
FCAT Science ReviewMultiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1How are babies of reptiles different from babies of mammals?AReptiles develop in eggs.BReptiles develop in the womb.CReptile babies breathe with gills.DReptile babies need to be fed by their parents.2How are fungi different from plants?FFungi absorb sugar to make food.GFungi do not make their own food.HFungi need dead wood to make food.IFungi do not need sunlight to make food.3How are amphibians different from all other classes of vertebrates?AAmphibians hatch from eggs.BAmphibians are cold-blooded.CAdult amphibians look nothing like baby amphibians.DAdult amphibians have bodies unlike any other vertebrate.4Which two characteristics do most mammals share?FThey are cold-blooded and mothers make milk for their young.GThey are warm-blooded and mothers make milk for their young.HThey are cold-blooded and have hair or fur covering their bodies.IThey are warm-blooded and have feathers or scales covering their bodies.5Which choice below shows the order of organization in an animal from simplest to most complex?Aorgan system, organ, tissue, cellBcell, tissue, organ, organ systemCtissue, cell, organ system, organDcell, organ, tissue, organ system6Which two organ systems work together to move the body?Fmuscle system and bone systemGmuscle system and digestive systemHnervous system and digestive systemIrespiratory system and nervous system7What is the name of a group of similar cells working together to perform the same function?AtissueBorganCsystemDbundle8Which type of blood vessel takes blood from cells back to the heart?FveinGarteryHarterioleIcapillary9How does food move through the esophagus?AAir presses food through the esophagus.BGravity forces food to move down the esophagus.CRings of muscles squeeze food down the esophagus.DFood smoothly slides down the mucus-lined esophagus.10The transportation system of the body is theFurinary system.Gdigestive system.Hcirculatory system.Irespiratory system.11Which of the following will the body make an increased number of in response to an infection?AplasmaBplateletsCred blood cellsDwhite blood cells12Leaves have many tiny openings on the bottom. What is the purpose of these openings?FThey allow only oxygen to pass into a plant.GThey allow air to pass into and out of a plant.HThey allow water to pass into and out of a plant.IThey allow only carbon dioxide to pass out of a plant.13Look at the following diagram about photosynthesis. Which product is missing?AsaltBsugarCpotassiumDchlorophyll14Most water enters a plant through which of the following structures?FtaprootsGroot hairsHroot bundlesIfibrous roots15Look at the diagram below. Which letter identifies where pollen is made in a flower?AFBGCHDI16Which of the following is the source of most of the oxygen in the atmosphere?FplantsGvolcanoesHtrucks and carsIplankton in the oceans17Corals have a symbiotic relationship with plant-like algae that grow inside them. How do the algae benefit the corals?AThe algae provide the corals with various nutrients.BThe algae help the corals make a hard outside coating.CThe algae allow the corals to live in deep ocean environments.DThe algae release a toxin that keeps predators away from the corals.18A plant in the desert would most likely have which root system?Fa small taproot with long root hairsGa small taproot with short root hairsHa large root system, close to the surfaceIa large root system, deep beneath the surface19Creatures that live in the deep ocean need to adapt to which environmental factor?Alack of foodBhigh pressureClow levels of saltDhigh temperatures20Look at the energy pyramid below. Where is the greatest amount of energy?FAGBHCID21How do carnivores obtain energy?AThey eat plants.BThey eat animals.CThey eat animals and plants.DThey eat the food they make.22What role do decomposers play in ecosystems?FThey break down nitrogen and oxygen.GThey break down waste and dead matter.HThey provide nutrients for carnivores to make energy.IThey provide nutrients for omnivores to make energy.23The oceans cover about what percentage of Earth?A25 percentB50 percentC75 percentD90 percent24What carries warm water toward the poles?FtidesGriversHwavesIcurrents25Which best describes rivers, streams, and lakes?Asurface salt waterBsalty groundwaterCfresh groundwaterDsurface