Strange Brains with Mr. Hara - Welcome!

Fall 2015 End of the Trimester ProjectTeacher: Mr. HaraDue Date: 12/16Class: 7th Grade ScienceTo demonstrate content mastery of the concepts you have learned so far this year, you may choose from the following project options.1.) 3D-Cell Model2.) Balloon Car3.) Research Proposal/Scientific Inquiry ExperimentDo not go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff! Most (if not all) of these projects can and should be made from things you already have at home! Each project is worth 25 points and details are as follows.Fall 2015 End of the Trimester ProjectTeacher: Mr. HaraDue Date: 12/16Class: 7th Grade ScienceTo demonstrate content mastery of the concepts you have learned so far this year, you may choose from the following project options.1.) 3D-Cell Model2.) Balloon Car3.) Research Proposal/Scientific Inquiry ExperimentDo not go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff! Most (if not all) of these projects can and should be made from things you already have at home! Each project is worth 25 points and details are as follows.Fall 2015 End of the Trimester ProjectTeacher: Mr. HaraDue Date: 12/16Class: 7th Grade ScienceTo demonstrate content mastery of the concepts you have learned so far this year, you may choose from the following project options.1.) 3D-Cell Model2.) Balloon Car3.) Research Proposal/Scientific Inquiry ExperimentDo not go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff! Most (if not all) of these projects can and should be made from things you already have at home! Each project is worth 25 points and details are as follows.3-D Cell ModelCreate your own 3-D Cell Model. Use the websites listed below for ideas and create your own 3-D Cell Model. It should include the following organelles and a separate sheet of paper that explains which organelles are represented by which item.Jello Model - “Crafty” Models - just google search – “3-D Cell Models” for PLENTY of ideas!Include the following Cell Organelles: 1.) their structure in the model 2.) their structure in an actual cell 3.) their functionNucleusCell MembraneVacuoleChloroplast and cell wall (if a plant cell)MitochondriaCytoplasmRibosomeGolgi Apparatus Examples for a Cell PizzaCytoplasmStructure in the model: Pizza sauceStructure in an actual cell: Jelly-like fluid made up of mostly water and saltFunction: Surrounds and contains the cells’ organellesCell MembraneStructure in the model: Pizza crustStructure in an actual cell: Two-layered phospholipid membrane that contains proteinsFunction: Controls what substances enter and leave the cell; protects the cell from its surroundingsProject Rubric:Craftsmanship(8 points)Model is creative, shows effortModel stays together, not too messy or difficult to move aroundCell Parts (12 points)Key, legend, or labeling is easy to use to identify parts Functions of cell parts included (accurate)Appropriate material is used so that it looks like the cell part it is modelingParts are organized within the cell in their appropriate placesWritten Word (5 points)Basic grammar, spelling on key and any other writing used in model is correctNew and Improved Balloon Car (15 points for your car, 10 points written)Construct your own new and improved balloon car. Use materials of your choice, but they MUST be household items (no lego wheels or other toy car parts). Alternative propulsion systems are encouraged!!Use the following sites to help you create a new and improved balloon car on the size, shape, model and materials of your balloon carBody:Axels:Wheels:Connector:Draw your balloon car blueprint (include the dimensions)In your own words, what is Newton’s First Law of Motion?Given Newton’s First Law of Motion, explain your thoughts in improving the design of the wheels of your balloon car.In your own words, what is Newton’s Second Law of Motion?Given Newton’s Second Law of Motion, explain why your car’s body design is better than your original group’s.In your own words, what is Newton’s Third Law of Motion?What did you do differently to your propulsion system than the car you made with your group? Justify your reasoning for making the changes.Describe your construction process. How did you plan your materials? Did everything go according to your plan?Research ProposalRemember the UV Beads Lab way back at the beginning of the year?! This is your chance to create then test a question you’ve been curious about and publish your own scientific research. Follow the Lab Outline/Guide format and perform the experiment you would like to pursue. Write up your finished lab in agreement with the rubric at the bottom of the page.Check out these websites for TONS of great, age-appropriate research/experiment ideas: Margarita Middle School ScienceExperimental Design Lab Outline/GuideTitle: This should be descriptive and fairly short.2. Experimental question: “What effect does (Independent Variable- I.V.) have on (Dependent Variable- D.V.) ?”3. Hypothesis: “If _(How is I.V. changed?) , then (How is D.V. affected?) , because (Explain why ).”4. Materials: List all materials you need to complete this lab (complete paragraph not necessary.) 5. Procedure: A sequential list is better than complete paragraphs. A. Describe each stepB. Repeat trials C. Draw a diagram or model to help explain your experiment. 6. Data Table or GraphA. Separate the trials. B. Use the following format:Independent Variable (IV)Dependent Variable (DV)7. Graph A. Use a simple yet descriptive title. B. Label both axes with title and units. For example, “Time (sec.)” C. Use an appropriate scale. 8. Possible Experimental Errors: A. Identify possible sources of error or bias. B. Explain how these errors or bias could have affected your results. 9. Conclusions: A. Remember to restate your hypothesis: “The hypothesis was…..” B. Discuss whether the data supports your hypothesis or not. (Use “supported” or “not supported” instead of “right” or “wrong.”) How do you know? Discuss how the graph shows your conclusion. C. Make recommendations for future experiments. How could you improve this experiment so the information would be more reliable? What related experiments could you recommend to future researchers?LAB REPORT ITEMSPointsPoints ReceivedQUESTION 2HYPOTHESIS(Independent & dependent variables included)3MATERIALS & PROCEDURE(All steps clearly stated)4OBSERVATIONS AND DATA(Measurement units identified)5GRAPHS AND/OR ILLUSTRATION(Title, axes labeled, data points plotted)4CONCLUSION(Answers the problem, explains results)4NEATNESS3TOTAL GRADE25 ................

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