Under the Influence Under the Influence

Under the Influence students learn about:

? Alcohol and Health issues ? Personal Risk Factors ? Levels of Alcohol Use ? Consequences of Abuse ? Drinking and Driving ? You and the Law ? Managing stress ? Making Healthy Choices

3rd Millennium Classrooms

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NASPA Sponsor

Under the Influence

Online Alcohol Education

Interventions that Make SenseTM

Our online programs are designed to help students clarify their thinking about alcohol and other drugs.

Under the influence

was designed to reduce hazardous alcohol use and the negative consequences that follow.

Research shows that students respond best to interventions that provide feedback, are nonjudgmental, emphasize personal responsibility, and give people several options for changing their drinking or drug use.

3rd Millennium online programs feature these crucial elements.

Since students don't get to choose whether or not they have to take an alcohol sanction course...

Why not make it effective and engaging?

Students answered... 91% agreed `The content of the

course was appropriate and easy to understand' 80% agreed `The interactions used were interesting and helpful' 76% agreed ` This course will help me avoid future problems with alcohol'

e-CHUG Alliance

This is our 5th year in strategic alliance with the San Diego State University e-CHUG team.

This alliance allows us to integrate an evidence-based self-assessment into our interactive curriculum.

Six independent controlled studies have found that e-CHUG reduces the negative consequences of high-risk drinking in college students.

We combine personalized feedback, professional narration, interactive exercises, and evidence-based intervention techniques to engage the student in a powerful learning experience.

Under the Influence can be completed in about 3 hours.

We provide the support you need to get your program in place; Student Instruction Sheets, course completion reminder emails, Outcome Reports, and Best Practices resources.

Administrators have constant access to our Student Management System to check student enrollments, completions, and follow-up records.


Our nationally recognized service and glitch-free technology make Under the Influence easy to administer.

Although students rarely experience technical problems, we provide 24/7 technical support.

We are committed to continuous program enhancements that are guided by the strongest evidence-based research available.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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