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PERIOD 2:(600 BCE-600 CE)ROME, CHINA, INDIACHAPTER 5: THE ROMAN EMPIREPeriod 1 was the Stone Age to 600 BCE. Period 2 starts at 600 BCE and goes all the way to 600 CE. This is because 600 BCE is when the Roman Empire started and when China really became a very strong dynasty.THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN S.P.E.E.C FORMATThe Roman Empire gave usMy name………………………..RomanChristianityLatin………………….Spanish, French, Italian and EnglishThe Senate and the first RepublicMassive slaveryMassive crucifixionThe death of JesusArt, sculpture and poetryPsychotic and maniacal Ceasars (Julius, Nero and Caligula)All the roads of EuropeHot baths 2000 years before the rest of us got them1000 years of rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Concrete, newspapers, the first welfare systemGladiators and the ColosseumThe first thing you have to remember about Rome is that there were 2 Roman Empires: This is known as PERIODIZATION (Rome has 2 Time Periods!)The Roman Republic 800 BCE- year ‘0’The Roman Empire ‘0’ - 476 CEPOLITICAL……(P)Rome began as a small kingdom in Italy with a King and everything but quickly turned into a REPUBLIC. That means that they were the first country/state/empire to actually elect 2 Presidents and an entire Senate. Only rich men could vote300-500 Senators…..SERVED FOR LIFE….LIKE ME!!!(They had to wear a purple stripe, maroon shoes, and an iron ring)No women voting and no women in the SenateOnly Roman citizens could vote (no slaves). Some ex-slaves could BECOME citizens but could not vote until they did so.IN FACT, The word?senate?actually derives from the?Latin?word senex, which means "old man"; the word thus means "assembly of elders". OLD RICH MEN WHO VOTED!!!!!!Eventually the poor got their own Senate as well. This was called the PLEBIAN ASSEMBLY. Plebians were the common folk or the peasants. They were also known as Sophomoric SpecimensThe United States of America is a REPUBLIC as well and is actually modelled after the Romans“The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”Roman Senate: 500 SenatorsUS Senate: 100 Senators No women 20 womenRome: 2 Presidents chosen by the SenateAmerica: 1 President Only served 1- year terms Must be born in USA/Must be 35 yrs. oldRome also elected 2 Presidents called CONSULS. They worked with the Senate but could only serve 1-year terms. Or until the crazy Caesars took over everything.So Greece was a ‘DIRECT DEMOCRACY’ while Rome, which took over Europe after the death of Alexander the Great, was a ‘REPUBLIC’.The SENATE is the single most IMPORTANT characteristic of Rome before the year ‘0’ when it turned into an empire and a dictatorship run by crazy CaesarsPART 2: ROMAN REPUBLIC ---------TO-------------ROMAN EMPIRELook at HOW BIG the Roman Empire was ItalyThe rest of Europe all the way to EnglandGreece!EgyptThe rest of North AfricaSome of the Middle East (old Persian Empire)JULIUS CEASAR Julius Caesar was the first DICTATOR of Rome. He was a General of the Roman Army and he had grown very powerful. By the year 0 Julius Caesar had taken over Rome and turned transformed her from a Republic to an Empire:He basically told the Senate to go #$%^ themselvesHe took over ? of Europe, Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East.He became so powerful that one of his own friends, a guy named Brutus, actually killed him, stabbing him to deathWhen he was being stabbed he famously said in Latin “Et Tu Brute!” It means “Even you, my good friend Brutus!” This was written about by Shakespeare. SOME OTHER CRAZEEEEE CEASARS………………….NERO: Nero was a crazy guy. He would dip Christians in oil and then light them on fire in his own garden and watch them burn.He would also throw Christians and Freshmen into the Colloseum to fight with the lions and tigers.** Remember that BOTH Jews AND Christians were severely persecuted in the Roman EMPIRE. Jews were essentially kicked out, and Christians were abused for being monotheistic and following Jesus.He also killed two of his wives and is rumored to even have stabbed HIS OWN MOTHER in the womb.He was killed by someone slitting his throat. His servants, unsurprisingly, let him bleed to death.He is also said to have lit all of Rome on fire in the year 64 CE and to have watched from his balcony, “playing the fiddle”, while Rome burned!!AUGUSTUSJulius Caesar’s nephewKilled Cleopatra’s boyfriend Marc AntonyCuz of him Cleopatra killed herself with an Egyptian asp (Ah, love!)