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JaNae Burger Lesson Plan Integrating Technology: Essay Mapping

|Lesson Title: |5 Paragraph Essay Maps |

|Grade Level or Age Group: |4th Grade |

|Subject: |Language Arts, Writing |

|Academic Content Standard: |Writing Standard #4. Produce clean and coherent writing (Including multiple-paragraph texts) in |

| |which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. |

| |Writing Standard #5: With guidance and support from peers and adults develop and strengthen |

| |writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. |

|Learning Objective: |Students will learn proper structure for a 5 paragraph essay. |

|(Must be measurable through assessment) | |

| |Students will use create a clear Essay Map for a 5 paragraph essay to be |

| |written in the next lesson. Student essay maps will include key point for each of the 5 |

| |paragraphs of their essay. |

|Materials and |Materials: Small pictures of hamburger pieces. Large Cut-out of hamburger pieces |

|Technology | |

|(Content-rich Curriculum Website or |Essay Map |

|Software) | |

|Space: |Classroom for initial instruction and computers for each student |

|Time: |55 Minute lesson |

|Overall Description of Activity: |This lesson is focused on teaching students the structure of a 5 paragraph essay and planning |

| |involved in essay writing. This lesson includes the following components: |

| |Review of essay vocabulary and facts (~5 minutes) |

| |How to write an essay instruction and activity (~20 minutes) |

| |Creating their own essay outline online (~30 minutes) |

|Anticipatory Set: |Large hamburger picture cut into different pieces. The class will put the “hamburger puzzle” |

|How do you get them interested? |together and tape it to the board as they are learning about the 5 essay structure. |

| | |

| |All students will be able to create their own essay map online. A printed example will be |

| |displayed to get the students excited. Teacher can help generate excitement by showing excitement|

| |about computer use as well as how nice the essay outline looks when students create it online. |

|The Instruction: (Teacher Procedure) |Review (5 minutes): Yesterday we talked about essays, who can tell me what an essay is? Why do we|

|Describe your step by step procedure. |write essays (Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, and Persuasive). Cover basic essay vocabulary |

|What will you do and say? |words. |

| | |

| |Hamburger activity / lesson on essay format. (10 minutes) How do we write an essay? |

| |Essays have to look good. |

| |They have to be organized |

| |Story and demonstration: It’s kind of like a hamburger |

| |Materials needed: Brown paper bag with miniature drawings of pieces of a hamburger |

| |Let’s pretend that we are at Burger King. Yum! |

| |Play Acting: Teacher pretends to be a worker, to take their order and then when they order a |

| |hamburger the kids watch the teacher open a brown bag and throw in pictures of a bun, lettuce, |

| |tomato, ketchup, mustard, pickles, cheese and hamburger. Teacher shakes up the bag for good |

| |measure and then smiles and says, “here you go, enjoy!” |

| |When the students protest, ask them why? |

| |Discussion: Essays, are like hamburgers. There are certain parts that you have to have, it has to|

| |be in order and it should look nice too! |

| |Activity: (Materials needed) Big Hamburger cut-outs |

| |Teacher will hold up each cut-out while explaining the purpose. Tape the part of the hamburger to|

| |the board and write key ideas next to it. |

| |First thing we need is the Top Bun. It’s the first thing that’s seen, it needs to look pretty. |

| |Top bun is the introduction. It needs to COVER the purpose or reason you are writing the essay. |

| |Tell my why you are writing it. It should grab attention. |

| |Next we have the filling. We aren’t babies, we get the BIG hamburger so it always has at least 3 |

| |different things: Cheese, meat, veggies. Each of the fillings is different. You need to tell us |

| |what the point is AND you need to describe why it is important. Each filling has its very own |

| |paragraph that should be at least 4 sentences. |

| |Finally, you have the bottom bun. It is underneath everything. It holds it all together. Restates|

| |purpose / thesis and restates all the points. The last sentence should make the read think |

| |Application of knowledge |

| |Use the topic: I want a pet. Show class picture of a dog from internet and tell them that you |

