

4th Grade Social Studies

Native Americans in Maryland

Extension Menu

Concept Areas: Culture/Change

Topic: Native Americans in Maryland

Choose an activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first.

Circle the number of the box you choose.

Turn in this paper with your work.

|1. Define culture using your book. Choose one |2. Design a graphic organizer to teach the | 3. Construct and illustrate a timeline that has|

|Maryland Native American tribe and research the |highlighted vocabulary words from Unit 1, Chapter|five important events from the Paleo-Indians to |

|culture of that tribe using your textbook and |1, core lesson 2 and 3, pages 10-17 of your |the Woodland Indians. Include at least one date |

|other sources. Decide how to present the |textbook. Develop a lesson using your graphic |from each of the four tribes. Use your textbook|

|information to your class. (i.e. Brochure, |organizer to help other students understand the |(look up Native Americans in the index) and other|

|PowerPoint, poster, audio/video presentation, |vocabulary. |sources. |

|etc.) | | |

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|4. Compose a poem |5. Write your idea here. |6. Write a play about two different Maryland |

|(i.e. Acrostic, Haiku, Cinquain, List, Free | |Native American tribes that trade goods and/or |

|verse, etc.) or song/rap that describes or | |services with each other. Indicate which goods |

|explains the culture of one of Maryland’s Native | |and/or services are traded and explain why the |

|American tribes. | |trade was needed. |

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Teacher Resource Page for 4th Grade Social Studies

Native American’s in Maryland Extension Menu

Concept Areas: Culture/Change

Topic: Native Americans in Maryland

Intended Purpose: Learning activities for higher-level learners

Standard and Indicators Addressed:

VSC Standard 1.0: History

Students will examine significant ideas, beliefs and themes; organize patterns and events; and analyze how individuals and societies have changed over time in Maryland and the United States. Students will use historical thinking skills to understand how individuals and events have changed over time.


1. Describe Native American societies indigenous to Maryland.


a. Identify the development of indigenous societies from the

Paleo-Indians to the Woodland Indians.

b. Describe the daily life of various Native American societies indigenous to Maryland before contact with Europeans.

Organizational Tips:

Note: It is helpful to use the “Vocabulary for Tiered Instruction” chart based on Bloom’s Taxonomy to help formulate learning activities for the Extension Menu. Try to use different levels of the taxonomy as well as taking into consideration learning styles, interests and readiness. The chart can be accessed on under Questioning in the Gifted and Talented link.

Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: Maryland Studies,

Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

Websites that can be used for researching boxes 1, 3, 4, and 6:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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