Talent Review GuideTo be used as a resource for one step in the LEADERSHIP PIPELINE PROJECTUniversity of Missouri SystemLEADERSHIP PIPELINE PROJECTTALENT REVIEW GUIDEUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEMOCTOBER 2013*DRAFT*TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u WHAT IS THE LEADERSHIP PIPELINE PROJECT? PAGEREF _Toc372031839 \h 4WHAT IS THE TALENT REVIEW PROCESS? PAGEREF _Toc372031840 \h 5WHY HOLD A TALENT REVIEW MEETING? PAGEREF _Toc372031841 \h 6THE TALENT REVIEW PROCESS PAGEREF _Toc372031842 \h 7THE TALENT REVIEW PROCESS PAGEREF _Toc372031843 \h 8CONFIDENTIALITY AND HONESTY EXPECTATIONS PAGEREF _Toc372031844 \h 9Confidentiality PAGEREF _Toc372031845 \h 9Honesty PAGEREF _Toc372031846 \h 9USING THE TALENT REVIEW FORMS PAGEREF _Toc372031847 \h 10Leader Profile PAGEREF _Toc372031848 \h 10Performance on Top Five Essential Job Functions PAGEREF _Toc372031849 \h 10Institutional or Unit Metrics PAGEREF _Toc372031850 \h 10Leadership Competencies Based on Performance PAGEREF _Toc372031851 \h 11Development Areas PAGEREF _Toc372031852 \h 11Significant Strengths PAGEREF _Toc372031853 \h 11Potential for Advancement PAGEREF _Toc372031854 \h 11Succession Status PAGEREF _Toc372031855 \h 11Ongoing Participant Considerations PAGEREF _Toc372031856 \h 12Career Path PAGEREF _Toc372031857 \h 12Vacancy Risk PAGEREF _Toc372031858 \h 12Development Plan PAGEREF _Toc372031859 \h 13Succession Plan PAGEREF _Toc372031860 \h 13Talent Review Summary PAGEREF _Toc372031861 \h 14CONDUCTING THE TALENT REVIEW MEETINGS PAGEREF _Toc372031862 \h 15Preparation PAGEREF _Toc372031863 \h 15Ground Rules for All Parties PAGEREF _Toc372031864 \h 15Role Clarifications PAGEREF _Toc372031865 \h 16Facilitator PAGEREF _Toc372031866 \h 16Evaluator PAGEREF _Toc372031867 \h 16Participant PAGEREF _Toc372031868 \h 16Facilitator’s Assistant PAGEREF _Toc372031869 \h 16Talent Review Group PAGEREF _Toc372031870 \h 17Bench Strength Analysis PAGEREF _Toc372031871 \h 17Sample Talent Review Meeting Agenda PAGEREF _Toc372031872 \h 17AFTER THE TALENT REVIEW MEETING PAGEREF _Toc372031873 \h 18RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES PAGEREF _Toc372031874 \h 18SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS PAGEREF _Toc372031875 \h 18APPENDIX A: SUCCESSION STATUS WORKSHEET PAGEREF _Toc372031876 \h 19APPENDIX B: PARTICIPANT’S DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGEREF _Toc372031877 \h 22WHAT IS THE LEADERSHIP PIPELINE PROJECT?The University of Missouri, like all of higher education, will continue to be faced with increasingly complex challenges and opportunities. Our ability to thrive in these circumstances will be either enhanced or diminished by the quality of our leadership. To that end, our Leadership Pipeline Project identifies a set of succession planning activities that: Ensures leadership continuity with an emphasis on developing leaders within our universityIs opportunity centered, people driven, egalitarian and inclusive Allows those with interest and demonstrated potential to choose to further develop capabilities, supported and encouraged by senior leadersSupports a culture of growth, learning and development that facilitates/encourages proactive efforts to enhance skills and relevant experiencesRecognizes the importance of external searches for academic leadership positions to maintain credibility and reputation among peer institutions and simultaneously recognizes the advantages of internal hires.The Leadership Pipeline Project consists of a number of elements that strengthen the leadership capacity of the University, including:The identification and integration of leadership competencies to be utilized throughout the organizationIncreased emphasis on leadership accountabilityUtilization of strong performance management practices to improve leadership behaviorsGreater availability of leader development resources, both formal and informalAvailability of the talent review processWHAT IS THE TALENT REVIEW PROCESS?The UM Talent Review Process has been developed as one way to ensure a systematic approach to supporting the objectives of the Leadership Pipeline Project. This Talent Review Process has two main objectives:Increase the validity of the material contained in the succession plans, as the process includes the observations and perspectives of multiple leaders in the university, rather than relying solely on a single individual’s perspectiveIncrease the visibility of high potential individuals who may benefit from stretch assignments or other exposure to different contexts within the UniversityAs directed by the President, this process will be implemented annually in the spring so that the information gained can feed into the performance reviews held in July.In the first step of this process, a senior leader completes a talent evaluation of his/her direct reports and reviews that with a designated facilitator. The leader then presents this evaluation information to his/her peers in a face-to-face meeting so that they can contribute to a fuller understanding of the