Apr 2013 Volume 36, Number 8



2nd May 2013 – in the Village Hall


|Name of Candidate |Home Address |Description (if any) |Name of Proposer |

|DUMPER Tim |22 Woodville Road, Exmouth,|Liberal Democrats |Toye Brian J |

| |EX8 1SF | | |

|HUGHES |170 Exeter Road, |The Conservative Party |Moody Ian C |

|Bernard C |Exmouth, EX8 3DZ |Candidate | |

|JOHNSON |24 Phillipps |Labour Party Candidate |Newton Carole L |

|Lesley |Avenue,Exmouth, EX8 3DZ | | |

|MCANDREW |17 Strawberry Hill, |UK Independence Party |Lill Geoffrey I |

|Patrick C |Lympstone, Exmouth, EX85JZ |(IKIP) | |

Clerk to the Council: A J Le Riche, DMS, 43 Salisbury Road, Exmouth, EX8 1SL, Tel 279665/ 07866 535580 mailto:clerk@


Editor: Chris Carter, Tel 274104. Copy editor – P Acca

Deputy Editors - Terri Scott & Jan Teague, Advertising - Liz Griffiths

Lympstone web site –

Copy deadline for the next issue – Tuesday May 14th by 10 am

Copy by e-mail, if possible to chriscarterathome@

The Editor at Hillcrest, Greenhill Ave, Lympstone, EX8 5HW

Distribution by the Telfers, Tel 272275 and others




Editors are urgently required to take maintain and update the village website. This ongoing task is to keep the village informed and aware of current affairs events, timetables etc. Sharing responsibilities would be encouraged and training is available.

Further help with editing the Lympstone Herald would also be useful.

If you require more information about these important posts then please contact Cllr Rob Longhurst on 263495 or the Clerk, Tony Le Riche on 279665.

Chris Carter


This will take place at 7.30pm on Monday 13th May 2013 in the Committee Room at the Village Hall.  This is a Village Meeting, not a Parish Council meeting.  Any elector can come along to raise issues of Local concern.

There is a lot happening in your community so this is a chance to update on Parish matters.  It is only scheduled to last half an hour so it will not take up much of your time but it will be worth attending.

A J le Riche



The Parish Council is responsible for maintaining several flower beds around the village, not just in the centre.  Most, but not all are looked after by very willing and able volunteers.  There is opportunity for more volunteers to take on this work or to help those already giving their time.  It is not a big commitment but a small amount of work can make a big difference to the appearance of the Village.  So if you think that you could spare an hour or two each month please contact Cllr Peter Acca, Cllr Terri Scott or Tony, the Parish Clerk, to let them know what you might be able to offer. 

Cllr Terri Scott


A reminder to dog walkers in the village. Please remember to pick up after your dog and place in the bins provided, this applies to all public areas including Avenue Field and Cliff Field, the Dog Warden will be patrolling the village and if caught you will be fined £80. It is worth noting that it is also an offence to pick and flick your dog’s poo into hedges!!!!!! Thanks.

Cllr Di Beatty


The Church website. For details of all church events please look at

The website is full of news information, photographs and all that you need to know about the church. Do look at it.

There are also the notice boards under the railway arch and in the church porch.

Annual Meeting On Sunday, 14 April immediately after the morning service, there will be the election of Church Wardens followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Both Mary Blair and Richard Giles are willing to continue in their roles as Church Wardens and will be standing again. This does not mean other candidates are precluded – if anyone else is interested please see Jill Wilson.

Lent Lunches. You will be pleased to hear that, after all expenses are paid, the lunches made a total of £440. This will be given to the Open Door in Exmouth and St Petrocks in Exeter. Very many thanks to all who helped, not forgetting Mary and Neil Downes who erected and dismantled the tables for everyone. Well done to all.

Jean Young

Social Evening. The date of the Past2Present evening is Saturday 13th April from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. This is an evening of showing photographs of events in the church and the village combined with wine and cheese. Please bring your own wine, other refreshments will be supplied. Anybody who wishes to donate cheese or biscuits or other nibbles please telephone Roger or Lisa Riggs on 268189.