fresh water26How does an iceberg form?FAn iceberg forms when ocean water freezes.GAn iceberg forms when an ice sheet cracks at its base.HAn iceberg forms when water from a glacier flows into an ocean and freezes.IAn iceberg forms when a large piece of ice breaks off a glacier or ice sheet.27Water that fills spaces between particles of rock and soil isArainwater.Bsalt water.Cgroundwater.Dreservoir water.28What is the top level of groundwater in an aquifer called?Fwater topGwater baseHwater levelIwater table29Look at the picture of the water cycle.Which arrow shows condensation?AABBCCDD30Dew forms during which part of the water cycle?FrunoffGevaporationHprecipitationIcondensation31Sometimes, water vapor on a surface may freeze without first becoming liquid water. What forms when this occurs?AhailBdewCfrostDsnow32Which of the following is true about clouds in the summer sky?FMany of them are made of ice crystals.GThey form at high altitude under great pressure.HMany of them form at low altitude under low pressure.IThey are white because little sunlight gets through them.33Frozen raindrops falling from clouds are calledAhail.Bsleet.Csnow.Dfreezing rain.34When air moves upward to areas of less air pressure, what often forms?FfogGdewHcloudsIwater vapor35Convection currents form when air temperatures areAdifferent.Bthe same.Cless than 0?C.Dgreater than 100?C.36A column of wind lifted up on one end by upward winds and pressed down on the other end by downward winds describes which of the following?FtornadoGblizzardHhurricaneIthunderstorm37Hurricanes get their energy fromAcool ocean waters.Bwarm ocean waters.Cincreasing land temperatures.Ddecreasing land temperatures.38Which weather instrument is used to measure wind speed?FradarGrain gaugeHhygrometerIanemometer39A scientist studying climates finds a fossil of a fish in the desert. What can the scientist learn from this fossil?Athat the desert has always had a dry climateBthat there was an error in the scientist's workCthat there is an underground lake in the desertDthat the desert probably had a wet climate at one time40How do scientists learn about the mantle and core of Earth?FThey bore holes into Earth to study the layers.GThey cut cross-sections of layers using a specially made drill.HThey study material that pushed through cracks in the crust.IThey use information about Earth's moon to learn about Earth.41What makes up Earth's lithosphere?AEarth's crust and coreBthe mantle and the outer coreCthe bottom part of the mantle and the coreDthe top part of the Earth's mantle and the crust above it42What force makes two plates jerk into a new position?FvolcanoGtsunamiHhurricaneIearthquake43Which of the following is a constructive force of nature?AvolcanoBtsunamiChurricaneDearthquake44Several different types of stone were exposed to the weather for many years. Which type of stone will most likely show the greatest amount of weathering?FbasaltGmarbleHgraniteIlimestone45How do farmers work to prevent wind erosion of topsoil?AThey frequently plow their fields.BThey plant crops that grow close to the ground.CThey plant crops in valleys rather than on hills.DThey surround fields with natural barriers, such as trees.46The placing of materials in a new place is calledFerosion.Gdeposition.Hphysical weathering.Ichemical weathering.47Which property below can you use to identify an unknown mineral?Aits massBits weightCits volumeDits hardness48How can you identify igneous rock?FIt has visible crystals.GIt has thin layers of rock.HIt is smooth with a black surface.IIt has thin, curved layers of rock.49Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?Aclean airBfossil fuelCfresh waterDsolar energy50Choose the word that belongs in the sentence.Wind, Water, and the Sun are ____ energy sources.FrenewableGrecyclableHnonrecyclableInonrenewable51How do hydroelectric power plants produce energy?AFossil fuels burn.BWind spins the blades.CSolar cells collect solar rays.DWater flows through a dam.52What is one advantage of geothermal energy over wind energy?FGeothermal energy is a renewable resource.GGeothermal energy can always produce electricity.HGeothermal energy does not pollute the environment.IGeothermal energy plants can be built in only a few places.53How can rain harm the environment?AAir pollution gets into rain as it falls.BPolluted