direct report’s strengths, areas for development and advancement potential. The information generated in this meeting then informs the leader’s succession plan. For example, the Vice President of Human Resources will complete an evaluation of each of her direct reports. She then will present that information to her peers (the other VPs) and to the President for their input. The resulting information will form the basis for the replacement plan and succession plan for the VPHR. This process also provides rich information to guide possible development planning. Privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance throughout this process. The Talent Review Process will be managed by a designated facilitator, who will be responsible for ensuring all data, meeting documents and other logistics are prepared for the meeting. The facilitator will prepare the meeting agenda and lead the meeting.WHY HOLD A TALENT REVIEW MEETING?A Talent Review Meeting has four main benefits:Enhanced validity of performance and potential ratingsA Talent Review Meeting involves multiple evaluators when considering performance and potential ratings. These multiple perspectives give a more complete picture of a participant’s performanceIncreased visibility of talent throughout the universityBecause evaluators are discussing their direct reports with each other, they have the opportunity to learn more about talented participants that they may not have had the opportunity to work withEnhanced consistency of ratings between evaluators over timeBecause Talent Review Meetings will be held annually, evaluators will eventually find that their ratings are more consistent with one another. For instance, a rating of “4=Exceeds Expectations” will have the same meaning for each evaluator involved in the meetingIncreased fairness of the systemParticipants can be assured that their manager takes his or her performance ratings seriously, given that those ratings will be presented to others. The enhanced consistency of ratings also adds to the perception of fairness. The facilitator will ensure that the Talent Review Meeting focuses on candid and relevant data points when ratings are being discussedTHE TALENT REVIEW PROCESSTHE TALENT REVIEW PROCESSFacilitator conducts overview of process with Evaluators as a groupGuidelines for selecting participants are givenTransparency expectations are discussedConfidentiality of content is emphasizedFacilitator conducts orientation meeting with Evaluator (one-on-one)Talent Review GuideLeader Profile form (document)Ongoing Participant Considerations form (document)Talent Review discussionTalent Review Summary (document)Role of EvaluatorRole of ParticipantsParticipant handout (document)Evaluator meets with Participants and discusses the Participant handoutEvaluator completes Leader Profile and Ongoing Participant Considerations formsFacilitator reviews Leader Profiles from each evaluatorFacilitator and Evaluator prepare for Talent Review MeetingGather documentsLeader Profile formOngoing Participant Considerations formOrganizational ChartTop 5 accomplishments of UnitTop 5 Goals/Initiatives of UnitBecome familiar with ground rules and roles of all parties involved in the Talent Review ProcessFacilitator, Facilitator’s Assistant, and Evaluators conduct the Talent Review MeetingOrganizational chart and Top 5 accomplishments and goals/initiatives are discussedReview of candidates is conductedThe group creates Talent Review outcomesThe Ongoing Participant Considerations form is revised based on this discussionThe group finalizes the Bench Strength chartParticipants’ Development Plans are created by the evaluatorEvaluators meet with Participants and discuss Development PlansDevelopment Plans are implementedCONFIDENTIALITY AND HONESTY EXPECTATIONSConfidentiality There are two aspects of confidentiality to consider with the Talent Review Process: that of the information discussed during the process, and the actual process rmation ConfidentialityIn order for evaluators to give honest and direct feedback about participants, it is of utmost importance that all information prepared for the meeting and discussed at the meeting remains confidential. To that end, evaluators in the talent review meeting will not receive written copies of the Leader Profile forms; rather it will be projected electronically for the group’s consideration. Specific ratings of the participants should not be shared outside of the Talent Review Meeting. Additionally, discussing which evaluators said what is inappropriate. Finally, participants should not share information about their own development with other participants. However, given that the information discussed will inform both the performance appraisals and development plans of the participants, some information, such as on-the-job development opportunities, should be discussed between the evaluators and participants. The Development Plan form provided in Appendix B is intended to be filled out by the evaluator and then given to the participant. This form will help guide