| |really want this pet but you need to convince your parents that you can have it. Tell them that |

| |instead of whining or begging you are going to use the hamburger essay method to help your |

| |parents change their mind. Pointing to the board, walk the students through each step, having |

| |them help tell you what you should write for each step. Make sure to do a lot of brainstorming to|

| |help give students ideas for when they do it on their own. Write basic ideas the students came |

| |up with (like outline points) next to each hamburger piece on the board. |

| |Assessment of student understanding |

| |Now it’s the students turn. |

| |Point to the bun, tell the students it’s their turn. Brainstorm as a class ideas for essays. Have|

| |them turn to their neighbor and tell them what they are going to do their essay on. Students |

| |should pick a topic they are familiar with and will not need to do research on. The purpose is to|

| |practice writing structure for essays. Also, they should tell their partner at least one |

| |interesting thing about your topic- something to include in their introduction paragraph that is |

| |interesting. Students will also write this down in their journal. (Teacher walk around the room |

| |listening to the conversation, make sure each student has a topic and introduction point). |

| |Teacher may need to model each of these steps for the students. |

| |Next, point to the fillings and have them tell their partner their supporting reason. They also |

| |need to describe what their supporting fact is. Teacher will need to be active here to help |

| |students who are struggling to come up with reasons. Students also need to come up with some |

| |descriptions and reasons for each supporting fact. (Repeat twice, a total of three times). |

| |Point to the bottom bun and have the students state a conclusion. |

| |Make sure not to move on until all students have a written down topic, intro fact, 3 supporting |

| |facts, and conclusion statement. |

|Guided Practice: (Student Tasks) |Essay Mapping Activity |

|What will the students do? |All the computers will already have the essay mapping site loaded. The teacher will walk the |

| |students through filling in the name blocks and then show them how to maneuver from frame to |

| |frame. As the students are filling in their essay maps the teacher will walk around and help |

| |students with both technology and content questions. |

| |Students will print the essay map, turn it in and also save the essay map |

|Assessment: |First Assessment (Informal Group): After explaining the concept and providing an example the |

|What will students say or do to show you |teacher will assess the class as a whole on their basic understanding by having the class help |

|objectives were met? |walk through the 5 paragraph essay process with a story about wanting a dog. |

| | |

| |Second Assessment (Informal Individual Student): Next the teacher will once again, for a third |

| |time, go through the process pausing at each step to have the students choose their own topic and|

| |come up with their own supporting facts. They will share this with a neighbor and the teacher |

| |will be listening to the conversation and providing assistance when needed. Students will also |

| |write this information in their journals. |

| | |

| |The teacher will not move on to the next step until all students have successfully completed this|

| |portion of the lesson. |

| | |

| |Final Assessment for the Assignment |

| |Students were able to complete the essaying mapping worksheet. |

| | |

|Closure: | |

|How will you help students make a transition|Congratulated students on their very professional looking essay outlines. Explain that they now |

|to the next activity? |have everything they need for writing the actual essay in the next class. |

|Reflection: | |

|How will your assessment guide your teaching|The assessments will guide teaching as it will provide a pacing guide. After each piece of |

|practice? |information or instruction students will be able to show they understand the concept. The teacher|

|Is there a better way to teach this |will not move on until all students have demonstrated they understand the concept. |

|material? | |

| |The final assessment, the completion of the essay map, will allow students to apply the |

| |information they learned and create a tangible artifact as well as provide the students with |

| |clear outline for their essay. This teaches not only the basic structure for a 5 paragraph essay,|

| |but also the value and importance of an outline. |

| | |

| |Reflection questions for after lesson is complete: |

| |Were all the students able to understand the different parts of the essay? |

| |Were all students able to come up with 3 supporting ideas? |

| |Were all students able to come up with descriptions for supporting ideas? |

| |Was there enough time for students to learn the concept? |

| |Was there enough time for students to fill in their essay map on the computer? |


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