Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools
Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools
Recommended 4th Grade Pacing Guide/Curriculum Document
North Carolina: Geography & History
Developed 2008
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*for a detailed set of Graphic Organizers, go to the following website:
The goal of the 4th grade North Carolina: Geography & History pacing guide/curriculum document is to establish a realistic pacing, based on 145 -160 actual instructional days, full of suggested ideas to successfully cover the curriculum during the school year; the document should undergo review and revisions as necessary. Relevant (and helpful) information is included for teachers to use based on best teaching practices that are research-based, so that teachers can use such resources to modify their instruction and empower them to develop features (such as Essential Questions) on their own.
Preparing students for the workplace, college, and an increasingly global society lies at the heart of Social Studies instruction. With the new graduation focus on preparing students for the 21st Century workplace, it has become even more important to develop strong academic students and prepare them in the best way possible to succeed in a global society.
How can the Pacing Guides be used?
• To guide instructional pacing so that key areas receive proper attention by including helpful information such as…
o Suggested number of days per unit
o Thematic concepts in each unit
o Key Terms/People/Places/Events – factual material to recognize and recall
o Vocabulary to help build a child’s academic abilities through word walls and word maps
o Target Goals for students to accomplish by the end of units
o Global connections that can be extensions of the NC Standard Course of Study
o The NC Standard Course of Study for easy reference
• To establish quarterly benchmark goals for the units of study that will ensure a rich and complete curriculum. Students who transfer from one school to another during the school year can best be served by shared pacing between our schools.
• To foster collaborative planning among novice and master teachers by providing suggested curriculum elements (essential questions, global connections, vocabulary, )
• Pacing Guides will be made public to students and parents via website:
• Pacing Guides will be evaluated at the end of the first year and any district-wide recommendations will lead to revisions as needed. This is a living document and must continue to be perfected as years go by.
Table of Contents
1-3. Introduction & Features of Pacing Guide/Curriculum Document
4-5. Overview of Pacing Guide Features
Overview of Curriculum Document
6-20. WSFCS Pacing Guide/Curriculum Document for North Carolina Studies: Quarters 1-4
• NC DPI’s Bloom-Marzano Hybrid Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels (to help develop effective questions)
• An Item Shells Approach to formulating questions for each cognitive level
We extend deep gratitude and appreciation to all the 4th grade teachers who provided feedback and suggestions for this document.
2008-2009 WS/FCS Recommended 4th Grade Pacing Guide
at a Glance
|Unit |1st Q |2nd Q |3rd Q |4th Q |Current Adoption |
| | | | | |Harcourt |
|Introduction to 4th grade-opening of school |√-5 days | | | |[Units] |
|North Carolina: Its Land & Its Regions/ In Focus: CG 1 |√-11-12 days | | | |1 (lessons 1-3) |
|North Carolina’s People & Movement/ |√- 8-9 days | | | |1 |
|In Focus: CG 1 | | | | |(lessons 4 & 5) |
|Early History of North Carolina (pre-Columbian-American Revolution)/ |√-13-14 days |√-15-16 days (begin with | | |2 |
|In Focus: CG 3 |(stop at the end of lesson 3)|lesson 4) | | | |
|History of North Carolina: Statehood to Civil Rights (1780s-1960s)/ | |√-23-24 days | | |3 |
|In Focus: CG 3 | | | | | |
|People & Cultural Diversity in North Carolina Today/ In Focus: CGs 2 & 5/ | | |√-38-40 days | |4 & 6/ 5 (lessons|
|CG 4 (objectives 4.01 & 4.02) | | | | |1-2) |
|Government & Citizenship in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 4 | | | |√-15-16 days |5 (lessons 3-5) |
|Economic Decisions & Resources in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 6 | | | |√-15-16 days |7 |
|Technology in North Carolina | | | |√-7-8 days |8 |
|In Focus: CG 7 | | | | | |
|UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | Technology in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 7 |
| | | | |
|Suggested |19-20 |Unit Essential Question |How has technology improved our lives? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Changes in movement: |7.01 Cite examples from North Carolina's|Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|How do we benefit from modern |history of the impact of technology. |communication |aviation |discuss how technology has changed lives |