the post-meeting discussion between the evaluator and participant. Process TransparencyWhile the information discussed in the meeting should be confidential, the actual Talent Review Process should be transparent in order for the benefits of this process to be maximized. Specifically, this guide, all blank forms, the goals of the process, and the steps of the process should be explained to all parties in detail. Process transparency helps decrease anxiety and perceptions of ambiguity, and helps increase perceptions of fairness about the goals of the process. HonestyRelated to the confidentiality of the information discussed is the expectation of honesty for the evaluators. The benefits of the Talent Review Process are maximized only when evaluators are respectfully candid about their own direct reports and when evaluators are respectfully candid with each other. It is important to remember that the goal of this process is to eventually increase the bench strength of all evaluators’ units, making honesty with positive and constructive feedback necessary. USING THE TALENT REVIEW FORMSLeader ProfileThe Leader Profile form has several parts. The first is demographic information that provides background on the participant being rated. The next 3 parts are used to describe the participant’s performance in his or her current role, the next part can be used to consider both the participant’s performance in his or her current role and considering potential, and the last one is used to describe potential for advancement. This form should be filled out by the evaluator and submitted to the facilitator’s assistant prior to the Talent Review Meeting. The presentation during this meeting will be created from the information on this form. Guidance on how to fill out each part is described below.Performance on Top Five Essential Job FunctionsThe participant should be rated on his or her top five job functions. These top five functions are pulled from the participant’s job description. It is important to be consistent as possible when rating multiple participants. For instance, if Participant 1 and Participant 2 perform their job functions at a similar level, they should both get the same rating. Institutional or Unit MetricsThese ratings are pulled from the customer feedback surveys or from other sources. Not all participants will have ratings on relevant metrics, so this section can be skipped if that is the case.Leadership Competencies Based on PerformanceThis section lists five main leadership competencies that are rated on how often the participant displays the behaviors. Competencies are behaviorally-based statements that identify essential knowledge, skills, and abilities that have been identified as essential for leadership effectiveness at the UM System.Development AreasTwo to four development areas for the participant should be listed and described. These development areas can be based on the participant’s current performance and also areas that would need to be developed for possible future positions. Significant StrengthsTwo to four strengths of the participant should be listed and described. These strengths can be based on the participant’s current position and also key strengths that he or she possesses that would be necessary or helpful when considering possible future positions.Potential for AdvancementThis section is entirely based on the evaluator’s judgment of the participant’s potential to advance to a higher level position. Like the Leadership Competencies section, the evaluator will make a judgment about how often the participant displays the behaviors listed for these four aspects. Succession StatusThe second part of this section is the succession status: a chart on which both the potential and the performance of the participant is mapped. After the Talent Review Meeting, all participants will be mapped on this chart in order to assess the bench strength of the university. To complete this chart, please refer to the worksheet provided in Appendix A.Ongoing Participant ConsiderationsThe Ongoing Participant Considerations form is used to develop the potential leadership pipeline. This form includes consideration of next steps for the participant, as well as who could step into the participant’s position when he or she is promoted.This form should be completed by the evaluator prior to the Talent Review Meeting. After the meeting, it should be reviewed and revised based on feedback gained during the meeting. Evaluators should fill out this form for all participants involved, regardless of their potential ratings.Career PathHere, both the short-term and long-term career path of the participant is considered. Short-term career path/positions are potential positions that the participant could be promoted into over the next one to two years. It is possible that for participants with lower potential for advancement, no positions would be listed here. Long-term career path/positions are possible positions that the participant could consider further out in his or her career.Vacancy RiskThis