Concerts The Clyst Valley Choral Society will be performing in church on Saturday, 20th April at 8 pm. The programme will include Faure Requiem and the Haydn Nelson Mass. Tickets are £7 in advance from Shears Cafe or £8 on the door. This promises to be a wonderful evening. There is a second performance at Holy Trinity Church, Exmouth on Sunday, 21st April at 8 pm.

London Marathon. Once again Tim Lupton will be participating in the London Marathon in aid of the charity MACS which supports families with children who have been born with sight problems. If anyone would like to sponsor Tim please see either John Lupton or Penny.

Brian Mather and Jill Wilson


The winner of the March Church Lottery was John Whiter with ticket no. 934.

Joyce Malster


Spare a thought for those of us who are dependent on the village shops for groceries and cash, who have no cars, difficulty in walking or, are unable to access trains and buses and therefore can’t reach Exmouth, shops or supermarkets.

For elderly people, especially those living alone, a visit to the Village Shop/and Post Office is an outing, a therapeutic experience and a chance to meet friends.  The friendly staff at the shop, numbering approximately 10-12 , are all local people,  who work hard to keep things going . If the shops go, they will lose their jobs. 

These facilities are vital for those like me, who wish to remain independent, and not be a burden on family and friends.

We all get old, it is a fact of life, circumstances change, and although we may lose our ability to move around as we once did, the incentive to do so remains.

We have a Village Shop, a Post Office, and a Mobile Library.  It is vital we keep them, it would be sad to see these facilities die through lack of support.



Pat Dearsly


At our Annual Meeting in April Diana de la Rue was elected President, and grateful thanks were given to Anne Frampton and Jo Cotton who were standing down as President and Hon. Secretary respectively.

We welcomed Mary Andrews, W.I. Advisor, to assist us with the formal proceedings and also to chair the discussion on this year’s W.I. Resolution addressing the “Decline of our High Streets and Town Centres”. Nationally, the W.I. is an extremely influential group which each year campaigns and lobbies government and other agencies on a different resolution which has been submitted by W.I. members to the National Conference and voted on at that time. Recent resolutions have included campaigning for more midwives, and for a fair price to farmers for milk. There is information on the website about all previous resolutions and the many other activities that the modern W.I. takes part in .uk

We are looking forward to hosting the Estuary Group Spring Meeting on Wednesday, 10th April, and ten of us are going to the Devon Spring Council Meeting in Torquay on 17th April when Ann Widdecombe will be the speaker.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 1st May (not 8th May as in printed programme) at 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Rosemary Bethell will be talking to us about “Flower arranging on a budget”. All are welcome, and if you would like any more information about Lympstone W.I. please phone Diana de la Rue on 01395 274099.

Heather Stratford


Between the 10th and 12th March a number of insecure vehicles in the village were entered and have money and CDs stolen. This occurred at various locations around the village including Wotton Lane. It is believed they occurred in the early hours of the morning. If anyone has any information regarding these thefts, please contact me on the details below. Please ensure that your vehicle is left secured when unattended and remove any valuables.

A large sign in the Saddlers Arms car park was damaged between the 19th and 20th March. The sign was torn and sprayed with graffiti. If anyone has any information regarding this crime, please contact me on the details below.

Over night of the 20th March a concrete mixer was stolen from a property on Hulham Road. If anyone saw any person or vehicle acting suspiciously around that time, please contact me.

There are currently two bikes locked and left unattended on the bike racks outside of the Swan public house. They are fairly rusty and slightly unloved and have been in situ for quite some time. I am trying to establish whether they have been abandoned. If you are the owner, could you please contact me to confirm ownership.

Cliff Field/Candys Field – please can I ask that dog owners/walkers make sure they watch their pets when exercising them at these locations. I have had a number of complaints regarding dog jumping up at people and chasing cyclists and runners. As a dog owner it is your responsibility to ensure you are in proper control of your pet at all times. I will be asking the dog warden to attend and monitor the area. Thank you in advance.

