October and November One-Minute Speeches

Name_______________________Speaking Dates_____________


January One-Minute Speeches

January 3-27

We will be speaking about influential people in our world for these speeches.

1. Choose a person that has had an influence in our world. One of your people is a free choice. The other person will be an author or a person that is in our History Alive social studies book

2. Narrow down your subject(that will be hard to do) so you keep within the time limit.

3. Research your person.

4. Tell some highlights about this person’s life. Why is this person significant?

5. Complete your speech outline. Take time to develop interesting first and last sentences.

6. Practice

7. Mount a photograph or drawing of this person or something related to this person on an 8x8 piece of paper. Include your person’s name on the front of this display. This will be displayed during your talk and put up in the classroom.

8. On speech day, display your picture, and share your speech.

Another Choice

Follow the directions above. Instead of preparing a one-minute speech, you will research your person in more detail. Prepare a 3-5 minute speech sharing the highlights of this person’s life. You will be presenting one speech in more detail rather than two short speeches.

Ideas for my speech


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