|transportation? |7.02 Analyze the effect of technology on|wireless |satellite |throughout North Carolina history |
|How do we benefit when ideas move? |North Carolina's citizens, past and |global connectivity |Internet |show how technology can be used to improve|
| |present. |technology |mechanized |lives |
|Technology changes our lives: |7.03 Explain how technology changed and | |e-commerce | |
|How has technology changed people’s lives in|influenced the movement of people, |Terms/People/Places/Events: |aerospace |Global Connections: |
|NC? |goods, and ideas over time. |Research Triangle Park |telecommute |Talk about technology projects that |
|Which inventions have improved how we live? |7.04 Analyze the effect of technology on|Charlotte Douglas International Airport |data |improve |
|How can technology improve lives? |North Carolina citizens today. |Greensboro-Triad International Airport | | |
|How does technology make your life better? |7.05 Identify the advantages and |James Duke | | |
| |disadvantages of technology in the lives|Reynolds family | | |
| |of North Carolinians. |Satellites | | |
| | |Susan Helms | | |
| | |The Internet | | |
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2008-2009 WS/FCS Recommended 4th Grade Pacing Guide
at a Glance
|Unit |1st Q |2nd Q |3rd Q |4th Q |Current Adoption |
| | | | | |Harcourt |
|Introduction to 4th grade-opening of school |√-5 days | | | |[Units] |
|North Carolina: Its Land & Its Regions/ In Focus: CG 1 |√-11-12 days | | | |1 (lessons 1-3) |
|North Carolina’s People & Movement/ |√- 8-9 days | | | |1 |
|In Focus: CG 1 | | | | |(lessons 4 & 5) |
|Early History of North Carolina (pre-Columbian-American Revolution)/ |√-13-14 days |√-15-16 days (begin with | | |2 |
|In Focus: CG 3 |(stop at the end of lesson 3)|lesson 4) | | | |
|History of North Carolina: Statehood to Civil Rights (1780s-1960s)/ | |√-23-24 days | | |3 |
|In Focus: CG 3 | | | | | |
|People & Cultural Diversity in North Carolina Today/ In Focus: CGs 2 & 5/ | | |√-38-40 days | |4 & 6/ 5 (lessons|
|CG 4 (objectives 4.01 & 4.02) | | | | |1-2) |
|Government & Citizenship in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 4 | | | |√-15-16 days |5 (lessons 3-5) |
|Economic Decisions & Resources in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 6 | | | |√-15-16 days |7 |
|Technology in North Carolina | | | |√-7-8 days |8 |
|In Focus: CG 7 | | | | | |
1. Coastal Plain
2. Outer Banks
3. The Piedmont
4. Appalachian Mountains
5. Yadkin River
6. the Triangle
7. the Triad
8. Blue Ridge Parkway
9. lighthouses
10. Cherokee
11. Christopher Columbus
12. Sir Walter Raleigh
13. Underground Railroad
14. the Lost Colony
15. proprietors
16. Blackbeard
17. Anne Bonny
18. indentured servants
19. Moravians
20. Salem
21. Daniel Boone & the Cumberland Gap
22. French & Indian War
23. Boston Tea Party
24. Edenton Tea Party
25. Mecklenberg & Halifax Resolves
26. Raleigh
27. 1835 Constitution
28. Trail of Tears
29. Lumbee
30. Confederate States of America
31. Reconstruction
32. Emancipation Proclamation
33. Abraham Lincoln
34. 14th & 15th Amendments
35. assembly line
36. Wright Brothers & Kitty Hawk, NC
37. Great Depression
38. New Deal
39. World War II
40. Greensboro Sit-Ins
41. African Americans
42. Asian Americans
43. Hispanic Americans
44. Old Salem
45. State Fairs
46. North Carolina Constitution
47. NC General Assembly
48. State Treasurer
49. State Attorney General
50. NC Governor
51. Forsyth County Officials
52. Jesse Helms
53. Maya Angelou
54. Romare Bearden
55. Billy Graham
56. James Duke
57. Fort Bragg
58. Camp Lejeune
59. High Point Furniture Market
60. Research Triangle Park
61. Reynolds Family
62. the Internet
63. textile industry
64. Greensboro Triad International Airport
65. Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
4th-Grade Pacing Guide – North Carolina
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | North Carolina: Its Land & Its Regions/ In Focus: CG 1 |
| | | | |
|Suggested | 11-12 |Unit Essential Question |What makes North Carolina a geographically diverse state? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Geography: |1.01 Locate, in absolute and relative |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|How do the five themes of geography help us |terms, major landforms, bodies of water |geography |absolute location |refer back to the 5 themes of geography to|
|describe NC? |and natural resources in North Carolina.|location |relative location |answer questions & explore NC. |
|How would you describe North Carolina using |1.02 Describe and compare physical and |landforms |plateau |identify major geographic features of |
|geographic terms? |cultural characteristics of the regions.|climate |river system |North Carolina. |
