Second Grade Book Project 6+1 Traits Rubric

Second Grade Book Project 6+1 Traits Rubric

| |Five (5) |Three (3) |One (1) |


| |My paper is clear, focused. It holds |My story is basically clear and focused, but |My story has no clear sense of purpose. I’m |

| |the reader's attention. Details enrich |it might not have rich details. It gets the |still figuring out what to say. I'm not even |

|Ideas |the story. |job done. |sure what my storyline is. |

|and |Story has a clear plot with a fully |My story idea is not that original, but it is|My story isn't really very interesting to |

|Content |developed storyline (exposition, rising |still understood. I might get a little off |read. I don't have much of a story line. |

| |action, climax, resolution). It's |track. |There is little or no development of an idea. |

|(Development) |original! |My conflict or problem might not be totally |My story has several problems with being |

| |My conflict or problem/test to be solved |apparent. |logical; it just doesn't make much sense. |

| |is clear. My story shows originality and|I have at least one "complication" or my |The reader can not identify the conflict, |

| |creativity and the ability to hold my |"complications" may not be so clear to plot |problem, or test. |

| |reader's attention. |out. |I have no "complications" that prevent the |

| |I have at least two clear "complications"|I have some descriptive details at times but |character from solving the problem/conflict. |

| |related to the conflict before my |not enough that really stand out. |My piece lacks descriptive details. There is |

| |conflict is actually solved on the third |Most of my conversation is interesting, but |too little or too much/mostly dialogue. |

| |or fourth try. |there could be some places where it just |My conversation is very simple; it doesn't do |

| |I use "show not tell" techniques to bring|doesn't serve much purpose in moving the |much of anything to help move the story along.|

| |writing and characters to life. I have |story along. | |

| |vivid details for the reader to picture | | |

| |the events and characters. | | |

| |My dialogue sounds natural and is | | |

| |important to the story. It moves the | | |

| |plot along or adds information about the | | |

| |characters. | | |

| |My paper is as clear as a good road map. |You can begin to see where I’m headed. My |Where are we headed? I’m lost myself. I have|

| |It takes readers by the hand and guides |introduction, storyline, and conclusion are |real problems telling a story. Events have no|

| |them along every step. They are able to |apparent, but they aren't very "exciting. |feeling for being connected to each other. |

|Organization |move through the text with ease. |"If you pay attention, you can follow along |There is little sense of a beginning or an end|

| |An inviting introduction draws my reader |pretty well. |to my story. |

| |in (I have used a suggested "hook"); a |(a) I do clearly begin my story, and I have|My story doesn't have any direction to it. My|

| |satisfying conclusion leaves the reader |an ending, but both don't really excite my |reader is going to be confused as to where |

| |with a sense of resolution. |reader. |it's going. |

| |My story moves along in an understandable|(b) My story has a few problems with where |(c) My reader will never feel any |

| |order; all my story ideas connect to one |it is going. A few things may not appear to |excitement or any suspense |

| |another. My reader will not be confused.|connect with each other. My reader might |because I have no idea how to |

| |(c) Pacing is well-controlled. I |have to reread. |focus on some things but move on |

| |know when to slow down and |(c) I really could have picked up the |quickly to others (pace) |

| |elaborate and when to pick up |pace in some places; I took up too | |

| |the pace and move on. |much wording to get the point | |

| | |across. My reader probably | |

| | |doesn't feel much sense of pacing. | |

| |I have put my personal, recognizable |What I truly think and feels shows up |I did not put much energy or personality into |

| |stamp on this paper. I speak to the |sometimes. |this writing. |

| |reader in an engaging expressive manner. |You might not laugh or cry when you read |It could be hard to tell who wrote this. It |

|Voice |You can hear my voice booming through. |this, but you'll hang in there and finish it.|could be anybody's. |

| |It's me. |I'm right on the edge of finding my own |I kept my feelings in check. |

| |I care about this topic--and it shows. |voice--so close! |If I liked this topic better or knew more, I |

| |I speak right to my audience, always |My personality pokes out here and there. You|could put more life into it. |

| |thinking of questions they might have. |might guess this was my writing. |Audience? What audience? |

| |I wrote to please myself, too. |I didn't think about my audience all the | |

| |My writing rings with |time. Sometimes I just wrote to get it over | |

| |confidence. |with! | |

| | | | |

|Word Choice |I picked just the right words to express |It might not tweak your imagination, but hey,|My reader might go, "Huh?" I really struggle |

| |my ideas and feelings. My words |it gets the basic meaning across. |with any words other than very elementary |

| |demonstrate that I have a wide |I sometimes make an effort to use vivid |vocabulary. |

| |vocabulary. |words. |My words are exceptionally vague (i.e. "It was|

| |I use lively action verbs, precise nouns |I don't give the reader an idea that my |a fun time. She was neat. We did lots of |

| |and adjectives or adverbs to create |vocabulary is anything special, but it does |stuff.") |

| |pictures in the reader's mind. |the job. |Repeated, repeated words distract the reader |

| |I have used various versions of "said" |I have used vocabulary that is not |(i.e. over use of "then," "so," "and." |

| |instead of the usual basics. |appropriate for the context of the situation |I have misused used so much that the reader |

| |I have used words that a reader would |(i.e. incorrect use of tag words, incorrect |can't understand my story. Problems with my |

| |recognize as being out of the ordinary; |synonyms.) |language leave my reader wondering just what |

| |there could be some vocabulary words that| |it is I want to say. |

| |some students might not be so familiar | | |

| |with. | | |

| |Striking words and phrases catch the | | |

| |reader's eye; they linger in the reader's| | |

| |mind. | | |

| |My sentences are clear and varied--you'll|My sentences are clear and readable. While I|I have to admit it's a challenge to read aloud|

