6+1 Traits Writing - Dearborn Public Schools

6+1 Traits Content Area Writing Rubric

|Not Proficient |Proficient |

|Trait |1 Beginning |2 Emerging |3 Developing |4 Capable |5 Experienced |6 Exceptional |

|Ideas/Content |No topic/main idea emerges;|Topic/main idea still |Topic/main idea begins to |Topic/main idea is present and|Topic/main idea is focused but|Topic/main idea is clear and |

|Does the writer stay |no questions answered, |missing or not clear, |emerge but is broad and lacks |writer’s direction is clear; |could benefit from additional |supported by details that are |

|focused and answer all |details do not make sense. |several topics may emerge; |focus; some details present |details begin to define the |information; accurate and |relevant and accurate; all |

|questions? | |few details; many questions|but lack specificity; some |topic/main idea; few questions|precise details support the |questions are answered. |

| | |unanswered. |questions remain unanswered |remain unanswered |main idea; almost all | |

| | | | | |questions are answered. | |

|Organization |Organization can’t be |Organization is |Organization begins to emerge;|Organization moves reader |Organization is smooth with |Organization is compelling and|

|Does the organizational |identified; paragraphing |ineffective; lead and/or |lead and/or conclusion exist; |through text without too much |only a few bumps; lead and |moves the reader easily |

|structure enhance the ideas|does not exist; writing |conclusion are ineffective;|some transitions present, but |confusion; recognizable lead |conclusion go beyond the |through the text; inviting |

|and make the piece easier |lacks sense of direction; |paragraphs still don’t |repeat; attempt at |and conclusion; transitions |obvious, but could be |lead draws the reader in while|

|to read? |content is strung together |exist; weak transitions |paragraphing. |often work; paragraph come |enhanced; transitions are |the conclusion leaves a sense |

| |randomly; no lead; |emerge; little sequencing | |together with topic sentence |logical but may lack |of closure; transitions |

| |transitions are confusing |present so it’s hard to see| |and support. |originality; ideas are chunked|clearly connect ideas |

| |or non-existent; sequencing|how the pieces fit | | |in proper paragraphs. |throughout the paper and |

| |does not work. |together. | | | |create sequencing that is |

| | | | | | |logical and effective. |

|Word Choice |Vague words and limited |Wrong words and flawed |Words and vocabulary are |Words and vocabulary are |Almost all words and |All words and vocabulary |

|Doe the words convey the |vocabulary make the message|vocabulary result in |adequate and correct in a |mostly correct and functional;|vocabulary are precise and |powerful and engaging. The |

|intended message in a |unclear; author must search|impaired meaning. |general sense; some |author’s meaning is easy to |accurate resulting in a |author’s message is conveyed |

|precise and natural way? |for words that convey | |interpretation necessary to |understand. |clearly communicated message. |precisely and accurately. |

| |meaning. | |understand parts of the piece.| | | |

|Conventions |Repeated errors in |Frequent errors in |Author continues to struggle |Capitalization, end marks and |Almost all capitalization, end|All capitalization, end marks |

|Are all content area |capitalization, end marks |capitalization, end marks |and errors in capitalization, |spelling of content vocabulary|marks and spelling of content |and content area vocabulary |

|vocabulary words spelled |and spelling of content |and spelling of content |end marks and spelling of |words are mostly correct; |area vocabulary are correct; |are correct making the text |

|correctly? Is the |area vocabulary distract |area vocabulary make text |content area vocabulary |reader can understand text. |reader can move through text |easy to read and understand. |

|capitalization and |the reader making the text |difficult to understand. |distract the reader. | |quickly and easily. | |

|punctuation correct? |unreadable. | | | | | |

|Presentation |Formatting/ presentation |Formatting/ presentation |Presentation/formatting |Presentation/formatting works |Presentation/formatting |Presentation/formatting are |

|Is the finished piece easy |confuses the message; |delivers a clear message in|delivers a clear message, yet |and delivers a clear message |enhances understanding; piece |exceptional and extend |

|to read, polished in |handwriting and spacing are|some places and confusing |lacks a finished, polished |that is appears finished; |appears finished and is |understanding of message with |

|presentation and pleasing |irregular; spacing is |in others; handwriting is |appearance; handwriting |piece is easy to understand; |pleasing to the eye; |an appearance that is of |

|to the eye? |absent; no white space; |readable, but spacing is |creates little stumbling in |handwriting is readable; |handwriting is neat and |superior quality; handwriting |

| |visuals are nonexistent or |inconsistent; if |readability; spacing is |spacing is consistent and |readable with uniform, |is easy to read and whit space|

| |unrelated to text; no |applicable, visuals might |consistent; visuals and/or |neat; white space still not |consistent spacing; white |frames and balances text, |

| |markers present. |relate to text; one marker |graphs match and integrate |used to frame/balance text, |space helps reader focus on |markers and graphics; visuals |

| | |is used (title, bullets, |with text at times; markers |markers and graphics; visuals |text and frames markers and/or|extend meaning. |

| | |subheadings, etc.) |are used but do not organize |consistent with text; some |graphics; visuals/graphics | |

| | | |the piece. |markers help organize piece. |enrich meaning. | |

Please note: The science department is only responsible for assessing 5 of the 7 traits.


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