PCSO Sarah Trayhurn

General Enquiries 101


Springtime Coffee Morning, Saturday 20th April, Lympstone Methodist Hall

10.30 – 12 noon.

Lots of bargains to be had, homemade cakes, books etc and by popular demand the jigsaw lady returns.

Entry just £1 to include refreshments.

All proceeds to Hospiscare.

Lesley Weeks


Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Coffee Morning at Franklins, where we were delighted that some more people became Friends of the Charity.

We are very lucky this year to have been made the Fire Service’s Charity of the Year, and we will be helping them at many of the events they are planning to raise funds for both charities – so watch for posters!

On Saturday, 18th May, Exmouth & Lympstone Hospiscare will have a stall at the Spring Fun Day in the Strand, Exmouth.........hope to see you there!

Frances Longhurst, Chairman 263495

Frances Longhurst


Weds 17th April, function Room 7.30

Do you have any garden problems on which you would like some advice? Or do you want to choose some new plants or shrubs and don’t know what would be best? Or perhaps why your vegetables didn’t do well?

Come along a get some advice from our panel of experts, who will be Sheila Parker, Robin Telfer, Keith Exelby, Jeff Ames (from Greenfingers Garden Centre) and Jackie Michelmore.

Everybody welcome, whether a member or not. So do come along with some questions and enjoy an evening of expert gardening advice and tips. Refreshments will be available afterwards.

Ian Stratford


NOTICE is hereby given that Devon County Council has made the above titled order.

From MONDAY 20 MAY 2013 for a maximum of 18 months, Anticipated Finish WEDNESDAY 22 MAY 2013

No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed on the sections of Affected Roads except for access to land or premises on or adjacent to those length of roads.

Roads affected - Summer Lane, Exmouth, from opposite flat 1 A la Ronde to opposite Three Acres

The alternative, signed, route for vehicles will be via - summer lane - Hulham road - Littlemead lane - Rivermead Avenue - Exeter Road and vice versa

This temporary restriction is considered necessary to enable - utility works - trial hole to investigate and locate leak

For additional information contact:


Telephone: 0800 169 1144




Have you been living in Lympstone for less than 15 years? Are you a ‘young family’? Can you accommodate guests at home? Can you spare one long weekend a year meeting new, potentially lifelong friends? If you are still reading, how about twinning?

Our twin village of Biéville-Beuville, less than 10 miles from the ferry port of Ouistreham/Caen on the Normandy coast, is calling for a new generation of young families to take over the near 40-year legacy already established.

If you are at all interested, but are concerned about the image of what you know of the present/previous generation of twinners – fear not. Now is an ideal moment to recast the mould because the previous ways of doing things, very successful in their time, with a committee and fundraising have ceased with the demise of The Lympstone Twinning Association. However Lympstone remains officially twinned with Biéville-Beuville, through the Charter upheld by the Parish Council, but active twinning fall to others.

So what is twinning all about and what is involved nowadays? Fundamentally, it is about having fun and a very rewarding good time with a similar French family, else why do it at all? In even years, they come to us for a weekend, in odd years, we stay with them for a weekend, the weekend usually being a public holiday at the end of May although the timing can be changed. In the past the number of people involved has filled a coach, although this year a handful of full cars will suffice. To find out more visit the Lympstone Twinners website &/or contact Richard Crisp

Richard Crisp


The AGM will be held at the Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24th April. This is a chance to hear about progress, plans, finances and more, and to ask questions of the Committee. All parishioners are welcome.

Don Mildenhall


At the end of another successful season, the Film Society has its AGM and shows a bonus film, free to members and new members who join at the meeting. The date is Friday 10th May at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. The bonus film will be French Can Can

an exhilarating tribute to the glamorous world of the Moulin Rouge. We will be offering a special discounted price to existing and new members who sign up for the 2013/14 season at the AGM.