| |1.03 Suggest some influences that |regions |natural resources |understand what makes a region. |
|Regions: |location has on life in North Carolina |movement |region |identify local decisions made by people. |
|What makes a certain area a region? |such as major cities, recreation areas, |human-environmental relationships |culture | |
|Ho would you describe your region? |industry, and farms. |culture |descendents |Global Connections: |
| |1.04 Evaluate ways the people of North |resources |urban |Students can compare NC’s geography to |
|Location: |Carolina used, modified, and adapted to |bodies of water |tourism |other areas of the world |
|How does location help people make |the physical environment, past and | |industry |Teachers can research other areas with a |
|decisions? |present. |Terms/People/Places/Events: |rural |similar geographic makeup to NC |
| |1.05 Assess human movement as it relates|Coastal Plain |physical environment |(Argentina, Southern France/Northern |
|Human-Environmental Interactions: |to the physical environment. |Outer Banks | |Italy, Central California, etc) |
|Which natural features of NC do you think | |The Piedmont | |Students can analyze how regions around |
|attract people to visit? | |Appalachian Mountains (Great Smoky & Blue | |the world also affect people |
| | |Ridge Mountains) | | |
| | |East. Continental Divide | | |
| | |Yadkin River | | |
| | |High Rock Lake | | |
| | |The Triangle | | |
| | |The Triad | | |
| | |textile industries | | |
| | |Intracoastal Waterway | | |
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | North Carolina’s People & Movement/ In Focus: CG 1 |
| | | | |
|Suggested | 8-9 |Unit Essential Question | How does North Carolina’s geography affect how we live? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Adaptation: |1.01 Locate, in absolute and relative |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|Why do people need to adapt to their |terms, major landforms, bodies of water |adaptation |adapt |understand what measures people take to |
|environment? |and natural resources in North Carolina.|settlement |modify |adapt to the environment. |
|How do people use the environment to help |1.02 Describe and compare physical and |modifying the environment |hydroelectricity |determine how the land can be used for |
|themselves? |cultural characteristics of the regions.|migration |migration |survival and for profit. |
| |1.03 Suggest some influences that | |elevation |explain how geography can help or hinder |
|Movement: |location has on life in North Carolina |Terms/People/Places/Events: |frontier |movement. |
|In what ways can the environment help or |such as major cities, recreation areas, |the Coastal Plain |travel |trace migration (and immigration) |
|halt movement? |industry, and farms. |the Piedmont |settle |throughout NC. |
|Why has travel changed over time? |1.04 Evaluate ways the people of North |plantations | | |
|How has movement changed ? |Carolina used, modified, and adapted to |naval stores | |Global Connections: |
| |the physical environment, past and |Grandfather Mountain | |What immigrant groups have settled NC over|
| |present. |Blue Ridge Parkway | |its history? |
| |1.05 Assess human movement as it relates|lighthouses | |How many languages are spoken at home by |
| |to the physical environment. |Cape Hatteras (“Graveyard of the Atlantic”)| |students in WS/FCS? |
| | |Great Wagon Road | |Teachers can share other periods of human |
| | |Cherokee | |movement. (Africa, China today, other |
| | | | |parts of the US, etc.) |
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: |Early History of North Carolina (pre-Columbian-American Revolution)/In Focus: CG 3 |
| | | | |
|Suggested | 28-30 |Unit Essential Question |How did the settlement of North Carolina lead to independence from Britain? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|First Settlers of North Carolina: |3.01 Assess changes in ways of living |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|Use an American Indian group to answer: “How|over time and determine whether the |tribal societies |government |explain human adaptation to the |
|does geography help groups develop their own|changes are primarily political, |(coastal) life |democracy |environment through a specific Amer. |
|culture?” |economic, or social. |System (of government) |ceremony |Indian group in NC |
|What are some differences between NC’s |3.02 Identify people, symbols, events, |exploration |confederation |see how land is used to gain/maintain |
|American Indian groups? |and documents associated with North |colonization |colony |power. |
| |Carolina's history. |rebellion |expedition |discuss “push” and “pull” factors for |
|European Exploration: |3.03 Examine the Lost Colony and explain|piracy |governor |European settlers. |
