Guided Highlighted Reading Teacher Framework for 3rd Grade

Guided Highlighted Reading Teacher Framework for 3rd Grade

Passage Type: Social Studies- Description

Passage Title, Source, Date: “A Day to Celebrate Earth”, Weekly Reader, April 2001


• Background and Prior Knowledge (overview given by teacher prior to reading)

Anticipatory Set: Do you recycle items at home? What kinds of items are recyclable? Why do you think people recycle? What are some other things you can do to be enviornmentally friendly?

Video: (Jack Johnson sings “Reduce, Reuse, Recylce- The 3 Rs Song)


Recycling: processing items so that they can be reused

Pollution: spoiled with trash or waste

Litter: scatter in disorder, cover with messy trash

Skim/Scan/Choral Read/Echo Read- scaffold reading through the article and questions before highlighting

• Teacher Led Summary for content / summary: (1-2 sentence summary) This informational article discusses the purpose of Earth Day and some things we can do all the time to help the environment.

• Guided Highlighting Reading Prompts for Question #1 content / summary:

Teacher reads the prompts as students scan the text and highlight. Students review and compare highlighted text after prompts have been read.

• Title: Highlight the word that means to have fun. (celebrate)

• Introduction: Highlight word(s) that shows what Earth Day is about. (save, recycle, stop pollution)

• Paragraph #1: Highlight who is credited with starting Earth Day. (Senator Nelson)

• Paragraph #2: Highlight what people should work to do. (stop pollution)

• Paragraph #3: Highlight the word that means trash. (litter)

• Paragraph #4: Highlight items that can be recycled. (cans, bottles, papers)

• Paragraph #5: Highlight what paper is made of. (trees)

• Paragraph #6: Highlight the word that means to save. (conserve)

• Paragraph #7: Highlight one thing that can be saved. (electricity)


• Review background and prior knowledge- Guided Highlighting for Question #2 craft, structure, and author’s purpose: (Begin question 2 after students have had a break.)

o Revisit student summaries, vocabulary, share clip

o Additional information: People work to “be green”. That means they are trying to help the environment by producing less garbage, recycling the trash they do make, or reusing items they have instead of buying more. We can all work to be green by taking care of the environment around us- we can plant a tree, pick up litter and turn things off when we are not using them. We can use recycled items and reuse things like bags and plastic containers to reduce the amount of trash we make.

• Teacher led summary of Text Structure:

o How the text is written: This informational article is written with an energetic tone; the headings use exclamation points and the phrases try to encourage people to find ways to celebrate Earth Day every day. The title identifies the topic and purpose of the information. The introduction draws readers in to ways that people can save resources. The author uses footnotes to draw attention to important vocabulary.

• Guided Highlighted Reading Prompts for Question #2 craft, text structure, and author’s purpose: (use a different color marker)

o Title: Highlight the word that shows the author thinks that Earth Day is fun. (celebrate)

o Introduction: Highlight the word the author uses to show that many people like Earth Day. (millions)

o Paragraph #1: Highlight the punctuation in the heading that shows the author thinks Earth Day is exciting. (!)

o Paragraph #2: Highlight the words the author uses to show who can participate in Earth Day. (all people, you)

o Paragraph #3: Highlight one reason the author thinks you should be involved in Earth Day. (be a good example to other kids)

o Paragraph #4: Highlight one reason the author thinks recycling is fun. (Use returnables money to have an Earth Day party)

o Paragraph #5: Highlight how the author shows what the word conserve means. ( “or saves” set off by commas)

• Comprehension Questions- After prompts for Questions 1 and 2 have students go back to the text to determine the answers to the questions.

• Guided Highlighted Reading for Question #3- What does the text mean?

o Review all of the guided highlights and consider the meaning of the text though discussion.

• Guided Highlighted Reading for Question #4- So, what? What does the message mean in your life?

o Guide the students to text relevancy by reflecting on text to self, text to text, and text to world connections. (example personal experiences, personal responsibility, making a contribution, collective action)

Sample questions (with multiple choice and / or written response) suggested by site:

1. Why would someone read this passage?

2. The author mentions Senator Nelson because…

3. What word could be used in place of “litter” in the sentence “If you see litter, pick it up and put it in a trash bin” ?

4. The author includes the section “Save a Tree” to….

5. What would happen if humans did not take good care of the Earth?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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