Human Body Project: You be the Teacher


Group Members: _________________________________

Assigned System:__________________________________

Human Body Project: You be the Teacher!!!

You will be researching one of the human body systems. You will take notes on the attached research worksheet or type them into the Word Doc. found on Ms. McKavitt’s Weebly website (msmckavitt-ihm.). Upon completion of the research worksheet you will create a model of your assigned body system and prepare a presentation.

➢ Skeletal system

➢ Muscular system

➢ Integumentary system

➢ Cardiovascular system

➢ Lymphatic system

➢ Respiratory system

➢ Digestive system

➢ Nervous system

➢ Endocrine system

Model and Presentation:

Your oral presentation will include:

• The important organs in your system AND a description of these organs including STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION.

• An explanation of how your body system works with other body systems.

o More specific instructions will be given to each group depending on the body system assigned.

• The name, description and symptoms of diseases that affects your assigned system.

• Give a few interesting facts about your assigned system.

• A bibliography listing your sources (minimum 3: two online and one book/magazine) this will be turned in on the research worksheet.

Your model:

• Will be a 3D representation of your body system

• It will be made of recyclable materials (you must consult Ms. McKavitt before purchasing any items for the model).

• It does not have to include EVERY single thing in the system, but must represent the main parts (ex: the skeletal system model does not need to have all 206 bones, but should include the main bones; when in doubt ask Ms. McKavitt).

• The model does not have to be a perfect representation of the system, however it must have a sense of accuracy (ex: cereal boxes may not be used for lungs, instead a balloon or plastic bag would make a better model).

• In order to enhance the oral presentation, the model must be utilized as a visual aid. You must point out aspects of the model to help your audience understand the topic better.

**Please start saving recyclables!** (PLEASE NO GLASS OR METAL!)

• Water bottles

• Soda bottles

• Juice cartons/bottles

• Egg cartons

• Cereal Boxes

• Paper towel/Toilet paper rolls

• Sour cream/yogurt containers

• Ziploc baggies

• Clorox wipe containers

• Tissue boxes

• Milk gallons/half gallons

Please wash these out before turning them in!

Project Dates

| |8A |8L |

|Research |Sept 9-11, 16 |Sept 9-12 |

|Presentation Prep |Sept 17-18 |Sept 16-17 |

|Model Design |Sept 23-24 |Sept 18-19 |

|Model Build |Sept 25, 27, 30, Oct 1 |Sept 23-26 |

|Presentation |Oct 2, 4 |Sept 30, Oct 1 |

Below is listed the items you must include in your presentation based on which system you have been assigned.

• Circulatory System

o Major functions of circulatory system

o Model that includes the major parts- heart, artery, vein, capillary- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe each of the components of blood- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

o Describe the different blood types and how they affect medical care.

o Describe the path blood travels through your body.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Digestive System

o Major functions of digestive system.

o Model that includes the major parts- mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and large intestine- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe the path food travels throughout the digestive system.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Endocrine System

o Major functions of endocrine system.

o Describe what hormones are and what they do.

o Model that includes the major parts- hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries/testes- and list the function(s) of each.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Muscular System

o Major functions of muscular system.

o Describe the function and locations of each type of muscle – skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle

o Model that includes bicep and triceps

o Describe how muscles work in pairs to make parts of the body move.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Nervous System

o Description and major functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

o Model that includes the major parts- brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurons- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from stimulus to response.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system..

• Respiratory System

o Major functions of respiratory system.

o Model that includes the major parts- trachea, lungs, diaphragm, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe the breathing process.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Skeletal System

o Major functions of skeletal system

o Model: You have a choice

▪ You can build one that includes the major parts – bones, ligaments, and tendon- and list the function(s) of each. NOTE: Your model should also include the following bones in the body: cranium, clavicle, humerus, scapula, sternum, rib, vertebra, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals.

• OR

▪ You can build the following joints and state where they are located: hinge, pivot, and ball-and-socket.

▪ WARNING: You must still present on option one AND option two, but you only have to build a model for one or the other.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Lymphatic System

o Major functions of lymphatic system

o Model that includes the major parts- tonsil, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe the path of lymph throughout the system.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.

• Integumentary System

o Major functions of integumentary system.

o Model that includes the major parts- epidermis, dermis, hair follicles, nails- and list the function(s) of each.

o Describe why you need skin.

o Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.

o Describe two diseases associated with your body system.


Assigned System:___________________________

Human Body Project: Rubric

Presentation Content

Structure of ALL organs/parts fully described _____/10

Function of ALL organs/parts fully described _____/10

Explain how your system works with the rest of the body systems _____/10

Disease: Explain how at least TWO diseases affects your system _____/10

including symptoms.

Research (Worksheet) _____/10

Bibliography slide: Minimum of 3 sources _____/5


Contains all required parts _____/10

Visual display _____/5

Overall planning/Design _____/5

Creative use of material _____/5

Presentation Style:

Content and organization _____/10

Originality/Interest _____/5

Eye Contact _____/5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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