|Why were European explorers attracted to |its importance in the settlement of |economic changes |raw material |understand why the Lost Colony is key to |
|North Carolina? |North Carolina. |slavery |cash crops |understanding the struggles colonists |
|What caused Europeans to leave their |3.04 Compare and contrast ways in which |pioneer |charter |faced in adapting to NC. |
|homelands? |people, goods, and ideas moved in the |immigration |assembly |make connections between the Colonial |
| |past with their movement today. |generations |tax |period & reasons for independence. |
|Colonial Period: |3.05 Describe the political and social |representational government |royal colony |understand slavery’s existence in NC’s |
|Why did the Carolina colony change from a |history of colonial North Carolina and |boycott |backcountry |colonial period and how independence |
|proprietary colony to a royal colony? |analyze its influence on the state |revolution |pioneer |affected slaves. |
| |today. | |treaty | |
|Why do you think settlers eventually | |Terms/People/Places/Events: |barter | |
|migrated to the Piedmont? | |Bath |independence | |
|How was settling the mountains different | |Town Creek Indian Mound |representation |Global Connections: |
|than the other regions of NC? | |Iroquoian groups |protest |Students can compare/contrast NC American |
|Why were pirates seen as dangerous? | |the Catawba |revolution |Indian groups to those from other parts of|
| | |longhouses & wigwams |constitution |the US & the Americas. |
|American Revolution: | |Cherokee |bill of rights |Connect the Lost Colony & other European |
|Why did many North Carolinians want to be | |lacrosse | |settlers with events in Europe that |
|free of British rule? | |Christopher Columbus | |influenced their thinking (and caused them|
|Why was rebellion such a hard decision for | |Giovanni de Verrazano-Northwest Passage | |to leave). |
|many people? | |Sir Walter Raleigh | |Identify ways the American Revolution |
|Did the Revolutionary War provide the rebels| |The Lost Colony | |influenced other revolutions in South |
|what they wanted? | |Carolina | |America & France. |
|Whose lives were hardly changed by the | |proprietors | |Consider/investigate the question: How do|
|revolution? | |Culpepper’s rebellion | |new immigrants to NC relate to NC’s |
| | |Blackbeard | |history? |
| | |Anne Bonny | | |
| | |indentured servants | | |
| | |Moravians (Wachovia, Bethabara, & Bethania)| | |
| | |Salem | | |
| | |Wilderness Road | | |
| | |Daniel Boone & Cumberland Gap | | |
| | |French & Indian War (results) | | |
| | |Boston Tea Party | | |
| | |Edenton Tea Party | | |
| | |Mecklenberg & Halifax Resolves | | |
| | |Battle of Guilford Courthouse | | |
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | History of North Carolina: Statehood to Civil Rights (1780s-1960s)/ In Focus: CG 3 |
| | | | |
|Suggested | 23-24 |Unit Essential Question |How did North Carolina change over time? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Early Statehood: |3.01 Assess changes in ways of living |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|What struggles did people face in early |over time and determine whether the |government |capital |judge the biggest struggles a young NC |
|North Carolina? |changes are primarily political, |education (public/ private schools) |country |faced. |
|In what ways was slavery a complicated |economic, or social. |abolish |capitol |understand what led to the Civil War AND |
|issue? |3.02 Identify people, symbols, events, |secession |slavery |how it changed NC. |
|Why did NC adopt a new constitution? |and documents associated with North |technology |abolitionists |explain how changes in technology & |
|Why was the movement of American Indians to |Carolina's history. |communication |civil war |communication changed NC. |
|the west known as the “Trail of Tears”? |3.03 Examine the Lost Colony and explain|transportation |states’ rights |judge which challenge in the early 20th C |
| |its importance in the settlement of |rationing |secede |had the most impact in NC. |
|The Civil War: |North Carolina. |patriotism |blockade |explain why people fight for their |
|What were some ways that slavery was |3.04 Compare and contrast ways in which |(workers’) rights |amendment |beliefs. |
|opposed? |people, goods, and ideas moved in the |(women’s) rights |sharecropper | |
|Why did North Carolina secede from the |past with their movement today. | |technology |Global Connections: |
|Union? |3.05 Describe the political and social |Terms/People/Places/Events: |manufacturing |How did the early statehood in NC relate |
|How did the results of the Civil War change |history of colonial North Carolina and |Tar Heel |stock |to other young democracies around the |
|the lives of all people? |analyze its influence on the state |Raleigh (state capital) |depression |world? |
