TCMABL Board Meeting – February 22, 2009 – 1:00pm


Teams in Attendance: Giants, Indians, Knights, Twins, Piranhas, Wobblies, Blacksox, Coyotes, Diablos, Mariners, Ducks, Generals, Cardinals, Pirates.


1)      Playoffs

-Tweak playoff structure

-Move to a simpler format (single elimination, one tier playoff)?

            -Easier to manage tournament administratively

            -Field accessability

            -Manage potential rainouts

            -Umpire Issues

            -18+ (single elimination, one tier)          

                        -9 inning games

                        -16 teams (8 each division)

            -28+ (single elimination, one tier)

                        -number of teams to be determined based on teams being added

                        -12 or 16 teams potentially

                        -potential to add regular season game

-Reduced cost with single elimination, one tier playoff

            -Umpire fees

            -Field costs


            -12 in Favor, 2 Oppose

            -Playoffs will be a one tier, single elimination playoff format

-Playoff Directors

            -Kenny Richmond (18+)

            -Frank Volkers (28+)


2)      Grievance Committee

-Chair Needed

            -Chris Lamping

-Grievance process description/discussion

-Timing of grievances being submitted

-should be submitted within 24 hours, but issues will still need to be addressed if submitted after the 24 hours

-Committee make-up

            -Bob Gordon, Anthony Newman, Rob Peterson


3)      Scheduling

-Schedule to be created after March Meeting

-Scheduling Committee

            -Frank Volkers

            -Bill Peterson


4)      Spring Tournament

-Andy Siegel managing Spring Tournament

-6 Teams with potential if interest is high

-$350 - $375 per team

-3-5 games per team over two weekends

-End of April at Arkwright and McMurray

-Wood Bats

            -good deals at

-Grand Prize of $300-$500 gift certificate (subject to change)

-Pool play, then bracket format


5)      All Star Game

-Paul Hipp (?)

-Looking to secure a “Nice” field – Midway or Siebert

-July 4th Weekend (July 5th)

-Two Games (18+ and 28+)


6)      World Series

-John Remakel

-Core group of players needed (9 Cardinals last year)

-Approximate cost of $600-$700 (depends on flights and accommodations)

-Jon Garbacz is looking to put together a 25+ team

-$1400 per team (14 players)

-World Series is Mid-October

-Players put on roster on a first pay basis

-Looking to distribute flyers to managers to hand out to players to generate interest.


7)      Website

-John and Jon will meet with Jason for website information

-Randy Schmidt will be website coordinator


8)      Umpire Liason

-Paul Hipp

-Channel umpire issues through Jon or Paul

-Looking for contact to call day of game in case of umpire no-show

-Dave Altier may be umpire scheduler for ‘09


9)      Player Rosters

-Provide to Jon Garbacz

-Roster are then provided to National

-Need rosters to ensure valid insurance for all players

-Rostered players get copy of Hardball Magazine

-Eliminate eligibility issues


10)  Division Trophy for 28+

-Traveling Trophy


11)  Hall of Fame

-Trophy to Jason contributions to the League and recognition of service.

-Future inductees

            -Support of the League as well as performance

-No set criteria for induction. “We will know when we see it.”


12)  March Meeting / April Meeting

-Not Mandatory

-Team Interviews in March

-Tryouts/Draft Meeting not mandatory

-Board Meeting at 11am prior to Tryouts

-Team Deposit ($500) due to League at March Meeting


13)  Rule Changes

-Batting Order

            -1a/1b (not allowed)

            -League allows for re-entry

            -Can bat entire roster if wanted



Next Meeting 03/15/2009, Location to be determined

Meeting adjourned 3:15pm


Meeting notes by Bob Gordon


TCMABL League Meeting – January 25th, 2009 – 1:00pm


I.                    League Finances

-Treasurer Schimke discusses 2008 League finances (spreadsheets provided at meeting)

-League broke even

-Large part of League fees go to National, and for Liability and Health Insurance


II.                 Office of Vice President

-Jason Perry stepping down.

-Standing Ovation for a job very well done


III.               Board Elections

-         John Remakel nominated for Vice President Post


IV.              Board Election Results

-President: Jon Garbacz (28 of 28 Votes)

-Vice President: John Remakel (27 of 28 Votes)

      -One vote Sarah Palin

-League Secretary: Bob Gordon (27 of 28 Votes, one abstain)

-League Treasurer: Brandon Schimke (27 of 28 Votes, one abstain)

-National League Board of Directors

      Paul Hipp – Ravens

      Jeff Wilson – Snappers

      Kenny Richmond – Twins

      John Barbella – Pirates

-American League Board of Directors

      Bill Peterson – Ducks

      Rob Peterson – Mariners

      Tony Newman – Knights

      Randy Schmidt – Coyotes

-28+ Board of Directors

      Tim Mitchell – BlackSox

      Tom Genrich – Skeeters

      Chris Lamping – Wobblies

      Frank Volkers – Generals


V.                 Fall League

-Currently not part of the TCMABL

-Fall League would like to join TCMABL

-TCMABL Insurance would be factor for Fall League to join.


VI.              Umpires

-Proposal of adding a second umpire to games

-Increased cost

-Limitations of Umpire Association to provide two umpires per game.


VII.            Potential New Teams

-New Teams to be interviewed at March League Meeting

-Interest from 1-2 18+ Teams

-Interest from 1-2 28+ Teams


VIII.         Playoff Home Field Advantage

-Single elimination playoff format with home field possibility

-Nicer fields in the League are typically used for Playoffs.

-Multiple Field facilities are a key to playoffs.


