Address: 482 Piedras St., Apt 3º J P.C. C1070AAJ, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Telefax: (5411) 4331-5459 (home) / 4307-9212 (studio)

e-mail address:


Place and date of birth: Buenos Aires, October 12, 1950.


Graduated from the National Schools of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano (1967) and Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1970), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Specialized in engraving techniques at the Slade School of Fine Arts, University College, London, England (1977).

Attended classes with painter Carlos Cañás, Buenos Aires, Argentina , from 1968 to 1969 .


Drawing Teacher at National Level. (1967)

Drawing and Painting Teacher at Higher Level. (1970)

Between 1975 and 1976, Nora makes several trips to study abroad, and visits several European countries. In 1980 she is awarded a scholarship by the French government. She resides in France until 1983, when she returns to Argentina. Since then, Nora has periodically travelled to the United States and Europe, so as to keep updated on Art, Design, Image and Fashion.



She was named Art Director of the National Museum of Engraving, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She was named consultant in art issues of the museums that belong to the Ministry of Education, government of Buenos Aires City (August 2010 – December 2011 ).


She was named Coordinator of Visual Art Exhibitions by the INADI, National Institute against Discriminations, Xenophobia and Racism, to be taking place at the branch office in its central site, Buenos Aires. (August 2008- March 2013).

She was named Cultural Adviser of the Legislative Presidence of the City of Buenos Aires, in charge of Mr.Diego Santilli. (July 2008-December 2011).

She is in charge of the course Free Circulation of the Works of Art, POSTGRADUATE COURSE in Cultural Legislation, Law School, Univestity of Buenos Aires. (July2008-December 2011).


Professor of Expressive Media I, Design and Visual Communication Program, School of Arts and Humanities, UNLA, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Lanús, Province of Buenos Aires, March to July.


Workshop instructor “Creativity as a means of finding employment”, Culture Secretariat of the Province of Buenos Aires Government, Buenos Aires, October to December.


Cultural consultant for the Secretariat of the Small and Medium Scale Enterprise, under supervision of Bachelor Ana Kessler, Nation´s Presidency, Argentina.


Technical advisor at the Municipal Art School La Llave, Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche, National Artes Visual Arts Direction, National Secretariat of Culture, Argentina.


Co-ordinates the career of Cultural Administration, National Institute of Public Administration, Nation´s Presidency. Also co-ordinates the visit to Argentina of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Louis Servan Scheiber, invited by the National Institute of Public Administration and the Secretariat of Public Function , Nation´s Presidency, Argentina.


Teaches History of Art, sixteen hours a week (from Prehistory to the XXth Century). Institute of Fine Arts Beato Angélico, Buenos Aires. Teaches Drawing and Painting, privately and at her studio.


Teaches Drawing and Painting, Southern British School, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Teaches Free Expression, Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media at the Children´s Art School, directed by teacher Nora Agrest, Banfield, Argentina. (Pre-school and Primary School children).


Teaches Drawing and Painting to eight hundred children between 6 and 14 years old, in the summer camp, Gimnasia y Esgrima Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Continues throughout the year in the Youth Division of the same club, giving children and youngsters six hours a week of Drawing and Painting on Saturdays.



She is named Director of Argentina of 21C ICAA, International Creative Artists Association, December 25th, Corea.

Fining Cat supports the artist like her main sponsor in her activity to the present.


She is named Cultural Consultant of the Williams Foundation of Thomas  Jefferson Williams and Ana King de Williams  in the Argentine  Republic. (actually)



L' Argentine visit Sidi Bou Said, in Bleu Ciel et Blanc, Photographies , Galerie Municipal Hedi Turki, Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia.

La Patria Found, Galerie Argentine, Argentina Embassy , Paris, France.

Recreational space FIAT , Sileo Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Celeste y Blanco, RAGHSA , 2013 Art Program Building Plaza San Martin, Buenos Aires.


Argentinian Ideas, Mundo Nuevo Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Two Alphabets, Museo de Arte López Claro, Azul, Buenos Aires.

Homeland Found, Photography, Espacio Arte, Hall de Arribos 1er Piso, Aeropuerto Internacional Ministro Pistarini, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires.

Corner of homeland and Education, Municipal History Museum of Balcarce, Balcarce, Buenos Aires.

Light Blue and white, (Homeland Found), 1812-2012, Bicentennial of the creation of the National Flag, Exhibition Hall, Embassy of Argentina to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasilia, Brazil.

200 years of the creation of the Argentinian Flag, Homeland Found, photographs, House of Culture of Almirante Brown, Adrogué, Buenos Aires.


Fontenla Design Mall, Art in Fontenla XII, Buenos Aires.

Like at home, Buenos Aires.

Carmen Tenerani Art Gallery, Resistencia, Chaco.

Evita educates, Evita teaches, Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Center, Cultural Direction, Ituzaingo Municipality, Ituzaingo, Buenos Aires.

Photography Prometeus Hall, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires

Cultural Space,Women's Museum ,Cordoba.

Nuss Hotel, Buenos Aires, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires

Two Alphabets, Ezequiel Linares Exhibition Hall, Fine Arts Provincial Museum Timoteo Eduardo Navarro, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán.

Argentinian World; Ángel Guido Art Project, Buenos Aires.


The women at the Bicentenial; Fine Arts Museum Octavio de la Colina, La Rioja, La Rioja.


The unreacheable, Fine Arts Provincial Museum Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba, Córdoba.

Two Alphabets; Fine Arts Provincial Museum Juan Yaparí, Posadas, Misiones.

Evita; Museum of Art and History, Los Toldos, Buenos Aires

Bank of the City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.

Saint Valentine, Mercedes Pinto Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Letters, the positive alphabet, AMIA Art Space, Buenos Aires.

La Guanaca Azul, art gallery and shop, inaugural shop window, San Telmo, Buenos Aires.

Evita, a homage, Contemporary Art Space, MUBA; Provincial Museum of Fine Arts Rene Brusau, Resistencia, Chaco.

La Mirada - Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Newspaper Museum La Capital, Rosario, Santa Fe.

ISALUD University; Art Space, Buenos Aires.

Life always smiles, Wussmann Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Evita, a homage, Conference Room at the Presidential House, Buenos Aires.

Letters as days, Contemporary Art Space, Provincial Museum of Fine Arts Rene Brusau, Resistencia, Chaco.

Legislature of La Rioja province, La Rioja.


Eva Peron, UNLA (National University of Lanús ), Buenos Aires.

Eva Peron, a tribute, Caras y Caretas Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

(D ) Evocation Argentina, El Ombú Country Estate, Culture Headquarters of San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.

MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art Salta, Salta.

(D) Evocation Argentina, Evita Museum, Buenos Aires.


Argentine Evocation ( from Pampas to the Caribean ), National Museum and Art Gallery, Port of Spain , Trinidad & Tobago .

TA TE TI, Alvear Fashion & Arts , Buenos Aires.

Popular Library Sarmiento, Villa Cañas, Santa Fe

Insight Gallery , Buenos Aires.


Everyday Exercises, Collages, Arte y Parte Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Fragments, Oxygen Fine Arts, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

BAS, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.

Alphabets, Museum of Contemporary Art Raúl Lozza, Alberti, Buenos Aires.

Sequences, Agalma Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Galería del Puente, Pacheco Golf Club, Buenos Aires.

Mirrors, Dogma, Principio Activo de Arte, Buenos Aires.

Post Argentinas, Honorable Senate of the Province of Buenos Aires, Hall of Lost Steps, La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Post Argentinas, Honorable Senate of the Nation, Salon Azul, Buenos Aires.

Bamboo Cafe, Buenos Aires.

Bleu -Blanc- Rouge, A hommage to France, Alliance Française de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Alliance Francaise de Mar del Plata Buenos Aires.

Provincial Fine Arts Museum of La Pampa, Santa Rosa, La Pampa.

Clásica y Moderna Bookstore and Restaurant, Buenos Aires.

Oxígeno Fine Arts Gallery, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.


Post Argentinas, Gallery Hotel Tamanaco, Caracas, Venezuela.

Two versions of The Alphabet, National University of Lanus, Buenos Aires.

Alphabet, Letters and days (ICANA , Instituto Cultural Argentino American), Buenos Aires.

Useful Art, Installation, Santorini, Buenos Aires.

2002 :

Nothing is forever, Installation, Daniel Maman Fine Art, Buenos Aires.

Cultural Space Lanin Open Pit, Buenos Aires.

2001 :

Passages, retrospective, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

Cultural Centre El Andino, Argentine Artists Gallery, Río Cuarto, Córdoba.

Professional Club, Buenos Aires Design Recoleta, Buenos Aires.

Hotel San Carlos, Buenos Aires.

2000 :

Daily actions, Roberto Martin, Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires.

Generosity, Elsi del Rio, Buenos Aires.

NEA 2000 in ART, (New School Argentina 2000), Buenos Aires.

Bambú Cafe, Buenos Aires.

El Gato Negro, Buenos Aires.

The Coffee Store, Buenos Aires.

Bonaerense, Museum of Fine Arts, La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Roberto Martin-Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires.

Citibank Centre, Citibank, Buenos Aires.

Rodizio Restaurant, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.


Stock Exchange, Buenos Aires.

Albacaución Gallery, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Catamarca.

San José Palace, Justo José de Urquiza Museum, Caseros, Entre Ríos.

Museum of Drawing and Engraving “Guaman Poma”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Bonaerense, Museum of Fine Arts, La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Foundation Memorial of Latin America, Marta Traba Hall, San Pablo, Brazil.

1998 :

Pozzi, beauty shop, Buenos Aires.

Argentine Consulate, New York, NY.

Le Point Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Giesso Reich Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Urban Landscapes , National Endowment for the Arts, Buenos Aires.

1997 :

Giesso Reich Gallery, Buenos Aires.

1996 :

Galerie Café: opening exhibition, Spinetto Shopping, Buenos Aires.


Nominating, Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires.

Alphabets, gallery Peace Towers Springs , Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

1990 :

Museum of American Art of Maldonado, Uruguay.

Playas del Balcón, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Homage to Victoria Ocampo: celebrating the centennial anniversary of her birth, Villa Victoria, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Crawford Gallery, Argentine Art, Buenos Aires.


Austral Airlines, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Wilfredo Lam Centre, La Habana, Cuba.

Spinetto Shopping Center, Buenos Aires.


50th Aniversary of the Galician Union in Argentina , Luis Seoane Hall, Galician Center of Buenos Aires , Buenos Aires.

Centoira Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Banco Mercantil Foundation, Buenos Aires.


The Villa Shines, action and staging in the gardens of Villa Victoria, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Villa Baranka Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland.

Central Society of Architects, Buenos Aires, Work at Work , installation worked on during three days, not inaugurated.


Buenos Aires x 365, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Paseo de la Recoleta, Buenos Aires.


Casa Puente, Buenos Aires.

San Telmo Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Del Retiro Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Rómulo Raggio Museum-Foundation, Vicente López, Buenos Aires.


Lufthansa, Buenos Aires.

Art and Design Centre, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires.


Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.


Collages - Objects , Works Paris 1980/1981, Ficciones Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Shipping Paris Biennale 1980 Artemúltiple Gallery , Buenos Aires.

1979 :

Drawings Artecinco Gallery , Buenos Aires.


Prints, Gallery Attica, Buenos Aires.


Dick Van Gallery, Rosario, Santa Fe.


Il Torchio Gallery, Gorizia, Italy.

General San Martín Town Hall Theater, Buenos Aires.


Acrylics, Gallery Dalila Bonomi , Rosario , Santa Fe

Gradiva Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Buenos Aires City Bank, Buenos Aires.

First National City Bank, Buenos Aires.

Portraits and Self-Portraits , Gallery Attica, Olivos , Buenos Aires.

1973 :

Hache Gallery , Buenos Aires.


Middle School No. 1 , Ensenada , Buenos Aires.



Art Flag , Flags for Diversity , Borges Cultural Center , Buenos Aires.

102nd National Visual Arts discipline etching, Palais de Glace , Buenos Aires.

Evita in books, National Library , Buenos Aires.

Works Heritage Museum of Drawing and Engraving Artemio Alisio , Museum of Fine Arts of Paraná , Entre Ríos.

Visual Poetry Gallery PHOS, Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Pictures Argentina presence Parco Museum Collection Portofino Summer Italiano in Buenos Aires, Usina Art Buenos Aires.

XC Salon Mayo, section Engraving, Museum of Fine Arts Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe, Santa Fe

I Giorni Della Pietra, Festival of Arts, Culture and Memory, 2013 edition, Chiesa in Valmalenco, Sondrio, Italy.

Works and Heritage Awards National Exhibition , Art Museum López Clear, Blue, Buenos Aires.


Belgrano in Santiago, Bicentennial Cultural Center, Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero.

She, The Loyalty, House of Córdoba, Buenos Aires.

A Moment to Eternity, House of the Currency Argentina, Buenos Aires, House Néstor Kirchner, Buenos Aires.

Make visible the invisible, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Federal Exhibition Bicentennial of the Creation of our Flag, Casa de Santa Fe, Buenos Aires.

XV Open International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations 2002, Imaginaire Féminin, The Lido, Venice, Italy.

Thinking with images, Heritage Bank works in Buenos Aires, Osde Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Pampa del Indio, Art with Qom, Solidaires Artists Foundation, Centro Cultural Caras y Caretas, Buenos Aires.

Yo- Yo intervened Municipal Exhibition Center, San Isidro Buenos Aires.

Evita of America, UNLA, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires.

3 works of Nora Iniesta, 3 works of Eduardo Pla, Classical Contemporary Art 2012, Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires.

+Estampa Edition 2012, New World Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Engravers of Buenos Aires, Zurbaran Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Open Game Pulpito Balls intervention by artists, shows in the Public TV, Channel 7, Buenos Aires.

Museum of World Sports Marketing, Temple of the Other Game, Buenos Aires

Norcenter, Open Arts 4th Edition, Vicente López, Buenos Aires.

Argentinan Engravers, Heritage works, Museum of Drawing and Engraving, Artemio Alisio, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Carlitos Gardel “The Eternal Smile”, Argentinian Palermo Racetrack, Buenos Aires.

Artists’ Games 10, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

MAAP Artists, (Museum of Argentinian Fine Artists), Museum Fundation Rómulo Raggio, Vicente López, Buenos Aires.

100º National Visual Arts Salon, Etching, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.

Wallrod Project / Wallrod Art Space, Buenos Aires.

So much pop, Ofelia Theatre-House, Buenos Aires.

Oneself in simultaneous time, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Means of communication Museum Raul D.Berneri, Resistencia, Chaco.

Art - Classic 11, Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires.

Peronism, Daniel Santoro-Nora Iniesta. Passage 17, Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires.

Collection 2011- Nalbandian Fundation, Arroyo Gallery, Buenos Aires.

In the day of our Homeland, Ofelia Theatre-House, Buenos Aires.

Iniesta+Iniesta, PHOS, Contemporary Art Gallery, Pilar, Buenos Aires.

LXXXVIII May Hall, engraving section, Fine Arts Provincial Museum Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fé, Santa Fé.

