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“Can You Hear Me Now?” – The Invention of the Telephone

Crystal Thompson

Olympia South Elementary

Summer 2006

"Alexander Graham Bell Speaking on the Phone, 1892." 1892.

Gilbert H. Grosvenor Collection,

Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

Students will learn about the invention of the telephone and how it has impacted and continues to impact society. Through photo analysis, discussion, research, creative writing, investigation, oral presentation, art, and technology, students will better understand the contribution of the inventor and the influence of the invention. Through this unit students will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Mr. Bell’s invention of the telephone.

Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension

|Overview Back to Navigation Bar |

|Objectives |Students will: |

| |analyze photographs from the Library of Congress and apply K-W-L. |

| |complete the “What In The World Is It?” activity on the LOC website. |

| |analyze Bell’s diagram/journal entry of the original telephone model on the LOC |

| |website. |

| |choose to sketch/diagram and explain improvements needed to a present day invention |

| |or create a new invention and explain/diagram it. |

| |fill out a patent application project. |

| |complete a timeline questionnaire utilizing the LOC timeline on Bell’s life. |

| |research the history of the invention/inventor through text, primary resources, |

| |guest speaker, telephone display, and utilizing the LOC site. |

| |discuss and compose a paper on the impact of the telephone, how life would be |

| |different without it, and the pros and cons to the invention. |

| |interpret and evaluate the significance of the first spoken words over the telephone|

| |through discussion and timeline trivia worksheet. Then create their own “first |

| |words” to be spoken about their invention/reinvention. |

| |create a graph using gathered information about current telephone usage. |

| |build a tin can telephone for experimentation of Bell’s discovery of voice carried |

| |over “lines.” |

| |learn from oral presentation from guest speaker and observe display/power point of |

| |period telephones. |

|Recommended time frame |7 days (6 – 60 minute periods, and 1 – full day (last day). Times can be adjusted |

| |and activities altered. |

|Grade level |5th-6th |

|Curriculum fit |Science, Language Arts, Social Studies Math, |

|Materials |*Photograph of first telephone, diagram, and telephone related pictures. (see |

| |resource table) |

| |“What In The World Is It? |

| |Bell’s diagram/journal of telephone, letter |

| | |

| |*markers, colored pencils, poster board |

| |*LOC timeline |

| | |

| |*Telephone Timeline Trivia worksheet (see handout 3) |

| |*Changes in the Telephone worksheet (see handout 4) |

| |*History-Hands On! Series by Mary Tucker (ISBN 1-57310-428-0) (For telephone |

| |section, see handout 2) |

| |*Guest speaker |

| |*LOC |

| | |

| |*Computer lab |

| |*Era telephones or pictures/power point presentation by teacher of era telephones |

| |*(1) tin can per child, fishing line, small nails, and some hammers, and directions |

| |for the tin can phone (see handout 2) |

| |*Graph paper |

| |*Rubric for oral presentation (see rubric 1) |

| |*Rubric for poster/diagram (see rubric 2) |

| |*Rubric for writing assignment (see rubric 3) |

|Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Social Studies: |

| |GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history |

| |of Illinois, the United States and other nations. |

| |16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from |

| |historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources. |

| | |

| |Science: |

| |GOAL 13: Understand the relationships among science, technology and society in |

| |historical and contemporary contexts. |

| |13.B.2b Describe the effects on society of scientific and technological innovations|

| |(e.g., antibiotics, steam engine, digital computer). |

| | |

| |Language Arts: |

| |GOAL 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information. |

| |5.C.2a Create a variety of print and nonprint documents to communicate acquired |

| |information for specific audiences and purposes. |

| | |

| |Math: |

| |GOAL 10: Collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict |

| |results; and interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability. |

| |10.A.2a Organize and display data using pictures, tallies, tables, charts, bar |

| |graphs, line graphs, line plots and stem-and-leaf graphs. |

| | |

|Procedures Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Day One |

| |Students will analyze LOC photographs of the first telephone and its diagram, |

| |(resource table), and use teacher lead K-W-L format, utilizing photo analysis |

| |worksheet. (handout 1). |

| |Link to photo/information of 1st telephone: |

| |(NUMBER+@band(det+4a27893)) |

| | |

| |Link to sketch/diagram of first telephone: |

| | |

| |Students will analyze remaining photographs related to the telephone, and choose one|