water forms clouds and then it rains.CAir pollution is absorbed into clouds and forms polluted rain.DPolluted water evaporates into the water cycle and then comes down as polluted rain.54The Earth has a lot of aluminum. But aluminum is still recycled. What is an advantage of recycling aluminum?FRecycled aluminum has higher quality.GRecycling aluminum creates more jobs.HIt takes less energy to recycle than to mine more aluminum.IIt conserves fewer resources to recycle than to mine more aluminum.55What natural resource does nuclear energy require?AcopperBuraniumCaluminumDmagnesium56Most elements are metals. Which of the following is a physical property of metals?FshinyGbendableHconducts heatIall of the above57An object that takes up more space than another object has a greater ____.AmassBdensityCvolumeDweight58How many different elements are in a molecule of CO2?F1G2H3I459Why do most materials get smaller when they cool?ASome particles are destroyed.BThe particles have less space between them.CSome particles turn into a different material.DThe particles have more space between them.60Look at the illustration below.What causes the phase change of water shown in the illustration below?Water in two phasesFcoolingGheatingHmeltingIcondensation61When does dew form?AWhen a gas is cooled.BWhen a gas is heated.CWhen a liquid is cooled.DWhen a liquid is heated.62Materials in simple mixtures ____.Fcannot be separatedGcan be separated easilyHcan be separated only by using coldIcan be separated only by using heat63In a solution, the substance that dissolves is the ____.AsolidBsalineCsoluteDsolvent64Which change below is a chemical change?FOne kind of matter changes phases.GOne kind of matter changes its shape and volume.HOne kind of matter keeps its identity and properties.IOne kind of matter changes into another kind of matter.65Which of the following describes what happens during a chemical reaction?AMatter is destroyed.BMatter is not changed.CMatter is created and destroyed.DMatter is neither created nor destroyed.66Look at the illustration below.This tent is form a polymer developed in a chemical laboratory. What is the name of the polymer?FsilkGwoolHnylonIcotton67Which object has a steady, or constant, motion?Aa carBthe EarthCa sea starDa pendulum68How do electricity and magnetism act on different objects?FThey can only pull objects.GThey can only push objects.HThey can either push or pull objects.IThey can either push or pull objects only if they touch.69Machine A performs 48 joules of work in 4 seconds. Machine B performs the same amount of work in half the time. Which statement is true about Machines A and B?AMachine A and Machine B used no power.BMachine A used more power than Machine B.CMachine B used more power than Machine A.DMachine A and Machine B used the same amount of power.70When you ride a roller coaster, what makes your body rise out of its seat at the top of a hill?FinertiaGgravityHfrictionIelectricity71How can you complete this sentence so it is always true?The greater the net force acting on an object, ____.Athe less the mass of the objectBthe greater the mass of the objectCthe less the acceleration of the objectDthe greater the acceleration of the object72Which complex machine uses mainly human force to operate the simple machines in it?FcarGshipHbicycleIgo cart73A student rolls these four items on the same surface and at the same speed. Which item will have the greatest kinetic energy?AmarbleBbasketballCbeach ballDtable tennis ball74What type of energy is released when a proton is knocked out of an atom's nucleus?Fatomic energyGnuclear energyHchemical energyIpotential energy75Choose the words that belong in the sentence.A sound with greater ____ has a ____ pitch.Afrequency, lowerBamplitude, lowerCfrequency, higherDamplitude, higher76Sound travels most slowly through which choice below?Fa metal poleGa wood blockHa pool of waterIan area of cool air77In which substance do the particles move the fastest?Aice cubeBapple juiceCocean waterDhot chocolate78How do currents transfer heat in the ocean?Fby radiationGby convectionHby conductionIby evaporation79When an atom loses electrons, its charge becomesAneutral.egative.Dpositive or negative.80Which of the following is an example of a conductor?FglassGrubberHplasticIsalt water81How is an insulator used