| |today. |Archibald Murphey |unemployment |What other civil wars have played an |
| | |1835 Constitution |rationed |important role? (English, Mexican |
| | |plan roads |suffrage |Revolution, China-Taiwan, etc.) |
|Late 19th Century: | |tolls |labor union | |
|Why do you think Reconstruction did not | |Indian Removal Act |segregation |How have technology & communication |
|succeed? | |Trail of Tears |civil rights |brought the world together? |
|How did technology improve transportation? | |Underground Railroad |amending |Connect NC’s role in events of the 20th C |
|How did technology improve communication? | |Levi Coffin | |to the rest of the US and the World. |
| | |Harriet Jacobs | |Look at other fights for change (Examples:|
|20th Century: | |Confederate States of America | |Gandhi, Mother Teresa, South |
|What do you think was the biggest challenge | |Zebulon Vance | |Africa-apartheid, etc.) |
|North Carolina faced in the early 20th | |ironclads | | |
|century? | |Bentonville | | |
|Explain how people’s lives improved because | |Robert E. Lee | | |
|of groups fighting for change. | |William Tecumseh Sherman | | |
|What issues do you think are important in NC| |Reconstruction | | |
|today? | |Emancipation Proclamation & 13th Amendment | | |
| | |Abraham Lincoln | | |
| | |14th and 15th Amendments | | |
| | |Freedmen’s Bureau | | |
| | |locomotive | | |
| | |telegraphs | | |
| | |assembly line | | |
| | |Henry Ford | | |
| | |Wright brothers & Kitty Hawk, NC | | |
| | |Fort Bragg, NC | | |
| | |war bonds | | |
| | |Great Depression | | |
| | |New Deal | | |
| | |World War II | | |
| | |Gertrude Weil | | |
| | |Greensboro Sit-In | | |
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: |People & Cultural Diversity in North Carolina Today/ |
| |In Focus: CGs 2 & 5/ CG 4 (objectives 4.01 & 4.02) |
| | | | |
|Suggested |38-40 |Unit Essential Question |How does the diversity of people in North Carolina make all groups stronger? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|American Indians: |2.01 Locate and describe American |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|Explain which American Indian group you |Indians in North Carolina, past and |ethnicity |ethnic group |identify the various immigrant groups that|
|would like to know more about. |present. |writing system |recognized |came to NC, starting with the first |
| |2.02 Trace the growth and development of|immigration vs. migration |petition |settlers & ending with modern-day |
|Immigrants: |immigration to North Carolina, over time|ancestry |powwows |immigrants. |
|Which immigrant groups live in your |from Europe, Asia, and Latin America.. |multi-ethnic & multi-racial |diverse |find similarities among the various ethnic|
|community? (neighborhood, county, region, |2.03 Describe the similarities and |culture (and multi-cultural) |immigrant |groups in the state. |
|school) |differences among people of North |preservation |migrant worker |assess how diversity has benefited the |
| |Carolina, past and present. |celebration |heritage |state economically, socially & |
|NC’s Diversity: |2.04 Describe how different ethnic |artistry |custom |politically. |
|What unites all cultures in our state? |groups have influenced culture, customs |professional sports |tradition |make connections between ethnic groups and|
| |and history of North Carolina. |regional diversity |pastime |NC’s traditions, celebrations, and |
|Traditions & Customs: |4.01 Assess and evaluate the importance |religious diversity |holiday |festivals. |
|Why has it been important to preserve |of regional diversity on the development|denominations/sects & other divisions |patriotism |understand how diversity and art forms are|
|traditions? |of economic, social, and political |within a faith |festival |intertwined. |
|Why do people hold celebrations? |institutions in North Carolina. | |potters | |
|Which NC artform most interests you? |4.02 Identify religious groups that have|Terms/People/Places/Events: |quilting | |
| |influenced life in North Carolina and |Lumbee |bluegrass | |
| |assess the impact of their beliefs. |American Indian |clogging | |
|Why is Old Salem visited by so many people |5.01 Explain different celebrated |Cherokee |shag | |
|each year? |holidays, special days, and cultural |Sequoyah |wildlife refuge | |
| |traditions in North Carolina |African immigrants |hurricanes |Global Connections: |
|Regional Diversity: |communities. |European immigrants (Western Europeans) |service workers |By focusing this unit on the roles that |
|What makes each region unique? |5.02 Describe traditional art, music, |African Americans |hub |various immigrants have played in NC |
|How do people adapt to regional diversity? |and craft forms in North Carolina. |Asian Americans (Far East, South Asians, |religious toleration |history, students will be making global |