| |to independently complete using the photo analysis worksheet. (resource table and |

| |handout 1) |

| |Discussion of everyday use of telephone and assignment given for culminating graph |

| |activity. |

| | |

| |Days Two-Three |

| |Students will read along to tape recording of a brief history on Alexander Graham |

| |Bell, physically highlighting key points,(see handout 2). This history will include |

| |an explanation of his quest to improve the telegraph, which lead to the invention of|

| |the telephone. |

| |Students will investigate history, journal entries, and letters through the LOC. |

| |See links below for resources. |

| |Link to Collection Connection (inventor, timeline, collection highlights, etc.) |

| | |

| |Link to “Jump Back in Time” Link from America’s Story from LOC. (event highlights) |

| | |

| |Link to suggested readings of children’s literature. |

| | (children’s literature – |

| |suggested readings) |

| |Link to the Learning Page, a summary of resources. |

| | |

| |Link to the letter written to “Papa” from Bell |

| | |

| |Link to the PBS transcript to “The Telephone”: |

| | |

| |Students will share through discussion and navigation through the LOC, the |

| |significant events leading to the invention of the telephone and of Bell’s life. |

| |Students will complete a timeline questionnaire utilizing the LOC timeline of |

| |Alexander Graham Bell’s life, (see handout 3 and the following link): |

| | |

| |Students will order the progression of the telephone on a “Changes in the Telephone”|

| |worksheet, (handout 4). |

| | |

| |Days Four-Six |

| |Students will choose to select a modern day invention to improve or design an |

| |invention of their own, using sketches/diagrams on a poster and verbal explanation, |

| |using the LOC documentation of Bell’s as a reference. |

| | |

| |Students will complete a patent application to file for their invention or |

| |improvement to an existing invention, using Bell’s original patent as a reference, |

| |(handout 5 and link to: |

| | |

| |(Days 4 and 5 will be inventing, reinventing, and sketching/diagramming. Day 6 will|

| |be presentation of inventions.) |

| |Students will present to the class. (see rubrics 1 & 2) |

| | |

| |Day Seven |

| |Students will host a guest speaker presenting how the telephone works, the changes |

| |in the telephone over time, and his/her personal experience working for the |

| |telephone company. Question and answer session. |

| |Students will view a display of telephones from each decade from the late 1800’s, as|

| |well as through a power point presentation. |

| |Students will create a bar graph of daily usage of the telephone over a five day |

| |period. |

| |In groups, the class will analyze the inside of a telephone to view its inner |

| |workings and compare the original diagram of Bell’s first phone to the phone being |

| |investigated, recording similarities and differences. |

| |Link to the following for diagram of first telephone: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Pairs of students will make a tin can telephone to enforce concepts learned. (see |

| |directions for TIN CAN TELEPHONE on handout 2) |

| |Students will complete the “What in the World is It?” activity from the LOC website.|

| | |

| |Each student will complete a writing activity focusing on the impact of the |

| |telephone on daily life, how life would be different without it, and the pros and |

| |cons of the invention. (see rubric 3) |

| | |

|Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Presentation of invention improvement or new invention, (see rubric 1) |

| |Poster with diagram/sketch of invention/reinvention. |

| |(see rubric 2) |

| |Writing activity, (see rubric 3) |

|Extension Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Students will complete Everyday Mysteries through the LOC. Link to: |

| | |

| |Students will further investigate the photograph that they chose on Day 1, using the|

| |K-W-L photo analysis sheet, to complete their inquiry of the picture. Students will|

| |share findings, relating their discovery to the invention of the telephone. |

| |(Resource Table and LOC) |

| | |

Primary Resources from the Library of Congress

Back to Navigation Bar

|Image / Resource |Description |Citation |URL |

| | | | |

|[pic] |Telegraph office |Western History/Genealogy |

| | |Department, Denver Public |ery/r?ammem/hawp:@field(NUMBER+@|

| | |Library. |band(codhawp+10009604)) |

|[pic] |[Model of Bell's |Library of Congress, Prints and |

| |telephone]. |Photographs Division, Detroit |ery/r?ammem/detr:@field(NUMBER+@|

| | |Publishing Company Collection, |band(det+4a27893)) |

| | |LC-D420-2586 DLC (b&w glass | |

| | |neg.) | |

|[pic] |[Chicago Daily News |Chicago Daily News negatives |

| |telephone operator, |collection,. DN-0001452 Courtesy|ery/r?ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b|