Umbrellas of the Cabildo in the Bicentennial, Museo Nacional del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo, Buenos Aires.

Bicentennial of our Homeland, Juan Carlos Castagnino Museum, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Homage to LXXX years of María Curie Hospital of Oncology, Centoira Art Gallery.

MAT Memory Day, Nora Iniesta and Luis Felipe Noe; Museum of Art, March, 24th. Tigre, Buenos Aires.

Being Back – Arriving, Homenage to Carlos Gardel, Today in Art Galery, Buenos Aires.


Artists’ Games 9, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Like at home, Buenos Aires.

Art in movement, Alto Palermo Shopping, Buenos Aires.

XIII International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations Open2010, The Lido, Venice, Italy.

17th International Biennial of Art, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

One week, Sindy, Something more than fifteen beautiful faces, Bisagra Contemporary Art , BuenosAires.

You ´ll be what you should be, Bicentenary, Plastic Arts Museum Eduardo Sivori, Buenos Aires.

Intervened gym-shoes, Walking through life with Homeless Art, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

Evita through your eyes; Bonfiglioli Fine Arts Museum, Villa María, Córdoba.

Bolívar Gallery, San Telmo, Buenos Aires.

She takes part in the Mural of the Bicentenary celebration; 100 personalities-100 artists.

Muramento 2010 Bicentenary to be placed at Tigre department, with Evita as the chosen character.


At Open Air Pilar third show, Ars Duo Contemporaneo Gallery, Pilar, December 12th and 13th..

Argentine Artists joined against cancer; Palermo District, Buenos Aires.

Jacques Martínez Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Artists’ Games 8, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Tree of artists Show, AgrupARte (Group in art), AGRUPAR ( all toghether) Foundation, Rubbers International Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Litho-Graphic 2009, Cultural Centre Villa Ocampo, Mar del Plata.

Manuel Belgrano Salon, engraving section; Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Argentine Painting in Pakistán 2009; Embassy of the Argentine republic, Islamabad, Pakistán.

Second Integrating Show in memory of the 20 years of the creation of Afasia Fundation

“CharlotteSchwarz”; Iman Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires.

We the others, Groupal Installation, AAVRA, Visual Artists Association Argentine Republic, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

LXXXVI May Hall, engraving section, Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez Fine Arts Provincial Museum, Santa Fe, Santa Fe.

X National Annual Hall of Drawing and Engraving of Entre Ríos2009, engraving section; Provincial Museum of Drawing and Engraving “Artemio Alisio”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Fine Arts Museum of Concordia, Entre Ríos.

Intervened cups and balls 2, (children’s game) Abasto’s Children Museum, Buenos Aires.

Shapes & Forms. Angel Guido Art Project, Buenos Aires.

Artroof, A Roof for my country, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Painting National Hall  2009, Avon Space, Buenos Aires.  

Art in movement, Alto Palermo Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Tomorrow, 17th Seoul Internacional Art Festival; Chosunilbo Museum, Seoul, Corea.

Sao Pablo Project 1, performance, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Sao Pablo Project 2, performance, Contemporary Art Week Mar del Plata; Sao Pablo Project 3, performance, Bogotá, Colombia, San Pablo Project. 4, La Habana, Cuba.

ART Space, Salta, SLA, AA2000 (Argentine Airports 2000), together with the artist Alfredo Muñoz, Salta.

The Journey, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.


Palermo H Art Gallery, Supportive Art, Buenos Aires.

Expo/Fair/08 Objeto A Gallery, Buenos Aires.

At Open Air Pilar second show, Ars Duo Arte Contemporáneo Gallery, Pilar, November 28th.and 29th..

Springtime, OMNES Arts, Ars Duo Arte Contemporáneo Gallery, Pilar.

Imagen y Semejanza, AMIA Space of Art, Buenos Aires.

Divos & Divas (He and She Celebrities), Transarte Art Gallery  San Telmo, Buenos Aires.

Encontre, Art Gallery, San Telmo, Buenos Aires.

La Europea, Buenos Aires.

Works of the Patrimony, Museum of Contemporary Art Raúl Lozza, Alberti, Buenos Aires.

Art in Barracas, Museum of Urban Interventions, Lanín Passage between Suárez Ave. and Brandsen, Buenos Aires.

ARTEBA 17 th Contemporary Art Fair, Wussmann Art Gallery, La Rural, Buenos Aires.

White and Blue, May 25th. Towards the Second Century, MAT, Museum of Art in Tigre, Buenos Aires.

Objeto A Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Icons and Graphics, Focal Point of Contemporary Art, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Buenos Aires.

Art against discrimination, INADI, Auditórium Theatre, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.


Manuel Belgrano Salon, engraving sector. Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Evita through your own eyes, Cruz Diez Museum of Design and Illustration, Caracas, Venezuela.

Ars Duo, Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Belgrano R Art gallery, Buenos Aires.

First argentina Foundation, Buenos Aires.

National Visual Arts Salon, Etching, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.

2007 Regional Painting Salon, Avon Foundation for Women, Buenos Aires.

4th National Salon in the Province of Salta, Painting specialty, MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art, Salta.

LXXXIV National Annual Exhibition of Santa Fe, Provincial Fine Arts Museum, Santa Fe.

ARTEBA 16 th Contemporary Art Fair, Agalma Art Gallery, La Rural, Buenos Aires.

National Biennal of Art of Bahia Blanca 2007, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires.

Artemujer; Women’s Day, Palacio San Martin, Argentine Chanceller, Buenos Aires.


Flags of the Possible; End of the World Biennal, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.

Casa FOA, Galeria de Arte, espacio 24, Buenos Aires.

Honourable Senate of the Nation, Blue Room, Buenos Aires..

Masters in the Week of Art, Galeria de Arte Belgrano R, Buenos Aires.

7th National Exhibition of Drawing and Engraving in Entre Ríos – Drawing and Engraving Museum Guaman Poma, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Expotrastiendas VI, 6º Art Gallery Fair organized by AAGA, (Argentine Association of Art Galleries), Centro Municipal de Exposiciones, Buenos Aires.

English Invasions (two hundred years), Wussman Galeria de Arte, Buenos Aires.

National Salon of Painting, Knit and Embroidery 2006, Avon Foundation for Women, Borges Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires; Province Museum of Fine Arts Timoteo E. Navarro, Tucumán; Cultural Centre Bernardino Rivadavia, Rosario, Santa Fe.

Mirrors, Mercedes Pinto Arte Contemporáneo Argentino, Buenos Aires.

IMAGO Espacio de Arte, Fundación OSDE, Metropolitan Choice of the Argentine Prize for Visual Arts 2006, Buenos Aires.

Neon Art, 11th Artists working with Neon, Centoira Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires.

Games and Toys, Goethe Schulle, San Isidro, Buenos Aires.

National Visual Arts Salon, New Materials and Installations, Textile, and Etching, Palais de Glace, National Exhibition Rooms, Buenos Aires.

An object to wear, Arte Nota Space, La Paz, Bolivia.

ARTEBA 15 th Contemporary Art Fair ,Insight Art Gallery, La Rural , Buenos Aires.

Proyect Invulnerables as gods; Homage to Jorge Luis Borges, Intervention bust-sculpture of the writer, 3rd. Classic and Contemporary fair, Buenos Aires.

Artists of the Gallery, Insight Gallery, Buenos Aires.

1/1 Caja de Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Yu Shun Art Museum, Harbin, China.


Artists’Games 6, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Gallery Nights, IX Edition, la Recova de Posadas, Buenos Aires.

Iberoamerican Painting Competition 2005, Aerolíneas Argentinas Foundation, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires.

VIIIth Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires.

National Visual Arts Salon, New Materials and Installations, Palais de Glace, National Exhibition Rooms, Buenos Aires.

Seoul International Art Festival 2005, The Chosunilbo Art Museum, Seoul, Korea.

5006 Gallery, Design Suites Hotel, Buenos Aires.

The Landscape, Mercedes Pinto Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

100 Artists for a Museum 2005, Casoria International Contemporary Art Museum, Casoria, Naples, Italy.

XLIX Manuel Belgrano 2004 Fine Arts Salon, etching, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Different Versions of Evita, Galería Fundación Hervás Amezcua, Barcelona, España.

Different Versions of Evita, Hotel Realidad, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.


National Visual Arts Salon, 100 YEARS of BOCA, “Benito Quinquela Martín” Fine Arts Museum, Buenos Aires.

Artists´ Games 5, Children´s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Lebanese Club, Buenos Aires.

Urban Mosaique; Espacio de Arte Musivo, Buenos Aires.

II Conart 2004; Contemporary Art Biennial, El Matadero, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

VIIth Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martin, Buenos Aires.

Different Version of Evita; Arteipunto art Gallery and CGT headquarters, Buenos Aires.

War in the Fine Arts. Maximiliano Guerra's Studio - Buenos Aires Fine Arts Week 2004, Buenos Aires.

Yo? Argentino! (¿Me..? ¡Argentine!); CulturAR, tourism and culture space, Buenos Aires.

National Visual Arts Salon, New Materials and Installations, Palais de Glace, National Exhibition Rooms, Buenos Aires.

Carlos Gardel at the Intercontinental Hotel Buenos Aires, Intercontinental Hotel, Buenos Aires.

“10 years of AMIA”, Transarte, Buenos Aires.

XLVIII Manuel Belgrano 2003 Fine Arts Salon, etching, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires

Pampeano room of the Provincial Fine Arts Museum, Santa Rosa, La Pampa.

LXXXI National Annual Exhibition of Santa Fe, Provincial Fine Arts Museum “Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez, Santa Fe.

“Everlasting Argentina”, Space of Art, Buenos Aires.

Football, Palais de Glace, National Exhibition Rooms, Buenos Aires.

“An object to sit on”, Oxígeno Fine Arts, Santa Cruz de la Sierra; Arte Nota Space, La Paz, Bolivia.

“Transabasto”, Konex Cultural City, Buenos Aires.

“Object and representation”, Juan Carlos Castagnino Museum, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.


Space2 Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Award to the Visual Arts 2003, given by the Banco Ciudad Foundation, National Fine Arts Museum, Buenos Aires.

Small format, Arteipunto Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Scenes of the early eighties, Proa Foundations, Buenos Aires.

VIth Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires.

Optical Illusions, reflected by 56 artists, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

The Seven Capital Virtues, TransArte Foundation, Espacio Giesso, Buenos Aires.

2nd Exhibition of Painted Napkins, Florida Garden, Buenos Aires.

“Versions”, Arteipunto Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Art outlet, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.

What didn´t go away with the eraser. Schools’ Museum, located in the National Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Buenos Aires.

25th International Graphic Arts Biennial, Ljubljana.

4th National Exhibition of Drawing and Engraving in Entre Ríos – Drawing and Engraving Museum “Guaman Poma”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

APDEBA, Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association, Buenos Aires.

Artists’ Banners, School N° 2, Necochea, Buenos Aires.

Dibujístico, Materia Urbana Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

2003 World Calligraphy Biennial of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea.

A Celebration of Toys, Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

LXXX National Annual Exhibition of Santa Fe, Provincial Fine Arts Museum

“Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez”, Santa Fe.

“Eva Perón - Woman in Art Today”. Museum of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“Women & their cultural protagonism 2003”, Fine Arts Museum of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1st Exhibition of Artists’ Umbrellas, Urbano Poggi Fine Arts Museum, Rafaela, Santa Fe; Space of Contemporary Art, Mendoza; V Caribbean’s Biennial Exhibition of Fine Arts, Museum of the Dominican People, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Science and Technology Museum, PUCRS University, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2004.

“Yearning and Devotion”, Proa Foundation, Buenos Aires; Parque de España Cultural Center, Rosario, Santa Fé.

Evita, a life, a story, a mith, Auditorium Hall, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.


Artists’ Games 3, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

“Little beds”, 500 artists united in an exhibition for charity, organized by AAVRA (Asociation of Visual Artists of the Argentine Republic), Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

Award to the Visual Arts 2002, given by the Banco Ciudad Foundation, National Fine Arts Museum, Buenos Aires.

Expotrastiendas II, 2° Art Gallery Fair organized by AAGA, (Argentine Association of Art Galleries), Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

Unique Goods, art and objects, Buenos Aires.

Vth Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martín Palace, Buenos Aires.

“The Golden Years of Film”, special exhibition, Avon Foundation, Spain Cultural Center, Córdoba, Argentina.

Print, International Salon of Engraving and Contemporary Art Editions, Country House Fairs Recinct, Madrid, Spain.

V Open International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations 2002, Imaginaire Féminin, The Lido, Venice, Italy.

“Eva Perón: images of a passion”, La Plata Argentine Theatre, Emilio Pettoruti hall, La Plata; Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires; Caraffa Museum, Córdoba; Argentina;

Memorial Foundation of Latin America, Marta Traba Hall, San Pablo, Brazil; Museo del Barro, Asunción, Paraguay.

Evita, a life, a story, a mith, National Library, Buenos Aires; Hogar Escuela Juan Domingo Perón, Corrientes, Corrientes.

ARTEBA, Buenos Aires Art Fair, Daniel Maman Fine Art, La Rural, Buenos Aires.

Artists’ Flags, Centro Cultural General San Martín, Buenos Aires.

Toys for Icarus, Fans from two seas, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

2002 FIFA World Cup Korea / Japan, Invitational Exhibition, KEPCO Plaza Gallery, Seoul, Korea.

2002 Flag Art Festival, Nanjicheon Park, Seoul, Korea.

“Creative Cruzade”, Argentine Aphasiology Foundation, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

“Fax’Art 3 – Parable of the Collective Memory”, Arts and History Museum, Saint-Denis, France.

Wines and Winecellars 2002 Event, National Exhibition Salons, Buenos Aires.

2002 Banner Festival Buenos Aires-Seoul, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

Cultural Ensemble “da Caixa Economica Federal”, Terreo Gallery, Brasilia, Brasil.

Artists’ Flags, René Brusau Fine Arts Museum, Resistencia, Chaco.

Artists’ Flags, Tennis and Culture, organized by Magenta magazine, Vilas Club, Buenos Aires.


Provincial Museum of Drawing and Engraving, “Guamán Poma”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Artists’ Games 2, Children’s Museum, Abasto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

La Plantación, Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires.

Eva Peron Institute of National Historical Investigations, Buenos Aires.

Neon Art 2001, 10th Exhibition: Artists using Neon, Centoira Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

6th 2000 KCCA, (Korea Creative Artist Associations), Seoul International Art Festival, Sejong Arts Center Museum annex, (Kwangh Wamun Gallery), Seoul, Korea.

Argentine painters, contemporary artists, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

Proarte, Costa Salguero Centre, Buenos Aires.

IVth. Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires.

III Painting Biennial, Avon Foundation, Borges Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

“Flags, a window on art and colour”, Lanín Street, public art, Buenos Aires.

Toys, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

“Creativity Celebrated”, AMIA, Buenos Aires.

III Mercosur Visual Arts Biennial, Porto Alegre, Río Grande do Sud, Brasil.

Ist Buenos Aires International Art Biennial, Globalization of Urban Culture, National Museum of Fine Arts, Neuquén, Neuquén.