|In what ways do you think the Piedmont Triad|5.03 Describe and compare the cultural |Middle Eastern) | |connections; however, you can select |
|is special? |characteristics of regions within North |Hispanic Americans (Mexican, Central | |another region and see how immigrants |
| |Carolina and evaluate their |American, South American, Caribbean, | |affected society. (Examples: US west |
|Religious Diversity: |significance. |Spaniards) | |coast, Central American immigrants to |
|How does learning about other people’s | |Barbeque Festival | |Mexico, African slaves to the Caribbean, |
|religions help our society become stronger? | |state museums | |Europe today-especially South Asian and |
|In what ways have different religions | |historical sites | |Arab immigrants, etc.) |
|adapted to NC culture? | |Old Salem | | |
| | |stock car racing | | |
| | |Fiesta del Pueblo (“Fiesta!”-Winston-Salem)| | |
| | |& other ethnic festivals—Greek, Chinese, | | |
| | |Indian, etc. | | |
| | |State Fair (and Dixie Classic) | | |
| | |Seagrove (pottery) | | |
| | |glassmaking | | |
| | |NC School of the Arts | | |
| | |Mint Museums | | |
| | |Highland Games | | |
| UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | Government & Citizenship in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 4 |
| | | | |
|Suggested | 15-16 |Unit Essential Question |How does government benefit from its citizens? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Citizenship: |4.01 Assess and evaluate the importance |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|How can you be an active citizen? |of regional diversity on the development|rule of law |citizen |understand the principles behind the NC |
|What types of benefits can we receive from |of economic, social, and political |political rights |public office |constitution. |
|volunteering to help others? |institutions in North Carolina. |human (or natural) rights |jury |analyze how government benefits us and how|
| |4.02 Identify religious groups that have|duties of citizens |political party |it can sometimes delay progress. |
|Government: |influenced life in North Carolina and |civic affairs |candidate |identify key leaders in NC history. |
|Why is having a government so important to |assess the impact of their beliefs. |volunteerism |volunteer |compare & contrast the roles of state & |
|all of us? |4.03 Explain the importance of | |legislative branch |local governments. |
|How does local government play an important |responsible citizenship and identify |Terms/People/Places/Events: |bills | |
|role in our lives? |ways North Carolinians can participate |North Carolina constitution |executive branch |Global Connections: |
| |in civic affairs. |volunteer organizations (i.e. YMCA, |budget |Look at how other countries view |
|Notable Tar Heels: |4.04 Examine ways North Carolinians |Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Sea |veto |government & citizenship. |
|Which North Carolina leader best served the |govern themselves and identify major |Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, |judicial branch |Discuss people not from NC, originally, |
|state? |government authorities at the local and |etc.) |appeal |who have had an impact on the state. |
|Explain which famous Tar Heel you are most |state level. |NC General Assembly |municipal | |
|interested in learning about? |4.05 Identify and assess the role of |State Treasurer |county seat | |
| |prominent persons in North Carolina, |State Attorney General |impeach | |
| |past and present. |NC Governor |inauguration | |
| | | |research | |
| | | | | |
| | |Forsyth County officials (Mayor, County | | |
| | |Commissioners, Sheriff, etc.) | | |
| | |Andrew Jackson | | |
| | |James Polk | | |
| | |Andrew Johnson | | |
| | |Jesse Helms | | |
| | |John Edwards | | |
| | |Elizabeth Dole | | |
| | |Richard Burr | | |
| | |Eva Clayton | | |
| | |Charlotte Hawkins Brown | | |
| | |Maya Angelou | | |
| | |Thomas Wolfe | | |
| | |“Doc” Watson | | |
| | |John Coltrane | | |
| | |Romare Bearden | | |
| | |Bob Timberlake | | |
| | |Billy Graham | | |
| | |Other notables: | | |
| | | | |
| | |_from_North_Carolina | | |
|UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | Economic Decisions & Resources in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 6 |
| | | | |
|Suggested |15-16 |Unit Essential Question |How do people benefit from North Carolina’s economy? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Economics: |6.01 Explain the relationship between |Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|Why does the economy change over time? |unlimited wants and limited resources. |banking |economic choices |identify which NC jobs produce overseas |
