Hartford Planning and Zoning Minutes - Regular Meeting May ...

Hartford Planning and Zoning Minutes - Regular Meeting December 11, 2012

Chairman Munce called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Bender, Cunningham, Mitchell, Campbell and Ham. Wegleitner was absent without notice. City Administrator Teresa Sidel and City Code Enforcer/Building Inspector Paul Clarke were also present.

Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made by Cunningham, second by Campbell to approve the December 11, 2012 agenda as set –all voted yes, motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes: The Board reviewed the October 30, 2012 and the November 27, 2012 regular meeting minutes. A motion was made by Bender, second by Cunningham to approve the October 30, 2012 minutes – Mitchell abstained with all others voting yes, motion carried. A motion was made by Cunningham, second by Mitchell to approve the November 27, 2012 minutes – Campbell and Ham abstained with all others voting yes, motion carried.


*7:05 Hearing – Conditional Use Permit: Bryan Wiseman submitted a conditional use permit to the city with plans to erect a multi-family unit (4 plex) upon Lot 2, Block 10 or Cresswood Addition. This building will be similar to the 4 other housing units that Mr. Wiseman erected directly south of this property. The Board reviewed the site plan and building plans for this structure. A motion was made by Ham, second by Bender to approve conditional use permit #2012-12-7 submitted by Bryan Wiseman for a multi-family dwelling upon Lot 2, Block 10 of Cresswood Additional – all voted yes, motion carried.

Old Business:

*Update on Platting Jurisdiction with Minnehaha County: City Administrator Sidel has talked with the Minnehaha County planning staff regarding the process to create a platting jurisdiction area within the outer edge of the City. Currently, the City of Hartford does not have any vote on development outside of city limits. By creating a platting jurisdiction area, any plats within the platting jurisdiction area of Hartford would have to be approved by the City of Hartford and Minnehaha County before they can be filed with the county. For a platting district to be created, the city would need to get county approval; decide, in conjunction with the county, on the platting district boundary; pass a resolution to enact the platting jurisdiction; and review all plats that come before the county within this joint jurisdiction area. Enacting a platting jurisdiction around the city would allow the city to have more control over development that would directly affect the city. It was the consensus of the Board that enacting a platting jurisdiction with the county would be in the best interest of the city. A motion was made by Bender, second by Campbell to recommend enacting a platting jurisdiction with Minnehaha County around the City of Hartford – all voted yes, motion carried.

New Business & Updates:

*Review Commercial Building Plans: Dave Puthoff has submitted to the City plans to erect a commercial building within the city’s central business district. His current property has recently been subdivided into two separate lots – Lot 1A and Lot 1B. Lot 1B will allow for the building of a larger office facility. All setback requirements and applicable standards will apply. Mr. Puthoff was present to address any questions from the Board. A motion as made by Munce, second by Bender to approve the commercial building plans for Dave Puthoff – all voted yes, motion carried.

*Review Kelly Point Phase 3 Preliminary Plan Amendments: Cindy Monnin and John Jarding with Kelly Point Partners were present to address any questions from the Board. Kelly Point Partners desire to move forward with phase 3 of their development. They have made some amendments to their preliminary plans since first approved in 2005. There is additional grading and dirt work that needs to be done in order to incorporated and accommodate the lots in the floodplain, along with a few minor changes. The city engineer has reviewed their plans and recommends approval. A motion was made by Bender, second by Ham to approve the amended preliminary plans for phase 3 of Kelly Point Addition – all voted yes, motion carried.

*November Code Enforcement/Building Permit Report: City Code Enforcer/Building Inspector, Paul Clarke updated the Board on various building inspections he has performed and code violations that have been addressed. Clarke noted that he has issued a temporary certificate of occupancy for Central States so they can begin inside work. Final completion of the building is expected within the next month or two. He is also working with the property owners at 201 E Highway 38 regarding a code issue.

*Update on code violation at 202 N Eastern: The city has been dealing with a code violation at 202 N Eastern. A metal roof was placed upon the residence a few years ago, which was against city regulations. The property owner at the time the metal roof was placed upon the residence has been ordered by the courts to pay the city fine for violation of the Hartford Zoning Regulations. Since the violation has been addressed and since the current property owner had no knowledge of this violation when they purchased the home in 2010, it was the consensus of the Planning and Zoning Board to allow the roof to remain as is until such a time that it is altered, replaced or removed - once the roof is altered, replaced or removed, all zoning codes and applicable building standards will apply.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Mitchell, second by Ham, to adjourn at 7:38 pm - all voted yes, motion carried.

Minutes recorded by City Administrator, Teresa Sidel


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