| |wearing a white blouse, |of the Chicago Historical |and(ichicdn+n001452)) |

| |face slightly obscured by |Society.. | |

| |the telephone, writing on | | |

| |a pad]. | | |

|[pic] |[George Wallace, a boy, |Chicago Daily News negatives |

| |using a telephone]. |collection,DN-0009363 Courtesy |ery/r?ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b|

| | |of the Chicago Historical |and(ichicdn+n009363)) |

| | |Society. | |

|[pic] |Telephone office in 1915 |Western History/Genealogy |

| | |Department, Denver Public |ery/r?ammem/hawp:@field(NUMBER+@|

| | |Library |band(codhawp+10010437)) |

|[pic] |Bell’s notebook entry from|Library of Congress, Manuscript |

| |March 10, 1876, describing|Division, Journal entry from |edu/collections/agb/history.html|

| |successful experiment with|Alexander Graham Bell | |

| |the telephone. | | |

|[pic] |Bell’s letter written on |Library of Congress, Manuscript |

| |March 10, 1876, the day he|Division, Letter from Alexander |l/005/00500211/0001.jpg |

| |successfully used the |Graham Bell on March 10, 1876 | |

| |telephone | | |


Back to Navigation Bar

Rubric 1 – Class

|Teacher Name: Ms. Thompson |

| |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Content |Shows a full understanding|Shows a good understanding|Shows a good understanding|Does not seem to |

| |of the topic. |of the topic. |of parts of the topic. |understand the topic very |

| | | | |well. |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not |

| |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly most ( 94-85%) |be understood OR |

| |the time, and |the time, but |of the time. Mispronounces|mispronounces more than |

| |mispronounces no words. |mispronounces one word. |no more than one word. |one word. |

|Stays on Topic |Stays on topic all (100%) |Stays on topic most |Stays on topic some |It was hard to tell what |

| |of the time. |(99-90%) of the time. |(89%-75%) of the time. |the topic was. |

|Preparedness |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at |

| |prepared and has obviously|prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |all prepared to present. |

| |rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was | |

| | |rehearsals. |lacking. | |

|Posture and Eye Contact |Stands up straight, looks |Stands up straight and |Sometimes stands up |Slouches and/or does not |

| |relaxed and confident. |establishes eye contact |straight and establishes |look at people during the |

| |Establishes eye contact |with everyone in the room |eye contact. |presentation. |

| |with everyone in the room |during the presentation. | | |

| |during the presentation. | | | |

Date Created: Jun 21, 2006 11:29 am (CDT)

Rubric 2 -

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|CATEGORY | | | | |

|Required Elements |The poster includes all |All required elements are |All but 1 of the required |Several required elements|

| |required elements as well |included on the poster. |elements are included on |were missing. |

| |as additional information.| |the poster. | |

|Graphics - Originality |Several of the graphics |One or two of the graphics|The graphics are made by |No graphics made by the |

| |used on the poster reflect|used on the poster reflect|the student, but are based|student are included. |

| |a exceptional degree of |student creativity in |on the designs or ideas of| |

| |student creativity in |their creation and/or |others. | |

| |their creation and/or |display. | | |

| |display. | | | |

|Graphics -Clarity |Graphics are all in focus |Most graphics are in focus|Most graphics are in focus|Many graphics are not |

| |and the content easily |and the content easily |and the content is easily |clear or are too small. |

| |viewed and identified from|viewed and identified from|viewed and identified from| |

| |6 ft. away. |6 ft. away. |4 ft. away. | |

|Labels |All items of importance on|Almost all items of |Several items of |Labels are too small to |

| |the poster are clearly |importance on the poster |importance on the poster |view OR no important |

| |labeled with labels that |are clearly labeled with |are clearly labeled with |items were labeled. |

| |can be read from at least |labels that can be read |labels that can be read | |

| |3 ft. away. |from at least 3 ft. away. |from at least 3 ft. away. | |

|- Please Choose - |undefined |undefined |undefined |undefined |

Rubric 3-

|Persuasive Essay : Impact, Pros and Cons of the Telephone - Writing |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: Ms. Thompson |

| |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 - Above Standards |3 - Meets Standards |2 - Approaching Standards |1 - Below Standards |Score |

