21st Century Community Learning Center Program Planning Tool (Example) - Year 1

21st CCLC Grant Application Site Number / Entity ID of the School: Site 2 / 0000

Do not identify schools, districts, or fiscal agents by name in this section of the application. Instead, use a descriptor such as Site 1, Site 2, the school, etc.

| |Measurable Objectives |Activities |Timeline |Evaluation Plan |Budget Alignment |

| |(Items 46-48) |(Items 49-51) |(Item 76) |(Items 85-87) |(Budget Detail Narrative) |

| |1. Academics |1. Academics |1. Academics |1. Academics |1. Academics |

| |Objectives: |Activities: |Timeline: |Evaluation: |Budgeted items: |

| |1.1 80% of the students regularly |1.1 Intensive Reading tutoring |Session 1: |1.1 -Pre-, Mid, and Post-Formative | |

| |attending the 21st CCLC program in |(based on specific standards) |September 15 – December 15 |Assessment for each class session. |-6 Academic Instruction Teachers (2|

| |grades 3-5 will advance one level |-3rd grade |Session 2: | |per grade) |

| |in Reading Proficiency as measured |-4th grade |January 5 – May 20 |-DIBELS Data |-Instruction software (XYZ Reading)|

| |by AIMS-DPA by June 1 of each year.|-5th grade | |-Quarterly District Benchmark |-2 Enrichment teachers (Cook to |

| | | | |Reading proficiency data |Read) |

| | |Reading enrichment-cooking class | |-Progress monitoring of |-Cooking to Read booklets |

| | |(standards based) | |after-school students. |-Cooking supplies, utensils, cook |

| | | | |-Teacher observations will be |vessels, recipe products, etc. |

| | | | |evaluated as well. |-Pencils, paper and printing |

| | | | |-After-school teachers will be | |

| | | | |invited to attend regular school | |

| | | | |day grade level data meetings where| |

| | | | |the regular school day teachers | |

| | | | |will be sharing data about the | |

| | | | |students. | |

| |2. Youth Development |2. Youth Development |2. Youth Development |2. Youth Development |2. Youth Development |

| |Objective(s): |Activities: |Timeline: |Evaluation: |Budgeted items: |

| |2.1 90% of the students regularly |2.1 Regarding these four selected |2.1 September 15 – June 20 |2.1 |2.1       |

| |attending the 21st CCLC program |assets: | | | |

| |will report growth on at least |2 External-Family/School and Adult | |-Student records his/her |-Site Coordinator -Youth |

| |three of four assets of “Search |Relationships; & | |self-perception of the 4 selected |Development assignments |

| |Institute’s 40 Developmental |2 Internal-Reading for Pleasure and| |assets on a 1-4 Likert Scale at the|-Pencils and printing Youth |

| |Assets®” by June 20. |Optimism) | |time enrollment. |Development forms |

| | | | |-Periodic self-assessment with | |

| | |Students’ Pre-assessment to | |staff monitoring. | |

| | |determine baseline at enrollment, | |-Observation that student’s | |

| | |progress at 15 and 30 days, and | |instruction plan modifications for | |

| | |Post-assessment. | |Youth Development are followed. | |

| | | | |-Change in students’ | |

| | |Modify student youth development | |self-perceptions noted for year-end| |

| | |plan if needed. | |reporting. | |

| |3. Family Engagement |3. Family Engagement |3. Family Engagement |3. Family Engagement |3. Family Engagement |

| |Objective(s): |Activities: |Timeline: |Evaluation: |Budgeted items: |

| |3.1 25 family members who have |3.1 |3.1 |3.1       |3.1       |

| |students attending the 21st CCLC | | | | |

| |will increase their support of |Two After School class visits per |October 15-April 15 |Completed observation form signed | |

| |their child/ren’s reading progress |family member: Observe child’s | |by teacher | |

| |as documented on attendance logs |reading instruction | | |-Site Coordinator-Family Engagement|

| |for at least 3 school-based family | | |Provide Quarterly District |assignments |

| |engagement activities by June 20. |Four Workshops: | |Benchmark Reading proficiency data | |

| | |Parenting for Student Success, |October 15-April 15 |to families and compare to their | |

| | |includes data on student/s reading | |student/s. Record attendance. | |

| | |status and related Reading Homework| | |-1 Family Literacy teacher |

| | |Log. | | |-Resources (English & Spanish) |

| | | | | |training supplies |

| | |Once per week: Literacy for Adult | |Pre- and post- BEST Literacy | |

| | |Language Learners which includes | |“Reading and writing skills in | |

| | |conversation with teachers |November 15-June 15 |authentic situations for Adult |-BEST Test booklets |

| | |regarding student/s’ academic | |language learners.” |-Pencils, paper |

| | |success and at-home support. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |3.2 | | | |

| | | | | |- |

| |3.2 60 family members who have |Instruction for family members on | |Record family member attendance at | |

| |students attending the 21st CCLC |how to use Reading Homework Logs or| |Reading Homework Log training. | |

| |will increase their at home support|equivalent processes | | | |

| |of their child/ren’s reading | |October 15-April 1 | | |

| |progress as documented by 90% |Collection of Reading Homework Logs| |Compile a) number of family’s | |

| |completion of Reading Homework Logs|or equivalent forms (weekly) | |completion of Logs; b) percent of | |

| |by June 20. | | |the Logs completed by family | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |October 21-April 8 | | |

V 2.10.11 mln


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