|Why is conservation an important economic |6.02 Analyze the choices and opportunity|wants vs. needs |consumers |exports. |
|choice? |cost involved in economic decisions. |renewable & nonrenewable resources |limited |identify which NC jobs have been lost to |
| |6.03 Categorize the state's resources as|conservation |trade-off |overseas markets. |
|Resources: |natural, human, or capital. |mixed farming |opportunity cost |analyze how businesses impact the |
|How is the environment affected by free |6.04 Assess how the state's natural |production |economy |environment, and sometimes benefit from |
|enterprise? |resources are being used. |finance |high-tech |it. |
|What types of natural resources are most |6.05 Recognize that money can be used |globalization |free enterprise |understand surplus & deficit. |
|important to NC? |for spending, saving, and paying taxes. |off-shoring |entrepreneur |explain smart decisions dealing with |
|Which service industries are key to NC’s |6.06 Analyze the relationship between |outsourcing |human resources |money. |
|economy? |government services and taxes. | |capital resources |connect division of labor and global |
| |6.07 Describe the ways North Carolina |Terms/People/Places/Events: |pollution |interconnectedness. |
|Money: |specializes in economic activity and the|factors of production |recycle | |
|Why is it important to use money wisely? |relationship between specialization and |landfill |income | |
|Why do we need taxes? |interdependence. |James Duke (Duke Power & Duke University) |interest |Global Connections: |
|How are division of labor and |6.08 Cite examples of interdependence in|Fort Bragg |invest |Look at how the world is becoming one big |
|interdependence related? |North Carolina's economy and evaluate |Camp Lejeune |specialize |market (Refer to NAFTA, the European |
| |the significance of economic |textile industry |division of labor |Union, etc.). |
| |relationships with other states and |furniture industry |interdependence |Have students examine products they have |
|Globalization: |nations. |High Point Furniture Market |international trade |and see where they are made. |
|Why must North Carolinians think globally? | |Farmers’ markets |exports |Have students think about what it takes to|
|(OR…) Why should you think about being a | |Wilmington (shipping port) |imports |become more “global”. |
|global citizen? | | | | |
|UNIT OF STUDY/THEME: | Technology in North Carolina/ In Focus: CG 7 |
| | | | |
|Suggested |7-8 |Unit Essential Question |How has technology improved our lives? |
|# of Days | | | |
|Examples of Lesson Essential Questions |SCOS Objectives |Key Concepts & Terms/People/Places/ |Vocabulary Builder |Target Goals & Global Connections |
| | |Events | | |
|Changes in Movement: |7.01 Cite examples from North Carolina's|Concepts: |Vocabulary: |Students should be able to… |
|How do we benefit from modern |history of the impact of technology. |communication |aviation |discuss how technology has changed lives |
|transportation? |7.02 Analyze the effect of technology on|wireless |satellite |throughout North Carolina history. |
|How do we benefit when ideas move? |North Carolina's citizens, past and |global connectivity |Internet |show how technology can be used to improve|
| |present. |technology |mechanized |lives. |
|Technology Changes Our Lives: |7.03 Explain how technology changed and | |e-commerce |elaborate on how the world is becoming |
|How has technology changed people’s lives in|influenced the movement of people, |Terms/People/Places/Events: |aerospace |smaller due to new technologies. |
|NC? |goods, and ideas over time. |Research Triangle Park |telecommute |(Examples: air travel, internet, satellite|
|Which inventions have improved how we live? |7.04 Analyze the effect of technology on|Charlotte Douglas International Airport |data |radio) |
|How can technology improve lives? |North Carolina citizens today. |Greensboro-Triad International Airport | |explain how ideas can move. |
|How does technology make your life better? |7.05 Identify the advantages and |James Duke | | |
| |disadvantages of technology in the lives|Reynolds family | |Global Connections: |
| |of North Carolinians. |Satellites | |Talk about technology projects that |
| | |Susan Helms | |improve lives around the world. |
| | |the Internet | |(Ex: wind power in the |
| | | | |Netherlands, bio-medic |
| | | | |clinics in India, |
| | | | |technology in Japan, car |
| | | | |plants in Mexico, etc.) |
NC Department of Public Instruction’s
Cognitive Level Model: Bloom-Marzano Hybrid (adopted-1989)
An Item Shells Approach to Formulating Questions for Each Cognitive Level
NCDPI Levels of Thinking & Reasoning (as adapted in 1989 from Bloom and Marzano)
NOTE: Knowledge, Organizing, & Applying are considered lower-order cognitive skills.
