Weekly Reading Log – 5th Grade

Ms. Richardson’s

Weekly Reading Log – 5th Grade

This is a requirement for our reading program. Read a minimum of 30 minutes, 5 days a week. The book selection is up to you, but you should choose nonfiction at least twice a week. You may include newspapers or magazine articles as your selection. Turn in your reading log each Friday.

Name: ________________________ Week of: ___ _______ (Monday’s date)

|Date |Title and Author of Book |Genre Code |Daily Minutes |Pages |

| | | | |____-____ |

|Monday | | | | |

|Tuesday | | | | |

|Wednesday | | | | |

|Thursday | | | | |

|Friday | | | | |

Total minutes read for the week: ___________

(Must have a minimum of 100 minutes.)

Parent Signature: ____________________________

(Parents, please do not sign if you cannot confirm your child has read the required minutes and/or their response below is not written to the best of their ability.)

Response: You must write a detailed response to at least one reading session you had. Use one of the ideas on the back of this sheet and/or your own ideas to write about. Please write in complete sentences.


Ways to Respond

1. The part that I liked/disliked the most was . . . because . . .

2. I was confused when . . . because . . .

3. This part reminds me of when I read (or heard, saw, experienced) . . . because . . .

4. This character reminds me of myself because . . .

5. This character is like (name of character) in (title of book) because . . .

6. This scene reminds me of a similar scene in (title of book) because . . .

7. This part is very realistic/unrealistic because . . .

8. I think the important details in this section were. . . because . . .

9. If I were (name of character) at this point, I’d . . . because . . .

10. This situation reminds me of the time I . . . because . . .

11. I learned that . . .


Realistic Fiction- make believe characters, Traditional Literature- fairy tales/folk tales/fables events could happen in real life (RF) myths/legends-usually passed down orally from

person to person, contains a lesson, moral, or

Historical Fiction-set in the past profound thought (TL)

with some accurate historical facts (HF)

Picture Books- words and pictures work together

Science Fiction-set in the future, uses to create a story (PB)

science and/or technology (SF)

Poetry-written with imaginative language, can Fantasy-imaginary story that could have rhythm, rhyme, and/or spark emotions (P) NOT happen in real life (animals talk/

fly, can contain magical elements (FAN) Nonfiction-information, true facts (textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) (NF)

Mystery-suspenseful story with a puzzling

question that is solved at end of story (MYS) Biography-story of a person’s life (true) written by someone else (BIO)

Autobiography-story of a person’s life (true)

written by that person (AUTO) Magazine/Newspaper- articles with factual and/or fictional material which informs or entertains (M/N)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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