section identifies how likely it is that the participant will leave the university and gives the evaluator a chance to provide the reason for the rating that is given. The evaluator will also need to consider what kind of impact this will have on the university. Both internal and external relationships of the participant could be considered here, as well as the tacit knowledge that the participant holds which is relevant to success in his or her position. Development PlanIn this section, first a main goal of the development plan should be identified. This goal should be specific, challenging but realistic, and time-bound. For example, if a participant is identified as a high potential, his goal could be “Develop competencies consistent with the role of Vice Chancellor within 2 years.” If a participant is identified as having performance issues in her current job, the goal could be “Improve performance rating in current job by developing managerial skills in the next year.”This goal should then inform the next three parts of the development plan. Possible formal development actions and on-the-job development actions for the participant should be listed, as well as stretch assignments. These are additional assignments that can help prepare the participant for future roles. Formal development actions include workshops, courses, books, conferences, etc. that would help the participant develop his or her weaknesses and capitalize on his or her strengths. On-the-job development actions include tasks, projects, or anything else that would help develop the participant while at work. Stretch assignments are additional assignments that are outside of the participant’s typical job function. All participants should have a development plan regardless of their potential ratings. However, the focus may be different: participants who are rated lower on potential should have a development plan focused on activities to help them improve in their current job, while plans for those rated as high potential would be more focused on development for future positions.Some potential resources for development can include 360° feedback evaluations, skills coaching, participation in the Leadership Development Program, myLearn, and various assessments including personality assessments. Other aspects to consider may be the participant’s knowledge of how the university works and how to navigate it.Succession PlanThis section switches focus by asking the evaluator to consider who in the university could fill the participant’s role should it become vacant. Direct or indirect reports of the participant may be potential successors, or those in other departments can be considered as well. The Talent Review Meeting will be helpful in discovering talent in different areas.Talent Review SummaryThe Talent Review Summary simply condenses all of the information from the Leader Profile and Ongoing Participant Considerations forms. This form should be completed after the Talent Review Meeting. This is the final evaluation of the participant by the evaluator using the discussions from the Talent Review Meeting to assist the evaluator in making a more informed decision. Information to complete this form will be pulled from the Leader Profile Summary forms and the discussions during the Talent Review Meeting. This form will be submitted to ____________, ____________.CONDUCTING THE TALENT REVIEW MEETINGSAfter the evaluator fills out both the Leader Profile and Ongoing Participant Considerations forms, the evaluator and facilitator should prepare for the Talent Review meeting. This is the point in the Talent Review Process in which the facilitator, evaluator, and evaluator’s peers sit down together for a candid discussion of all participants’ performance and potential. This method allows for obtaining different perspectives of each participant from various evaluators, and allows evaluators to get to know other talent within the university. There are many aspects to consider when preparing to conduct a Talent Review Meeting. Below is guidance regarding ways to prepare, perspectives to consider, and what to expect during a Talent Review Meeting.PreparationAfter the participants that will be rated during the Talent Review Meeting are identified, there are several ways the evaluators need to prepare for the meeting.First, the facilitator will conduct a one-on-one orientation meeting with each evaluator. This meeting will involve reviewing this guide, as well as all forms that will need to be filled out and the process of the actual Talent Review Meeting. This is when evaluators can ask questions and/or clarify expectations about the process.Second, the evaluators will meet with the participants to discuss an overview of the process and what will be involved. For this purpose, the evaluators will be given handouts to give each of their participants. This handout will include an overview of the Talent Review Process and all blank forms that will be used. Third, the evaluator will fill out the Leader Profile and Ongoing Participant Considerations