III National Salon of Small Format Drawing 2001, Provincial Museum of Drawing and Engraving, “Guamán Poma”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

ARTEBA, Buenos Aires Art Fair, Roberto Martín Contemporary Art, La Rural, Buenos Aires.

IV Painting Biennial Paloma Alonso, Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Museum of Fine Arts of the Province of Buenos Aires, La Plata.

Argentine Workers’ Centre, Buenos Aires.

“Masks II”, Filo Art Space, Buenos Aires.


20th Exhibition of International Mini Prints of Cadaqués, Barcelona, Spain. Municipal Art Hall Xavier Gosé, Lleida, Spain. Wingfield Arts & Music Festival, Wingfield, England. Workshop Fort Gallery, Cadaqués, Girona, Spain. L’Etang d’Art, Bages, France.

International Flag Exhibition 2000, organized by the Association of Joung XXIst.Century Artists, Seoul, Korea.

LXXXIX National Visual Arts Salon 2000, Photography section , National Exhibition Hall, Buenos Aires.

Fra Angélico Art Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires.

La Plantación, Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires.

XXV Manuel Belgrano 2000 Fine Arts Salon, drawing and painting, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Ist International Buenos Aires Art Biennial, Globalization of Urban Culture, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

Photography Award Rosa Klemm, Federico Jorge Klemm Foundation, Buenos Aires.

6th Painting Biennial , Morón University, Morón, Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Third Contemporary Argentine Art Exhibition, Palacio San Martín Palace, Diplomats’ Wives Association , Buenos Aires.

IVth. Latin American Show and Ist International Miniprint Exhibition Rosario 2000, Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Centre, Rosario, Santa Fe.

Crucero Multiespacio, Buenos Aires.

Artists of the Gallery, Roberto Martín Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires.

IXth National Painting Salon “Mariquita Sánchez” 2000, Avon Foundation , National Museum of Fine Arts, Bahía Blanca.

Costantini Award , National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

St. Matthias Kollegium-Tunsdorf, Alemania.

Neon Art 2000, 10th. Exhibition of Artists using Neon, Centoira Art Gallery , Buenos Aires.

ARTEBA, Buenos Aires Art Fair, Hoy en el Arte Gallery, La Rural, Buenos Aires.

Roberto Martin-Contemporary Art, New York, NY.

Estilo Pilar 2000, Carlos Pellegrini Institute, Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Teresa Nachman Art Gallery, Pinamar, Buenos Aires.

Lo Scarabeo at the Marcin Hotel, Cariló, Buenos Aires.

Roberto Martín Contemporary Art, Tina di Primio Award –St. Matthias Kollegium, Buenos Aires.


19th Exhibition of International Miniprints of Cadaqués,Barcelona, Spain.Winfield Arts & Music Festival, Winfield, England. Fort Gallery, Cadaques, Girona, Spain. L’Etang d’Art Gallery, Bages, France.

Trastienda Abierta, Del Infinito Art, Buenos Aires.

Argentine 20th Century : Art and Culture, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

End of Millenium, Distéfano Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Paf, bread, love & fantasy, Art Fair, Buenos Aires.

Lebanese Club , Buenos Aires.

Del Infinito Art, The Six Differences, Buenos Aires.

Second Exhibition: “Art at Palacio San Martín”, sponsored by the Associación of Argentine Diplomats’ Wives , Buenos Aires.

Lo Scarabeo, Art Gallery, Buenos Aires

Toys in Art, Andreani Foundation, Buenos Aires.

First National Salon of Small Format Drawings 1999, Xth. Anniversary Museum of Drawing and Engraving “Guaman Poma”, Auditorium “Dr. Arturo U. Illia” Concepción del Uruguay, and Museum of Fine Arts “Dr. Pedro E. Martínez”, Paraná, Entre Ríos.

Anthology II, National Arts Fund for the Arts, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.


Artists’ Things, Recoleta Cultural Centre Shop, Buenos Aires.

In the year of the Tiger (according to the Chinese Horoscope ), Espacio Giesso Reich, Buenos Aires.

70 Art Gallery, Ltd, New York, NY.

Art-Object, homage to Marcel Duchamp, Andreani Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Books of Artists, “A new Genre”, Municipal Museum of Fine Arts Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, Santa Fe.

LXXV Santa Fe Salon, Drawing, Rosa Galisteo of the Rodríguez Museum, Santa Fe.

Show “Evita”, Women´s Gallery, National Council of Women, Buenos Aires.

Tribute to Ana Frank, A Symbol. Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

160th Anniversary of the Opera of Cuba, Grand Theatre of Havana, Havana, Cuba.


Marathon, Christmas in Art, Sara García Uriburu Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Books of Artists Exhibition : On Power (construction and destruction), Letras del Sur Bookshop, Buenos Aires.

Show: “Evita”, Women´s Gallery, National Council of Women, Buenos Aires.

Terra Project, Mail Art, Roberto Martín Art Gallery, (ex -San Telmo Foundation), Buenos Aires.

Manuel Belgrano Salon, Drawing, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Tribute to Ana Frank, A Symbol, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bahía Blanca.

A Hundred Books by Famous Painters, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

17th Exhibit of International Mini Prints of Cadaqués, Barcelona, Spain. Wingfield Arts & Music Festival, Wingfield, England. Pau Casals Music Festival, Prades, France. Fort Gallery, Cadaqués, Girona, Spain. Ateneo Canet de Mar, Barcelona, Spain. L’ Etang d’ Art Gallery, Bages, France.

Exhibition in support of teachers’ hunger strike:” Dignity Tent”, Los Dos Congresos Square, Buenos Aires.

Bolero and Visual Arts, Arte x Arte Gallery, Solar del Juramento, Buenos Aires.

Evitamanía, Arte x Arte Gallery, Solar del Juramento, Buenos Aires.


70/75 Graduates, ex-students of the Prilidiano Pueyrredón School, Quilmes Municipal Museum of Visual Arts , Buenos Aires.

Marathon, Christmas in Art, Sara García Uriburu Gallery, Buenos Aires.

The Art of Buying Art Exhibition, Filo Art Space ,Buenos Aires.

Books of Artists Exhibition : About power (construction and destruction), Art Gallery of the Faculty of Psychology, National University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.

Invisible Animal, Joven Nave Space, Auditorium Theatre, Mar del Plata.

Passion for Frida, exhibition dedicated to Frida Kahlo, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

ARTEBA, Buenos Aires Art Fair, Engraving Section, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

‘80/’90 Contemporary Argentine Art, Patricios Bank Foundation Collection, Patricios Bank Foundation, Buenos Aires.


15th Exhibition of International Mini Prints of Cadaqués, Barcelona, España.

Joensuum Taidemuseo, Joensuu, Finland. Wingfield Arts & Music Festival, Wingfield, England. Galería Fort Studio, Cadaqués, Girona, España. Ateneo, Canet de Mar, Barcelona, España. L’Etang D’Art, Bages, France.

Marathon, A one-day Exhibit, Sara García Uriburu Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Ivth. Exhibition: Natan Avant-Garde & Classicism, Buenos Aires.

Art on Paper, Niko Gulland Art Dealer, Buenos Aires.

International Exhibition of Books of Artists, Bookstore Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Lev Polugaevsky World Tournament of Chess Exhibition, organized by the Max Euwe Association and the Patricios Bank Foundation, Buenos Aires.

First October Salon of Drawing and Engraving S.A.A.P., Andreani Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Drawing in Argentina, Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires.


A View on Argentine Drawing, Teresa Nachman Gallery, Algeciras Hotel, Pinamar, Buenos Aires.

Christmas Exhibition, Press Conference Room, Radio and Television of the Presidency, Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires.


Manuel Belgrano Municipal Salon, Drawing and Engraving , Eduardo Sívori Museum, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

First Biennial of Argentine Fashion, Rosario 1992, Municipal Museum of Fine Arts Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, Santa Fe.

17th International Independent Exhibition of Prints in Kanagawa ‘92, Yokohama, Japan.

Konex Biennal, New Proposals, National Exhibition Showrooms, Buenos Aires.

Alternative Graphics, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Artists’ Games, Juan Carlos Castagnino Municipal Museum of Art, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.


Foz Palace, Lisbon, Portugal.

XVIIth. Book Fair, Buenos Aires.

Two Rivers Gallery, Minneapolis American Indian Center: Preparing our children for a world of difference, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Gazes on the Intruder by Borges, Eduardo Sívori Municipal Museum, Buenos Aires.

Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Design Store, FABA, Harrods, Buenos Aires.

Do Not Collapse: installation, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Situation Room , Buenos Aires.

Bajo Tierra, Buenos Aires.

The 1000 Faces of Menem, Giesso Studio, Buenos Aires.

1st Arte Hoy Salon, Santa María de los Buenos Aires Foundation, Buenos Aires.


GENDER: Feminine, PROFESSION: Artist, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

Women: Argentine Writers´ Society, Buenos Aires.

5th Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art , Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada.

10th Exhibition of International Mini Prints of Cadaqués, Barcelona, Spain.

Museu D’Art de Sabadell, Barcelona. Capella de Sant Joan, Vilafranca del Penedes, Barcelona. Art Farners Gallery, Sta. Coloma de Farners, Barcelona.

Museu del Suro, Palafurgell, Girona. Palau de L’abadia, Sant Joan de les Abadeses, Girona.

Puigcerda, Girona. Castell de la Bisbal, La Bisbal, Girona.

Portal del Pardo, El Vendrell, Tarragona. Serveis Territorials, Tortosa, Tarragona.

Hankyu Department Store, Osaka. Oishi Gallery, Fukuda Gallery, Palaus Fukuoka. Daimaru Department Store, Kochi. Nipponbashi Takashimaya/Interior Gallery, Tokio. Maysuyama Frame Shop, Sapporo. Hakodate. Tomamidoh, Tomakomai. Sasaki Gallery, Kushiro.

Centoira Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires x 2, Lincoln Centre, Buenos Aires.

Returning to the Centre, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Kandinsky, Space of Art and Architecture, Buenos Aires.

Presence and Revision of the 60s Generation, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Castagnino’s House, Buenos Aires.

International Exhibition of Books of Artists, Centoira Gallery and Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

1st Art and Education Conference: Peace and Drug Addiction, Federico G. Froebel Teaching Institute, Buenos Aires.

16th International Exhibition of Prints in Kanagawa ‘90, Yokohama, Japan.

1st Biennal of Buenos Aires: Gardel Painted , Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Re-readings, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

Art and Advertising, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Manzana de las Luces, Buenos Aires.

Erik Art Showroom, Buenos Aires.

Art in Bloom, Cemento Discotheque, Buenos Aires.

Design Store, FABA ‘90, Harrods, Buenos Aires.


Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, exhibition of projects for the Carlos Casares Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Biennal of Engraving, Havana, Cuba.

4th Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art Prints in Kanagawa ‘89, Yokohama, Japan.

3rd Biennal of Havana ‘89, Cuba.

Expogourmandise, Palais de Glace, National Exhibition Salon, Buenos Aires.

Adriana Rosenberg Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Julia Lublin Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Allgemeine Sparkasse, Linz, Austria.

20 x 3, Arch Gallery, New York, U.S.A.

Buenos Aires City Municipal Bank, Buenos Aires.

The Argentine Woman in Art, Malvinas Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Babel Gallery, Heilbronn, Germany.


Women Creators, Villa Victoria, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Pinamar, Buenos Aires.

The Argentine Woman in Art, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Paseo de la Recoleta, Buenos Aires.

International Women’s Day, Exhibition-Homage, Alfonsina Storni Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Dochters van Moeder Aarde, Villa Baranka, Amsterdam, Holland.

Eduardo Sívori Municipal Museum of Arts, Buenos Aires: Works belonging to its Patrimony.


Artists awarded with a prize 1950-1986, SHA., Buenos Aires.

“Voluntariado Casas Reales Casco Colonial” Museum, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Arts of Today, Budapest, Hungary.

Latin America Present, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany.

Homage to García Lorca, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.


Emeterio Cerros’s Theatre and its Intermediary, Adriana Indik Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Rosario x Buenos Aires, Young Painting, Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Centre, Rosario, Santa Fe.

Erotic Painting, Loreto Arenas Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Yugoslavia-Argentina, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

“Vecinalismo Exhibition”: Objects, Alberdi Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

International Exhibition of Experimental Art, Budapest, Hungary.


The Toy Exhibition, ESSO Foundation, Juan Carlos Castagnino Municipal Museum of Art, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

I’ne ... viele Landschaften, Werksatt-Gallery, Neckarsulm Germany.

Senate Presidency, La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Artists on Paper, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

International Exhibition: Books of Artists, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Drawings, small format, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Art and Avant-Garde Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Myths, Nora Iniesta, Adriana Aisenberg, Gullermo Kuitca and Osvaldo Monzo; Adriana Indik Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Argentine Countryside, Trench Gallery, Buenos Aires.

1st Sketches’ Exhibition, 2nd Women’s Exhibition, Buenos Aires.

The Chair, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Espacios Theatre, Buenos Aires.

Union Carbide Painting Prize, Praxis Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Boxes, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

National Arts Fund, finalist of the Francesco Romero scholarship, Buenos Aires.

Rómulo Raggio Museum-Foundation, Vicente López, Buenos Aires.

Art Critics’ Conferences, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

27 x 10, Crearte Gallery, Buenos Aires.

l ‘ne ... viele Landschaften Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin, Galerie Brötzinger Art, Pforzheim; Rathaus der Stadt, Stuttgart and Galerie Herzog, Ladengurg, Germany.

Inter-Grafik ‘84, Berlin, Germany.

1st International Exhibition of Mail-Art, Comuna de Ravenna, Italy.


Adolfo Bellocq 1st Engraving Biennial, Vicente López, Buenos Aires.

Manuel Belgrano Municipal Salon, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Eduardo Sívori Municipal Museum, Buenos Aires.

The Young Generation, C.A.Y.C., Buenos Aires.

I’ne ... viele Landschaften Galerie Keim, Stuttgart, Germany and Atelier Rolf Glasmeier, Gelsenkirchenbuer, Germany.

Self Made Postc-Ardts; Atelier Jürgen Kierspel, Stuttgart, Germany.

Juan B. Castagnino Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Rosario, Santa Fe and Municipal Museum of Fine Arts of Resistencia, Chaco, 7 painters, 7 sketchers, 7 photographers.

Ex-pressions, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

New Views on Landscape, La Capilla, Buenos Aires.

2nd Metropolitan Congress of Psychology, LaSalle School, Buenos Aires.

National Arts Fund, Francisco Romero scholarship finalist, Buenos Aires.

Centre of Art and Design, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires.

ESSO Foundation Etching Prize, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Eduardo Sívori Municipal Museum, Buenos Aires.


La Galerie, Paris, France.

Arteder, International Exhibition of Graphic Art, Bilbao, Spain.

Theatre of Ranelagh, Paris, France.

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.

F.I.A.P., Paris, France.

Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.

Joan Miró 21st International Etching Prize, Barcelona, Spain.

Latin American Space, Homage to Drasno, Paris, France.

L’Amérique Latine a` Paris, Grand Palais, Paris, France.