in a circuit?AAn insulator helps keep the electric charges inside the pathway.BAn insulator transforms electrical energy to other forms of energy.CAn insulator provides the pathway electric current moves through.DAn insulator provides the energy to pump electric charges through the circuit.82Look at the illustration below.How many resistors does this circuit diagram show?F1G3H4I583Choose the word that belongs in the sentence.A circuit with more than one resistor on a wire is a ____ circuit.AseriesBsimpleCmultipleDcomplex84How is a parallel circuit different from a series circuit?Fseries circuit has more than one pathway.Gparallel circuit has more than one pathway.Hseries circuit provides more electrical energy.Iparallel circuit provides more electrical energy.85What makes a material a superconductor?AIt has no resistance to electrical current.BIt has a high resistance to electrical current.CIt conducts electricity at super high pressures.DIt conducts electricity at super high temperatures.86Why does a balloon rubbed on a sweater stick to a wall?FThe balloon's charge repels the charge of the wall.GThe balloon's charge attracts the charge of the wall.HThe balloon's charge is equal to the charge of the wall.IThe balloon's charge is greater than the charge of the wall.87How did people long ago develop calendars?AThey studied predictable cycles of the sky.BThey predicted when eclipses would next occur.CThey watched for unexpected patterns in the sky.DThey counted days between appearances of new objects in the sky.88Why do telescopes in space get a more complete picture of space objects?FThey are closer to the objects.GThey are beyond Earth's atmosphere.HIt is always lighter in space than it is on Earth.ITelescopes in space are bigger than those on Earth.89New stars form in a cloud of gas and dust called aAnebula.Bsupernova.Cblack hole.Dwhite dwarf.90What type of galaxy has a shape somewhat like a football?Fspiral galaxyGdwarf galaxyHelliptical galaxyIirregular galaxy91Why can people in the United States see the constellation Canis Major only in the winter?AAs the stars move around the Earth, different constellations are visible.BAs the Earth moves around the Sun, different parts of the sky come into view.CAs the Sun moves through the sky, it makes different constellations visible.DAs the Moon moves around the Earth, it blocks different constellations in the sky.92What do Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have in common?FThey all have rocky surfaces.GThey all have gaseous surfaces.HThey all appear to be similar to Earth.IThey all appear to be made of rock and ice.93What causes the temperatures at the North and South Poles to remain so cold throughout the year?Athe tilt of the Earth on its axisBthe distance between the Earth and the SunCthe speed at which the Earth moves around the SunDthe length of time it takes for the Earth to turn on its axis94Which choice below gives the correct order of planets from the Sun?FMars, Venus, Earth, SaturnGEarth, Mars, Venus, JupiterHMercury, Earth, Mars, JupiterIUranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn95Look at the illustration below.What season is the location the arrow is pointing to on Earth experiencing?AspringBwinterCautumnDsummer96A student says that she saw a shooting star in the sky last night. What did she really see?Fa starGa meteorHan asteroidIa meteoroid97Why do craters last for millions of years on the surface of the Moon?AThe wind on the Moon is high in the atmosphere.BThe Moon has no water or wind to erode the craters.CThe Moon's surface is so hard the craters do not change.DThe Moon's surface is made of materials that are resistant to change.98During which phase of the Moon is the Moon passing between Earth and the Sun?Ffull moonGnew moonHfirst quarterIcrescent moon99Why is the tidal difference much less during neap tides?AOnly the Sun pulls on Earth at a straight angle.BOnly the Moon pulls on Earth at a straight angle.CThe Sun and Moon pull on Earth at the same angle.DThe Sun pulls on Earth at a greatly different angle from the Moon.100Look at the illustration below.Which part of the comet exists both when the comet is close to the Sun and when the comet is far away from the Sun?FcomaGion tailHnucleusIdust tail ................

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