forms. The Leader Profile form, once completed, will need to be sent to the facilitator’s assistant. The facilitator’s assistant will also need the organizational chart of the evaluator’s department.Ground Rules for All PartiesTwo main objectives of the Talent Review Meeting are to increase the validity of ratings and the visibility of talent. Keep these in mind with the following:Focus on development and building future leadership bench strengthConsider both current and future leadership needs Listen to all discussions, especially those about the individuals you may not knowThink about what is best for the whole universityUse good data when discussing participantsStay on track and keep data points focusedUse factual data points – What was observed? What was heard? What were the business results?Use recent data points – behaviors and results which occurred in approximately the last yearUse appropriate references, avoiding references to age, family status, personal life situations, etc.Respect the processBe candid and respectfulRemember that these discussions represent a “snapshot in time” – people changeListen – avoid interruptions, and allow presenters to finish reviewing summaries for each personUse the information on a “confidential, need to know” basisKeep cell phones, and other electronic devices on vibrateIt is OK to “pass,” to “concur,” and to “disagree”Role ClarificationsFacilitatorThe facilitator helps the group understand their objectives and keeps the on track. Specifically, the facilitator should:Clarify the agenda and ground rules at the beginning of the meetingKeep the meeting focused and on trackKnow the university and the talent assessment information and resultsDocument the meeting – take accurate notes (or ensure the facilitator’s assistant is taking accurate and concise notes)Ask challenging questions – stimulate rich discussionsIdentify and record follow-up and development actionsAnother important role of the facilitator is to help evaluators describe participant’s performance and potential using specific behavioral statements throughout the Talent Review Process. EvaluatorThe evaluator presents information on his/her direct reports. This individual should cover all areas of the review briefly and should give as many examples and details as possible in the timeframe allowed.ParticipantThe participant is a direct report of an evaluator and is one of the subjects of the talent review discussion. As a general rule, all direct reports of the evaluators who are director level and above will be rated, though there will be exceptions depending on the evaluator’s organization. Facilitator’s AssistantThis individual is responsible collecting the Leader Profile form from the evaluator(s) to prepare the materials for the Talent Review Meeting, including the presentation that will be shown. In addition, he/she is responsible for recording all notes and decisions made during the meeting. The assistant needs to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of the data recorded from the meeting discussions. These notes, which will be given only to the evaluator, will serve as a basis for career and development action planning throughout the year. It is important to note that these notes could be called upon for legal purposes, just as performance reviews and other employee documents.Before asking someone to be the facilitator’s assistant, the following should be considered:Training and direction should be provided prior to the meetingThis individual should be prepared for keeping up with the “speed” of the conversations during the meeting to ensure discussions are able to flow freely and without waiting for this individual. This individual can ask the group to repeat key points, ask questions for clarity, and ask group to speak up if needed.Facilitator can assist this individual by repeating key points, rephrasing what group said in a concise way to help the facilitator’s assistant document the point concisely. Talent Review GroupThe talent review group consists of peers of the evaluator that will present feedback to the evaluator on each participant presented. The group should adhere to the ground rules.Bench Strength AnalysisOne advantage of the Talent Review Meeting is the ability to summarize the talent in the university. One way this will be done is that after discussions are held about each participant, each participant’s rating will be mapped together on the succession status chart (found on page 2 of the Leader Profile form). After this visual display of the whole group’s performance and potential is completed, evaluators can discuss potential development opportunities for the participants. A discussion of stretch assignments may be particularly informative, given that evaluators may have opportunities for assignments in their departments that could be a good match for some of the high potential participants that were identified.Sample Talent Review Meeting AgendaIt can be helpful for all parties to understand what will be discussed at the Talent Review Meeting in