About the Area

OUTREACH NOTICEFish BiologistGS-0482-11 (2 positions)Permanent Full-TimeSalmon-Challis National ForestIntermountain RegionU.S. Forest ServicePlease respond by 4:30 PM MST on December 5, 2016The Salmon-Challis National Forest will soon be advertising and filling two permanent full-time GS-11 Fish Biologist positions (GS-0482-11). This notification is to inform prospective applicants of this upcoming opportunity and to determine interest in the position.Position: Fish Biologist (GS-0482-11)Duty Station: 1 position on the North Zone located in either Salmon, North Fork, or Leadore, Idaho1 position on the South Zone located in either Challis or Mackay, IdahoTour of Duty: Permanent, Full TimeHousing: Government quarters are not available.Position Overview: If you are looking for a highly rewarding and career advancing opportunity the Salmon-Challis National Forest is seeking to hire two permanent full-time fish biologists in the near future. One position will be with the North Zone Fish Program and one position will be with the South Zone Fish Program The North Zone Fish Program is responsible for Forest Service related fish management activities on the northern portion of the Salmon-Challis National Forest. This area covers approximately 1.4 million acres and includes the Salmon-Cobalt, North Fork, and Leadore ranger districts. The South Zone Fish Program is responsible for Forest Service related fish management activities on the southern portion of the Salmon-Challis National Forest. This area covers approximately 2.7 million acres and includes the Challis-Yankee Fork, Lost River, and Middle Fork ranger districts. We are looking for individuals that have:An excellent work ethicStrong interpersonal skillsOutstanding oral and written communication abilitiesA solid foundation in fish ecology, fish habitat management, and habitat restorationAn ability to work well with othersExcellent problem-solving skills and enjoy a challengeThe ability to cope well with changing direction, multiple priorities, and a fast-paced work environmentThe ability to work well with diverse groups of peopleExperience in other Forest Service programs such as range, diversions, timber-vegetation, prescribed fire, wildfire, roads, recreation, special uses, and minerals An understanding of federal and state laws, rules, and policies relating to fish Duties: These positions will have the following responsibilities:Serve as a co-lead with another fish biologist in planning, coordinating, and implementing all activities related to the fish program on the respective zoneDevelop and implement plans to protect, and where necessary restore, the health, diversity, and productivity of fish resourcesProvide advice to line officers, project leaders, program leaders, and others on fish related issues Participate in NEPA teams and complete NEPA related analysis and documents including specialist reports, biological assessments for fish species listed under the Endangered Species Act, and biological evaluations for species listed as sensitive by the Forest ServiceLead the design and/or implementation of evaluation, monitoring, restoration, and other fish related workAssist with the development of current and out-year programs and budgetsPromotes understanding and cooperation between the Forest Service and other organizationsPotentially supervise employeesTransfer of Station: TOS may be authorized for this position. This will be determined based on the outreach responses received. Contact Information: Interested applicants or those desiring further information about the position on the north zone may contact Dan Garcia, North Zone Fish Program Manager at 208-756-5237 or dgarcia@fs.fed.us. Interested applicants or those desiring further information about the position on the south zone may contact Bart Gamett, South Zone Fish Program Manager at 208-588-3420 or bgamett@fs.fed.us. To Respond to this outreach: Fill out the appropriate attached response form for the position or positions you are interested in and return it to the person indicated on the formAttach a brief resumeResponses are due by 4:30 PM MST on December 5, 2016Information received as a result of this outreach will assist the Forest in determining the type of vacancy announcement to be used (merit and/or demo) and the potential duty stations.All persons who respond to this outreach will be notified via email of the vacancy announcement number and closing date when it becomes available. The vacancy announcement for this position, when open, will be posted at the USA Jobs website, the U.S. Government’s official site for jobs and employment information, at . About the AreaThe ForestThe Salmon-Challis National Forest covers over 4.3 million acres in east-central Idaho. The Forest is bordered by the Bitterroot Range of the North Central Rockies on the east and includes over 1.3 million acres of the Frank Church--River of No Return Wilderness to the west. Rugged and remote, this country offers adventure, solitude and breathtaking scenery. The Forest also contains Mt. Borah, Idaho's tallest peak and the Wild & Scenic Salmon River and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The area is a highly desired destination for hunting, fishing, white-water rafting and many other popular recreational pursuits. The Forest features diverse, rough topography, geologic conditions, and miles of streams with anadromous fish spawning habitat creating a highly complex land management situation. The Forest Supervisor Office is located in Salmon, Idaho. There are currently six administrative units on the Forest: Salmon-Cobalt, North Fork, Leadore, Challis-Yankee Fork, Lost River, and Middle Fork, Ranger Districts. For more information on the Forest, visit the website fs.fed.us/r4/sc.Salmon, IdahoThe Salmon-Cobalt Ranger District office is located in Salmon, Idaho. Salmon is the heart of the Salmon River Valley, surrounded by three mountain ranges, situated at the junction of Idaho State Highway 28 and U.S. Highway 93, and at the forks of the Lemhi and Salmon Rivers. The town has a population of about 