Collage, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

ESSO Foundation Drawing Award, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Eduardo Sívori Municipal Museum, Buenos Aires.


Centre of Visual Communication, Naples, italy.

Gallery of the French Centre of Graphic Arts, Paris, France.

32th Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Paris, France.

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.

Latin American Space, Paris, France.

Carré Blanc Gallery, New Art 1980-1990, Dijon, France.

National Gallery of Modern Art, C. Gulbekian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal.

F.I.A.P., Paris, France.

Sara Hilden Art Museum, Tampere, Finland.

32th Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Paris, France.

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.

Latin American Space, Paris, France.

Carré Blanc Gallery, New Art 1980-1990, Dijon, France.

National Gallery of Modern Art, C. Gulbekian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal.

F.I.A.P., Paris, France.

Sara Hilden Art Museum, Tampere, Finland.

Joan Miró 20th International Drawing Award, Barcelona, Spain.

Praxis, Centre of Art and Design, Buenos Aires.

Works on Paper, Villeparisis and Choisy Le Roi, France.

Atica Gallery, Workshops on Criticism, Buenos Aires.

C Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Metronom, Exhibition: Books of Artists, Barcelona, Spain.


House of Culture, Necochea, Buenos Aires.

Georges Braque Award, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.

Museum of Fine Arts of Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires.

View on Argentine Drawing / 2 C.A.Y.C., Buenos Aires.

Drawing in Argentina, Joan Miró Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.

11th Biennial of Paris, Museum of Modern Art of La Ville, Paris, France.

18th International Biennial of Fine Arts, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

68th Le Trait Exhibition, Lithographs and Engravings , Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.


Manuel Belgrano Municipal Salon, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Georges Braque Award, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

1st LatinAmerican Engraving Triennial, National Exhibition Showrooms, Buenos Aires.

View of the Current Drawing in Argentina C.A.Y.C., Buenos Aires.

Joan Miró 18th International Drawing Award, Barcelona, Spain.

79 Argentine Drawings, Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Tucumán.

15th National Salon of Engraving and Drawing, Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez Museum, Santa Fe.

Museum of Modern Art, Homage to Jules Verne, Buenos Aires.

SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.

New Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Images et Messages d’Amérique Latine, Municipal Cultural Centre of Villeparisis, France.

44th Salon of Rosario, Juan B. Castagnino Municipal Museum, Rosario, Santa Fe.

Lagard Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Mandala Gallery, Buenos Aires.

SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.


Second Floor Gallery, Buenos Aires.

The Artists’ Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Olimpia Theatre Gallery, Buenos Aires.

12th National Engraving and Drawing Salon, National Exhibition Showrooms , Buenos Aires.

Praxis Art and Design Centre, Buenos Aires.

Carlos Filevich: Engraving Biennial, Palatina Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Autumn Salon, SAAP, Buenos Aires.

Museum of Fine Arts of Luján, Buenos Aires.

Manuel Belgrano Municipal Salon, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Annual Salon of Sketchers SAAP, Buenos Aires.


Gradiva Gallery, Buenos Aires.

MEEBA. Drawing and Painting Salon, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

2nd Salon of the Arts : Engraving and Drawing, Isidoro R. Steimberg, National Exhibition Salon, Buenos Aires.

Coronel Suárez Salon, Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires.


Autumn Salon, SAAP, Buenos Aires.

SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.

Manuel Belgrano Municipal Salon, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.


Annual Sketcher´s Salon, Stimulus of Fine Arts Association, Buenos Aires.

Isidoro R. Steimberg Salon Foundation, National Exhibition Salon, Buenos Aires.

Esperanza Salon, Esperanza, Santa Fe.

Nice Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Nice Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Autumn Salon, San Fernando, Buenos Aires.

SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.


Nice Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Antonio Mentruyt Library, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires.


Museo del Parco, Centro Internazionale di Scultura all ‘aperto di Portofino, Portofino, Italia.

Museo Schengen, Schengen, Luxemburgo, Luxemburgo.

Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Casoria, Italia.

Universidad de Essex; Colección de Arte Latinoamericano, Reino Unido.

Fundación Bienal de Jeollabuk-do, Joenju, Corea.

Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, Venezuela.

Colección Llilian Llanes, La Habana, Cuba.

Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Colección Slade School of Fine Arts, Londres, Reino Unido.

Centro de Documentación de Arte Actual, Barcelona, España.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Skopje, Yugoslavia.

Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York., NY, EEUU.

Colección Chemical Bank, Buenos Aires. / New York., NY, EEUU.

Museo de Arte López Claro, Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Histórico Municipal de Balcarce, Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Timoteo Navarro, Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina.

MAC, (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Salta), Salta, Argentina.

Museo de la Ciudad de San Fernando de la Buena Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rene Brusau, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.

Pinacoteca Banco Nación, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba, Argentina.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Raúl Lozza, Alberti, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección UNTREF, (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Museo de Bellas Artes Bonaerense, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Dibujo y Grabado Guaman Poma, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Colección Instituto de Educación Superior en Lenguas Vivas Juan Ramón Fernández, en su Centenario, (una de las diez obras fundadoras de la misma), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Senado de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Banco Ciudad, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Bolsa de Comercio, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Fundación Konex, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Paletas Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Bergara Leumann, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Liga Naval Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Juan Yaparí, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.

Colección Sociedad Hebraica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Nacional del Grabado, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Argentino de Artistas Plásticas, Argentina.

Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Techint, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección UNLA, (Universidad Nacional de Lanús), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Municipal de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Históricas Eva Perón, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Marcos Curi, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colección Juan Cambiaso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Chateau Carreras, Córdoba, Argentina.

Colección Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Privado de Libro de Artista, Colección de Alfredo Portillos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Museo Casa Natal de Evita, Los Toldos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Maktub- Art, Art outside of the fabric; Buenos Aires.


Alfredo Muñoz, MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art Salta; Salta.


Marcelo Toledo, silversmith, July 1999, Buenos Aires.


Sketches en Route (Close bonds); photographs, Alberto Barbero, September, Buenos Aires.


We inhabit the South..., Pérez Sanz; sculptures, 1991-1995. November, Buenos Aires.


Presentation of the first individual show ; paintings, Amalia Ronzoni, Erik Charretier, Art saloon, September, Buenos Aires .


Everything is Beautiful, Luis Lindner, June, Buenos Aires.


Descriptions, Elsa Mitsuko Inoue ; paintings, Lucrecia Fos Art gallery, August , Buenos Aires.



Acquisition Prize Ministry Of Innovation and Culture of the CX Yearly National Hall of Santa Fe, (Specialization) Subjet:Engraving, Provincial Fine Arts Museum Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe.


Mention, Engravig Award, National Salon Visual Arts, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires


First Prize Acquisition Engraving, Manuel Belgrano Hall, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires

Mention at Casa FOA 2010 (Decorator Showhouses 2010 Edition), The Defense; Bicentennary Space, Chairs with Art, Buenos Aires.


Third Prize Acquisition Engraving, Manuel Belgrano Hall, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Second Prize Aquisition X Annual National Hall of Drawing and Engraving of Entre Ríos 2009, Engraving section, Provincial Museum of Drawing and Engraving “Artemio Alisio”, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

Second Acquisition Prize "Ministry Of Innovation and Culture" of the LXXXVI Yearly National Hall of Santa Fe; (Specialization) Subjet:Engraving, Provincial Fine Arts Museum Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe.


Mention, Engravig Award, National Salon Visual Arts, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.


Engraving Award, Manuel Belgrano Exhibition, Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

Riobo Caputto, Engraving Award, LXXX National Annual Exhibition of Santa Fe, Provincial Fine Arts Museum Bellas Artes “Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez”, Santa Fe.

Mention, Engraving Award, National Salon of Fine Arts, “Women & their cultural protagonism 2003, Fine Arts Museum of La Plata, Buenos Aires.


Mention, Visual Arts Award, Banco Ciudad Foundation, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.


First Award, Object, Tina di Primio –St. Matthias Kollegium -, Tunsdorf, Alemania, Buenos Aires.


Mention : Personal Civil Union of the Nation, Buenos Aires.


Diploma of Merit, KONEX Award, New Proposals Discipline, KONEX Foundation, Buenos Aires.


Honourable Mention, ESSO Engraving Award, Buenos Aires City Cultural Centre, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.


Drawing Award, French Centre of Graphic Arts, Paris, France.


Georges Braque Award, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires.


Emilio Agrelo Award, Manuel Belgrano Municipal Showroom, Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires.

1st Painting Award, SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.


Engraving: Mention, SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.


Engraving: Mention, Autumn Salon, San Fernando, Buenos Aires.

1st Award, Museum of Engravings, Altamira Gallery, Buenos Aires.


Painting: Mention, SHA. Salon, Buenos Aires.


1st Painting Award, University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires.


Advertising Bulletin Award, Annual Sketcher’s Salon, Stimulus of Fine Arts Association, Buenos Aires.


Mention: II Alba Painting Salon in the Open Air, Buenos Aires.

Drawing: Mention, Mario Darío Grandi Contest, Arthea Gallery, Buenos Aires.


2nd Painting Award, Lanús School of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.


6th Painting Award, MEEBA., Buenos Aires.


1st Painting Award, Argentine Naval League, Buenos Aires.

1st Painting Award, San Rafael School, Buenos Aires.

2nd Painting Award, La Matanza Town Hall, Buenos Aires.


Painting : Mention, San Rafael School, Buenos Aires.


1st Drawing Award, Yunque Art Association, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires.


1st Drawing Award, Gimnasia y Esgrima Club, Buenos Aires.

Drawing Stimulus Award, General Pueyrredón Town Hall, Buenos Aires.


2 nd Painting Award, Siam di Tella Enterprise, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires.


1st Painting Award, Junior Chamber of Lanús, Buenos Aires.


1st Drawing Award, Association Friends of Laprida Street, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires



Konex Awards, Who is who, biographies of the winners and the jury, 30 years 1980-2009, Konex Foundation, p. 260, Buenos Aires, May 2010.

Patrimony of Buenos Aires, great works of Banco Ciudad; new acquisitions, Victoria Verlichak; Casano Gráfica S.A., p.204-205, december 2009, Buenos Aires.

“The Toy, aesthetics of postmodernity”. Specially written by Jorge M. Taverna Irigoyen, for the Toy Celebration, Borges Cultural Center, August 2003, Buenos Aires.

Sculpture and Memory : 665 projects presented at the competition “ Homage to the detained , disappeared , and murdered by the State Terrorism in Argentina”, simultaneously edited by the Monument to the Victims of Terrorism Commission and Eudeba (University of Buenos Aires), p.255 and 341, March 2000, Buenos Aires.

New History of Painting and Sculpture in Argentina, Romualdo Brughetti, Gaglianone Art Editions, p. 233, 1991., Buenos Aires.

Artists´ Dictionary in Argentina, Vicente Gesualdo, Aldo Biglione, Rodolfo Santos, Inca Publishers, p. 450, Volume l, 1988, Buenos Aires.

40 Argentine Sketchers, Osvaldo Seiguerman, Actualidad en el Arte Editions, p.p. 186 to 193, 1987, Buenos Aires.

Arte 85, Correo Editorial, p. 53, 1985, Buenos Aires.

Arte 84, Correo Editorial, p. 28, 1984, Buenos Aires.

Enciclopedia Mondiale Degli Artisti Contemporanei 1984, Franco Tralli, Casa Editrice Seledizioni, Bologna, p. 473, 1984, Bologna, Italy

Arte 80, Correo Publisher, p.p. 96 to 222, 1980, Buenos Aires.

Art of America, 25 Years of Criticism , Rafael Squirru, Gaglianone Art Editions, p. 407, 1979, Buenos Aires.

Hitos, Magazine Book, Drawing and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sofos Publishers, p. 121, 1979 Buenos Aires.



As curator at the Obelisks´ Project of the Bicentenary, she has been invited to give a lecture at the cycle "Livingroom´s Talks", Bank of the city of Buenos Aires, ArteBA10 , 19th Contemporary Art Fair, 24th and 26th June, at La Rural space, Buenos Aires.



The Lady of Hope, a compilation of all his work with single text Evita by Antonio Cafiero, publisher of Del Nuevo Extremo, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Barcelona.


Curiociudades, La Patria Found, with the support of the Law of Patronage of the City of Buenos Aires, with text by writer and journalist Mario Mactas. Presented at the Golden Hall of the House of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires by the Minister of Tourism and Culture of the City, Engineer Hernan Lombardi, the presence of corporate sponsors: Finning Cat,

Natural Gas, Fundación YPF, and the book's editor, Patricia Rizzo. Edition of 1500 copies, November, Buenos Aires.


Reedits his book Dreams, and publishes a second volume Dreams II made ​​with support from the Buenos Aires Culture, Ministry of Culture, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Provincial Institute of Culture, Chaco; Foundation Capital, Rosario; EDEMSA (Mendoza Electricity Distribution Company), Mendoza. Both editions of 600 copies each, to which it relates in turn to an object embroidery, February, Buenos Aires. The same is presented in ARTEBA, Art Fair of Buenos Aires, booth No. L98 City Bank, Sunday May 24, Buenos Aires, at the Museum Foundation Capital, June 12, Rosario, Santa Fe


Published her book, Dreams, made ​​with support from the Buenos Aires Culture, Ministry of Culture, Government of the City. The same is presented in the Auditorium - Chapel of Recoleta Cultural Center by Architect Osvaldo Giesso, journalist Mario Mactas and art critic Professor William Whitelow, coordinated by Ms. Laura Isola. Edition of 500 copies, August, Buenos Aires.



She was invited as a speaker by International Authors Forum, NH City & Tower, October 26th, Buenos Aires.

She was invited as a speaker by the Museum of Fine Arts in Salta, for a conference on "Current Possibilities recorded" in the framework of the exhibition Argentine Masters of Engraved, July 13th, Salta, Salta.

Dialogue with Nora Iniesta, chat with the artist within the framework women engravers Buenos Aires Engravers who is part of Zurbarán Art Gallery, February 1st, Buenos Aires.


She has been invited by the Visual Arts Coordination of the Secretary of Culture of La Rioja Province to give a lecture on "In the building of a cultural product", Book Fair, La Rioja, Marcelo Lacasa Hall , Castro Barros Cultural Center, July 30 th, La Rioja, La Rioja.

She has been invited by the Subsecretary of Culture of La Rioja to make a workshop in reflection and action of recycled items, Castro Barros Cultural Center, July 30th, on June 17th and June 18th , La Rioja, La Rioja.


She has been invited as speaker by the City Hall of Rafaela , Santa Fe , to give a lecture about the Bicentennial 200 years of Argentine art, the glance of an artist, Fine Arts Municipal Museum Dr. Urbano Poggi, May 18 th, Rafaela, Santa Fe.

Is invited by L’Observatoire de l’Argentine Contemporaine to give a lecture remembering the Bicentenial Aniversary of the Independance of Argentine about 200 years of Argentine Art; Maison de l’Amerique Latine, february 17th, 6.30 PM, París, France.