order to reduce confusion and keep everyone on track. Below is a sample of how time can be spent during a Talent Review Meeting.10 minutesWelcomeIntroductions, Objectives, AgendaBusiness Goals; Talent and Competency NeedsReview of Ground Rules15 minutesLeadership Review of Talent and Career Potential(per individual)Display and Discuss Talent Profile InformationReview Performance, Competencies , and Potential (explain how rated and give examples of why rated in such a way)Discuss Significant Strengths and Development Areas Determine where committee feels individual falls on the bench strength analysis20 minutesBench Strength Analysis, Succession Plan Discussion5 minutesWrap UpHow to use this information and confidentiality issuesFinal evaluation is up to the evaluator with the expectation of having a more informed decision based on Talent Review MeetingEvaluator completes Talent Review SummaryNext steps – follow up discussionsAFTER THE TALENT REVIEW MEETINGSeveral steps need to be completed by the evaluators after the Talent Review Meeting is complete.Edit the Leader Profile and Ongoing Participant Considerations forms in order to integrate feedback from the Talent Review MeetingComplete the Talent Review Summary form once both parts of these forms are completeSubmit the Talent Review Summary form to the appropriate personCreate a development plan for your direct reports, whether that plan concentrates improving upon performance in his or her current job or preparing him or her for a future role. The form found in Appendix B is intended for this purposeMeet with the participants that were rated to give both positive and constructive feedback, get their feedback on possible development opportunities, and create a development plan, including next steps Evaluators may also choose to follow up in other ways in order to gain the maximum benefit from the talent review process. Options include, but are not limited to, the following:Follow up with fellow evaluators to get more specific feedback on ratings that were given, projects or assignments that were discussed, possible successors to positions in his or her departments, etc.Throughout the year, continue to give positive and constructive feedback, communicate with direct reports and other evaluators, and look out for potential developmental opportunities that may be helpful to your direct reports and other evaluators’ direct reportsRESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIESDevelopment can be in a variety of forms. Below are some resources to consider as development plans are formed.Other evaluators. As previously mentioned, other evaluators may have projects or assignments available that would be valuable development opportunities for the participantsHuman Resources. The universities’ or System’s Human Resources departments are excellent resources, and can provide guidance on assessments, projects, and formal development opportunities that may be availableExternal leadership and/or leadership development opportunities (through professional groups or other higher education entities)SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSWhen familiarizing yourself with the Talent Review Process, it is important to keep the main goals in mind. First, this process aims to enhance the validity of performance and potential for advancement ratings by including multiple perspectives. Second, the process seeks to increase the visibility of the talent we have within the university. It is also important to view the Talent Review Process as part of a larger succession planning initiative: the Leadership Pipeline Project. This project will enable the University of Missouri to enhance the quality of our leadership by ensuring leadership continuity and supporting an environment of growth and development. The Leadership Pipeline Project is crucial to the ability of the University of Missouri to effectively deal with increasingly complex challenges.APPENDIX A: SUCCESSION STATUS WORKSHEETBelow is an example of how to fill the Succession Status chart out, as well as a worksheet for you to use for your own direct reports if you so choose.To begin, refer to Page 1 of the Leader Profile form.2216150766445x00x25285701226185x00x25262941024890x00x2873639320675x00x2514600564515x00xAdd the five ratings from this section together.Total from Performance on Top Five Essential Job Functions: 20 Move onto the next section. If the participant doesn’t have institutional or unit metrics, this section can be skipped.28340051212850x00x25292051011555x00x2834269807085x00x2819999551827x00x2523490341630x00xAdd the five ratings from this section together.Total from Institutional or Unit Metrics: 17Continue to the last performance section.25048111343660x00x25085141087755x00x2175510815340x00x2526030613410x00x2514600352425x00xAdd the five ratings from this section together.Total from Leadership Competencies Based on Performance: 21Now add up the totals from all three above sections. This creates the total performance rating.Overall Performance Rating Total: 58Next, move