3,100 and is the seat of Lemhi County which has a population of 8,000. The main industries are ranching, mining, timber and recreation. Salmon is known as the "White Water Capital of the World" serving as the hub of personal and outfitter, jet boat and rafting river activities. At 4,000 feet elevation, the surrounding terrain varies greatly from rolling, arid hills to steep, forested slopes. Climate: Salmon enjoys a dry, warm climate during the summer and fall months with daily highs averaging between 75 to 95 degrees, and nightly lows from 45 to 60 degrees. The climate in winter is ideal for snow sports, the lowest temperatures averaging from 14 to 25 degrees with occasional sub-zero readings. Shopping and Services: Salmon is a self-contained community with a full variety of shopping, business, medical, and professional services. In addition to basic services, there are a variety of specialty shops and art galleries. Salmon also has nursing and residential care facilities, hospice, Child Development Center and a spectrum of social services. Most service clubs and associations are represented. The public library offers computer and other services and there are two internet access providers. Local media includes a radio station, satellite and cable TV and the weekly Recorder-Herald newspaper.Medical: The City of Salmon has a local 30-bed community hospital affiliated with the major hospital of Missoula, Montana, and provides Life-Flight helicopter, EMT, Search and Rescue units, physicians, dentists, optometrists, and also specialist affiliations with the Western Montana Medical Clinic. Schools: A good variety of pre-schools and day-care centers are available in addition to the elementary, junior and senior high schools. The schools offer numerous extra-curricular activities and sports, and strive for quality education with creative, athletic, and scholastic achievements. Adult education classes are also offered yearly. Transportation: Cart Bus Transportation is provided for seniors and other citizens, in-city as well as to larger, distant communities. Taxi service is available. The Salmon Valley Airport provides scheduled commuter flights and charter services, is equipped with an instrument landing system and can accommodate executive jets and other small aircraft. Major commercial airports are located within 160 miles. Housing: There are five motels in Salmon and various bed and breakfast accommodations in the surrounding vicinity. Housing prices range from approximately $100,000 to over $200,000. Monthly rental for a typical three-bedroom home runs around $700. Several real estate offices are available, some with national affiliations. There are also mobile home parks and two in-city campgrounds.Churches: Salmon has an active church community with fourteen churches representing a large variety of denominations. Entertainment and Activities: A wide assortment of entertainment is provided by various organizations throughout the year. The Salmon Arts Council provides high-quality artistic events for the community presenting a wide range of performers in music, theater, and dance, visual art shows and sales, artist workshops, artist-in education residences and other programs for the local schools. Other celebrations include Fourth of July Salmon River Days, Lil' Britches Rodeo, Lemhi County Fair and Idaho Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Salmon also has numerous restaurants, a movie theater, and a fitness center. Recreation facilities include a nine-hole golf course, tennis courts, bowling alley, baseball diamonds and an outdoor community swimming pool. Recreation in Salmon Area: The Salmon River and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, federally protected as Wild and Scenic Rivers, are renowned for white-water rafting, kayaking, floating and jet boating. Outfitter and guide services are offered and both Salmon and Challis serve as gateways to the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, encompassing 2.4 million acres, the largest contiguous wilderness in the United States outside of Alaska. The primitive mountain area provides spectacular and abundant hunting (white-tailed and mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, bear, moose, and cougar). Many species of game birds and also waterfowl can be found. There are spring and fall steelhead fishing seasons and a general trout fishing season. Miles of groomed trails and routes are prepared for cross-country skiing and snowmobiling, Lost Trail Powder Mountain Ski area offers down-hill skiing only 45 minutes north of Salmon, ice fishing and other winter fun can also be enjoyed nearby. Salmon is within 180 miles of the world-famed Sun Valley Ski Resort. Salmon offers hiking and wilderness walks, camping and picnicking, rock hounding, prospecting, bird watching, photography, hot springs, back-country air tours, guest ranches, mining ghost towns and museums, all adding to the immense opportunity for pleasure and adventure to be had by avid sportsmen and casual outdoor enthusiasts alike. For more information about Salmon, please visit the following websites: city/Salmon-Idaho.html North Fork, Idaho The North Fork Ranger District office is located in North Fork, Idaho. North Fork is a small town located approximately 22 miles north of Salmon, Idaho. Houses are available to rent and buy in North Fork however most people live in Salmon and commute. North Fork has a gas station, a café, a community church, a motel and several fishing/hunting/rafting outfitters. For more information about North Fork, please visit the following website: real-estate/NORTH-FORK-ID-83466.html Leadore, Idaho The Leadore Ranger District office is located in Leadore, Idaho. Leadore has about 100 residents with an additional population of 520 in the surrounding rural area. The economy is dependent upon the local natural resources (cattle ranching, recreation, and tourism).Leadore sits in a broad valley at 6000 feet elevation; bordered on the south by the Lemhi Range and the Beaverhead Mountains to the north. This valley is a high steppe desert