2009:Is invited to take part  through  the Argentina Junior Achievement Foundation at the 11th Edition of the educational event  Partners for one day, September 2th , Buenos AiresIs invited to lecture at the seminary The arts-therapy in daily life, The International Arts Forum, June 26, Seminar room, Korea Cancer Center Hospital in Seoul, Korea.


Is invited to lecture at Sarmiento Local Library, Villa Cañás, Santa Fe.

Is invited to lecture at Harbin Normal University and Yu Shun art Museum, at the China International Art Forum and the 13th 21C ICAA International Festival; January 8-18, Harbin, China.


Is invited to participate, along with Marcela Gené y Lía Munilla, in a round table organized by the Escuela Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas, (ESEADE,

Economics and Business Administration College), on the subject of "Art Galleries and Art Spaces: Innovative Experiences"; December 7, ESEADE, Buenos Aires.

Is invited to participate in the Art-Psychoanalysis Conference "Dream, Desire, Game", AIAP ( Interaction of Art-Psychoanalysis Association), UNTREF (Tres de Febrero National University); November 5, Centro Cultural Borges Auditorium, Buenos Aires.

Lectures on the occasion of the publication of her book "Dreams, lucky numbers", at the Editorial Design Course, Communication and Graphic Design School, UADE; Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Argentine Business University); November 2, Buenos Aires.

Attends the International Women's Forum, organized by the International Women's Forum of Argentina, 5th September, Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Invited to give a course on Creativity and Fashion, 23 and 25 August, School of Humanities and Communication, UPSA campus, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Private University, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

Lectures on the subject "How to build up a different kind of image", Centre for the Organization of Events, May 23, Buenos Aires.

Lectures at the Eva Perón Commemoration, on her birthday, May 7, UPCN (National Civil Officers Union), 31st Book Fair, Buenos Aires.

Coordinator of the Round Table "Woman, Culture and Daily Events/Life", on the occasion of Woman's Day, Cultural Office, National Presidency, 8 March, Miguel Cané Salon, Cultural Office premises, Buenos Aires.


Invited lecturer during the Series of Conferences “Creative Artists”, organized by UPCN, ( National Civil Staff), April 24, International Book Exhibition, Buenos Aires.

“Argentine Women”, multidisciplinary meeting held at the Parliament Chamber, March 8 ( Room of “Los Pasos Perdidos”), Buenos Aires.


Round table “The Argentine market of Fine Arts”, organized by the Argentine High School of Economy & Administration, (ESEADE), and TIKAL IDEAS/Interfaculty of Economy & Art-HKU, (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Utrecht Hight School of the Arts), Holland.

Invited participants: Nora Iniesta, Marta Minujin, Ignacio Gutiérrez Zaldívar, Juan Cambiasso & Ana Martínez Quijano; July 10, ESEADE, Buenos Aires.

Invited by the Argentine Forum of Executive Women, to give a lecture on “Art & Women in the actual Argentina “, March 5, Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.


Invited by artist Marino Santamaría to speak on the subject Participative Actions, November 19, Cultural Space Lanín a Cielo Abierto, Buenos Aires.

Participates in the Second International Meeting of Women’s Enterprises, (FIDEM), Almería 2002, Argentine Comercial and Institutional Mission, Special Representation of Women’s Affaires in International Context, Board of Women, October 2 through 6, Aguadulce Center of Exhibitions, Spain.


Participates in the Malraux Workshop, directed by the National University of Tres de Febrero, November 23, at the Borges Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Invited by the Women´s Forum at their monthly lunch to speak on Woman and Art, accompanied by artists Josefina Robirosa and Silke, July 31, Del Progreso Club, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordinates for the Culture Secretariat of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, a monthly meeting with a cultural representative of various artistic areas: Josefina Robirosa, artist, March 27, Teatrino ; Alina Diaconú, writer, April 27, El Andino Cultural Centre ; Oscar Barney Finn, film director, July 13, Film Centre, Río Cuarto, Córdoba.


Participates in “First International Journeys of Cultural Patronage”, The Value of Communicating with Art, Culture and Society –“Culture and Economy - Culture and

Enterprise”, sponsored by the Secretariat of the French Embassy: “Culture and Communication” : The Nation´s Presidency, Embassy of France and Embassy of Brazil, Cronopios Hall, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, October 2 and 3.

Participates in the Thought Workshop and Artistic Practice, Klemm Foundation , Buenos Aires, September 23.

Participates in the Ist. Interdisciplinary Symposium on Criticism, Theory, Politics and

Artistic Production; Centre of Modern Art, Quilmes, August 9 through 12

Speaks on Creativity and Conceptual Art , in the framework of her own works : The Coffee Store, Buenos aires, July 28.

Participates in the Summer Workshop “Non-toxic Engraving with Photopolymers” , under the guidance of artist Andrea Juan in her workshop, Buenos Aires, January 27 and 28.

Cultural Advisor for the Small and Medium Companies, National Presidential Secretariat (PYME).


Guest participant at the inauguration of the show “Six sculptors from San Luis”, Provincial Museum Dora Ochoa de Masramón, Province of San Luis, specially requested by the Provincial Direction of Culture and her chairman, Mr. Gustavo García Borri, San Luis, March 12.

Guest speaker: Small and Medium-sized Companies, Microenterprises at the townhall of Las Toscas, Santa Fe, March 4.

Guest speaker at the International Women´s Day Celebrations. Moderator: Exchange of experiences made by women entrepreneurs; meeting hosted by the Community of Reconquista and co-ordinated by the Women´s Area of the Reconquista Municipality, on the premises of the Lanteri Argentine Athletic and Social Club, Lanteri, Santa Fe, March 3.


Guest speaker at the First Patagonian Art Journeys on Art, Craftmanship and Enterprise, High School of Fine Arts, Neuquén, October 15.

Guest participant at the IIIrd Federal Meeting of the Board of Craftmanship Programs ; National Institute of Anthropology and Latin American Thinking. Buenos Aires,

September 29.

Guest speaker at the opening conference of the First National Meeting for Micro-enterprises, on the following topic: Creativity and Enterprise, hosted by the Southern Mendoza Micro-Enterprise Association (AMISUR). General Belgrano Club, San Rafael, Mendoza, September 17-19.

Guest panel member to participate at the meeting “Women’s insertion in regional development” ; hosted by the Reconquista Culture and Social Communications Secretariat, Santa Fe, Rural Society of Santa Fe, INTA, Rural Change and Agricultural Union of Avellaneda Coop. Ltd, held on the premises of the Rural Society, Reconquista, Santa Fe, September 4.

Guest participant, together with the Confederation of Commercial Associations of Brazil and the sponsorship of SEBRAE: attends the First International Seminar “The PyMES (Small and Medium Companies) in the Mercosur framework, Buenos Aires, Caesar´s Park Hotel, July 20.

Guest participant at the Candles Ceremony, hosted by the Buenos Aires Association of Professional and Business Women,The Childhood Patronage , Buenos Aires, July 14.

Guest participant at the monthly breakfast meeting of the PyMES Women´s Chamber, Café Tortoni, Buenos Aires, July 1.

President of the Argentine Representation at the meeting of SGT Work Sub-Group -Task Sub-Group Number 07- Mercosur Industry, Craftmanship Commission, held at the Argentine Industrial Union, Buenos Aires, June 22-26.

Invited by the National Director of the CENOC, Mrs. Beatriz Orlowski de Amadeo, and the National Director of the INAI, Mr. Jorge Pereda, from the Argentine Presidential Secretariat of Social Development, to participate in “The First Advisory Metting on Crafts, INAI Conference Room, Buenos Aires, March 31.

Special guest of ALADI, (Latin American Design Association), at the Vth Conference on Design, Havana, Cuba, June 9-11.

Special Guest of ASEM, (Association of Business women) at the Conference led by

architect José Cuendias Cobreros, President of Cuba’s National Design Organization,

(ONDI), and the National Co-ordinator of ALADI on the topic “Women in Cuba as seen through Design and Technology,” Conference Room, CGE, (General Economic Confederation), Buenos Aires, April 29.


Participated as panelist in round table conference: Gender, Culture, and Discrimination. National Direction of Action and Cultural Industries as part of the programme “ Women

and Culture”, Sala Miguel Cané, the Nation´s Secretariat of Culture, Buenos Aires,

November 19.

Invited by the Holocaust Memorial Foundation to attend a breakfast for Simone Veil, the

“First Lady of Europe” ; First Female President of the European Parliament, Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires, October 30.

Took part in the Workshop given for advertising and printing agencies and designers, taught by Rick Torreano, specification manager at the Fox River Paper Company, and by Kim Blanchette, Director of McDonald Printing, Proa Fundation, Buenos Aires, Oct.21.

Invited by the Women’s National Council to attend the women’s meeting with The First Lady of The United States of America, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, as part of her visit to Argentina, Colon Theater, Buenos Aires, October 16.

“Transgressions”. One of several artists invited to participate in a cycle of conversations, co-ordinated by the artist Ariel Mynarzewicz. National School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón, IUNA,1997 Cycle, Department of Cultural Extension, Buenos Aires,October 9.

Participated in the International Seminar “Direction XXI Century, Leadership of Excellence,” led by Miguel Angel Cornejo and organized by the Excellon Group, Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center, Buenos Aires,September 30.

Attended the Conference on Management and Direction of Artistic Projects, Cultural Marketing, Negociation Techniques, The Art Market, Intenational Circuits, Museographic Projects and Exhibitions, led by Pablo Rico Lacasa, organized by Raúl Blisniuk and Associates, Andreani Foundation, Buenos Aires, September 24.


1st Sketchers´ Meeting, Teresa Nachman Gallery, Algeciras Hotel, Pinamar, Buenos Aires, December 5-8.

Participates in the programme: Passionate Women, The Urban Woman Today, co-ordinated by the architect Diana Saiegh, Mozart Café, Buenos Aires, August 21.


University of Belgrano, talks with the students about the artist’s work, August 16.


Monday of the Critic: Conversations between Critics and Artists, CAYC, Buenos Aires, June.

Round Table Conference, Presence and Revision of the 60’s Generation, General San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, May 15.

Conversation with artist Angela Carlson, Lincoln Center, Buenos Aires, within the context of the Buenos Aires x 2 Exhibition, April 25.


Conference on the work of the artist, Municipal Library, sponsored by the Alliance Française, City of Azul, Buenos Aires.



Part of the XXIX Annual Art Salon, Foundation Stock Exchange Bahía Blanca, October 30, Bahia Blanca.


Participates as member of the jury of the Interregional Noa Exhibition Visual Arts - Nuevo Cuyo La Rioja 2011, Culture Secretariat of the Province of La Rioja, La Rioja Capital City.

She belongs to a group together with the creative equipment VULK eyewear of the Conquest  Illustrate your book Vulk Cacic Sport Vision SRL, Buenos Aires.

Nora Iniesta takes part of the “Perfil Awards” jury, in the category Best Drawing of Note, Perfil Publishing Company, Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Notables Jury to Cose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the province of La Rioja” 2010-2011 Edition, EDELAR Firm, La Rioja.

10th Biennal of Art University of Morón, Morón, 12th November, Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Notables Jury to Cose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the province of La Rioja” 2009-2010 Edition, EDELAR Firm, La Rioja.

She is part, together with Gabriel Díaz, Eduardo Gil, Marcela Heiss and Adriana Lestido, of the Jury of the “People of my town” Photo Contest, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, June 4th., Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Notables Jury to Cose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the province of La Rioja” 2008-2009 Edition, EDELAR Firm, La rioja.

First National Contest in Chocolate figures, International Chocolate hall , Hotelga 2008, La Rural september 3th, Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Notables Jury to Cose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the province of San Luis”, 2007-2008 Edition, EDESAL Firm, San Luis.

Participates as member along with Patricia Altmark and Cristina Alonso of the Women’s Concourse 2006, category: painting, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, march 16th, Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Notables Jury to choose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the Province of La Rioja”. 2006-2007 Edition, EDELAR Firm, La Rioja.

Participates as member of the Notables Jury to cose the winner among the applicants for the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the Province of San luis” 2006-2007 Edition, EDESAL Firm, San Luis.

Participates as member of the Notables Jury to cose the winner among the applicants for the grant “Ten Outstanding Young People from the Province of Salta” 2006-2007 Edition, EDESA Firm, Salta.

Concourse of Comic-books, 150 years of the City of Villa Mercedes commemoration, EDESAL Firm, San Luis.

Concourse of markers ArteBA, Magenta Magazine, Buenos Aires.

Participates as member of the Jury to choose the winner among the applicants to the grant “Ten outstanding young people”, EDESA firm, Salta.

Drawing and Painting Concourse “Painting in color the Bermejo river basin”; COBINABE, (Binational Comission for the development of the High Basin of Bermejo River), February 22, Buenos Aires.


Participates as member of the Jury to choose the winner among the applicants to the grant "Ten outstanding young people", EDESAL firm, San Luis.


Competition “The City, the Children and the Port”, Corporación Antiguo Puerto Madero, Puerto Madero, November 28, Buenos Aires.

Fine Arts Exhibition on ocassion of the 61st Anniversary of the Independence of the republic of Lebanon, Lebanese Club of Buenos aires, November 10, Buenos Aires.

Drawing Competition for the children of EDESAL, EDESA, ESED y EDELAR, (GPU, EMDERSA) employees, Buenos Aires.

Representation of "Fondo Nacional de las Artes" in the competition "Our members' exhibition XX" organized by the San Isidro Nautical Club. September 14 - 2004. Buenos Aires.

Third Competiton of Gastronomic Schools - Hotelga, La Rural, September 6 - 2004. Buenos Aires.

XIV Biennial Exhibition of Fine Arts, Contemporary Art Museum, February 8, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.


Drawing Competition for the children of EDESAL, EDESA, ESED y EDELAR, (GPU, EMDERSA) employees, Buenos Aires.


Fine Arts Exhibition on ocassion of the 59° Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Lebanon, Lebanese Club of Buenos Aires, November 11, Buenos Aires.


Ninth Annual Art Salon, Saavedra Municipality, Secretariat of Culture, December 11, (Pigue), Province of Buenos Aires.

II National Art Salon, Section: Painting , Direction of Culture of the Municipality of Pinamar, November 30 , Pinamar, Province of Buenos Aires.

XVIIth National Blue Salon of Arts –Painting and Drawing-, Direction of Culture and Education, Municipality of Azul, October 19, Azul, Province of Buenos Aires.

1st Artists´ Exhibit of the Ramallo district, Subsecretariat of Culture, Municipality of Ramallo, October 17, Ramallo, Province of Buenos Aires.

III Regional Art Salon “135st Anniversary of the Foundation of the Balcarce Party”, Subsecretariat of Culture of the General Culture and Education Direction of the Province of Buenos Aires, Municipal Historical Museum, August 24, Balcarce.

Journalism 2000, TN, (All News), programme corresponding to August 26, Buenos Aires.

Sebastian’s Little Green; The Worldwide childrens´ Campaign, “Save the Environment”. Contest for children aged 6 to 12, July 26, Buenos Aires.

XXXVIth Art Salon of Entre Ríos, Section: Drawing and Engraving, Museum of Drawing and Engraving “Guamán Poma”, April 15, Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos.

