
District GoalSchool Goal(s)StrategiesAction StepsTasksBudget Alignment(Budget Detail Narrative)Identified Needs (based on your annual needs assessment of staff and stakeholders):This is the District Goal that is already entered into ALEAT. DO NOT EDIT THIS COLUMN!List the school’s SMART goal(s) related to the District Goal at the left.A brief (one sentence) description of one of the ways that you will achieve this goal. You can have multiple strategies for a given goal. Each strategy will have associated action steps.Include a statement describing the action needed, start date, end date, who is responsible, who is the intended audience or group to be impacted and the status (begun, in progress, complete, suspended, retired)This is where you can enter specific tasks that will need to be done in order to complete an Action Step. One or two sentences describing the task, who is responsible and a due date should be listed here.Clearly identify expenses that are needed to implement strategies. Include anticipated sources of funding. 1A: Reading/Language Arts Proficiency: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing at least a 15% increase in the number of students who pass the Reading AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades District wide. 2. The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate progress in meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing a 15% increase in the number of ELL students who pass the Reading AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades and ELL students District wide. 3. The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate progress in meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing a 15% increase in the number of SPED students who pass the Reading AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades and SPED students District wide.G1. At grade levels 3-6 Galileo benchmark results will demonstrate that the percent of students necessary to meet the AMO for AYP are meeting or exceeding the reading standards and in grade levels K-2 the percent of students necessary to exceed the AMO by 10% for 3rd grade are meeting or exceeding the AIMS standards.G1S1: Galileo Assessments: Galileo benchmarks and formative assessments will be administered and the resulting data used by the teachers to improve instruction.G1S1A1: Appropriate training will take place to ensure that teachers know how to use Galileo and the resulting data. Start date: 8/1/2010 End Date: 6/30/2010 Responsible Party: SICG1S1A2: Fill in a second action step associated with strategy 1G1S1A1T1: The SIC will make contact with the District staff developer to establish a schedule of training opportunities for teachers. Due Date: 10/11/2010G1S1A2T1: Fill in a first task associated with the second action stepNo budget required$4,000 in extra duty for teachers – Title I1B: Mathematics Proficiency: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing a 40% increase in the number of students who pass the Math AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades District wide. 2. The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate progress in meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing a 30% increase in the number of ELL students who pass the Math AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades and ELL students District wide. 3. The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate progress in meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives as currently established by ADE, by showing a 30% increase in the number of SPED students who pass the Math AIMS test in SY 2010-2011. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all grades and SPED students District wide.2: Equitable Distribution of Effective Teachers: By 2013, provide all students with access to effective teachers and principals through equitable distribution and high quality professional learning opportunities in order to close achievement gaps.3: Proficiency in English for ELL’s: The Chinle Unified School District will demonstrate meeting the Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) of “Reclassification” for English language learners to the “proficient” level and will demonstrate meeting the Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) of "Making Progress" toward English language proficiency, as measured by AZELLA, by meeting or exceeding 17% growth for the English language learner population during 2010-2011 school year.4. Safe Drug Free Schools Conducive to Learning: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the goal for Safe, Drug-free Schools Conducive to Learning as currently established by ADE, by showing a minimum of a 10% decrease of the number of incidents related to drug use and bullying by June 30, 2011, District wide. This goal will target all schools and all students in Chinle Unified School District. 5: High School Graduation: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the goal for graduation rate as currently established by ADE, by showing that a minimum of 80% of the students in any incoming cohort of freshman will graduate on or ahead of their regularly scheduled graduation date (within 4 years) for all cohorts beginning with the cohort of 2010. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all students and incoming freshman cohorts District wide.6: Parent Involvement: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the goal for Parent Involvement as currently established by ADE, by showing a 5% increase by June 30, 2011 in parent involvement at parent/teacher conferences, parenting seminars and other school related activities. For this objective, CUSD #24 will target all students and their parents District wide.7: Technology Literacy: Students will be technology literate in the areas of telecommunications/Internet, word processing, multimedia presentations, and the social/ethical aspects of technology.8: HQ Teachers and Para Professionals: The Chinle Unified School District #24 will demonstrate meeting the goal for Highly Qualified Teachers as currently established by ADE, by showing 100% of the teachers and paraprofessionals contracted with the District to be HQT status as of 7/1/2009. ................

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