onto the Potential for Advancement section, found on Page 2 of the Leader Profile form.2471049624205x00x2813050931545x00x24742591205697x00x2172335368935x00xAdd the ratings from this section together. This section will serve as the participant’s potential rating.Total from Potential for Advancement: 16With the overall Performance Rating total and the Potential for Advancement total, you can now map your ratings on to the Succession Status chart. Below are guidelines for doing so; please note that these are only suggestions.Overall Performance Rating total (for participants with Institutional or Unit Metrics)The Overall Performance Rating can be found on the horizontal axis.Currently Not Meeting Expectations: overall Performance Rating total 25 and belowAchieves Expectations: overall Performance Rating total above 26 and at or below 50Exceeds Expectations: overall Performance Rating total at or above 51Overall Performance Rating total (for participants without Institutional or Unit Metrics)The Overall Performance Rating can be found on the horizontal axis.Currently Not Meeting Expectations: overall Performance Rating total 16 and belowAchieves Expectations: overall Performance Rating total above 17 and at or below 34Exceeds Expectations: overall Performance Rating total at or above 35Potential for Advancement Total (for all participants)The Potential for Advancement can be found on the vertical axis.Well Suited in Current Role: a Potential for Advancement rating of 8 or belowPossible Candidate for Advancement: a Potential for Advancement rating between 9 and 174957445155575A total of 58 will be in this column00A total of 58 will be in this columnStrong Candidate for Advancement: a Potential for Advancement rating of 18 or above53371751682750360997510795000Finally, the overall Performance Rating total and the Potential for Advancement rating are mapped together. In this example, the overall Performance Rating total is 58, and the Potential for Advancement rating is 17, so the participant will be coached to prepare for a future role.4960810318770006206490410210A total of 17 will be in this row00A total of 17 will be in this row6106160680275Succession Status Worksheet for: [participant name]Total from Performance on Top Five Essential Job Functions:Total from Institutional or Unit Metrics:Total from Leadership Competencies Based on Performance:2884170141605Overall Performance Rating Total:-6604026035000-67310-444500Total from Potential for Advancement:1962159588500114300104140This rating will go in one of these three rows00This rating will go in one of these three rows228600298453199765602615This rating will go in one of these three rows00This rating will go in one of these three rows2075655158448600RATING GUIDELINESOverall Performance Rating total (for participants with Institutional or Unit Metrics)Currently Not Meeting Expectations: overall Performance Rating total 25 and belowAchieves Expectations: overall Performance Rating total above 26 and at or below 50Exceeds Expectations: overall Performance Rating total at or above 51Overall Performance Rating total (for participants without Institutional or Unit Metrics)Currently Not Meeting Expectations: overall Performance Rating total 16 and belowAchieves Expectations: overall Performance Rating total above 17 and at or below 34Exceeds Expectations: overall Performance Rating total at or above 35Potential for Advancement Total (for all participants)Well Suited in Current Role: a Potential for Advancement rating of 8 or belowPossible Candidate for Advancement: a Potential for Advancement rating between 9 and 17Strong Candidate for Advancement: a Potential for Advancement rating of 18 or aboveAPPENDIX B: PARTICIPANT’S DEVELOPMENT PLANThis form is intended to be filled out by the evaluator and then discussed with and given to the participant. After this discussion, the form can be revised accordingly based on input from the participant.Development Plan for: Date: Significant Strengths of the participant: Development Areas of the participant: Main goal of Development Plan:DEVELOPMENT PLANFormal Development Actions (includes workshops, books, conferences, professional associations, etc.)Approximately how many months will this development action take?On-the Job Development Actions (includes projects or assignments or new roles and responsibilities)Approximately how many months will this development action take?Stretch Assignments (includes additional assignments that are typically outside the participant’s job function)Approximately how many months will this development action take?2156346018910303398577TIMELINE OF DEVELOPMENT PLANDepending on the participant, the time span will vary. Use the time estimates indicated on the previous page to map each development activity onto this timeline.020000TIMELINE OF DEVELOPMENT PLANDepending on the participant, the time span will vary. Use the time estimates indicated on the previous page to map each development activity onto this timeline. ................

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