National Salon “Woman and her Cultural Protagonistism ”, The Buenos Aires Fine Arts Museum, Subsecretariat of Culture of the General Culture and Education Direction of the Province of Buenos Aires, Direction of Fine Arts , February 22 and 23, La Plata, Buenos Aires.


Sebastian’s Little Greene, “The Worldwide childrens campaign”, Save the Environment. Contest for children aged 6 to 12, August 19, Buenos Aires.


1st. Patagonian Salon of the Illustrated Poem, May 8, 9, and 10, San Carlos de Bariloche, Province of Río Negro.


1st International Festival of Fireworks (China, France, Italy and Spain), March 6, 8 and 9 San Isidro Racetracks, Buenos Aires.


Open Air Painting Competition, Spring Day, organized by the Secretariat of Culture of the Nation, Buenos Aires.

Georges Braque Award, Painting, Embassy of France Cultural Service, Patricios Bank Foundation, Buenos Aires.


First Biennal of Argentine Fashion, Rosario 1992, Juan B. Castagnino Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, July 31 to August 2, Argentine Foundation of the Clothing Research, Rosario, Santa Fe.


Eduardo Sívori Museum, Children’s Collage Competition, August 13, Spinetto Shopping

Centre, Buenos Aires.

Selection of a District Emblem, Monserrat District, General Systems Direction of Intermediate Institutions , Government Secretariat, Buenos Aires City Town Hall.


Salon of the Argentine Hebraic Society.

Philips Youth Competition.


Alliance Française Salon, City of Azul, Buenos Aires.



Design and production of a sculpture for CILSA Prize to Social Commitment, Marriot-Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Design of helmet and goggles Fangio XXI National Day of motorsports, Project Fangio F1, Balcarce, Buenos Aires.


Design of sculture for Eikon Awards, Imagen Magazine, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of a sculpture for CILSA Prize to Social Commitment, Marriot-Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.


Design of sculture for Eikon Awards, Imagen Magazine, Buenos Aires.

Performing two hundred pieces, onyx paperweight in Argentina flag and alpaca; Auditor General's Office, Buenos Aires.

Design and facture of a dish for restaurant TINTO Y SODA. Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of a sculpture for CILSA Prize to Social Commitment, Marriot-Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.


Hat Design, Head Night, DARA, Argentine Designers Associated, November, 25th, Museo Metropolitano, Buenos Aires.

Design of complemental line. Passion - Country Bicentenario Collection, Las Penélope, Buenos Aires.

Design of the front cover, back cover and inside illustrations. Book of the Bicentenial Aniversary, National  University of  Qulimes, UNQ, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of a sculpture for CILSA Prize to Social Commitment, Marriot-Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.


Design of a dress in paper: The Motherland, ,Argentine Designers Associate, DARA; Rodríguez Peña Palace, december 3, Buenos Aires.

She takes part together with artist Zulema Maza  of the Organization Tour Art Exhibitions, 2nd term , Las Penelope, Paseo Alcorta , november 17th  Buenos Aires.

Design and production of a sculpture for CILSA Prize to Social Commitment 1st edition MALBA, Buenos aires

Sculpture, price given by The Social & Communication Institute of the Argentine Catholic University, UCA, Buenos Aires.


Design of sculture for Eikon Awards, Imagen Magazine, Buenos Aires.

Design and realization of a sculpture, Prize to Trajectory, Thomas Jefferson Williams Foundation; ten pieces of sculpture, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of thirty sculptural pieces the 2007 INADI Award to Good Practices Against Discrimination (INADI is the Nacional Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism), Buenos Aires.


Design and production of the Key Note mug and pen holder for the Fundación Teatro Colón´s gift shop, Buenos Aires.

Design of sculpture for Award, cable program “El otro partido”, Claudio Destéfano, Buenos Aires.


Design of sculpture for Eikon Awards, Imagen Magazine, Buenos Aires.

Cover design for the book “Unidad o Enfrentamiento”, by author Federico Pinedo, Libreria Historica of Emilio J. Perrot editorial, Buenos Aires.

Design of a tie for Carlos Pedro Blaquier, Buenos Aires.


Design of sculpture for Eikon Award, Imagen magazine, Buenos Aires.

Designs one hundred  book-objects in Carrara marble for the Italian Culture Institute, Buenos Aires.

Design of the program for “The Kings”, dramatic poem by Julio Cortázar, Elkafka Theatre, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of sculpture for Eikon Award, Imagen magazine, Buenos Aires.

Sculpture, price given by The Social & Communication Institute of the Argentine Catholic University, UCA, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of sculpture for Eikon Award, Imagen magazine, Buenos Aires.

Sculpture, price given by The Social & Communication Institute of the Argentine Catholic University, UCA, Buenos Aires.

Auction for “Those who receive”, organized by the Indian Embassy with the advice of: Cultural Departement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry & Praxis International Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Idea, design, creativity and production, “Argentine Spring”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Theatre, theme “The Time”, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of sculpture for Eikon Award, Imagen magazine, Buenos Aires.

Idea, design, creativity and production, “Minimal Art”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Theatre, theme “Culture”, Salon Hotel Marriot-Plaza, Buenos Aires.


Idea, design, creativity and production, “A Special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Theatre, theme “Envy”-capitals sins, Salon Hotel Marriot-Plaza, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end- of-the-year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Idea, design, creativity and production; “A special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Theatre, theme “Bread and Work ”- Argentina, Salon Hotel Marriot-Plaza, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end-of-the- year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Idea, design, creativity and production, “A Special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martin Theatre, theme “Il postino”, Salons of the Rural Society, Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Edition of “One thousand engravings on metal sheets”, Lab Ciba Vision; promotion of product Voltarén, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end-of the- year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea, creativity and production, “A Special Night”, dinner party for the benefit of the General San Martin Theatre, theme: “Christmas”, Marriot Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Tango: Clothing design for Stefanel, Corporative image, Tango in its different versions: Salon, Typical, French-mode and Modern, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end- of-year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea, creativity and production of “A Christmas tree, “11th Annual Exhibition and

Contest :”The Christmas Tree 1997”, organized by the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Decorative Arts, for Marta Harff Enterprise, National Museum of Decorative Arts, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea, creativity and production, “A Special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Theatre, theme: “The ‘90s”, Marriot Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end-of the year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Forty sculpture pieces as Awards for Innovation and Added Value, for IBM of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Issue of a hundred and twenty silkscreens especially done for the international meeting “Competitiveness in the nuclear electric energy in the next two decades”, held between November 18 and 22, organized by the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea, creativity and production, “A Very Special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Municipal Theatre: theme: “The Wedding” by Witold Gombrowicz, San Martín Theatre Central Hall, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of”Growing with Argentina Information Folder”, Invertir Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea and production of Export.Ar Foundation: 1995 Annual Report, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of end-of the-year cards : Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea, creativity and production, “A Very Special Night”, dinner party to benefit the General San Martín Municipal Theatre, organized by the Foundation Friends of the San Martín Theatre: theme: “Snow White”, Salons of the Rural Argentine Society , Buenos Aires.

Design, idea and production of a marble piece (four hundred units) for Wunderman Cato Johnson, on the occasion of the arrival of Mr. Lester Wunderman, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of end-of –the year cards: Engineer Amadeo Riva, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of stationery for Dill Restaurant, Buenos Aires.

Issue of a hundred silkscreens , especiallly conceived for the National Women´s Council, Presidency of the Nation, Secretariat of Civil Service, Buenos Aires.

Design, idea and production: line of articles for personal use in stone and marble for Marta Harff SRL, Buenos Aires.


Forty sculpture pieces as Awards for Innovation and Added Value, for IBM of Argentina, Buenos Aires.


Idea and production of 365 Cointreau on Ice Campaign. Issue of three hundred and sixty-five silkscreens, Buenos Aires.

Issue of thirty-five silkscreens, especially conceived for the Ethics and Democracy Meeting, held between May 30 and 31 in Villa Victoria, Mar del Plata,

organized by the INAP and sponsored by the General Pueyrredón Town Hall and the Southern Academy.

Commemorative Medal, 5th Centennial of America, Casa Piana, Buenos Aires.

Design of Catalogue for the 5th Centennial of Painting, Poetry and Tale Contest, Honourable Council of the City of Buenos Aires.


Design of programme for the Argentine Special Olympic Games, Buenos Aires.


Four sculptures, Bayer Award to the 1990 Arts, and six replicas for the Panel Members, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of the end- of the- year cards: Engineer Gabriel Werthein, Buenos Aires.

Graphic design of the book “ Images of Evolution: Argentine Economy, liberalization and structural change”, by the Argentine economist Jorge Buzaglo. University of Stockholm, Department of Economics.


Special issue of three hundred allegoric silkscreens, 2nd International Festival: Woman and the Cinema, Buenos Aires.

The Rubbish Truck : A Circulating Painting, Carlos Casares Town Hall, Buenos Aires.


Design of Catalogue and Poster for the Exhibition: 50 years-50 artists, Secretariat of Culture of the Nation, State Office of Visual Arts, Banelco, Buenos Aires.

Design and production of Xmas and New year cards for the following companies: P.A.S.A., Petroquímica Agentina S.A.; Cacique, camping and skiing goods.

Design and production of Xmas and New year cards, Engineer Gabriel Werthein, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of Xmas and new year cards for the following companies: Cacique, camping and skiing goods; Apesa, security systems; Tareni y Blanco RR.PP. ;

Penthouse Estate Agent’s, Buenos Aires.


Issue of a hundred silkscreens for Start, Style and Art, importer of optical materials, Buenos Aires.

Issue of a hundred silkscreens for Ivoire, importer of optical materials, Buenos Aires.

Design and Production of single tablecloths for CA and Associates, Market Surveys, Buenos Aires.

Issue of a hundred silkscreens for the International Committee of the International Red Cross, Buenos Aires.


Design and Production of end-of-the-year cards for the Pedregal-Peral Engineering Study, Buenos Aires.

Design of the Programme for the play El Bochicho by Emeterio Cerro, on its tour round Europe and the United States.


Issue of a hundred engravings for Lufthansa Airlines, Buenos Aires.



Wall painting, law office Attorney Gregorio Galbón, 1335 Córdoba St. – 5th Floor – Office C, Buenos Aires.

Idea, creativity, production and coordination of the workshop Art is in your Hands, participative event, carried out with one hundred patients suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis, Roche laboratory, Punta Carrasco, November, 24th, Buenos Aires.

Idea, creativity, production and coordination of participative work done at RASTI for the Rossi Dyagnosis Center, at its thirty years of celebration, Buenos Aires.

The Union´s Dream 1810-2010, work in progress, Argentine flag at RASTI, as a commemoration of the 200 years of our first patriotic government, work done with AA2000 and Rasti companies, at the first floor of Ezeiza International Airport, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, May-June.

She has been chosen by Topper brand Alpargatas Shoes S.A. to illustrate the publicity of the Bicentenary with her design of gym-shoes, published by La Nación, Clarín and Olé newspapers, May 25th , Argentina.

Realization of Collage in memory of the Bicentenial Aniversary and of an edition of fifty digital original pieces;. Argentine Sanity Waters, AYSA, Buenos Aires.

Idea, design and facture of four badges in venetian-mosaic in conmemoration of the Bicentenial Aniversary, which will be show at the water distribuition sites and different buildings of Argentine Sanity Waters, AYSA, Buenos Aires.


Adviser to the consultant Graciela Adan and Asociates at the Exhibition The Age of Rodin, Museum of Decorative Arts, BA.


Two hundred sculptural pieces in crest “She” exclusively done for Femenine Health Division, Bago Laboratories, Buenos Aires.

Ten fans have been produced by her for Femenine Health Division, Bago Laboratories, Buenos Aires.


Issue of two hundred silkscreens on the occasion of Women's Day, Zona Vital and Cinetic Laboratories, Buenos Aires.


Idea, organisation and coordination: competition "Children, the city and the port", Antiguo Puerto Madero Corporation, Buenos Aires.


Management for “Art in Puerto Madero”, Antiguo Puerto Madero Corporation, Buenos Aires.


Press co-ordinator responsible for the local opening of the Marabierto Company : art, design and decoration . Buenos Aires, September 24.

Co-ordination and production of event by Lumigan, Allergan Laboratories, National Museum of Fine Arts , Buenos Aires, July 22.


Co-ordination promotional alliance : contact lenses Focus Night & Day, Laboratorio Ciba Vision, together with the Marta Harff Company, Buenos Aires.


Idea, creativity and co-ordination launching party for Focus Night & Day contact lenses, with Silvina Chediek’s image, by Ciba Vision, Hotel Intercontinental, Buenos Aires, October 21.

Invitation and co-ordination of the launching party in Argentina for the trademark La Brioche Dorée, Groupe Le Duff, Alto Palermo Shopping, Buenos Aires, August 26.

Invitation and selection to manage Beauty Consulting, for Natura Cosmetics, Buenos Aires

Co-ordination of inauguration dinner, Argentine Congress of Ophtalmology, Ciba-Visión Lab. Michelángelo, Buenos Aires, June 7.

Communication and Press Release, House of Beauty : Promotion –Natural Remedies – Buenos Aires, May 31.

Idea, production and creativity : product promotion, Contact Lenses Focus, Night & Day, Ciba Visión, Michelángelo, Buenos Aires, May 18.

Appointed as the Argentine artist at Natura Cosmetics for the promotion of a new make-up product line “Paint your self-portrait”, joined by artists Carolina Antoniadis, María Causa, Rosana Fuertes and Alejandra Padilla, chosen by her. Buenos Aires, April 21.

Production, idea : Presents for Women’s International Day, Ciba Vision Lab, Buenos Aires.


Production and idea : event for one thousand people, Ciba Vision Lab, with the participation of twenty actors and musicians, stage direction Mario Filgueira and Diego Leske, Pizza Banana Restaurant, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordination of Women´s International Day : Breakfast for the Secretariat of the Small and Mid-size Company, The Nation´s Presidency, Buenos Aires.


Co-ordination , communication and press workshop led by Rick Torreano, Manager of Paper Specification, For River Company and Kim Blanchette, Director of MacDonald Printing, for ADOCE S.A., Proa Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Organization of Breakfast for the Press, International Seminar Directions for the 21st. Century, led by Miguel Angel Cornejo of Excellon Group, Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordination,communication and press, National Silversmith Encounter, (3rd edition), Solidary Argentine Foundation, Salta, Buenos Aires and Miami..

Concept, production and creativity : Journalist’s Day, Gazebo, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production and creativity :Journalist’s Day, Marisol, casual wear, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production and creativity : Journalist’s Day, CL45, Buenos Aires.


Concept, co-ordination, production and creativity, Boulevard Shopping shop window contest, with the participation of Canela, Nequi Galotti and Dalila Puzzovio as panellists, Adrogué, Buenos Aires.

Mailing Production: a hundred companies, Special Jewels, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production and creativity: Mother’s Day Congratulation Card, Special Jewels, Buenos Aires.

