March - 4th Grade- Calvert Elementary

Homework Calendar: November 30-December 11, 2014

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |

|30: Complete the facts below. |1: Use a tape diagram to solve. Kaleb was playing a |2; Use a tape diagram to help you solve. For a |3; Use a tape diagram to help you solve. Paul read 12 |

| |video game. It took him eight lives to beat the first |fundraiser Jerry earned four dollars. Sarah earned |books during the month of August. Jeff read four |

|56 is 8 times as many as ______. |world. It took eight times as many to beat the second |four times as much as Jerry earned. How much did Sarah|times as many books as Paul. How many books did Jeff |

| |world. How many lives did he use on the second world? |earn? |read? |

|63 is 9 times as many as ______. | | | |

| | | | |

|48 is 8 times as many as ______. | | | |

| | | | |

|72 is 9 times as many as _______. | | | |

| | | | |

|24 is 8 times as many as _______. | | | |

| | | | |

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|8: Gumball Factory makes 27 sticks of gum per day. |9: Jenn are 24 bags filled with coins. Jill has twice|10: The MovieTime theater has 8 screening rooms. The |11: The Paper Producer makes 36 sheets of |

|Gumball Empire makes 3 times as many sticks of gum per|as many bags filled with coins as Jenn does. How many|Mega Movie theater has 4 times as many screening rooms|construction paper per hour. The Paper Party makes 5 |

|day. How many sticks of gum does the Gumball Empire |bags of coins does Jill have? Use a tape diagram to |as the MovieTime theater. How many screening rooms |times as many sheets at the Paper Producer. How many |

|make each day. Use a tape diagram to solve. |solve. |does the Mega Movie theater have? Use a tape diagram |sheets of construction paper does the Paper Party make|

| | |to solve. |per hour? Create a tape diagram to solve. |

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4th Grade Spelling Menu

Suggested list of activities to practice your words.

|Spelling List | | | | |

|Test window: |Write out your spelling words once as given|Write out each word forward |Rewrite the words, writing |Type all of the words once (make sure |

|Dec. 14-18 |and then once in alphabetical order. |and then backward. |consonants in red and vowels in blue. |only proper nouns are capitalized). |

| | |Ex: spell - lleps | | |

|internet | | | | |

|international | | | | |

|interfere | | | | |

|interest | | | | |

|intermural | | | | |

|interlude | | | | |

|intercept | | | | |

|intermediate | | | | |

|internal | | | | |

|interweave | | | | |

|permeate | | | | |

|percolate | | | | |

|perforate | | | | |

|persist | | | | |

|perfect | | | | |

|permanent | | | | |

|perspective | | | | |

|perfume | | | | |

|perspiration | | | | |

|permit | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Write each word 3 times – |Classify the words according to number of |Cut the words out |Write an original story using all |

| |1 time-printed |syllables and show the syllable division |of magazines or newspapers and make a |spelling words. Underline or highlight |

| |2nd time-cursive |(Ex: spell/ing) |collage. |spelling words |

| |3rd time-colored |Use a dictionary for help. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Have an adult give you a practice test. |Make a word search on graph paper or using |Step Spelling for each word |Use each word in a meaningful sentence |

| |Correct it and write any missed words five |. |M |(one words per sentence & underline or |

| |times each. Have your test singed by adult.|Don’t forget to write a list of the words to |Ma |highlight |

| | |be searched. |May |spelling words). |

| | | | | |

| |Write out your spelling words and then find|Classify the words according to |Use each word in a meaningful sentence|Have an adult quiz you on the week’s |

| |the value of each of your spelling words. |part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) |(two words per sentence & underline or|words. Correct it. Any missed words |

| |(a=$.01, b=$.02, etc.) |Ex: spelling=noun |highlight spelling words). |must be written in a sentence and |

| |Ex: spelling= $0.94 | | |signed by adult. |

4th Grade Modified Spelling Menu

Suggested list of activities to practice your words.

|Spelling List | | | | |

|Test window: |Write out your spelling words once as given |Write out each word forward |Rewrite the words, writing |Type all of the words once (make sure |

|Dec 14-18 |and then once in alphabetical order. |and then backward. |consonants in red and vowels in blue. |only proper nouns are capitalized). |

|internet | |Ex: spell - lleps | | |

|interfere | | | | |

|interest | | | | |

|intercept | | | | |

|internal | | | | |

|persist | | | | |

|perfect | | | | |

|perspective | | | | |

|perfume | | | | |

|10. permit | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Write each word 3 times – |Classify the words according to number of |Cut the words out |Write an original story using all |

| |1 time-printed |syllables and show the syllable division |of magazines or newspapers and make a |spelling words. Underline or highlight |

| |2nd time-cursive |(Ex: spell/ing) |collage. |spelling words |

| |3rd time-colored |Use a dictionary for help. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Have an adult give you a practice test. |Make a word search on graph paper or using |Step Spelling for each word |Use each word in a meaningful sentence |

| |Correct it and write any missed words five |. |M |(one words per sentence & underline or |

| |times each. Have your test singed by adult. |Don’t forget to write a list of the words to be|Ma |highlight |

| | |searched. |May |spelling words). |

| | | | | |

| |Write out your spelling words and then find |Classify the words according to |Use each word in a meaningful sentence |Have an adult quiz you on the week’s |

| |the value of each of your spelling words. |part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) |(two words per sentence & underline or |words. Correct it. Any missed words must|

| |(a=$.01, b=$.02, etc.) |Ex: spelling=noun |highlight spelling words). |be written in a sentence and signed by |

| |Ex: spelling= $0.94 | | |adult. |


← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice

← Reading _____min Initials

← Spelling Practice


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