Don Mildenhall


Throughout Devon new WIs are starting up, specifically to cater for working women and mums with children who cannot attend monthly afternoon meetings. Jam and Jerusalem don't feature! Whilst food and craft skills are popular, many other events are on offer at the moment, i.e. a canoeing adventure day on the River Dart, 2-day visit to Kew Gardens, Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace, a day at Newton Abbot races and a trip to a historic fairground heritage centre to name but a few.

There has been a WI in Lympstone for 94 years. Our early history makes fascinating reading; members met all through WW2, and we hope to keep going for our centenary but we are struggling to increase membership. It would be so good if a new group for younger people could be formed in the village. Some institutes meet in a pub room to keep expense to a minimum. In recent issues of WI Life, women have been featured roller derby skating, attending self-defence classes and side car racing. There is no such thing as a stereotypical WI member. The WI exists to inspire women so give it a try? I am happy to point you in the right direction for setting up your own evening WI.

Diana de la Rue (274099)


Compeitive Cynthia set for Starlight Walk’s new route

More than 100 women have already signed up to take part in this year’s Starlight Walk for Hospiscare, which has a new 12k route along Exmouth’s seafront and beautiful countryside.

The walk is back for one night only taking place on Saturday May 11. The Hospiscare ladies walk usually takes place on two nights with one walk in Tiverton and one in Exmouth.

But Hospiscare has combined the walks to one venue for 2013 to maximise the amount of money raised.

The 12k walk starts at the earlier time of 8pm this year and incorporates the cycle path to Budleigh into the route. The walk finishes at Exmouth Rugby Club where a much deserved treat will be on offer. “Exmouth Rugby Club are brilliant; there is a great atmosphere and a good feeling. I’m just hoping we get loads of people signing up.”

Hospiscare gives high-quality care and dedicated, free-of-charge support to people who are terminally ill. Hospiscare is your local hospice charity for Exeter, mid and east Devon.

To sign up for the 2013 Starlight Walk visit

Tina Penberthy-Hutchings Tel: 01392 688097


The waiting list for an allotment is now very short so if you want a plot now is the time to apply! Applications forms are available from me on 274099.

Diana de la Rue


Thank you to all the 90 guests who came and supported the Afternoon Tea at the village hall on March 16th. We raised £323.00 which was fantastic and we are very grateful to all those who helped in anyway with the event, and  especially for all the generous raffle prize donations.

Diana and Martin Richards


This year’s AGM will be held on Monday 13th of May, 2.30 pm in the Methodist Hall. All present members and new members interested in joining are welcome. Subscription renewal reminders will be sent by post with the annual charge of £3.00 remaining unchanged from last year. This year is the tenth anniversary of this valuable village service. If you are interested in becoming a Friend to be eligible for our friendly and inexpensive transport services to hospital/surgery appointments or occasionally could spare an hour or two to be a volunteer driver do join us at the AGM or inquire at the Surgery.

M. Wheeler



The Art Group Exhibition is being held in the Village Hall from 26th May to 2nd June. As well as a range of paintings other Art work such as sculpture and ceramics will be exhibited. If you would like to exhibit some art work and are not a LAG member, please contact judith_carter@ Tel 274104

Judith Carter


East Devon is well known for its beautiful landscapes, stunning coastline, fascinating history and vibrant communities. In 1963 this unique landscape was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in recognition of its importance nationally. To mark this very special anniversary 2013 will be a year of celebration with events, activities and exhibitions throughout the region.

The festivities kick off in April with Heritage Week culminating in the Peter Orlando Hutchinson Project Conference at Kennaway House in Sidmouth. Throughout the summer the AONB team and members of the AONB Partnership will be attending the Axe Vale Festival, Heath Week at Woodbury Common and the Honiton Show, with displays describing the many varied projects the AONB supports.

From January onwards we will be running a photographic competition entitled

“Focus on 50 – celebrating half a century of the East Devon AONB” as well as a writing competition for all ages called “Life and Landscape”; so if there is a special place or view that you would like to photograph or write about, this is your opportunity to enter and win some great prizes.

