Weekly Homework Sheet

Fourth Grade Weekly Homework Sheet Week 13 Created by Kathy Spruiell



|Number and | | | | |

|Operations Base Ten:|876, 452 + 23,578 |11, 644 |333,154 + 56,674 |276, 662 |

|4.NBT | |+ 34, 876 | |+ 93, 376 |

| |Round to the nearest thousand then add. |Round to the nearest hundred then|Round to the nearest hundred then|Round to the nearest ten thousand |

| | |add. |add. |then add. |

|Number and | | | | |

|Operations Base Ten:|660,005 – 32,549 |132,443 |30,450 – 21,254 |876, 443 |

|4.NBT | |- 87,754 | |- 43,876 |

| |Subtract, then round to the nearest |Subtract, then round to the |Subtract, then round to the |Subtract, then round to the nearest|

| |thousand. |nearest hundred. |nearest hundred. |thousand. |

|Operations and | | | | |

|Algebraic Thinking |27 X 25 |53 X 26 |95 X 17 |130 X 100 |

|4.OA | | | | |

|Operations and | | | | |

|Algebraic Thinking |____ |_____ |______ |_____ |

|4.OA |9 ) 109 |8 ) 99 |12 ) 147 |11 )144 |

|Number and |Meshel ate 2/3 of a pizza. John ate 5/6 of | < , >, or = |< , >, or = |Shade in 33/100 of the rectangle. |

|Operations |the same pizza. Who ate more? | | |[pic] |

|Fractions: | |5/6 _________ 1/4 |2/3 _________ 6/9 | |

|4.NF | | | | |

|Number and |What is the decimal equivalent for 1/5? | | |I have 7 hundreds, 19 tens, |

|Operations Base Ten:| |$98.56 + $7.99 |$67.52 – $43.89 |9 ones, 9 tenths and 1 hundredths. |

|4.NBT | | | |What number am I? |

| |______________________ | | | |

| | | | |_________________ |

|Geometry: | | |Draw an obtuse scalene triangle. | |

|4.G | |How are cubes and rectangular | | |

| | |prisms alike and different? | | |

| | | | | |

| |What kind of solid am I. Defend your | | | |

| |answer? | |How do you know you are right? |How many edges and faces does this |

| | | | |figure have? |

|Measurement and |Fausto is 64 inches tall. Dylan is 5’3” |A rectangle has dimensions of 45 |A rectangle has dimensions of 45 |1 Kilogram (Kg) = 1,000 grams (g) |

|Data: |tall. Who is taller? Explain. |cm long and 56 cm wide. What is |cm long and 56 cm wide. What is | |

|4.MD | |the area of the rectangle? |the PERIMETER of the rectangle? |56 Kg = _________ g |

| | | | | |

|Operations and | |1,234 x 0 = 0 |Explain the Associative Property.|X |

|Algebraic Thinking |23 x 14 = (20 + 3) x (10+ 4) | | |Y |

|4.OA | |What property does this | | |

| |What property does this demonstrate? |demonstrate? | |4 |

| | | | |8 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |16 |

| | | | |32 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |24 |

| | | | |48 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |What is the rule? |


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