Grade 7 - Five Paragraph Essays

Five Paragraph Essays


**NOTE: this FREE resource includes a rubric for grading and two different styles of outlines to meet the varying needs of your students!

Thank you,

Mrs. Lindquist

Copyright © 2012 Amanda Lindquist

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

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| Five Paragraph Essay Rubric |

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|Teacher Name: ____________________________________________________ |

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|Student Name:     ____________________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Body Paragraphs |Paragraphs and details |Paragraphs and details are |Either some paragraphs or|Paragraphs are not in |

|(Organization) |are placed in a logical |placed in a logical order, |details are not in a |order. Many details are |

| |order and the way they |but the way in which they |logical or expected |not in a logical or |

|6-8 sentences; |are presented effectively|are presented/ introduced |order; this distracts the|expected order. There is |

|3 paragraphs |keeps the interest of the|sometimes makes the writing|reader. |little sense that the |

| |reader. |less interesting. | |writing is organized. |

|Conclusion (Organization) |The conclusion is strong |The conclusion is |The conclusion is |There is no clear |

| |and leaves the reader |recognizable and ties up |recognizable, but does |conclusion, the paper |

| |with a feeling that they |almost all the loose ends. |not tie up several loose |just ends. |

| |understand what the | |ends. | |

| |writer is "getting at." | | | |

|Sentence Structure |All sentences are |Most sentences are |Most sentences are |Sentences lack structure |

| |well-constructed with |well-constructed with |well-constructed but have|and appear incomplete or |

|Use transitions between |varied structure. |varied structure. |a similar structure. |rambling. |

|ideas | | | | |

|Support for Topic (Content)|Relevant, telling, |Supporting details and |Supporting details and |Supporting details and |

| |quality details give the |information are relevant, |information are relevant,|information are typically|

| |reader important |but one key issue or |but several key issues or|unclear or not related to|

|Include at least one |information that goes |portion of the storyline is|portions of the storyline|the topic. |

|citation per body paragraph|beyond the obvious or |unsupported. |are unsupported. | |

| |predictable. | | | |

|Bibliography |Writer includes 3 |3 resources are mostly |At least 2 resources are |Sources are not properly |

|3+ resources |resources properly |formatted to MLA with an |formatted to MLA. |formatted and/or do not |

| ................

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