MATC Summer Technology Institute Lesson Plan Template

MATC Summer Technology Institute Lesson Plan

UNL Professional Development Math and Science Summer Technology Institute July 2007


Developed by Mrs. Marie Nielsen

Science Teacher At Elba Public School, Elba, Nebraska 68835

(4-Day Week Schedule with a 7 Period Day starting at 8:00 A.M., ending with a 30 minute access 3:30-4:00)


Title: Environmental Engineering Applied to Feedlots

Grade: 7-12 Environmental Education Class or Agricultural Science

Plan of Action:

Day 1

Internet Research What is a Feedlot Worksheet

o 5 minutes Bell Ringers: 1. look up vocabulary word: FEEDLOT

2. answer the Journal Question: Why are feedlots important

to society.

o 55 min. Internet Worksheet

Day 2

Power Points: Environmental Engineering & Feedlots/Feedlot Runoff Calculations Worksheet

o 5 minutes Bell Ringers: 1. look up vocabulary word: 2. answer the Journal Question:

o 55 min. PPT

Day 3

o 30 min. View Dr. Erick Jones PPT on RFID’s Tags

o 10 min. Discuss Field Trip expectations

▪ Measurements of lots and runoff basin

▪ Formulate 2 Questions per student to ask Feedlot Manager

o 10 min. Finish Worksheets

Day 4

Feedlot Field Trip (Utilized Access Period)

o 10 min. to travel

o 10 min. to listen

o 60 min. to measure and collect data

o 10 in to travel home

Day 5

NRD Speaker Will Demonstrate How to Test Water Samples for Nitrates

Students will collect samples at local feedlot as well as bring water from home or stocktanks

o 5 Minute welcome

o 10 Minute explanation of job description, college education, salary, other

o 30 Minute Lab time testing water samples from feedlot tour &/or brought from home

o 12 Minute

Day 6

o (May Flip with Day 5)Work on Poster and Paper

o Design your own feedlot on poster

o Calculate the rainwater peak runoff values and design the runoff detention basin to fit

o Label all components of your lot

o Include photos of real feedlots

Day 7

Present Poster and Paper to Class (Public Speaking English Standard)

o 5 Minute Bell Ringer

o 55 Minutes

Data Set Used:

Internet Research:

Internet Resources for Power Point Presentation:


o Dr. Shannon Bartelt-Hunt

Assisted with Coefficient Calculations

University of Nebraska Lincoln College of Engineering

203 B Peter Kiewit Institute (402) 554-3868

Omaha, NE 68182-0178 FAX: (402) 554-3288

o Local Natural Resource District (NRD) as a Guest Speaker

o Local Feedlot Owner Guest Speaker and Feedlot Tour

o Poster Designing a New Feedlot

o One Page 5 paragraph essay on Pro’s and Con’s of Building New vs. Refurbishing a Feedlot

Standards Taught:


Adopted by the State Board of Education May 8, 1998

12.1 Unifying Concepts and Processes

Unifying concepts and processes help students think about and integrate a range of basic

ideas which builds an understanding of the natural world.

12.1.1 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of systems, order, and organization.

Example Indicators

• Predict and evaluate how change within a system affects that system. Runoff Pollutes Surface Water

• Design solutions to problems identified within a system.

12.1.2 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models, and explanation.

Example Indicators

• Create a physical, mental, or mathematical model to show how objects and processes are connected.


• Test the usefulness of a model by comparing its predictions to actual observations.


• Understand that the way data are displayed affects interpretation.

• Evaluate the reasonableness of answers to problems.

• Understand that larger well chosen samples produce more accurate estimates of the characteristics of the total population.

• Understand that a correlation between two variables doesn’t mean that either one causes the other.

12.2 Science as Inquiry

Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with

scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

12.2.1 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop the abilities needed to do

scientific inquiry.

Example Indicators

• Formulate questions and identify concepts that guide scientific investigations. GUEST SPEAKER QUESTIONS

• Design and conduct scientific investigations. CONDUCT NITRATE WATER TESTS

• Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.



• Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence.

• Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models.

• Communicate and defend a scientific argument.

12.6 Science and Technology

An understanding of science and technology establishes connections between the natural and designed world, linking science to technology.

12.6.1 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of technological design.

Example Indicators

• Propose designs and choose between alternative solutions of a problem. FEEDLOT TOUR and PRO-CON ESSAY

• Implement the selected solution.

• Evaluate the solution and its consequences.

• Communicate the problem, process, and solution. PRESENT POSTER and ESSAY to CLASS

12.6.2 By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding about science and technology.

Example Indicators

• Explain how science advances with the introduction of new technology. Ask Feedlot Manager About Ear Tag ID

• Understand creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base are all needed to advance the work of science

and engineering. View Dr. Erick Jones PPT on RFID’s Tags

• Contrast the reasons for the pursuit of science and the pursuit of technology.

• Contrast the reporting of scientific knowledge and the reporting of technical knowledge.

Handouts, Assignments, and Supporting Materials:

o Worksheets for Internet Research

o 2 Questions per Guest Speaker

o Posters

o Paper

Prep Period:

o 1-2 Planning periods

o make sure computers are accessible during class

o time to run off internet sheets

o phone call for tour

o request poster boards

Implementation Period:

Flexible use one lesson or the whole unit

o 7-8 Days depending on ability levels

Materials Needed:

o Internet

o van/bus

o poster board

o markers

o worksheet

o water

o sampling materials

Learning Expectations:

o Students will learn how to calculate runoff coefficients like Environmental Engineers

o Students will apply calculator skills

o Students will observe the area affected by feedlot run off

o Students will evaluate the environmental impact using water samples

o Students measure the area of a real feedlot run off pond

o Students will use Global Positioning System (GPS) to map feedlot property

Science and Math Implications:

o Inquiry based science research skills

o Practice calculator skills

o Measure the area of a real feedlot

Collect water samples at various locations

Evaluations, Assessments, and Grading Rubric:

Completion of Worksheets

Ask 2 Questions per Guest Speaker

Participation in Field Trip

Poster Depicting a New Feedlot

Type a one-page paper outlining the pros and cons of building a new feedlot or refurbishing an old one using 5-paragraph essay format.

Unexpected Results:

Teachers and students will learn there is way more to operating a feedlot that

meet environmental regulations and profits from efficiency than ever realized.

Students will appreciate the importance of the Environmental Engineers role in

calculating rainwater runoff to prevent local water contamination.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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