Analyzing, Generating, Integrating, & Evaluating are considered higher-order cognitive skills
|Knowledge |
|Defining problems: clarifying needs, discrepancies, or puzzling situations |
|Setting goals: establishing direction and purpose |
|Observing: obtaining information through one or more senses |
|Formulating questions: seeking new information through inquiry |
|Encoding: storing information through long-term memory |
|Recalling: retrieving information from long-term memory |
|Useful Verbs: list, name, label, recall, identify, match, choose |
|Organizing |
|Arranging information so it can be used effectively |
|Comparing: noting similarities and differences between or among entities |
|Classifying: grouping and labeling entities on the basis of their attributes |
|Ordering: sequencing entities according to a given criterion |
|Representing: changing the form but not the substance of information |
|Useful verbs: categorize, group, classify, compare, contrast |
|Applying |
|Demonstrating prior knowledge within a new situation. The task is to bring together the appropriate information, generalizations, or principles that are required to solve a problem. |
|Useful Verbs: apply, make, show, record, construct, demonstrate, illustrate |
| |
|Analyzing |
|Clarifying existing information by examining parts and relationships |
|Identifying attributes and components: determining characteristics or parts of something |
|Identifying relationships and patterns: recognizing ways in which elements are related |
|Identifying main idea: identifying the central element; for examples, the hierarchy of key ideas in a message or line of reasoning |
|Identifying errors: recognizing logical fallacies and other mistakes, and where possible correcting them |
|Useful Verbs: outline, diagram, differentiate, analyze |
|Generating |
|Producing new information, meaning, or ideas |
|Inferring: going beyond available information to identify what reasonably may be true |
|Predicting: anticipating next events or the outcome of a situation |
|Elaborating: explaining by adding details, examples, or other relevant information |
|Useful Verbs: conclude, predict, explain, elaborate, infer |
|Integrating |
|Connecting and combining information |
|Summarizing: combining information efficiently into a cohesive statement |
|Restructuring: changing existing knowledge structures to incorporate new information |
|Useful Verbs: combine, summarize, design, imagine, generalize |
|Evaluating |
|Assessing the reasonableness and quality of ideas |
|Establishing criteria: setting standards for making judgments |
|Verifying: confirming the accuracy of claims |
|Useful Verbs: judge, evaluate, rate, verify, assess, define criteria |
An Item Shells Approach to formulating questions for each cognitive level (some examples)
KNOWLEDGE (Identifying):
Which _____________________________________ best defines __________________________________?
(fact, concept, principle, or procedure)
Which _____________________________________ is characteristic of ____________________________?
(fact, concept, principle, or procedure)
ORGANIZING (Classifying):
Which _____________________________________ is an example of ______________________________?
(fact, concept, principle, or procedure)
What completes this ________________________________________?
APPLYING (Problem Solving)
What is the true nature of the problem?
Which _____________________________________ is an example of ______________________________?
What is a possible solution?
What must _________________________________ consist of?
Given _____________________________________, what is the primary cause _____________________?
What is the relationship between ___________________________ and ___________________________?
GENERATING (Predicting):
What would happen if ______________________________________?
What is needed to solve this problem?
If ____________________________happens, what should be done to ____________________________?
On the basis of ____________________________, what should be done to ________________________?
INTEGRATING (Combining):
_________________________ and _____________________ will likely make/result in _________________?
How can ______________________________ best accomplish ___________________________?
What is most effective for ____________________________________?
Which _____________________________________ is better (worse) than ___________________________?
(fact, concept, principle, or procedure)
What is most effective method for _____________________________?
What is the most critical step in this procedure?
Which step in unnecessary in this procedure?
Which is the most effective (efficient) solution?
Why is _________________________ the most effective (efficient) solution?
Core Curriculum for 4th Grade North Carolina-
A List of the Top 65 Key Terms/People/Places/Events (see units)
“In Focus”:
Each chapter of the current adoption correlates to specific Competency Goals (CGs), but schools can instead focus on focused CGs that are natural fits for the given unit
• Days: in order to cover the entire curriculum, each unit contains an instructional window; however, instructors should look at the end of each quarter as a benchmark.
Current adoption: each unit has been aligned to the current textbook adoption; however, instructors should be teaching the SCOS instead of the textbook
Unit EQs: What is the key learning for this unit that serves as an “umbrella” for all the lessons? The unit EQ can address the Competency Goals (CG) that are in “In Focus” for the unit.
While the suggested number of days is important to cover the curriculum effectively, the numbers listed here are meant to provide a general “weight” to each unit’s place in a year.
Adapted from Thomas M. Haladyna, Writing Test Items to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999.
“Lesson Essential Questions”= written in “student-friendly” language, contain a clear target for students, connect to other lesson EQs, and are a specific aspect of the Unit EQ.
EQs should drive instruction & be made visible for all students.
“Concepts”= broad topics of discussion that the “Terms/People/Place/Events”
provide specific examples to study & discuss; both are for teacher planning use.
“Vocabulary Builder”: content-based, students will use these terms regularly beyond the course; useful for students to refer to during a unit as a Word Wall
• “Target Goals”: a roadmap for unit mastery
• “Global Connections”: developing students for the global workforce through social studies.
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