|Sentence |WANT to read my story aloud. My writing |might have a few sentence construction |(even for me). |

|Fluency |has an easy flow and rhythm when read |errors, I still don't demonstrate knowledge |I have trouble with sentence control. My |

| |aloud. My sentences are |of sentence variety. |sentences are often choppy, incomplete, |

| |well-constructed; I have used a variety |My control of sentences is basically obvious |rambling, or awkward. My phrasing does not |

| |of styles. |although there might be a few errors here and|sound the way a person would speak. I have an|

| |If not all, almost all my sentences are |there. Some sentences should be joined |excessive amount of sentence construction |

| |under control (no run-ons, no comma |together. Others might be cut in two. |errors (run-ons, comma splices, fragments) |

| |splices, no fragments). If I have |I do have some other words for taglines, but |that my reader has to struggle to figure out |

| |fragments, they are for effect. My |I rely on "said" a bit too often. |what is being read. |

| |sentences rarely sound elementary or |My sentences may often begin with a subject; |I use "said" almost all the time. |

| |repetitive. |the only noticeable variety is using |Many of my sentences begin the same way and |

| |Sentence variety is my middle name. My |introductory clauses (beginning with when, |may follow the same pattern. I have endless |

| |sentences vary in length as well as |if, since, before, after, etc. |connectives (and, then, when, so) which cause |

| |structure; my sentence beginnings are |Once in a while my reader can see that I know|a massive jumble of language. |

| |varied. |a little about writing creative tag lines |Basically, any dialogue I have written has |

| |My dialogue sounds natural and I use |(levels of dialogue) |basic tag lines (All dialogue ends or begins |

| |strong, varied, and extended tag lines | |with quotes. There are just elementary levels|

| |(levels of dialogue) | |of dialogue.) |

| |Every word counts. | | |

| |An editor would fall asleep looking for |Some bothersome mistakes do show up when I |Better read it once to decode, then again for |

| |mistakes in this paper. I demonstrate an|read carefully. |meaning. My mistakes repeatedly distract the |

|Conventions |excellent grasp of standard writing |(a) I have a noticeable amount of |reader. |

| |conventions (D.O.L. type mistakes) |errors in spelling, capitalization, |There are so many spelling, capitalization, |

| |(a) I have minimal errors in |and/or punctuation, but not so |and punctuation mistakes (either missing or |

| |spelling, capitalization, and |much that there might be more |incorrect) that there might be more "red" |

| |punctuation. |"red" than the original words. |than my eyes can take. Spelling mistakes are |

| |(b) My usage (subject/verb |(b) Most of my usage (subject/verb |made even on common words. |

| |agreement, pronouns, adverb, |agreement, pronouns, adverb, |Usage errors are very noticeable. Sentences |

| |etc.) is correct. |etc.) is correct. |sound very uneducated. |

| |(c) I use consistent point of view |(c) Once in a while I may have point |I keep shifting back and forth between tenses;|

| |and verb tense. |of view or tense shifts. |constantly I shift between first and third |

| |(d) I use good paragraphing |(d) There are several places where |person, not knowing if the piece is about me |

| |techniques for time, place, |I should have started a new |or someone else. |

| |and dialogue shifts. |paragraph or joined two |Too many times I have forgotten that there are|

| |(e) Only light editing would be |paragraphs together. |rules about paragraphing for time, place and |

| |needed to polish this piece for |(e) This piece could take a bit of |/or conversation shifts. |

| |publication. |editing before it would be |This piece would take A LOT of editing. |

| | |published. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Presentation |My method of presenting this piece is |I have tried to follow all general directions|Oh boy, did I have trouble following the |

| |excellent. I am really proud of how this|of form and assignment requirements, but I |directions for both general form and the |

| |piece looks and how well I followed all |have missed the mark in some areas. My |requirements of this assignment. |

| |the directions. It complies with all |reader may not be bothered, but my teacher |I have not followed several of the directions |

| |requirements of the assignment. |might be a little irritated. |of this assignment. I am missing additional |

| |(a) I have a card stock cover with |I have not followed a few of the directions |required items. |

| |my title, author's name, and |for typing or for the additional required |Problems with line breaks and spacing make the|

| |an illustration. |items (as listed in letters (a)-(e) in the |reader wonder if I even looked at my printed |

| |(b) I have a title page on regular |previous column). |version. |

| |white paper with my title and |Once in a while I have a line break/ spacing |My reader may wonder what relationship my |

| |author's name centered on |problem I just didn’t notice. |visuals have with the text; I might be missing|

| |the page, and "M.J.D.S. |My illustrations are on each page, but they |too many illustrations. |

| |Publishing Company, 2006" at |really don't complement the plot very well or| |

| |the bottom. |don't seem to reflect much effort. | |

| |(c) I have a "Dedication" page | | |

| |with a picture of my partner | | |

| |and at least one sentence that | | |

| |starts with "This book is | | |

| |dedicated to (name of | | |

| |students), a (boy/girl) who …." | | |

| |(d) I have typed in third person an | | |

| |"About the Author" page with | | |

| |at least four good sentences | | |

| |and included a 3x5 snapshot; | | |

| |this page appears after the | | |

| |basic text. | | |

| |(e) I have typed headings in size | | |

| |16 font, text in size 14 font. | | |

| |(f) I never have problems with | | |

| |line breaks or internal | | |

| |spacing. | | |

| |(g) I have included all the | | |

| |required items in the correct | | |

| |order (as written in this | | |

| |section, parts a-e) | | |

| |(h) My integration of text and | | |

| |visuals is appropriate and | | |

| |effective. The illustrations | | |

| |help present the plot; they | | |

| |are visually colorful and | | |

| |pleasing throughout the | | |

| |entire work. | | |


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