** One GOOD THING that Augustus helped do is create a 200-year period pf peace known as the PAX ROMANA (Latin for Roman Peace). This is basically because Rome had conquered everyone and there was no one else to fight. Also, once Rome conquered an area they built roads, issued a currency and set up a government. I mean, you were definitely under their control but a lot of people like the stability Rome offered. This should be something you remember.PAX ROMANA: 0-200 CEBy the year 300, however, Rome had started to fall apart. They had 26 different Emperors in 50 years and the end was coming soon. This was known as the 3RD CENTURY CRISIS.PONTIUS PILATE (Pronounced Pontius Pilot)The dude who killed Jesus by crucifying him.CALIGULAHe was assassinated by his “friends” as well.He is also said to have made his HORSE a Senator. For my Vice-President I nominate………………………………………………..the kid in the 4th row!MAIN IDEA: The point is that Rome is NO LONGER a Republic. It is now effectively a DICTATORSHIP. Yes, it can be called an EMPIRE, but with all these Caesars it’s really the same thing.SOCIAL…(S)……………..CULTURAL………..(C)SLAVERY IS ACTUALLY POLITICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL. ITS EVEN ENVIRONEMNTAL IF YOU LOOK AT THE WORK THEY DID.The thing you have to understand about SLAVERY is that existed in essentially every single state, in every single country and in every single empire the world has ever known. Slavery is not limited to the Civil War in America and can be written about from 5000 BCE to the year 2016!And its not just kidnapping people and putting them on a boat. It’s defeating people and making them prisoners of war, then putting them to work. It’s making people forced laborers and making them work for free. It’s throwing people into your army because you need more soldiers. Slavery represents a very wide range of human history. It existed in Athens and now, let’s see how it exists in Rome.Rome had a lot of slaves (a lot more than Greece!)The Roman Empire had 2,000,000 slaves(This was 50% of the population)One woman had 8,000 slaves when she became a Christian nun! (nice!)If you were nice you could free your slaveIf a slave murdered his master, all the slaves would have their heads cut off!!! If you cheat on a test……………………………..-The biggest slave uprising came from a man named Spartacus. He was a gladiator. He led more than 12,000 slaves on revolt. Punishment came swiftly. When they caught him, they executed him and 6000 of his friends by crucifying all of them on Roman bridges.**A word about crucifying in the Roman Empire: It wasn’t just Jesus. A common way to punish criminals or give murderers the Death Penalty was to nail them to a cross. It had nothing to do with Christianity and Jesus was NOT the first or only person to be crucified. In fact, on the day of his crucifixion, 3 other criminals were being crucified right next to him!MILITARISM, WAR AND THE ARMY.Look, EVERY SINGLE country, empire, people and land that you study will be involved in war one way or another. Either they started them or they were the victims of one. The wars were ALWAYS about either religion, land, money or power. In addition, every single empire will have to answer 2 basic questions:WHERE will they get their soldiers from (take conquered peoples and throw them in the army, that’s where. Also the draft and mandatory military service.)Where will we get $$$$$$$$$$$$ from (steal it, TAXATION, tribute from conquered territories, steal lunch money from High School students) Rome had the VERY BEST Army in the world from 600 BCE to 600 CE The legion: made up of about 5000 men!A legionairre (Roman soldier)Very well trained and very physically fit (unlike you)Every male had to serve in the military for one year!If a unit fled from battle, 1 out of every 10 men were killed!!!!!If u cheat on a test, i fail the person in front of you, back of you, to the right of you, and the left of you. HOW DID ROME TREAT ITS CONQUERED PEOPLES?They might leave you alone (probably not)They might make you a slave (Yup)They might throw in the Gladiator ring! (Ew)If you were lucky they threw you in the Army (Hmm)Maybe you could even marry a Roman woman (yes!)Obviously you were gonna pay a Roman tax.In fact, whey even conquer a country if ur not gonna take their money, right?! You can call this a TAX, TRIBUTE, or even THEFT!!!ROME’S STYLE OF BUREACRACYAlso, Rome would send out Governors to all the conquered regions. These Governors would then report back to Rome and would locally run the show. Sometimes, Rome would allow one of the conquered Generals to stay and run the show IF he pledged allegiance to Shtrakhman (I mean Rome).ROME’S STYLE OF LAWSEvery established empire had a legal system of laws and codes. This was necessary because you couldn’t grow as a country if the rules and regulations were not commonly known. Rome was the 1st to actually make these laws public. They were known as the 12 TABLES OF LAW (450 BCE).Law 3: You have 30 DAYS to pay your debt, or you become my SLAVE!!!!Law 5: Terribly deformed children shall be killed!!! (The Spartans did this too). On the bright side, if your dad sells you 3 TIMES, you shall be free!!Law 8: If you destroy my home or my cornfield, you will be BURNED AT THE STAKE!!!!!!!Law 7: If fruit from your tree falls in my yard, I GET TO KEEP