The Features of Living Things Mini-Project - Scoring Rubric

The Characteristics of Living Things Comic-Project

Your task is to make a creative comic to identify, illustrate and highlight the characteristics shared by all living things. To do this you must select a real species and use it to tell a story in which all of the features of living things are shown. As always, color, creativity, and fun should be part of your product.

First off:

1. Creativity and color are a must.

2. Integrate a story line in speech bubbles or captions to explain the action step by


3. Anthropomorphize your species (animal or plant) in some fashion so they can talk and explain the


4. Keep it "school appropriate".

Be sure to follow these specifics:

5. 5 characteristics must be included in your story, Check the rubric on the back to be sure you get all the right stuff!

6. Identify each feature as part of a caption or the dialog in a speech bubble so there is no confusion.

7. Tell a story and make it fun!

8. Size and format are flexible - just be sure you use the space you choose to work

with and make a well finished and appealing product

9. Downloadable, cut and paste, collage type work is fine too - Just be sure all text is your creation!

10. Follow the rubric!

The Characteristics of Living Things Comic-Project - Scoring Rubric

3 An actual living organism (species) is used to show the features of living things.

3 Name, date and subject are in lower left corner.

5 The cartoon/comic strip is colorful and neatly done with care and effort.

5 A story line is evident and creatively used to include all of the required characteristics.

Each of the 5 characteristics of living things is included and referenced in the dialog in captions or speech bubbles. They are appropriately displayed and correctly used as part of the story line.

3 Living things are made out of cells.

3 Living things respond to environment.

3 Living things obtain and energy from sunlight or food.

3 Living things grow and develop

3 Living things reproduce.

Final Score:_______

Living Things Poster PROJECT

You are to create hand-drawn, colorful picture showing examples of the 5 characteristics of all living things. Your pictures should include a separate example for each of the characteristics.

Each picture showing a characteristic must be labeled with

1. the title of that characteristic AND

2. a five sentence description that clearly and accurately explains how the organism demonstrates that characteristic of living things.

For example, you might draw a picture of a child running. Your heading would read, “All Living Things Use Energy.” Your explanation might read, “When this boy runs, he is using energy to move his skeletal muscles.” (Try to come up with another idea for your own project!!)

5 characteristics of all living things:

All living things…

1. consist of one or more cells

2. grow and develop

3. reproduce more of the same living thing

4. obtain and use energy from either sunlight or food

5. respond to the environment

Grading Rubric:

Each characteristic is shown in picture form, and includes both a heading and a clear, accurate explanation 20

Effort: Drawing is neat, colorful, and shows attention to detail 5

Your name, date, and subject are on the front of the project 3


Total Points Possible 28


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