Honington and Sapiston Newsletter, February 2015- No

Honington and Sapiston Newsletter, July 2020- No.593

Village website:

Parish Council:

Libraries are due to open during the week of July 6th, offering a select and collect service. No IT equipment or toilets will be available. Mobile libraries restart from the 7th July.

We have contacted Havebury to carry out repairs to fencing at Willow Green. We are lucky to have many local walks surrounding us but remember to take litter home and to clear up after dogs so we can all enjoy the benefits these walks provide.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be advertised on the notice boards due to current restrictions.


Whilst we all want to demonstrate our support of our Care Workers, please do not use

fireworks to do so, as this causes unnecessary distress to livestock and some pets. We all

expect them around the 5th of November and take appropriate action.


Not all garden vegetation cannot be composted and our Brown Bins are not being collected.

If you find it necessary to have a bonfire, please determine the wind before you light it, to

ensure it does not affect your neighbours. Wait until the wind is blowing the smoke away

from houses


Whilst we all want to demonstrate our support of our Care Workers, please do not use

fireworks to do so, as this causes unnecessary distress to livestock and some pets. We all

expect them around the 5th of November and take appropriate action.


Not all garden vegetation cannot be composted and our Brown Bins are not being collected.

If you find it necessary to have a bonfire, please determine the wind before you light it, to

ensure it does not affect your neighbours. Wait until the wind is blowing the smoke away

from houses

Honington & Sapiston Village Hall:

I hope this edition finds you all safe and well. I would never have believed that this awful crisis would have lasted so long, such a shame, it would have proved a record year here at the hall for bookings and revenue. Thank you to Linda Howe and the village hall team we will get through this having been awarded various grants to enable provision of takeaway meals on Tuesday, Thursday lunchtimes and Friday evening to our local residents. They have proved very successful and to date as I compile this, we have prepared 333 and will continue to do so till this is all over.

We have had a few groups keen to return to the hall as soon as possible, Bury Soft Play, Little City and Pilates to name a few. Sue and Linda are working hard to put in place risk assessment and health and safety as per the government guidelines. Also, during the lockdown there are a few maintenance jobs to do, the major one being repairs to the floor and it’s deep clean. We will keep you all well informed via social media, website .uk newsletter and of course the Community Hub and don’t forget Parish Council website

Further to the latest government guidelines we have decided to delay the decision to open the village hall till beginning of August so may be September before all is back to normal providing the lockdown has eased sufficiently to do so.

Honington Scout Group:

The last weekend of June would usually be the annual district beaver camp. Where all colonies from across the Bury St Edmunds, district gather for a camp in Bradfield Combust. This year we decided on a camp at home, all beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers were invited to join in. With an estimated 400 young people camping at home and taking part in activities.

This month beavers have also been learning about bike maintenance before having a bike ride with their family, and making a model they designed. Some examples were a tent from sticks, a Lego castle and a monster from junk modelling.

The cubs have been too cool for school with a selection of activities to choose from, and have been having an air rifle challenge using their nerf guns.

The scouts have been learning and practising their knots. Also locating their leader on a map, through photos on the Facebook page and trying to fit as many different items into a matchbox!

If anyone (adult or child) is interested in getting involved please get in touch: 1stHoningtonScoutGroup@

Monthly Money Draw:

The winners in the June Draw were 1st prize to Alan Moore, 2nd prize to Jo Lynch and 3rd prize to Stephen Read.

Blackbourne Tree Group:

It is a pleasure to have the Tree area used so much in these difficult times and it certainly flourishes! In June Howard, Mark and I got wet strimming the paths and hedges.

We cancelled the AGM in May and will postpone it to next year as there are no major changes to be made. We are grateful for the continuing support from the Parish Council.

Lindsay enjoyed a magic time watching an otter from the landing stage recently. Brian reports lots of activity in the nest boxes.

Our next work day is Saturday 4th July at 9am meeting by the sewage works. GS

Games Club:

Cancelled until further notice.

Craft Group:

No craft group until further notice.

Church News:

Our Church door remains locked at the moment, however should anyone wish to enter a church for silent prayer, some of the churches in the Blackbourne Team are open at various times. There is a list on our church notice board.

Our online services continue:


8am BCP Communion

10am Communion using the Service in Isolation


9am Morning Prayer

8pm Night Prayer

Should you need to, you can contact our Rector, Karen Burton on 07546491388


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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