IT.Law 1: If you do not appear in Court, the guy delivering the Summons has the right o beat u!Law 13: The rich CAN’T marry the poor!No burying corpses in the city.Women can’t CRY excessively at funerals (FINALLY!)Taking bribes gets u the Death Penalty!So as you can see the Roman Republic was a highly liberal, kind and progressive country THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND TRADEAny empire that’s worth anything is gonna trade with everybody. This is known as local, regional and even inter-regional trade. Rome’s biggest trading partner was China and they used the famous CHINESE SILK ROAD.What do you think Rome traded with China on the SILK ROAD? You guessed it..SILK!!!The Chinese LOVE silk.And guess what, so does everyone else.Silk has 3 qualities everyone wanted:It’s lightweightIt keeps you warmIt’s shiny!They used it for clothing, blankets, tissues etc. How is silk made?The problem: No one knew how it was made. People in Europe, India and Africa thought it grew on trees. It doesn’t! Do you know how it’s made? From disgusting little silk worms that make cocoons out of silk and then come out as nasty little moths. Like Pre-IB kids.No one knew how to do it except for China. And if you were caught stealing a silk worm from China…Off with your head!Also, after Rome becomes Christian, they will use the Silk Road as a way to spread the religion. Rome will send out monks, nuns, merchants (businessmen) and missionaries into China, India and the Middle East to try to convert people to Christianity. The Chinese and the Japanese will HATE this. Missionaries are people who ‘spread the religion’.**Do you know which branch of Christianity MANDATES that you serve as a missionary?.........................The Mormon Church.WHAT ELSE ARE THEY GONNA TRADE…………………..India: People LOVED Indian spices like CURRY, TURMERIC, CAYENNE PEPPER (I LOVE Indian food)The Middle East: Figs, dates, different sciences like math and astronomy.Europe: Fruits and vegetables (remember, it takes somewhere WARM to grow things like melons, cantaloupes, mangoes, Pineapple and watermelon. (After class I’m goin to Publix and getting a fruit platter)Africa: Salt, pottery, weapons, horses, camels, horse saddles, camel saddlesROME ALSO HAD MONEY!!!!!!!(CURRENCY)!!This helps an empire expand, do business, regulate trade, regulate commerce, keep track of who paid whom for what etc. Any empire that has local, regional or interregional trade must keep records, track debt, and must have standard forms of currency. How else will the financial laws and courts work otherwise?! Do u know what the first currencies were? Seashells.As u can see, it is my face on the left!!!!!E…………………ENVIRONMENT** DON’T 4GET THAT ‘ENVIRONMENT’ INCLUDES …….TECHNOLOGY……DISEASE…………….AND THE MOVEMENT OF PEOPLESARCHITECTURE AND INVENTIONSThe building you see on the Cover Page is called “The Colosseum”. It’s where the Gladiators used to fight. Now they only put Freshmen in it.What does it say about a culture that they would have Gladiator fights every Friday and Saturday night, throwing slaves and Christians to the lions just for fun? Would we here in the United States ever do such a thing? What about Boxing, MMA or UFC? Aren’t those very violent sports?Is the United States a violent culture?___________________________________________________________________Should children be allowed to watch such a thing?___________________________________________________________________Opinion Question: They say that the Caesars used the Gladiator fights to distract the people from their problems. The Caesars would also throw loaves of bread into the stands before every match, giving the people (the plebians) just enough to satisfy them. This phenomenon was known as ‘BREAD AND CIRCUS’.Every great dictator knowns that the KEY to running a successful empire is KEEPING THE MASSES HAPPY. Do we do this in the United States?The Romans also had bridges that used to bring water down from the mountains. They were called aqueducts, and the Romans would then heat the water and give Roman’s hot baths for all the rich people. (Nice)In fact, after the Roman Empire falls, Europe will not have city wide hot water baths for 1000 years!!!Roads: The Roman were great at building roads. That where the signs “All Roads lead to Rome” comes from. Roads were important because you could move troops and supplies on them. Plus, chariots with horses could use them.“An empire without roads is an empire without soldiers…..without supply lines”Anonymous (Really it’s me )The Roman also built walls all over the Empire. These walls would try to keep enemies out.** The Chinese will build The Great Wall of China instead!HADRIAN’S WALLEmperor Hadrian built the famous ‘Hadrian’s Wall’ in England to protect the Roman Empire from crazy tattooed dudes called the PICTS of Scotland.Can any of U do a Scottish accent?!Opinion Question: I think that tattoos should not be visible at Plantation High School. I think there should be a rule against showing them. What do you think?