Students will select four topics from the following list ...

U.S. History II - Final Project (1969 to Today)

Part I: Working by yourself or with a partner, you will select one of the following topics for your final project. This list is certainly not all-inclusive, but if you want to go off the topic list it must be approved. This project, while mostly informational, should include a so what (why is it significant? what changed as a result? was it good, bad, or indifferent?) about your topic.

Events Things

Moon Landing Home Computer

Manson Murders ERA

Earth Day NAFTA

Bicentennial Social Media

Death of Elvis Roe v. Wade

Jonestown Economic Woes - Stagflation/Energy Crisis

Iran Hostage Crisis Rap Music

Three Mile Island Disaster Video Games

John Lennon Killed Reaganomics – Supply Side Theory

Iran-Contra Affair AIDS Epidemic

Space Shuttle Challenger Crash Internet

Exxon Valdez Disaster Immigration

Persian Gulf War – Operation Desert Storm Contract with America

L.A. Riots Inventions/Innovations of Apple

Siege of Waco New Jim Crow

O.J. Simpson Trial Grunge Music

Oklahoma City Bombing Same Sex Marriage

Tupac and Biggie Killed Marijuana Legalization

Clinton Impeachment No Child Left Behind

Columbine Steroid Use in Sports

September 11, 2001attack Climate Change

Wounded Knee

War in Iraq Presidential Elections

War in Afghanistan 1980

Hurricane Katrina 1992

Death of Michael Jackson 2000

Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan 2008

Social Movements Presidents

Latino Movement Ronald Reagan

AIM Bill Clinton

Women’s Movement George W Bush

Gay/Lesbian Movement Barack Obama


You have multiple options for the final product – any of the following are acceptable:

• Powerpoint or Prezi (12 slide minimum)

• Movie or video

• Use of Poster Board/Tag Board

• Research Paper (3-5 pages)

Grades will be based on how well you use your time, how well you work together (if in a partnership), and the quality of the finished product (how thorough your coverage of topic is).

A formal works consulted page is a requirement for this project. You must have a minimum of four sources. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source.

A 3-5 minute presentation is required to possibly earn an A. If you do not want to present about your topic, then a B is the maximum grade you can receive.

Part II: Choose either the social movement project or the music/political figure project.

Social Movement

Some of this semester has been about social movements (many other movements are on the other side of this paper as options for part I) that brought great change to the United States. Here is your chance to offer what you would change about Free State High School. There is no doubt there ARE things that could be changed for the better and some of you have legitimate grievances with regard to certain aspects of your education here. So, in the spirit of those who came before you, those who risked so much, and those who accomplished so much – what would you do?

1) What is the problem?

2) Why does it need to be changed?

3) What changes would you make?

4) How would you bring about that change?

5) How will this change benefit those affected by it?

6) How will you know if the change worked, if it actually benefitted those most in need of the change?

Musical Performer (Again)

Performer will come from Motown, Rap, 70s Rock n Roll, 70s Disco, 80s New Wave/Punk, 80s Hair Bands, 90s Grunge or some other approved genre.








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