-196850-1644656238240-164465James M. Bennett High SchoolAugust 31st, 2015Dear Student, Welcome to 9th or 11th grade United States History! I am excited at the opportunity to have you in my class and look forward to getting to know you during our year together. You have a lot of amazing people, interesting places, and many important events to learn about; however, in order to have a successful year, we need to work together to create a cooperative, positive, and educationally challenging classroom. Please take the time to begin reading through this packet and working on the cross-word puzzle that accompanies it. You will need to have this packet with you during class this week to refer back to as we discuss classroom rules and procedures. You will have until Friday, September 4th to have a parent/guardian read and sign the acknowledgement slip to signify that they have read the information in this packet. (This is a graded assignment!) You will also need to complete and turn in by September, 4th the cross-word puzzle. It will count as your first homework grade. I have given your parents the option of writing a letter telling me a little bit about you; I would like to also extend to you the option as well to write a letter telling me about yourself. This is not a required or graded assignment- just a way to help me to get to know you better.I look forward to our productive year together! Sincerely,Mr. Wynne10160-164465Mr. Wynne’s U.S. History Classroom Rules and Procedures: MWYNNE@410-677-5141My Expectations for YOU: Act maturely.Strive every day to do your best and try your hardest.Be responsible for your actions and behavior. Participate in our learning community. Classroom Rules: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consequences: If you choose to break a rule…Conference with student. (may be skipped depending on circumstance) Detention with phone call home. (may be skipped depending on circumstance)Student conference with teacher, administrator, and 2nd phone call home and assigned detention. Logging contact & progressive discipline aligned with the Wicomico County code of conduct. Important Classroom Procedures to Know About: Entering the classroom: Come in quietly, take out materials, sharpen pencil if necessary, begin to work on warm-up, also take the time to copy homework and the keyword(s) from the objective into your agenda book (these will appear as extra credit on quizzes). Leaving the classroom: Do not pack up materials before the class is over; wait until I dismiss you and then please push in your chair. Make-up work: If you are absent it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make-up the work. You will have 6 days to make-up work once you return to school from an absence. To get your make-up work go to the designated bin and look in the make-up work binder. The binder will inform you of what activities you missed for the day, if I collected any assignments and if there was a homework assignment that day. To receive full credit, completed make-up work should be given directly to the teacher. Turning in Papers: All classroom assignments (class work, homework, ect.) are to be put into the designated collection bin in the classroom at the start of class or when directed to do so by the teacher.Materials for this class: Please make sure that you have these materials in class by the second week of school.Pen/Pencil with eraserBinderAgenda bookGrading Policy: Grades will be calculated as follows: 90-100% = A40% Participation and Class Work80-89% = B20% Homework70-79% = C40 % Quizzes, Tests, and Projects60-69% = DBelow 59% = EParticipation and Class Work: Students will be expected to read and write every day in class. Students will grade themselves at the end of each class for their participation for the day on the back of their warm-up sheet. I will collect class work assignments 1-4 times a week.Homework: Students will receive homework 1-2 times a week. All homework assignments must be recorded in your agenda. Students will be expected to review their class work and class notes for at least 5-10 minutes each night (this will help with weekly quizzes).Quizzes, Tests, and Projects: Notebook quizzes will be given. It is therefore vital that students have their notebooks with them every day and that they keep them organized. Test will be given at the end of each unit. Major projects will be given throughout the school year.Late Work: Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. Late work will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher. A point(s) deduction will be taken off late work if accepted. Bathroom Policy: Students are expected to take care of their personal needs between classes; however, each student will be given three bathroom passes per marking period to be used during class time. If students do need to use the restroom then they MUST ask during seat work and not when I am lecturing or giving directions. Students without their bathroom passes will not be permitted to use the restroom. Passes should be filled out before they are brought to me to be signed. At the end of the marking period unused passes will be collected for extra credit. Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this classroom. This includes working on assignments from other teachers in my room or copying from another student on any assignment that I have given. Students will have assignments confiscated and will lose credit if caught cheating or copying. Please refer to your student agenda if you have any questions about this policy. Electronic Devices: Cell phones, IPODs and other electronic devices are not to be in the classroom. Please keep these items turned off and in your book bag or locker. Items on and used in class will be confiscated for the period. First offence is a detention with a phone call home. Second offence is an office referral with the student being sent to the office referral room. Major Topics to be Covered: Western Frontier Industrial AgeImmigrants and UrbanizationLife at the Turn of the 20th Century 248602539370“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”George Santayana00“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”George SantayanaProgressive EraImperialismWorld War IThe Roaring TwentiesGreat DepressionNew DealWorld War IICold WarPost War Boom2222531755631815-68580James M. Bennett High SchoolMWYNNE@410-677-5141September 31st, 2015Dear Parent/Guardian, I am very excited at the opportunity to have your son/daughter in my U.S. History class! We have a lot to accomplish this year and I know that with your support and participation that it will be a very successful year for your 9th or 11th grade student. I ask that you please take a few minutes to look over the packet that your child received in class today to familiarize yourself with the class rules and procedures. After reading through the packet please sign, detach and return the slip on the bottom of the packet. This is your child’s first homework assignment and is due on September 4th.Students are asked to bring a 3-ring binder (hard or floppy), notebook paper, and a pen/pencil to class with them each day. This is very important as students will have many assignments that they will be responsible for and they will have frequent notebook quizzes that as long as they have all their completed papers in their binder and organized they should be able to ‘ace’ each time. Please make sure your child has all necessary materials by the second week of school.If you have any questions or concerns please use the contact information at the top of this letter. The best times to reach me by phone are during my planning periods (1st and 5th) or after school. I look forward to our cooperation in helping to make this a year of smooth transition and growth for your new high school student!Sincerely,Mr. Wynne Parent/Guardian please detach the below slip and return it with your student by August 30th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------190502056Student Name: ___________________________________________________Period: _______I acknowledge that I have read through the U.S. History policies and procedures for my son/daughter. Parent/ Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________________Preferred phone number: ______________________________________________________ (Cell or Home)Preferred e-mail address: ______________________________________________________ (Work or Home)Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________Parent/ Guardians- Please feel free to attach to this slip a note about your student. I am eager to learn more about all my new pupils and any insight or thoughts about your child that you would like to share with me to help me better get to know you and your child would be most welcome. ................

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