Opening communication Galerie Café, Spinetto Shopping Center, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordination, Art Exhibitions of the Boulevard Shopping, Buenos Aires. “The side of the shadow”, Eduardo Iglesias Brickles, July23 to August 26; “Urban Metaphors”, Leonardo Gotleyb, August 27 to October 1.

Press and Communication, Mark and Design Fashion Show by young designers, Spinetto Shopping Centre, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordination, idea and production : series of weekly meetings with people from the cultural area: Tuesdays from June through December, Boulevard Shopping Centre, Adrogué. Nequi Galotti: “The woman and means of communication”; Marta Oyanharte: “A woman’s view of contemporary society”; Cecilia Maresca: “Woman and television”; Maitena: “Disturbed women”; Andrea Tenuta: “Woman, songs and love”; Canela: “Sons and daughters that do not read, people that do not think”; Daniel Wolkowicz, architect: “Non-conventional materials for home decoration”; Lucía Capozzo: “Women at the Sense of Humour Boulevard ”; Cecilia Rosetto: “Woman and the desire for life”; Luis Garibotti: “Woman as an active participant in mass media”; Graciela Mancuso: “Woman and radio”; Leonardo Gotleyb: “The history of xylography and the appreciation of engraving ”; Daniel Ontiveros: “The arts in Argentina from 1980 to the present”; Mercedes Casanegra: “Art at the end of this century”; Rosana Fuertes: “Woman’s role in art”; Amalia Cámara: “Women and Literature”; Mariano Garreta: “From the street corner to the shopping center”; Carlos Lizardi: “Women and Beauty”; Patricia Melgarejo: “Image, fashion and women”; Bernard Claus: “Cooking and its flavours”; Roberto Bernath: “Sculpture and Women”; Raquel López Llames: “Woman and the climacterium”; Carlos Lizardi: “Beauty, health and women”; Prof. Amalia Cámara: “Literature and Women”; Canela: “Books and Housewives”; Silvina Chediek: “The Image Prison”; Pérez Celis: “Itinerary of a painter”. Adrogué.

Concept and production ; mailing of product and congratulation card, Journalist’s Day, CL 45, Buenos Aires.

Production and creation of event, inaugural party, Shopping Boulevard, with the participation of forty actors : acting direction by Mario Filgueira and Diego Leske, June, Adrogué.

Area survey : schools, clubs, countryhouses, for the Shopping Boulevard, Adrogué.

Mailing for 200 companies from Macowens, Men’s clothing, Buenos Aires.

Concept and production : mailing of product and congratulation card, forty radio candidates of the Martín Fierro Award, José Orfila Ltd. Vineyards and Cellar, Buenos Aires.

Idea and production: mailing of product and congratulation card, fifty-two radio and TV candidates of the Martín Fierro Award, Gazebo, Buenos Aires.

Database; flower bouquets for Susana Giménez and Marcelo Tinelli for the opening of their respective television programmes, Hering, Buenos Aires.

RR.PP. and Press, The Great Safari - Dino Show, Spinetto Shopping, Buenos Aires.

Concept , production and co-ordination : International Woman’s Day, mailing of product and congratulation card to twenty-two radio, TV and cable TV communicators for the following companies: José Orfila Ltd. Vineyards and Cellar, Marisol Clothing Industry S.A., Marta Harff, Covermark, Hering, Pomme Verte, Colmegna and Gazebo, Buenos Aires.


Sixty pottery pieces (gnomes) for the Buenos Aires Design, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Macowens, Men’s clothing, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production and co-ordination, setting; Scottish Gastronomic Festival, El Aljibe Restaurant, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Five hundred sculpture pieces for Groupe 03, Launching of Supradyn, Roche Laboratories, Blades, Buenso Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Marisol S.A., Argentina.

Idea, production, co-ordination and press; inauguration of Macowens shop, Alto Avellaneda

branch, Avellaneda.

Idea, production and co-ordination, setting; German Gastronomic Festival, La Pampa Sheraton Hotel Restaurant, Buenos Aires. (September 28 to October 8).

Idea, making and production: ribbon for Golf car presentation, Volkswagen,Rural Exhibition Buenos Aires.

Idea, production and co-ordination, setting: Mexican Gastronomic Festival, La Pampa Restaurant, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires (6th to 12th March).

RRPP and Communication for Yves Saint Laurent, Argentina.


Co-ordination of the Cultural Projects of the Latin Union´s Director´s visit to Argentina with head office in Paris, Mrs. Elisabeth de Balanda.

RRPP and Communication for the Post-Graduate School in Vocational and Occupational Guidance, Director Claudia Messing, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Dill Restaurant, Buenos Aires.

RRPP, Communication and Press for fashion designer María Pryor, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production, co-ordination and press, launching of Area Fashion magazine, Patricios Bank Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Idea, production, co-ordination and press, launching of Digital Buro, cinematographic production company, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Sur, Núcleo Cultural, Institute of Expressive Rhythmic Practice and Yoga, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Yves Saint Laurent, Argentina, Buenos Aires.


Concept, creativity, production and co-ordination : Christmas Trees in the Park Contest , Hyatt Hotel, Buenos Aires.

Confidential delivery of 500 kits, Pepsi Challenge Campaign, David Ratto BBDO, Buenos Aires.

RR.PP. and Communication for Sur, Núcleo Cultural, Institute of Expressive Rhythmic Practice and Yoga, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production, co-ordination and press:launching of Gardenia Perfume, Marta Harff, Buenos Aires.

Concept, production, co-ordination and press, lunch: arrival of Mr. Favio Hering, director of Hering International, Buenos Aires,to Argentina

RRPP and Communication for Isabella, Terrace-Bar-Café, Posadas 1089, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Yves Saint Laurent, Argentina, Buenos Aires.

R.PP and Communication for Akián Contemporary Design Gallery, Buenos Aires.

RRPP and Communication for Akián Graphics, Buenos Aires.

Idea, production, co-ordination and press, arrival of Mr. Ivo Hering to Argentina, president of Hering International, and inauguration of TIP shop, Intelligent Wear, Hering Argentina, Martínez Shop, Buenos Aires.

Idea, and production: Journalist’s Day, Argencard, David Ratto/BBDO, Buenos Aires.

Idea, production, co-ordination and press: launching of Green Spaces Foundation, Buenos Aires.


End-of- the year-party : Pepsi Cola company. Making of 250 film tins containing an invitation, David Ratto BBDO, Buenos Aires.

Presentation for Volkswagen, Rural Exhibition,Buenos Aires.

Idea, co-ordination, production and press: presentation of video “Present Moment” (Help to Help) by Bachelor Susi Reich, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.

Co-ordination and production; supper, show and gifts in “Tango Mío” for Phoenix Laboratories, Buenos Aires.

RR.PP. and Communication for the Post-graduate School in Vocational and Occupational Guidance, Director Claudia Messing, Buenos Aires.



Master Magazine: “Decorating with art”, January.


Area Fashion Review magazine, 2nd year, 9th issue, section: spaces/deco, Avant-garde Movement and Classicism and The art of laying the table, December.

Area Fashion Review magazine, 2nd year, Special Summer issue, Art section, Juan Enrique Márquez, Alejandro Raineri, Urdimbrediciembrediseño, January.


Area Fashion Review Magazine, 1st year, 4th issue, Art section, Federico Klemm, November.

Area Fashion Review, 1st year, 4th issue, Esthetics section, from 45 to 95, November.

Area Fashion Review magazine, 1st year, 3rd issue, Joaquín Molina, October.

Area Fashion Review magazine, 1st year, 3rd issue, Cinema section, Gustavo Viau: A Heavyweight, October.

Cultura magazine, XIth year, 48th issue, article : Mayor-general in Paris, October.

Collaborates with La Nación newspaper.

Area Fashion Review magazine, 1st year, 2nd issue, Art section, Rosana Fuertes, June.

General advisor of the Area Fashion Review magazine.

Collaborates with Victoria magazine.


Playboy magazine, VIIIth year, Yves Saint Laurent, Le Roi, February/March.

Collaborates with El Cronista Newspaper, Women´s Supplement: Winners in a man´s World, Sunday, January 3.


Venus magazine, II year, 5th issue, Paris, First World, August.

Collaborates with Ámbito Financiero Newspaper.

Cultura Magazine, Juan Fresán, 10th year, 43th issue.

Collaborates with El Cronista Newspaper, Women’s Supplement, Full-time Business Women, Sunday, November 15th.


Página 30 Magazine, Recollection of the 365th section: February/March/April.

Collaborates weekly with Somos Magazine.

Venus Magazine, interview :Federico Klemm, 1st year, 3rd issue, under pseudonym Alicia Cámara..


Works as art commentator for the Buenos Aires Herald Newspaper.


Claudia Magazine, 357th issue, “Marcos con sus Marcos”, March, Abril Publishers:idea and production.

Claudia magazine, 359th issue, Recycling, May, Abril Publishers: idea and production.

Claudia magazine, 361st issue, Curiociudad, July, Abril Publishers: idea and production.

Claudia magazine, 366th issue, Christmas: Gifts made by Artists, December, April Publisher: idea and production.


Claudia magazine, 351st issue, Tea of Roses, September, Abril Publishers: idea and production.



She starts her radio programme , GOOD ARTS, sundays fron 9 pm to 10 pm, Radio Ciudad (City Radio ), Buenos Aires.


Collaborates in the production of Luis Garibotti´s daily radio news programme , morning and afternoon, Feeling F.M., Radio Libertad, Buenos Aires.


Collaborates in the production of Luis Garibotti’s daily radio news programme, morning and afternoon, Feeling F.M., Radio Libertad, Buenos Aires.


Collaborates in the journalistic production of the programme “Radio Image”, Juan Alberto Badía, Buenos Aires.


Collaborates with a spot in the radio programme “Bela’s Hour”, Palermo F.M., Buenos Aires.


Collaborates with a spot in the radio programme “Bela’s Hour”, Municipal Radio, Buenos Aires.


Makes a weekly appearance in the Art and Creativity section of the TV programme Consuma Vida, Channel 13, Buenos Aires.

ILLUSTRATIONS - Books which she participates with her work:


Para Ti, Magazine 90th Aniversary, page 397

Stories of Belgrano and Banner, Editorial Santillana, images on pages 28 and 29, March, Buenos Aires.


My Argentinian History, Martín Balza, Grupo Editorial Norma, imagen de tapa: work País, November, Buenos Aires.


She illustrates the publication of Gender and Peronism, High Studies Institute Juan Peron Nº 9, May, Buenos Aires.


She is invited to participate with an animation specially designed for the screen of the Encuentros Channel, Buenos Aires.


La Nacion Magazine: Cover piece “El amor, esa locura necesaria”, pages 16 to 21, Sunday February 11th, Buenos Aires.


Para Ti Magazine: article cover redesign, November, Buenos Aires.

The Power of Corporate Communications III cover image: Eikon Award Statuette, Editorial

Image Magazine, Buenos Aires.


Ilustration of book cover “Alma and Sebastián, Narraciones Narrations, by the Argentine writer Aurora Venturini, Nueva Generación Publishers, Buenos Aires.


Special paper catalogue cover, ADOCE S.A., Buenos Aires.


Playboy magazine, Argentine edition, Fiction section, tale:” Children’s Games” by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson, 10th year, 92nd issue, June. Buenos Aires..

Playboy magazine, Argentine edition, Fiction section, tale: “Luz Mala” by Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill,10th year, 91th issue, Aprill, Buenos Aires.


Noticias magazine, article: “The Elements of the Business Image”, June 23, Buenos Aires.


Collection of the Great Poets, Publishing Centre of Latin America, fascicule No.43, Alfonsina Storni, Buenos Aires.

Playboy magazine, Argentine edition, article: Junior Justice, 3rd year, No. 42, Buenos Aires.


Claudia magazine, article: “Marilyn is 61”, No. 360, Buenos Aires.


Artistas Magazine, Monthly Issue of Cultural Information, article:” Barraganes” author: Emeterio Cerro, 1st year, No. 6, October, Buenos Aires.



Display windows of Praxis Art Gallery, Buenos Aires Design Recoleta, November/December.


Display windows of Etam Argentina, for its seventy stores throughout the country


Display windows of Pupilent Voss, Patio Bullrich store, Homage to Rembrandt, August / September.

Display windows and interior decoration, Mega Advertising, Tanty store, 1445 Sarmiento St., Buenos Aires, Christmas Image, December.



Open Doors 06, Art Workshop Hands on Pop Art, ICANA, Argentine-American Institute of Culture, August 12th, Buenos Aires.


The Paper Zoo, workshops with children celebrating Children´s Day, Secretariat of Culture of the La Plata Municipality, Pasaje Dardo Rocha, la Plata, Agust 13.


Carlos Casares Cultural Centre: Work dedicated to children, on the occasion of the inauguration of the centre. A one-day event, in which more than three hundred children created a collage, directed and supervised by the artist, Sunday December 17.

Great Spinetto Collage: Group work : dedicated to children on their day. A one-day event, in which more than five thousand children created a collage, directed and supervised by the artist on the two floors of the shopping, Sunday August 6.



Design and production of costume, “The Stone Age”, Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas, Proa Theatre, Fundación Proa, October, Buenos Aires.


Chestpiece, Min Agostini capped intervention, March, Buenos Aires.


Design and production of the costumes for the Living Chess inspired in TANGO, among the cicle Spring at Open Air, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Amphitheater of Parque Lezama, November and December, Buenos Aires.


Costumes for the TV programme Badía & Cía., Channel 13, play “ Soldiers and Little Soldiers”, author Aída Bortnik, actor Víctor Laplace.

Costumes for a play, author Emeterio Cerro, actress Beby Pereyra Gess.



Caacupé 2013, Solidarity Auction, Villas 21-24; MALBA, Buenos Aires, October 22.

MAS, Women Solidarity Art, Auction to benefit the International community living with HIV/ AIDS, French Embassy in Argentina, Buenos Aires, April 10.

Gala Dinner to Benefit Fundami, Maternity Hospital Foundation Tetamanti Victorio, Hotel Costa Galana, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Auction of the program ViaNea 2012 “Arte, Mercado e Inversión”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Art Exhibition and Auction to benefit the Favaloro Foundation, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, November 29.

Solidarity Auction, A roof for my country, Classical Contemporary Art 2012, Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires.


Museum Eduardo Sivori Auction -Argentine Art, Buenos Aires, August 4th.

Bicentenary House, Common Cause Artists Foundation, Buenos Aires.

Nalbandian Foundation, Arroyo Gallery, Buenos Aires, July 5th.


Anonymous auction in the benefit of artistic schoolarships 2011/12, ProyectArte, Art for Everyone, Prima Gallery, Buenos Aires, October 15th – November 2nd.

¿Who is who?, charity sale, Friends Asociation of Recoleta Cultural Center, Recoleta Cultural Center, June 9th, Buenos Aires.

Charity Auction Art and Smiles, House of Culture in the Streets, PalermoH Gallery, BA, June 9th.

Homeless Art. Alpargatas-Topper, Intervened sportshoes.

Charity Auction of Fundación Convivir, Cohabite Foundation, Alvear Hotel , Buenos Aires May 28th.

