4th Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives

EOG Item Distribution for 4th Grade:

Goal #1: 5-10%

Goal #2: 60-65%

Goal #3: 25-30%

2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary (e.g. reread the text, consult other sources, ask for help, paraphrase, and question).

In line ____, what is the meaning of _____?

What does the word _____ mean in this selection?

According to paragraph ___, what does the word ____ mean?

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading by setting a purpose, using prior knowledge and text information, making predictions, formulating questions, locating relevant information, and making connections with previous experiences, information and ideas.

Of all the items mentioned in the project, which acts most like a _____?

Which step should go in Box 11.?

In which step should a person making this recipe be most careful?

What is the most likely reason the author asked several questions in the first paragraph?

In “__________________”, what is the purpose of the two subtitles in bold print?

According to the selection, what is the main reason ____ are interested in ____?

According to the selection, which statement is true?

What created the mood of ____?

In this selection, what is the purpose of the information in parenthesis?

What will most likely happen later in the play?

Which question should be asked to find out more information than the selection gives about _____?

Which of the following is most similar to the experience described in this selection?

Who would most likely need _____’s invention?

2.02d locating relevant information

Using the timeline, how long will it take ____?

What does ____ think of ______ at the beginning of the play?

With what does _____ compare himself?

Based on the selection, when _____?

Who _____?

According to the selection, what are _____?

Look at the web. Which of the following would complete the web? (one center bubble with 3 bubbles attached)

About what had the guide cautioned the riders?

What did Mrs. Hempstead do when she heard about Kelly’s dilemma?

Which statement is a fact from this selection?

What kind of ______

Look at this web. (noun box at top, with 3 descriptors of the noun below it connected by lines) Which word best completes this web?

Look at this table. (a two category table with a missing characteristic) Which of the following habits would best complete the table?

According to the selection, how _____?

During what time frame does _____?

Look at the story outline. (numbered boxes in a descending vertical order showing sequence) Which of these statements belongs in the empty box?

What was the first direction for making…?

What happened before ________?

Which of the following is true of _____

Which item best completes the graphic organizer? (organizer is a vertical flow map listing a sequence of missing items. Student would need to locate the items in the selection to see where to find the missing entry)

Why did the narrator (referring to the author writing from their perspective)_____?

2.02e making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas

_____’s discussion with Dad is most like which of the following?

How are archaeologists like detectives?

With which statement would _____ most likely agree?

Which experience most likely helped the author write this selection?

Which resource would most likely give more information about ____? (answers include a dictionary, a magazine, a book, a brochure)

2.03 Read a variety of texts.

Why does the recipe include the list of things at the beginning?

2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the plot, theme, main idea and supporting details, author’s choice of words, mood and author’s use of figurative language.

What is the setting of the selection?

What is the most likely reason the picture of _____ is included in this selection?

Which would best fit if added to the selection?

Which things are most important in this recipe?

What is the main reason _____?

What was most likely the situation at the beginning of the selection?

What is this story meant to explain?

2.04c main idea and supporting details

What is the main idea of this selection?

Which of these events occurred first in the story?

What was the conflict in the play?

What is the main idea of the third stanza?

What is the main idea of this selection?

*What type of organization did the author most likely use when writing this selection? Answer choices: cause and effect situation, comparing and contrasting ideas, describing events, problem and solution

What is this story mostly about? (each answer is a paragraph giving a summary)

Look at the web. (a bubble map but not with descriptors, instead using details) Which of the following would complete the web?

Look at the following graphic organizer. (a rectangle with a topic and four details below, one of them with ?) Which of these phrases from the story would complete the graphic organizer?

Which of the following is a fact from the selection?

What is the problem in this story?

What influenced the creation of _____’s characters?

According to the schedule, what would the class be doing during the guided tour of _____?

What caused _____ to become interested in ________?

2.04d author’s choice of words

How does the author best describe the ______?

What does the author mean by ____________/_______________ (lines quoted from poem between backward slashes) in lines 31-32?

How does the judge settle the dispute between ____ and _____?

2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support by referencing the text.

What would a ____ probably do if _____?

How does _____feel after ______?

What does the line, “________” mean?

Which word best describes this _____ feelings about _____?