We are also challenging as many people as possible to walk the length of the East Devon Way during the year – as one event or in bite size chunks! This 40 mile route passes through the heart of the AONB, from Exmouth to Lyme Regis, and your achievement will be rewarded with a unique 50th Anniversary certificate!

Local businesses are being encouraged to get involved too! We are keen for as many as possible to pledge their support by using the East Devon AONB 50th logo wherever they can. In return they will be included on a supporters list and receive free promotion of their business not only on the East Devon AONB stand at high profile local shows, but also on our website.

Our anniversary celebration will take place on Friday 20 September at Bicton College. Professor Michael Dower CBE, former Chief Executive of the Countryside Commission, will be our special guest. He is also son of John Dower, whose work in 1945 laid the foundations for the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 which created the AONB and National Park system.

John Wilding, Head of Forestry and Environment for Clinton Devon Estate, and East Devon AONB Partnership Chairman, said “The East Devon AONB is an inspirational place to live and work and we hope as many people as possible will help us celebrate this amazing landscape”. To make sure you don’t miss out on any of the activities and to get more information go to .uk or contact the team on 01404 46663

Contact: Chris Woodruff, EDDC

Phone: 01404 46663


I am delighted to be able to announce that the Governors have appointed Mrs Emily Mellor as Headteacher of our school, to take up her post in September after Tony Priest retires in the summer.

We had twenty applicants for the post, which is a high number for a Primary Headteacher post, and we invited five to interview. The assessment process took place over two days and tested the candidates on all aspects of school life and the role of Headteacher. It was a very strong field, but at the end of the two days the seven Governors involved were unanimous in their choice.

Emily is currently Assistant Headteacher at Withycombe Raleigh in Exmouth and has been a teacher within a variety of schools in Devon for nearly twenty years. I am sure that she will bring much to our school, whilst at the same time understanding and continuing those things which make Lympstone School such a special place. I know that she is keen to start to get to know the children, parents and staff within the school as soon as possible and Tony will be discussing opportunities for her to meet people over the coming weeks.

Margaret Turgoose


Sat 20th April 8.00pm, Lympstone Parish Church

Faure Requiem, haydn Nelson Mass

Soprano ~ Janet Macdonald Mezzo ~ Moira Izzard, Tenor ~ Michael GrahamBass ~ Peter Hale

Organ ~ Mark Perry Small Ensemble

Musical Director ~ Paul Stock

Tickets: £7 in advance or £8 at the door On sale at Shears Café, Lympstone or Tel 01392 271858 to reserve your ticket

Janet Macdonald


It is with regret that Ellingtonia, one of the leading Duke Ellington Bands in the UK have disbanded due to the economic conditions. The café style concert in Lympstone Village Hall booked for Saturday 15thJune will not therefore take place. I thank everyone who attended the 6 café style concerts over recent years which also raised money for Hospiscare and the Lympstone Village Hall restoration fund

Graham Martin


This coming Sunday, 14th April, will see the first of Lympstone Entertainments’ afternoon concerts. The cellist Hilary Boxer will play some of the wonderful Bach Cello Suites, which are amongst the most loved pieces of classical music.

This is the first of a summer series, which continues on 12th May, when Hilary is joined by another cellist, Jane Pirie, for a concert which links music by the 18th century Italian composer Boccherini with pieces by Fats Waller, the American jazz singer and composer of the 1920s and 30s, famous for Ain’t Misbhavin’ and other songs of the period.

Each concert will take place in Lympstone Church from 4pm to 5pm. Tickets can be had for each concert at £7 (£5 for children), or for the series of four at £20 (£14). They are available from John Welton at 1 Harefield Cottages, tel. 271 915, or johnwelton68@, or otherwise from the Post Office with a £1 booking fee.

John Welton


Dates for April/May  

April 26,    May 10, 24.

Meadow Close  10.50 - 11.10

Car Park  11.30 - 12.45


Diana Letcher


The list of Organisations, Clubs and Societies is being revised with a view to posting them on the Parish Council notice boards. Please update or amend details on the website or email Terri Scott

Cllr Terri Scott



The RSPB has reported that seagulls are moving inland to towns and cities due to the collapse of the fishing industry. Grahame Madge, from the organisation, said the birds were natural scavengers and were also being enticed by the growing number of councils collecting food waste. Some councils have had to install spikes and clear nests at waste recycling sites, while some are proposing to shoot the gulls.

