |

| | |Independence Movements | |

| | |Haiti Slave Revolt | |

| | |Simon Bolivar and Venezuela | |

| | |Jose de San Martin in Argentina | |

| | |Brazil = Power to Pedros | |

| | |Mexico = Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos | |

| | |Unifications | |

| | |Italian Nationalism | |

| | |Germany | |

| | |Otto von Bismark | |

| | |Franco Prussian War | |

| | |William I and II | |

| | |Other Stuff | |

| | |Russia under the Czar | |

| | |Russification | |

| | |Ottoman Empire is falling apart | |

| | |US starts to carry the big stick | |


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