Students' Union UCL



Qualifying categories for membership:

Associate membership of the Union shall be open to all members of UCL staff (including honorary members of the academic staff), UCLU staff, Fellows of the College, Graduated students of the College and UCL students on a ‘disruption of studies’ who are considered to have extenuating circumstance, upon payment of the relevant membership fee, as laid down by UCLU Council.

Visiting membership of the Union may be granted by the Union Council to members of Students' Unions or equivalent societies in other Colleges or Universities for a period not exceeding twelve months, upon payment of a membership fee as laid down by Union Council. Visiting membership application must be recommended by either a Union club/society or the Student Activities Team. Application to be considered by the Activities & Events Officer on behalf of Union Council.

For reference please see the following documents within UCLU governance that define these policies:

UCLU Memorandum and Articles of Association

Section 13

UCLU Byelaws

Section 2.3, 2.4 and 2.6


Eligibility for Associate Membership shall be restricted to the categories listed above.

The following people shall be eligible for Visiting Membership:

1. UCL students taking part in the Year in Industry scheme before registering at UCL;

2. Affiliate students studying at UCL for a short period of time;

3. A member of another HE College or University Students’ Union


Visiting and associate members are entitled to the privileges listed below:

1. to use the rooms and facilities of the Union in accordance with regulations approved by Union Council;

2. to attend and bring visitors to functions in accordance with regulations approved by Union Council;

3. to membership of Clubs and Societies subject to their regulations;

Associate and Visiting members may not represent UCLU in competitive sport (unless approved by UCLU and governing body – see UCLU club and society regulations for full details), serve as officers or in leadership roles in any Club or Society, vote in elections, seek office in the Union of any of its Clubs or Societies, or obtain NUS membership from UCLU.


Rates for Visiting or Associate Membership of UCLU are as follows:

£25.00 per academic year (Expiring 31 July each year)

£15.00 for three months (Expiring after three months or 31 July each year – whichever is sooner)


To apply please return the form (overleaf) and proof of eligibility to the Clubs and Societies Centre (CSC), UCLU, 2nd Floor, Bloomsbury Theatre, 15 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AH. Payment can be made by card, cash or cheque, made out to UCLU. The application can take up to 7 working days to process. No application can be accepted without proof of eligibility.




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|Name | | |

|Date of Birth | | |

|Department | | |

|Institution if not UCL | | |

|Term Time Address | | |

| | | |

| |tel. number & e-mail | |

|Permanent Address | | |

| | | |

| |tel. number & e-mail | |

| | | |

|Reason for applying for Visiting or Associate Membership (please indicate duration of stay) |

| | | |

| | | |

| |3 months: Academic Year: | |

| | | |

|Please complete relevant membership section below: |

|Visiting Membership | |

| Club/Society | |Date | | |

|Signature (of Club/Society President) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|To the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is true | | | | |

|Applicants Signature | |Date | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|FOR OFFICE USE ONLY | | |Valid until: 31 JULY_20___ | |

| | | | | |

|Approved by Activities and Skills Manager on behalf of the Activities | | | | |

|and Events Officer and or Union Council | | | | |

|Name | |Post | | |

|Signature | |Date | | |

| | | | | |


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