Policy Code: 6125 Student Medication Policy

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| | |Policy Code:  6125  Student Medication Policy | | |

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| | |Whenever possible all medicines should be given at home.  In the event that medications must be administered during school | | |

| | |hours, the Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education authorizes designated school personnel to administer medication | | |

| | |prescribed by a physician and other practitioners authorized to prescribe medication upon written request and authorization of | | |

| | |the parent or guardian as permitted by North Carolina General Statues according to established procedures by NC general | | |

| | |Statues.  Designated school personnel may include teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, or other school | | |

| | |employees.  The Board of Education assumes no responsibility for students who self-medicate. Confidentiality of medication | | |

| | |records will be maintained. | | |

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| | |Under absolutely no circumstances will a student be administered any medication without the written authorization from a parent| | |

| | |or guardian. | | |

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| | |Whenever possible, prescription medication is to be given at home.  If given at school, the following should be adhered to | | |

| | |in giving prescription medications: | | |

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| | |1. Medication is to be brought to the school in the original container and must be properly labeled by the pharmacist.| | |

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| | |2. Medications are not to be sent on the school bus. | | |

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| | |3. A request for Medications to be Given During School Hours Form must be completed and signed by the health care | | |

| | |practitioner and parent or guardian. | | |

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| | |4. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of any newly prescribed medication or changes in medication.| | |

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| | |5. Any prescribed medication that will be administered at school, for 10 days or less, may be given with written | | |

| | |parent permission only, as long as it is in the original container labeled by the pharmacist. | | |

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| | |6. Any medicines maintained by the school district for a student must be kept in a locked and secure place. | | |

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| | |7. All school personnel administering medicines will receive appropriate training. | | |

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| | |A student with asthma, diabetes, or a student subject to anaphylactic reactions, or both, may possess and self-administer | | |

| | |asthma medication on school property during the school day, at school-sponsored activities, or while in transit to or from | | |

| | |school or school-sponsored events.   “Asthma medication” means a medicine prescribed for the treatment of asthma or | | |

| | |anaphylactic reactions and includes a prescribed asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector. “Diabetes treatment” means a | | |

| | |medicine or procedure prescribed for the treatment or assessment of blood sugar levels: i.e., insulin, oral agents, or | | |

| | |blood sugar checks.  The policy shall include a requirement that the student’s parent or guardian provides to the school: | | |

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| | |1. Written authorization from the student’s parent or guardian for the student to possess and self-administer asthma | | |

| | |medication. | | |

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| | |2. A written statement from the student’s health care practitioner verifying that the student has asthma, diabetes, or| | |

| | |an allergy that could result in an anaphylactic reaction and that the health care practitioner prescribed medication | | |

| | |for use on school property during the school day, at school-sponsored activities or while in transit to or from school| | |

| | |or school- sponsored events. | | |

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| | |3. A written statement from the student’s health care practitioner who prescribed the asthma medication that the | | |

| | |student understands, has been instructed in self-administration of the asthma medication, and has demonstrated the | | |

| | |skill level necessary to use the asthma medication and any device that is necessary to administer the asthma | | |

| | |medication. | | |

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| | |4. A written treatment plan and written emergency protocol formulated by the health  care practitioner who prescribed | | |

| | |the medicine for managing the student’s asthma or anaphylaxis episodes and for medication use by the student. | | |

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| | |5.  The student’s parent or guardian shall provide to the school self medication and backup medication that shall be | | |

| | |kept at the school in a location to which the student has immediate access in the event of an asthma, anaphylaxis | | |

| | |emergency, or insulin reaction. | | |

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| | |6.  A statement provided by the school and signed by the student’s parent or guardian acknowledging that the local | | |

| | |school administrative unit and its employees and agents are not liable for an injury arising from a student’s | | |

| | |possession and self-administration of medication. | | |

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| | |7.  The student must demonstrate to the school nurse, or the nurse’s designee, the skill level necessary to use the | | |

| | |asthma medication and any device that is necessary to administer the medication. | | |

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| | |8.  If other medications are to be self-administered, it will be necessary to follow the same procedures as the asthma| | |

| | |or anaphylactic medications as above. | | |

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| | |9.  Information provided to the school by the student’s parent or guardian shall be kept on file at the student’s | | |

| | |school in a location easily accessible in the event of an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency. | | |

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| | |10.  If a student uses asthma medication prescribed for the student in a manner other than as prescribed, a school may| | |

| | |impose on the student disciplinary action according to the school’s disciplinary policy.  A school may not impose | | |

| | |disciplinary action that limits or restricts the student’s immediate access to the asthma medication. | | |

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| | |11.  Permission granted for a student to possess and self-administer asthma medication shall be effective only for the| | |

| | |same school and for 365 calendar days and must be renewed annually. | | |

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| | |ALL medication, including non-prescription and over the counter medication, “natural remedies,” herbs, vitamins, dietary | | |

| | |supplements, homeopathic medicine, or medication from other countries, administered at school requires a written request | | |

| | |from the parent and a physician or health care practitioner. | | |

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| | |1. A request for Medication to be Given During School Hours Form must be completed. | | |

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| | |2. All over the counter medication must be in the original labeled container. | | |

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| | |ISS Guidelines for Controlled Substances | | |

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| | |All relevant provisions of Policy code 6125 should be observed (Student Medication Policy).  In addition, controlled Substances| | |

| | |should only be given at school when it is imperative to have for the student’s education or for life threatening situations.  | | |

| | |Any controlled substance that will impair the student’s ability to function at school (i.e. stay awake in class, potential for | | |

| | |falling) will not be given unless it is deemed a life threatening situation.  In the event a controlled substance is prescribed| | |

| | |by a physician to be given at school that is not for the benefit of the child’s education, it will be determined on a case by | | |

| | |case basis by the School Nurse and the Principal.  The School Nurse and Principal will look at the following information to | | |

| | |determine need and safety at school. | | |

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| | |1. Is this a life threatening situation? | | |

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| | |2. Can this medication be given at home instead of at school? | | |

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| | |3. Does the medication help the student with their learning process? | | |

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| | |4. Is there a specific time to give the medication? | | |

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| | |(PRN Controlled Substances are not permitted except for life threatening situations.  It would be impossible for | | |

| | |school staff to know when the student had last taken the medication) | | |

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| | |If determined it is in the best interest of the student’s education that the controlled substance be given at school, the | | |

| | |following will be determined by the Principal and School Nurse. | | |

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| | |1. Who will give the Controlled Substance when the School Nurse is not on campus? | | |

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| | |2. Who will have keys to the locked cabinet? | | |

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| | |3. Procedures for receipt, administration, and accountability (counting meds daily) for medications regulated by the | | |

| | |Federal Narcotics Act. | | |

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| | |Legal Ref. G.S. 115C-307C, 115C-375.2 | | |

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| | |Cross References:  Parental Involvement (policy 1310/4002), Drugs and Alcohol (policy 4325), First Aid/Emergency Health Care | | |

| | |(policy 6130). | | |

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| | |Adopted:  September 9, 2002 | | |

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| | |Revised:  September 12, 2005, February 9, 2009, July 13, 2009, January 20, 2011 | | |

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