|Support for |Includes 3 or more pieces of|Includes 3 or more pieces |Includes 2 pieces of evidence (facts, |Includes 1 or fewer pieces |  |

|Position |evidence (facts, statistics,|of evidence (facts, |statistics, examples, real-life |of evidence (facts, | |

| |examples, real-life |statistics, examples, |experiences) that support the position|statistics, examples, | |

| |experiences) that support |real-life experiences) that|statement. |real-life experiences). | |

| |the position statement. The |support the position | | | |

| |writer anticipates the |statement. | | | |

| |reader's concerns, biases or| | | | |

| |arguments and has provided | | | | |

| |at least 1 counter-argument.| | | | |

|Evidence and |All of the evidence and |Most of the evidence and |At least one of the pieces of evidence|Evidence and examples are |  |

|Examples |examples are specific, |examples are specific, |and examples is relevant and has an |NOT relevant AND/OR are not | |

| |relevant and explanations |relevant and explanations |explanation that shows how that piece |explained. | |

| |are given that show how each|are given that show how |of evidence supports the author's | | |

| |piece of evidence supports |each piece of evidence |position. | | |

| |the author's position. |supports the author's | | | |

| | |position. | | | |

|Grammar & Spelling |Author makes no errors in |Author makes 1-2 errors in |Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or |Author makes more than 4 |  |

| |grammar or spelling that |grammar or spelling that |spelling that distract the reader from|errors in grammar or | |

| |distract the reader from the|distract the reader from |the content. |spelling that distract the | |

| |content. |the content. | |reader from the content. | |

|Sentence Structure |All sentences are |Most sentences are |Most sentences are well constructed, |Most sentences are not |  |

| |well-constructed with varied|well-constructed and there |but there is no variation is |well-constructed or varied. | |

| |structure. |is some varied sentence |structure. | | |

| | |structure in the essay. | | | |


Back to Navigation Bar

Handout 1

|Observation |Knowledge |Interpretation |

|Describe exactly what you see in the |Summarize what you already know about |Say what you conclude from what you |

|photo. |the situation and time period shown, |see. |

|What people and objects are shown? |and the people and objects that |What's going on in the picture? |

|How are they arranged? |appear. |Who are the people and what are they |

|What is the physical setting? | |doing? |

|What other details can you see? | |What might be the function of the |

| | |objects? |

| | |What can we conclude about the time |

| | |period? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Further Research: What questions has the photo raised? What are some sources you can use to find answers? |

| |

| |

| |

| |


Directions: Using the Library of Congress Website, link to :

This is the timeline of Alexander Graham Bell’s life. Read and investigate the timeline and answer the following questions to become better acquainted to the inventor of the telephone, Mr. Bell.

1. When and where was Alexander Graham Bell born?

2. How many siblings did Bell have and who were they?

3. Name two Universities where Bell taught between the years 1863 and 1866 and what did he teach?

4. What tragic illness did Alexander’s siblings have and what was the outcome?

5. After leaving Scotland, where and when did the Bell’s go?

6. Where did Alexander Graham Bell relocate to in 1871 and why?

7. What significant event occurred in the summer of 1874?

8. When does Bell take on an assistant in his quest for successfully inventing the telephone?

9. February 14, 1876 marks the date that Alexander did what?

10. What is the date that Bell officially receives word that his patent was granted and what was the number of the patent?

11. What was the date is recorded of the first successful telephone call?

12. Who did Alexander Graham Bell speak to in that first recorded call and what did he say?

13. Bell married ___________________ on _____________________.

14. When did the National Bell Telephone Company become American Bell Telephone Company?

15. What significant event happened in Bell’s life in November of 1882?

16. What famous person from history does Bell meet in February of 1887 and why did they meet?

17. When was the formal opening of a long distance telephone service between New York and Chicago and where can you find documentation of this information?

18. What loss did the world experience in 1922?

19. Bell is probably remembered most for his invention of the telephone. Why do you suppose this is true?

20. Bell’s famous words, “Mr. Watson---come here---I want to see you,” are recorded in history of the first spoken words over the telephone. If you were given the opportunity to speak nine words that would be recorded in history as the “first” of an event/invention, what would they be, pertaining to what, and why would you choose those words?


Handout 2

Handout 3

Handout 4

Handout 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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