Time Requirements: 3 to 5 minutes

Value: 50 points x 2 = 100 points

General Purpose: To introduce yourself

The most difficult part of public speaking is the first time you address the audience, and all of you have survived. The next step in becoming an effective public speaker is to learn how to deliver a speech. This speech has two primary purposes:

• To give you the opportunity to put into action all of the steps of the speech-making process.

• To allow your classmates to learn more about you—thus facilitating community building and audience analysis for future speeches.


• Based upon your findings from your “Values Exercise”, you will build your speech around your three top values. In other words, your top three values will serve as your three main points.

• You will organize your speech around a 3-5 minute time frame.

• You must have an introduction, body and conclusion.

• Form your own outline with the three sections in mind and keep your notes brief. You do not want to write out every word in a manuscript outline, otherwise you will tend to read from it and lose your audience.

• Your introduction should have two parts, an attention getter and purpose sentence. Your attention getter needs to be creative to immediately grab the attention of the audience. Your purpose sentence will briefly state your three main points. In this case, it will be your three values. Note: See your book for the chapter on Introductions and Conclusions to help you with ways of gaining attention and ways of closing your speech.

• Strong eye contact with the audience is essential.

• The penalty for over/under time is 5 points for every 30 seconds.


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