(Lympstone suffers from people who feed seagulls in the village Ed)

¬ Faster broadband and a new hotline for a countryside revolution Environment Secretary Owen Paterson claimed that rural communities are being held back by ‘outrageously’ slow broadband speeds as he launched Defra’s Rural Statement. The government has announced £20m in grants to help communities improve their broadband by investing in infrastructure and to set up as service

providers themselves. They also announced plans to stop councils blocking the installation of ‘ugly’ standard street cabinets, which connect homes to the internet and will make it easier for landowners, local authorities and communities to install broadband cables under public streets or private land, or on telephone poles.

New standards arrangements for council members The Department of Communities and Local Government has published a guide for councillors on openness and transparency on personal interests. This is a practical guide which will help all to properly understand the new arrangements and shows clearly how these arrangements strike a common sense balance between accountability of elected representatives and personal privacy. All members of the council will want to carefully look through the guide as it will be helpful as you go about your day-to-day business as elected members serving your local communities. The guide is available on the Department of Communities and Local Government website. It will

help all those who have chosen to serve their communities as councillors to ensure that there is openness and transparency about their affairs whilst their legitimate privacy is properly respected.

Extracts from The Knowledge from the EDDC


|8th April 2013 |22nd April 2013 |

|13th May 2013 Starting with the Annual Parish Meeting |

|3rd June 2013 |17th June 2013 |

|1st July 2013 |15th July 2013 |

|5th August 2013 (Planning only) |

|2nd September 2013 |16th September 2013 |


For many years the grey beards in the village have said that Lympstone has one pub too many. But nature abhors a vacuum and I think that 2013 will fill the empty spaces around the bars.

The Swan has seen bar space reduced by an increase in dinners – many of them coming in from Exmouth. The Redwing has increased capacity by fitting out the Loft as a semi-private dinning and drinking area. And now Ange and Mike, the new landlords in the Globe, are moving in with great ideas, many based on their experience as customers having lived in Lympstone backed by Ange’s money management experience as an accountant. The Saddlers will hope to swell their takings with passing trade from a recovering economy.

I hope to help everybody by not buying a new car and spending the money saved on good dinners – like local mussels followed by a freshly caught Jason’s crab (or a lobster, I am not picky) served with a crisp dry white.

The Herald will carry reports on my dining adventures around the village.

Chris Carter



Is changing hands

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dave & Sheila for all their hard work over the last 3 years & wish them the very best for their retirement.


Disclaimer This site is compiled from emails sent to the editor by numerous people and very little of the information is checked before publishing which is done in good faith!

Chris Carter


Lympstone History Society, talk and members’ AGM,

Village Hall 7.30pm 9 May 2013


FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER - Lindsey Waddell MAFHP. Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas. Home Visits. 01395 263496

ENGLISH TUITION: Experienced English Tutor available to teach English, Literature, Essay Writing and Study Skills at GCSE level and beyond. Tel: Sharon Wayland on 274551. 

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For all your coal, kindling & gas supplies - Tel 01395 267490

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Call Niki - 01395 740727

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|Kind & Qualified Groomer. |CLOCK REPAIRS |

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|in pastel also undertaken. |Westminster Chimes |

|Make Superb Presents. |Wall Clocks |

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|Tracey Crompton, Greenways, |Dial Clocks |

|Courtlands Lane, Lympstone. |Long Case Clocks |

|Tel: 01395 272815 /07973 986 268. |Carriage Clocks |

| |Free estimates and house visits |

| |Tel: 01395 273563 |

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|Undertaken to the highest standard |golf, hiking and more. Suits all ages. |

|Fully insured references available |Flights from Exeter & Bristol |

|Call Daniel for free quotation or advice | |

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| |see website for details: |