IX.              League Fees

-Fees should remain the same for 2009

-Fees could potentially be reduced if playoffs went to single elimination

-$500 deposit required at March League Meeting

-Remainder of League Fee would be due 2 weeks prior to start of season

-$1,618 for 18+

-$1,368 for 28+

-Umpire Fees should remain the same in 2009 ($80/game)


X.                 Teams in Attendance

-All Teams present with the exception of the Dodgers

-Dodgers must re-apply to the League for missing mandatory League Meeting.




Meeting adjourned 2:00pm

Minutes by Bob Gordon




TCMABL March 2008 League Meeting – March 2nd, 2008 – 1:00pm


1)      Fees

*Due March 2nd ($250.00)

*Remainder of fee due by 05/04/2008 (2 weeks prior to Season Opener)    

*Mandatory League Meeting on 05/04/2008 to collect fees

*$1620 TCMABL (15 players)

*$1370 TCMSBL (12 players)


2)      New Team Interviews

*Sluggers (18+) – Ed Wigfield

            *Ed was part of the former Sluggers team in 1999 and 2000

            *Played with the Cubs last two years

            *Played in St. Paul wood bat league

            *Looking to add some former Cubs and Tornados

            *Cubs will release players if team is added

*Possible struggles include collecting fees from players and securing a home field.

*Approximately 16 players on the roster

*Arlington Field ($120/Sunday)

*$500 deposit paid to League Treasurer


*Sluggers Discussion

            *Past issues when team was in the League


            *Many forfeits

*Ed Wigfield is a Restricted Free Agent, so he is not in good standing with the League.

*First question when applying to the League was in regards to eligibility to participate in the playoffs.


            *Muskies (18+) – Gabe Goedeke

                        *Gabe has played in the League previously with the Giants and Twins

                        *Played college baseball at Northwestern College

                        *10 full commitments from players (3 more possible)

                        *Looking to have 15-17 on the roster

*Secured Northwestern Baseball Field ($150/Sunday but looking to bargain on costs)

*$500 deposit paid to League Treasurer


*Muskies Discussion

            *Twins rostered Gabe last season

*Only committed to play part time and let Management know when he would/would not be able to make games.

*Twins will release Gabe if team accepted to the League

*Giants did not experience any issues when rostered

*One potential player may be restricted by the Giants


            *Dodgers (Haze) (18+) – Thomas Maye

                        *Looking for a league to have existing team join

*Players have been together for years and are too old to play in youth leagues

*Other leagues have had to extensive of a schedule

*Team has at least two coaches who strictly coach.

*Ability to pull extra players if needed

*All players are between 18-22 years old

*Does not expect traveling throughout the Metro to be an issue

*$500 deposit paid to League Treasurer


*Dodgers Discussion

*Can be difficult for younger players to make early games that may be in far off places


            *Chuckleheads (18+) – Steve Hickel

                        *Players have been together for about 10 years

                        *Too old to play in youth leagues

                        *Looking for new league so players can continue to play

                        *Players are all 19-20 years old

                        *Team has 2-3 coached who only coach.

                        *Recommended to apply by Eric Ballner

                        *Approximately 18 players will be rostered

                        *Smother Field ($50/game) – Robbinsdale

                        *$500 deposit paid to League Treasurer


                        *Chuckleheads Discussion

                                    *Field is currently going through changes (dugouts, fences, lights)

                                    *Fences are currently short


            *Wobblies (28+) – Chris Lamping

*Played with Brewers for last half of 2007 Season

*Had played softball in the past but found it boring

*Most of the roster are grad students or professors

*Enjoyed playing but were looking to start own team to include more of their own players

*Looking to play in a more central location

*Secured Concordia Baseball Field ($65/game)

*Roster would be at about 19 players (4 current TCMSBL players)

*$500 deposit to League Treasurer


*Wobblies Discussion

            *Players being released from the Brewers

            *Possible field costs


3)      Brewers – Jon Piesert

*Missed mandatory December League Meeting

*Looking to start fresh

*Has 14 committed players (3-4 from last year)

*All are 28+ with the exception of Jon

*Wobblies looking pull some players. Jon willing to let them go (unhappily)


*Brewers Discussion

            *Manager (Jon Piesert) out of control at beginning of season

*Admitted he was over his head early in the season as he did not know any of the players

*Routinely did not play a player for an entire game

*Team did not forfeit any games

*Looking into securing Golden Valley or Blaine baseball fields



            *Sluggers – Not accepted (2 abstain, rest vote no)

            *Muskies – Unanimous Yes (will play in American Division)

            *Dodgers (Haze) – Unanimous Yes (will play in American Division)

            *Chuckleheads – Unanimous Yes (will play in National Division)

            *Wobblies (28+) – Unanimous Yes



            Brewers will not return to the League (1 abstain, rest vote to remove team)


4)      Tryouts -


*18+ will tryout and draft: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

*28+ will tryout and draft: 3:30pm – 5:30pm

*Advertise in GameDay        

            *Cost would be approximately $200 (no charge last year)

            *Advertising coincided with adding a team at draft

            *League not looking to add a team made from undrafted players

*With more teams in the League, advertising will bring in more players to choose


            *Unanimous Yes to Advertise


5)      Other Business

*Mudhens will not be coming back to the League

            *joined St. Paul wood bat league

*Marlins will not return (team disbanded)

*Tornados merged into the Cubs


Next Meeting: 04/20/2008 (Tryouts) 

                        05/04/2008 (Mandatory League Meeting, Fees due)


Meeting adjourned: 3:45pm


Minutes submitted by Bob Gordon on 03/06/2009


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