Artball, Art is also a feeling, Auction in benefit of the Rural Schools of Argentina Republic, Faena Hotel , Buenos Aires, june 8th.

Auction in benefit of the Angel Raffo Oncology Hospital, Centro Cultural Borges; Buenos Aires, April 21th.

Auction of dishes in benefit of Friends of art Association, Palais de Glace , Roldan Auctions, Buenos Aires, December 15 th.

First Auction of Contemporary Art in benefit of ALCESI Association, Association which

struggles against blood illness in children, Hemathology Unity, Children’s Hospital  Ricardo Gutiérrez;

Lordi Contemporary Art , Buenos Aires, December 3rd.

Intervened  cups and balls Auction, friends of the Toy Museum of San Isidro, Abasto’s Children Museum, Buenos Aires, October 20 th..

Contemporary Argentine Art AMIA Auction, MALBA , Buenos Aires, October 15th.

Solidarian Auction, A roof for my country, MALBA, October 13th.

Soñarte - Sueños pintados (To Dream of You – Painted Dreams), benefit auction for Make a Wish Argentina Foundation, MALBA, Buenos Aires, August 9th.

Solidarian Auction, University Pastoral, Buenos Aires, June 4th.


2º Art Telmo 08 Support Auction, La Guanaca Azul, San Telmo, Buenos Aires, December 21st..

Argentine Masters, Christmas Fair-Supportive Art, Palermo H Art Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Argentine Modern and Contemporary Art Auction, Palais de Glace, Asociación Amigos, Buenos Aires, November 26th.

Support Auction, Polo & Arts Event, in Benefit of theHospital Fernández, Buenos Aires, December 9th.

Auction in benefit of Friends Asociation of the Hispanoamerican Museum of Art Isaac Fernandez Blanco, Buenos Aires, october 8th.

Solidarian Auction - Solidagro, Social Plan of Ailment, Omnes Artes, Art consultant, red Pavillion of the Rural Society of Argentina, Buenos Aires , August 8th.

Argentine Contemporary Art Auction, Help for Social Integration Foundation (FUNDAIS); Wussmann Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires, April 24th.


Argentine Art Auction, Museo Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires, August 30th.

Soñarte - Sueños pintados (To Dream of You – Painted Dreams), benefit auction for Make a Wish Argentina Foundation, MALBA, Buenos Aires, August 14th.

Solidarity Auction – Solidagro, Social Plan in agriculture, Omnes Artes, Art consultant, red Pavillion of the Rural Society of Argentina, Buenos Aires, July 31th.

Argentine Contemporary Art Auction, Help for Social Integration Foundation (FUNDAIS); Wussmann Galeria de Arte, Buenos Aires, April 18th.


Charity auction, Doctors of the World, Sofitel Hotel, Buenos Aires, March 29th.


Argentine Art Auction, Museo Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires, September 26th.

Auction for Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina (EMA), host by J.C. Naón & Christie’s, Latin American Art Museum (MALBA), Buenos Aires, May 11th.


Auction for Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina (EMA), host by J.C. Naón & Christie’s, Latin American Art Museum (MALBA), Buenos Aires, June 24th.


Auction for Alpargatas with Art, DARA Annual Party, Associated Argentine Decorators, Metropolitan Museum, Buenos Aires, December 11th.


Auction for the benefit of the Favaloro Foundation and rural schools, under the patronage of the Olivos Lions Club, Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires, November 15th.

Gift of an engraving for event “300 plus 300, Volunteers in Network”, network of the Hacoaj Nautical Club and of the Argentine Hebraic Society , Eduardo Sívori Museum, Buenos Aires, August 29th .

Great Gala Auction, Secretariat of Culture, Argentine Actors´ Association, Rural Argentine Society Salon, Buenos Aires, April 3th.


Gift of an object for fundraising to finance ground floor showroom remodelation at the Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires. (Event 200x200 two hundred artists, two hundred buyers, two hundred pesos each work).


“Blessings 2000” Shared show, Fifty Argentine Artists, auctioned to benefit the Farinello Foundation “ Espacio Giesso Reich”, Buenos Aires, November 23.

Gift of a painting : fundraising to finance the ground floor showroom remodelation at the Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires. (Event 250 x 250 two hundred fifty artists, two hundred fifty buyers, two hundred fifty pesos each work).

Sale through auction of Argentine Paintings. Fundraising event of the Norberto Quirno Foundation on their own premises. Buenos Aires, June 30th.


Donation of a silkscreen for a fundraising event of The Permanent Assembly of Human Rights, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

Eva Perón, auction organized by the Association of Friends of the House of Government Museum; Gallery “Arte por Arte”, Buenos Aires, September 4th.

Donation of a painting : fundraising for the new inauguration of the Cronopios Showroom, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires. (Event 200 x 200; two hundred donating artists, two hundred buyers, two hundred pesos each piece of work).


Auction for the benefit of the Childhood Patronage and the Don Orione Charity Association; Auditorium of the National Mortgage Bank, Buenos Aires.


Auction of Contemporary Art, Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires.



Donate a work for voice Man Award vital, Vital Voices Argentina, Buenos Aires, September 10th


Donate a work for voice Man Award vital, Vital Voices Argentina, Buenos Aires, September 11st

Participation with fifteen works in the 2012 calendar SIGEN, Comptroller General's Office, Buenos Aires


She has been invited by Amicale, Jean Mermoz Academy PTA to participate at the Carrefour des Métiers 2011, French Argentine Jean Mermoz Academy, Buenos Aires, September 27th.


She has been invited by Amicale, Jean Mermoz Academy PTA to participate at the Carrefour des Métiers 2010, French Argentine Jean Mermoz Academy, Buenos Aires, September 29th.

She has been selected curator of the show Project on Obelisques of the Bicentennial : exhibition of twenty five artists: Carolina Antoniadis; Luis Fernando Benedit; Diego Bianchi; Mariana César; María Silvia Corcuera; Febe Defelipe;  Jorge Demirjián; Jorge González Perrín; Eduardo Iglesias Brickles; Milo Lockett; Ladislao Magyar; Carlos Masoch; Cristian Mc Entyre; Eduardo Mc Entyre; Marta Minujin; Duilio Pierri; Felipe Pino; Eduardo Pla; Rogelio Polesello; Alfredo Prior; Javier Rodriguez; Roberto Scafidi;

María Inés Tapia Vera; Clorindo Testa; Grupo Enebra; who on the basis of an original work of her, have intervened the obelisques themselves; Banco Ciudad Foundation, General San Martín Theatre, Buenos Aires.

She takes part with a work of her own at the Bicentenial Calendar , Ministry of Culture, Governemet of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.



She has been invited by Banco Ciudad of Buenos Aires  to coordinate the First Space of Art for kids  at the Fair of Art in Buenos Aires , ArteBA ,creating for this event an obelisk-moneybox  to be painted by the kids , La Rural , 21 th to 26th  May , Buenos Aires.

She publishes again her book "Dreams" and edited a second book "Dreams II " done with the support of the Culture Foundation Buenos Aires, Secretary of Culture, government of the city of Buenos Aires; Provincial Institute of Culture, Chaco; The Capital Foundation, Rosario; EDEMSA (  Firm of Electriciy Distribution Mendoza), Mendoza. Both publications of 600 pieces each, which are accompanied by a pillow-object with embroidery, Buenos Aires, february. This same object is presented  in ArteBa, Art Fair of  Buenos Aires  Stand L98, Banco Ciudad, Sunday 24 th May;

La Capital Foundation Museum, Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, friday 12th June;

Raúl Lozza Museum, Alberti. Province of Buenos Aires, Saturday August 1st;

Means of Communications Museum, Resistencia, Chaco, Monday November 9th; 

Pro - Culture. Salta, Friday 4th December.

She continues being Consultant in Visual Arts of the Williams Foundation of Argentina.



She is named Consultant in Visual Arts by the Williams Foundation in Argentina, creating the Award to Young Artists till present days, Buenos Aires.

She donated a work of her own to a dinner, Hábitat para la Humanidad, Argentina; Marriot Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires, October 1.

She  donated a work of her own authoress to a lunch, Make a Wish, Four Seasons Mansion, Buenos Aires, September 22.

EVITA at the Legislature, presence of one work done by the artist at the closure of the Art week. Legislature of Buenos Aires (Autonomus) City, September 27.


Chosen Figure of the Year by Gente Magazine, for her exhibition (D)Evocación Argentina, performed at the Evita Museum, Buenos Aires.

Donation of a work signed by her for its inclusion in the poster for the 25 Years of the AEDIN (the Association in Defense of the Neurologically Affected Infants), Buenos Aires.


Named member of the Fine Art Advising Counsel along with artists Diana Chorne, Diana Dowek, Carlos Gorriarena, Guillermo Mac Loughlin, Luis Felipe Noe, Marino Santa Maria, Daniel Santero and Maria Ines Tapia of the Caras y Caretas Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires.

She donated a work of her production to be given as a prize at Belgrano University to Prevention and Rehabilitation, Edition II, Buenos Aires.


Donates a Christmas Tree created and designed for this occasion, to be sold at the Christmas Fair organized by Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina (EMA), Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.

Free Horses; sale and auction to benefit the Argentine Association of Equestrian Activities for the Handicapped and the Leopoldo Torres Agüero Rozanes Foundation to grant scholarships to France to young Argentine artists, Buenos Aires.

Live painting during the Painted Bodies exhibition; Centro de Exposiciones, 6th November, Buenos Aires.

Exhibits work at Casa FOA (Decorator Showhouses 2005 Edition), Gym area, Architect Gretel Manusia, Buenos Aires.

Paints a plate: "Patria" ("Nation") to benefit the Friends of the Palais de Glace Association.

Publishes her book "Sueños" ("Dreams"), with the support of Buenos Aires Cultural Fund, Culture Department, City Government. The same one is presented at the Auditorium,Chapel of the Recoleta Cultural Centre by the architect Osvaldo Giesso , the journalist Mario

Mactas and the art critic Prof. Guillermo Whitelow under the coordination of the licenciate Laura Isola. Limited edition of 500 books, August, Buenos Aires.

She donated a work of her production to be given as a prize at Belgrano University to Prevention and Rehabilitation, Edition I, Buenos Aires.


Works of art for Arte Golf Company, “The Art of Playing”, all connected to golf, different supports and mixed media.

Is invited to participate in the EMA ( Multiple Sclerosis Argentina) Christmas Fair, Espacio Darwin, Buenos Aires, December.

Is invited to participate with one reproduction of her works, “She”, series “The table is served”, ( 51 x 51cm, fotografía y objetos ensamblados, 2000); reproduced in The Woman’s Agenda 2005, edited by ADEUM, (Association of University Specialists in Women’s Studies), Buenos Aires, December.


Is invited to participate with one reproduction of her works, ”She”, series “The table is served”, (27,5 x 42cm, object, 2001); reproduced in The Woman’s Agenda 2004, edited by ADEUM, (Association of University Specialists in Women’s Studies), Buenos Aires, December.

Is invited to create one page of a calendar for the TV programme “Arde Troya” América TV. These art pieces will be sell at an auction for the NGO “Fundación Huésped”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Is invited to participate in the EMA (Multiple Sclerosis Argentina) Christmas Fair, Embassy of Belgium, Buenos Aires, December.

Invited to participate with one reproduction of her works, series “The table is served”, (22X31cm, object, 2000); reproduced in The Woman’s Agenda 2003, edited by ADEUM, (Association of University Specialists in Women’s Studies), Buenos Aires, and CECOPAL, (Centre of Popular Communication and Legal Assessment), Córdoba, November.

Is invited to participate at the “San Telmo, Open Studies”, organized by the Secretariat of Culture of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, November 9 and 10.


Invited to participate with two reproductions of her works “Very near: the moon, selfportrait”, series “The table is served”, (41x41cm, thing, 1999); and with “Fear”, ( 19,5x 23,5cm, carbon, pencil and pastel on paper,1973); reproduced in The Woman’s Agenda 2002, edited by ADEUM, (Association of University Specialists in Women’s Studies), Buenos Aires, and CECOPAL, (Centre of Popular Communication and Legal Assessment), Córdoba, November.

The Botica del Angel pays tribute and distinguishes her as special artist with the inauguration of a space of her own, September.

Centre of Modern Art, Quilmes, Argentina; edits 100 postcards created by her, Buenos Aires, Abril.

Adds a graphic work of her authorship, (37 engravings), together with Citibank N.A. Buenos Aires branch: exhibited at the Citigold Centre on Corrientes Avenue, Buenos Aires, February.


Is invited to participate at the “San Telmo, Open Studies”, organized by the Secretariat of Culture of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, November 25 th.

Collaborates with a donation of a work of her authorship together with AIME, (Iberoamerican Association of Businesswomen), presided by Ms. Julia Maristany, Collaborates with a donation of two works of her authorship with ADEA, (Ambassadors´ Wives Association accredited in Argentina), presided by Ms. María de los Ángeles Serralta de Kassawat, wife to the Chief of Mission of the Syrian Embassy.

Invited to participate with two reproductions of her work “Two Stars “, urban landscape, (48,5x78,5cm mixed media , 1998); and with “Ana Frank, homage”, ( 27,5x42cm collage,

1998), reproduced in The Woman´s Agenda 2001, editaded by ADEUEM, Association of University Specialists in Women´s Studies), Women´s Bookshop , Buenos Aires, CECOPAL, (Centre of Popular Communication and Legal Assessment ), Córdoba, October.

Signs a rental agreement regarding works of her authorship (36 engravings), with Citibank N.A. Buenos Aires branch, exhibited at the Citigold Centres situated at the following Citibank branches: Florida 183, (13 works); Villa Crespo, (1 work); Tribunales, (1 work); Liniers, (1 work); Flores, (3 works); all of them in the Capital City .Outside the Capital City : Salta,(5 works); Rosario, (7works); Quilmes, (1 work); Tigre, (1 work); Pilar, (2 works); and Avellaneda, (1 work): September.

The Dutch company Boomerang edits 50.000 postcards reproducing her work “Two Stars”, urban landscape, (48,5x78,5 cm mixed media , 1998), Buenos Aires, September.

Collaborates with a donation of one work of her authorship, as a response to the work of Father Mario Pantaleo, raffled at a benefit dinner, Hilton Hotel, Buenos Aires, August 16.

“Agricultural Ambassadors”: her letter of disagreement is published in the Readers´Opinion Column, La Nación Newspaper, p. 18, Buenos Aires, April 29.

The Spanish company “El Chañar”S.A., incorporates 184 collages and 115 serigraphies of the series “Wheat Fields ”, hand painted, all of them of her authorship, for their NH Florida Hotel , located on the intersection of San Martín and Tres Sargentos Streets, Buenos Aires, February.


TOYOTA, in their new offices in Buenos Aires, Perez Companc Tower, through the architect María Laura Rodriguez Mayol includes in the decoration photgraphs, serigraphs and originals of her authorship.


Santa Fe Medical Center aquires for their stations in San Isidro and Lomas de Zamora works of her authorship.


Bazterrica Clinic, Buenos Aires, includes in their renewed decoration of the Directory originals and prints of her authorship.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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