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|Small and Large Events - |Specialising in domestic work; happy to do small jobs.|

|Menus to Suit your Budget | |

|Telephone Shirley or Michael |Call Simon on: 07985 963075 |

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| |2 bedrooms (1 double, I twin) |

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| |For further details call 01395 233775 (NB change of |

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Families required to host foreign teenage students in 2013. The host families are required to provide bed, breakfast, a hot evening meal and a packed lunch. In addition to the lessons in the morning we organise a full sport and entertainment programme for the students in the afternoon and evening. We offer very good rates and conditions. For information regarding dates, fees etc. please contact Ray or Claudia at The Lympstone Language School,

Tel. / Fax 01404 815190 or 07831 385220

e-mail: LympstoneLanguageSchool@

website .





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Scenic photographs of your village - from the harbour, pretty corner, and washing- sunsets!  Available from Post Office or Frances Longhurst 263495


Libby Clapham BA, RSHom; Safe, eco-friendly, non-addictive; wide range of conditions; safe with conventional medicines; allergy testing.  Clinics Exmouth and Exeter. libbyclapham naturalhealth; tel 01395 267432 

PICTURE FRAMING. For all your framing requirements; also frame

restoration & chair caning.  Caro Ambridge 01392 877460, Topsham.

DAWN 'TIL DUSK Creative Gardening service Routine maintenance, Designs & Creates. 0786 6566 883


For all your log, coal, kindling & gas supplies Tel 01395 267490

FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER - Lindsey Waddell MAFHP. Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas. Home Visits. 01395 263496

LADYBIRD GARDEN SERVICES Your eco-friendly gardeners from Lympstone for all your gardening needs. Reasonable rates. Telephone Annie on 01395 275673/07814510760

PIANO with a VIEW Lessons for all ages, beginners and improvers, "purely for pleasure" and ABRSM exams to Grade 8. Theory to Grade 5. Tel: Judy Joss (BA Mus, Dip Ed) on 222749

Maths TUITION Experienced tutor available to teach primary to GCSE level maths. Reasonable rates Tel: Jane Moffatt on 279952

SCIENCE TUTOR Qualified teacher available for GCSE and A level science tuition. Karen on 07807474183 or email karenball36@


WITHALL'S HOUSE BED AND BREAKFAST. A modern and spacious home close to the heart of the village. Ample parking and flexible accommodation. Call Pete and Jan Hardy on 01395 270157 Or visit

CYGNET COTTAGE – 3 Bedrooms, close to water, £70 a night, minimum 2 nights Call Chris or Judy Carter on 01395274104 or email to chriscarterathome@

Advertise here for just 60p a line


| | |


|3 WI |1 WI meeting |

|7 Family Service |2 Election |

|10 Printing Techniques |9 History Soc. |

|12 I Capture the Castle |10 & 24 Mobile library |

|13 Past2Present |10 French Can Can |

|14 Annual Church Meeting |11 Hospicecare Ladies Walk |

|14 Bach Concert |12 Cellist Concert |

|17 Gardeners Question Time |13 Surgery AGM |

|20 Coffee Morning |13 Annual Parish Meeting |

|20 Clyst Valley Choral |16-18 Macbeth |

|22 Parish Council |20 Road Closure |

|24 Village Hall AGM |26 – 2nd June Art Exhibition |

|26 Mobile Library | |


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Litho and Silk Screen Printers

For an efficient and friendly service

Tel: 01392 873822

Fax: 01392 875760



20b High St, Topsham, Exeter, Devon, EX3 0EA






Ange & Mike are very excited to announce that on Monday 22nd April they will become the new Landlady & Landlord of The Globe Inn.

We will be closing for a period of refurbishment so please keep your eyes peeled around the village for notices of our official opening party, anticipated to be the beginning of May.

We look forward to welcoming customers old & new.

Clock Repair

& Restoration

r & b interior decorators

[pic][?]!'The female painting and decorating service

Friendly, local, reliable, fully insured

Call Sam or Marge

T: 01395 225182

M: 07973 473961


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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