Health and Wellbeing Course

[pic]Earlston HS Health and Wellbeing

Curriculum for Excellence

Health and Wellbeing Course

Lesson 1 What is the course about?

Key Aims; Making informed decisions to improve mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

establishing a pattern of well being

Outcomes; promoting confidence and independent thinking

creating positive attitudes

Ground rules for all lessons

Teacher creates a positive class ethos to work in

Everyone contributes to lesson so it is essential all views are respected

No hands up

Listening to pupils views to help guide the lesson – all opinions are valued

Discussing sensitive aspects of their lives- pupils told that some of the material will be thought provoking and at times difficult to digest as it will be close to their emotions/life experiences.

Question for reflection

Have your lessons allowed the pupils to engage in debate, conversation and questioning, to allow the pupils to reflect on their views and experiences and positively impact in future life choices?

Teachers Notes

Set the scene for the course

Not a traditional health course of emphasising fitness, diet etc

The key aim is to change pupils attitudes to health and well being, to change MINDSETS, to allow them to show a different approach to the choices they make and lifestyles they choose.

Creating a confident approach to life

TASK; 1, How long can your partner speak to you about themselves, saying only positive things?

2. repeat, but about someone else in the class

3. repeat, but about a teacher in the school

4. repeat, but about someone else in their lives

5. repeat, but about being Scottish

Explain the positive alphabet

Eg a for awesome, b for brilliant, c for cool etc

Come up with a class positive alphabet with contributions from all

Discussion in class;

why is it important to be a positive person? What advantages do you have from seeing the positive in any given situation?

Explain glass half full/ half empty analogy/approach

Why do some people thrive on challenge and others do not?

Is there a relationship between challenge and confidence?

Make the point that some bright pupils avoid challenge because they don’t like putting their head above the parapet and being seen to fail a challenge/ new approach

Make the point that everyone can show effort, no matter their ability…that it is better to praise effort or strategies rather than their success/intelligence.

DISCUSSION in 2’s; Discuss confidently, either

a) a time where you enjoyed success because of the huge amount of effort you put in or

b) a time where you enjoyed success at the second attempt and were pleased you kept going at it

2’s can come back and present their thoughts to class.

Have pupils answered the q with reference to the fact they are confident, determined, full of self belief, full of self worth/not self importance? As they present, point out if they are missing these points

Write your own name with positive words across each letter eg

B old

E nthusiastic

T horough

H appy

Lesson 2 creating confidence and a positive approach

Warm up with relaxation task for a couple of minutes

Read the newspaper supplements in 2’s provided by the teacher

(YOU will need to get a copy of the Sunday Times or equivalent)

A) Come up with as many positive stories as you can find. Be ready to tell the class the general point behind the story. Pupils may need to be encouraged to see how a story can be seen as positive. Make sure they don’t choose one of the many negative stories on view!!

B) Make a list of as many positive words/phrases as you can to highlight that it is indeed a positive story

C) Try to spot a story where someone has succeeded in some area and would have needed to put in a big effort or personal sacrifice to enjoy the success.

D) Swap around supplements.

Find a negative story and decide how a journalist might have chosen to see a more positive aspect to the article. Explain your more positive piece to the class.

This will take up the period by the time you listen to the class presentations.

Be sure to listen to a wide variety of stories from the supplements eg sport, housing, economics, news, technology, fashion, Ecosse etc

Make sure pupils look at photos, graphics, tables, charts as well as words.

Be prepared to explain difficult words/concepts. You are trying to use real life stories, articles to emphasis how we can see life as the glass half full and to encourage pupils to be confident in their explanation of how they can change around how a journalist might see the world


List 4 positive things about yourself

What is it to be Scottish that is different to being another Nationality? Esp English,other Brits

DISCUSS in 4’s

Lead discussion into being specific to a 12/13 year old modern Scots pupil

Worthless until you prove yourself

No one is better than anyone else

The bigger they are the harder they fall

Lead the discussion into above areas

Ask the Q does this lead to a culture of being average at everything and accepting this?

Lead the conversation into these areas

Do you like standing out in a crowd?

Do you sometimes have to put up with teasing because you are the only one in a group that wants to go down a different group?/ go about achieving something?

As Scots we don’t like to express ourselves

Complete Task A or B

A Individually, come up with a 2 minute talk to the class about your favourite team/fav activity/ or a positive, enjoyable experience you have had to date.

At the end, you will face a class vote to see if the class liked your thoughts and were they persuaded to see that you have a strong argument/or even would someone be persuaded to come around to trying out your activity /experience.

B Same task in pairs with you both presenting final discussion to class

The task is designed to show the pupils levl of confidence in front of peers and staff. Teacher should as the talks are given, emphasis the positive content they are hearing and the fact that the pupils are doing well to speak up in a confident manner.

Relaxation to end period

Finish lesson with eyes closed, positive thoughts, enjoyment of a couple of minutes silence, reflection on positive achievements that day/ that week.

Can pupil think of nothing/ a blank mind for 30 seconds.

Pupils to bring in a baby/childhood photo for next lesson

Lesson 3

Relaxation task as before for a couple of minutes

Look at baby photos

Start with a couple of presentations from class about how pupils think they have changed in last few years. Facilitate discussion in class re changes from then to now.

Emphasis the massive potential everyone in the class has. Massive changes from baby to now and big emotional and intelligence changes are definitely going to happen in next few years.

Emphasis how lucky Earlston HS pupils are; nice town, good services, opportunities available, low unemployment etc

The MESSAGE is, if you want to do well it is all set up for you to do well and only YOU will hold yourself back.


A things you like about living in Earlston catchment, Borders, Scotland

Positive parts of school life prim or sec

Being Scottish

Pull the conversation together and then ask next Q’s

What do you think other Britain’s think of Scots?

What do you think the worldwide perception of Scots is?

Shortbread, haggis, kilts, tartan, ginger, iron brew, beards etc

Fighters (old army links, tough Glasweegens, Taggart etc`)

Travellers; Highland clearances, not scared to move overseas, there are 5m Scots but another 5m overseas who claim Scottish roots

A resilient people

We are all the same;Jock Tamsons bairns

Pull together a discussion, emphasis that for all these Nation stereotypes Scots are not good at believing in change.

ITS AYE BEEN culture

Discuss in 2’s

Tell your partner how you think other people would describe you in 20 words.

Tell your partner what changes you would like to see in any aspect of your life.

Favourite TV programme, school, family, lifestyle, sporting ability, musical talent, academic ability, your physical health, your favourite team etc Emphasis that these changes can happen with enough self belief and effort on your part.

The discussion that follows should emphasis that change can happen in a positive fashion and that those people that make changes to their lives have an element of control that is not there for those who do not confront change.

[pic]Earlston HS Health and Wellbeing

Curriculum for Excellence


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