What will _____ most likely do the next time _____?

In the future, what will most likely happen?

Why are quotation marks used in this story? (to show what is actually spoken by each character)

What is the most likely reason the …?

According to the selection, what does an ______ most likely _____?

Why does ______ give _______ a big hug?

Look at the Venn diagram. Which of these statements would complete the diagram? (missing statement is in center)

Which of the following will ______and ______ most likely tell their friends about their mule ride?

Mom and Dad know that ______ is serious about the ______, because he did which of the following?

What is the most likely reason Mom and Dad will consider ________’s idea?

According to the selection, what was the reason ______?

How did _______ solve the mystery in the selection?

Which of the following is necessary for a ______?

What was ________’s goal for being ______?

Which is the best meaning of the word_______?

What is the most likely reason _______?

If ______ was still ________, what would he most likely do?

What was ______’s reaction to _____?

What person most likely made ______?

People who decided to go to this event are most likely to have which of the following interests?

If ______ and _____ have a successful performance, what will they most likely do next?

How are _____ and _______ different?

How are _____ and ______’s feelings similar at the end of this selection similar?

What information from the selection best supports the fact that _____?

Which fact best supports the idea that _____?

What is ______ doing in lines 13 – 16?

What are the benefits of _____ over _____?

2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction texts to clarify and retain information and ideas.

Which of these would be the best summary for this selection?

What is the best summary for this reading selection?

If the author added a sentence at the end of paragraph 5, which would fit best?

Which question is answered in lines 5 – 8?

Which sentence is the best summary of what happens in the poem?

2.07 Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with purpose.

What is the author’s purpose for writing…?

Which statement best describes the author’s purpose?

Which text feature has the author included to help the reader better understand the selection?

What is the purpose of this selection?

What is the author’s purpose in the second paragraph?

Why did the author most likely include the last paragraph?

Why did the author most likely write this selection?

Why does the author use parenthesis in paragraph 7?

By the end of the story, what lesson was learned?

In line 21, the author wrote _______*. What is the most likely reason a * was used after the word _______?

How does the author help the reader understand how much….?

3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by analyzing the impact of author’s word choice and context, examining the reasons for character’s actions, identifying and examining character’s motives, considering a situation or problem from different characters’ point of view, analyzing differences among genres, making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters, events, and themes.

When _______ escaped, how did _______ feel?

After reading the announcement about play auditions, how did ______ feel?

What did _______most likely mean by saying, “….?

What is the most likely reason the author rhymes lines 1, 2, and 3 in each stanza?

What does the author of the poem most likely think about…?

How does the author most likely feel about …?

What is the most likely reason the author describes her own experiences in this selection?

With which statement would ______ most likely agree?

Why did the author most likely begin his story by saying, “_________”?

What lesson should _____ have learned from his experience with ____?

3.01b examining the reasons for characters' actions

Based on the selection, why was _______ confused about….?

3.01d considering a situation or problem from different characters' points of view

What was the main problem in the story?

How does _____ most likely feel about _____?

3.01f making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters, events, and themes

Look at the character web.( an oval on the left with a character’s name connected by lines to 3 ovals on the right, one of which has a ?) Which of these statements would complete the character web?

Which best explains the moral of this story?

What characteristics do _____ most likely possess?

Based on paragraphs 3 through 8, which best describes how the narrator (author writing from their personal perspective) feels?

How did the narrator change from the beginning to the end of the selection?

Which best describes (a character)?

3.02 Analyze characters, events, and plots within and between selections and cite supporting evidence.

Based on the events in the selection, which of the following character traits best describe fox?

According to the selection, what do _____ and _____ have in common?

Which of these events happened first in ______’s life?

According to the selection, how are______ and_______ similar?

How is the______ different from most_______?

3.03 Consider the ways language and visuals bring characters to life, enhance plot development, and produce a response.

Based on the selection, how does a student obtain a script?

Why is this poem written so that the lines curve?

What kind of place does the author describe in paragraph __?

In paragraph ___, why is ____ compared to ______?

What is the purpose of using words such as _____ and ____ in the selection?

3.05 Analyze and integrate information from one or more sources to expand understanding of text including graphs, charts, and/or maps.

Why does the author most likely include______?


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