with an average annual precipitation of 6 to 8 inches. Approximately 350,000 acres of National Forest Lands are administered by the Leadore District, Salmon-Challis National Forest.Though a small community, Leadore has one gas station, one cafe, two churches, public library, and a lighted airstrip. The City Park offers free camping. Leadore schools cover grades K through 12 with a student enrollment of approximately 160.Although services are limited in Leadore, most services are available in Salmon, Idaho Falls, Dillon, or Missoula, which are 50, 116, 65, and 200 miles away, respectively. The current town site of Leadore was mapped-out in May of 1910 during construction of the (now defunct) Gilmore & Pittsburgh Railroad. The railroad was built to support mining operations at Gilmore, approximately 24 miles southeast of Leadore, and to serve the town of Salmon. The railroad was not very successful and in 1938 the line was abandoned.For more information about Leadore, please visit the following website: city/Leadore-Idaho.html Challis, IdahoThe Challis-Yankee Fork and Middle Fork ranger district offices are located in Challis, Idaho. Challis is located along Garden Creek in the Round Valley at an elevation of 5,200 feet. The city has a population of about 1,100. The climate of Challis is relatively cool and dry. Summer highs are typically in the 80s while winter lows are often below 0. The average annual precipitation is about 7 inches. Challis has an elementary school, junior-senior high school, post office, medical clinic, numerous stores, several churches, library, and a variety of restaurants, bars, and motels. Challis is also the county seat for Custer County. Housing and rental units are relatively inexpensive compared with many communities. There are an incredible variety of recreational opportunities near Challis including fishing, hunting, hiking, backpacking, white water rafting, waterskiing, cross-country and downhill skiing, and camping. While many services are available in Challis, additional services are available in Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, or Boise which are 139, 148, 162, and 190 miles away, respectively. For more information about Challis, please visit the following websites:, Idaho The Lost River Ranger District office is located in Mackay, Idaho. Mackay is located along the Big Lost River between the Lost River and White Knob mountain ranges at an elevation of 5,900 feet. The city has a population of about 500. The climate of Mackay is relatively cool and dry. Summer highs are typically in the 80s while winter lows are often below 0. The average annual precipitation is about 9 inches. Mackay has an elementary school, junior-senior high school, post office, medical clinic, grocery store, several churches, library, lumber store, and a variety of restaurants, bars, and motels. Housing and rental units are relatively inexpensive compared with many communities but their availability is limited. There are an incredible variety of recreational opportunities near Mackay including fishing, hunting, hiking, backpacking, mountain climbing, rock climbing, waterskiing, cross-country and downhill skiing, and camping. Although services are somewhat limited in Mackay, most services are available in Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, or Pocatello, which are 85, 94, and 108 miles away, respectively. For more information about Mackay, please visit the following websites: you for your interest in these positions!!!Outreach Response FormResponses due by 4:30 PM MST on December 5, 2016Fish Biologist (GS-0482-11)North Zone (Duty Station at Salmon, North Fork, or Leadore, Idaho)Salmon-Challis National ForestIf you are interested in this opportunity and/or plan on applying for this vacancy, please return this Outreach Response Form via email to dgarcia@fs.fed.us.Name:Email:Mailing Address:Phone Number:If Current Federal Employee, Agency Employed With: ____USFS ____BLM ____OTHER________If Current Federal Employee, Type of Appointment: ____Perm ____Temp ____Term ____VRA ____PWD ____OtherCurrent FS Employee, Region/Forest/District:Current Series and Grade:Current Position Title:Please briefly describe your qualifications/interest for this position:If you are not a current permanent (career or career conditional) employee, indicate if you are you eligible to be hired under any of the following special authorities: _____Person with Disabilities_____Veterans Readjustment_____Disabled Veterans with 30% Compensable Disability_____Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998_____Former Peace Corps Volunteer_____Other ______________________________________________________How did you learn of this vacancy? ______________________________________________Thank you for your interest and response!Responses due by 4:30 PM MST on December 5, 2016Fish Biologist, GS-0482-11South Zone (Duty Station at Challis or Mackay, Idaho)Salmon-Challis National ForestUSDA Forest Service, Region 4-Intermountain Region Please complete and submit this outreach form located below to bgamett@fs.fed.usName:Email:Mailing Address:Phone Number:If Current Federal Employee, Agency Employed With: ____USFS ____BLM ____OTHER________If Current Federal Employee, Type of Appointment: ____Perm ____Temp ____Term ____VRA ____PWD ____OtherCurrent FS Employee, Region/Forest/District:Current Series and Grade:Current Position Title:Please briefly describe your qualifications/interest for this position:If you are not a current permanent (career or career conditional) employee, indicate if you are you eligible to be hired under any of the following special authorities: _____Person with Disabilities_____Veterans Readjustment_____Disabled Veterans with 30% Compensable Disability_____Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998_____Former Peace Corps Volunteer_____Other ______________________________________________________How did you learn of this vacancy? ______________________________________________Thank you for your interest and response! ................

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