_______________________________________________________________ROMAN TREATMENT OF WOMEN(WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE: SOCIAL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL)Never 4GET that EVERY SINGLE empire we study will be PATRIARCHAL. The only question is ‘to what degree?’. That means that men will ALWAYS do the fighting, and women WILL ALWAYS do the housework. Men will ALWAYS be more political, while women will ALWAYS do the child-rearing etc. IN EVERY SINGLE SOCIETY……until the 20th century and we finally get feminism!But………………………Rome treated its women MUCH BETTER than China or India, Greece or Egypt….and definitely better than Mesopotamia!!!!!!!!!Girls in Rome were allowed to read and write!!!!! (how many of you know how to read and write?!)Planet Earth 2016: Literacy rates for girls:Afghanistan 23%----MesopotamiaSouth Africa 93%Uganda 80%Sierra Leone 50%Saudi Arabia 97%America- 32 million adults can’t read properly21% read BELOW a 5th grade reading level19% of High School graduates can’t read properly70% of prison inmates read below a 4th grade reading levelWomen in Rome could even own their own businesses!!! American CEO’s who are female:Facebook- Sheryl SandbergGeneral Motors- Mary BarraYahoo- Marissa MayerUrsula M. Burns, Xerox Corp.Debra A. Cafaro,?Ventas Inc.Susan M. Cameron, Reynolds American Inc.Safra A. Catz,?Oracle Corp. (co-CEO)Lynn J. Good, Duke Energy Corp.Shira Goodman, Staples (Interim CEO)Marillyn A. Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corp.Vicki Hollub, Occidental Petroleum Corp.Beth E. Mooney, KeyCorpDenise M. Morrison, Campbell Soup Co.Indra K. Nooyi, PepsiCo, Inc.Phebe N. Novakovic, General Dynamics Corp.Patricia K. Poppe, CMS EnergyDebra L. Reed, Sempra Energy Corp.Barbara Rentler, Ross Stores Inc.Virginia M. Rometty, International Business Machines (IBM) Corp.Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard EnterpriseRELIGION, RELIGION, RELIGION‘RELIGION’ IS: SOCIAL, CULTURAL, POLITICAL Obviously, Rome was polytheistic. And they got all their Gods from the Greek Gods, who they conquered. (Remember Roman-Greco culture)Zeus became JupiterHera became JunoShtrakhman stayed ShtrakhmanBut the Romans DID give you some RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Well, they let you be Jewish or Christian BUT you had to worship the Roman Gods on Roman holidays. You had to pay any taxes associated with the Roman Gods on Roman holidays. As long as you did that, they let Jews and Christians chill!**The thing is, an empire HAS TO provide some religious freedom if it wants to avoid CONSTANT WAR AND CONSTANT RELIGIOUS CHAOS.The Jews:At first the Romans let them chill in Israel, which was under Roman control.Eventually, however, when the Jews started demanding INDEPENDENCE, the Romans came in hard, destroying all their temples and sending them to exile. The Jews have been in exile all over the world ever since. This is known as the JEWISH DIASPORA!The ChristiansWhen Jesus first started preaching, the Romans didn’t care.When he got too powerful, however, just like with the Jews, the Roman Empire dropped the hammer!They crucified him along with two other guys. There was nothing unique about Jesus’s crucifixion as far as the Romans were concerned. This is how they used the Death Penalty. Instead of a gunshot or a lethal injection, they used a crucifix.Then things got interesting…….Roman Emperors hated Christians. Not only were they monotheistic, believing in only one god, but they didn’t even respect the Roman Gods.Roman Emperors like Nero would consistently persecute the Christians, even throwing them to the lions in the Colosseum on lighting them on fire.But then a guy named Constantine came along:Constantine was Emperor (Caesar) of Rome in 350 CE (AFTER CHRIST)He was NOT a Christian. He believed in the Roman Gods.But then, one day he won an important battle and he thought he saw a giant cross on the sun.He told everyone that he won the battle because of Jesus and the cross.From that day forward he made the entire Roman Empire Christian.Europe is thus Christian and this is how America becomes Christian in the beginning as well. France and Spain become Catholic while England, Norway, Sweden and Germany become Christian. It’s ALL cuz of Rome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOMETHING ELSE CONSTANTINE DID:Constantine knew that Rome was getting too big. It was too hard to control and too open to attack. He had to do something.He decided to split the Roman Empire in half. The Western half would still be called the Roman Empire and it would have it’s capital in Rome.The Eastern Roman Empire, however, would be called the Byzantine Empire and would have as its capital the city of Constantinople, named after Constantine. INVASIONS KILL ROME………………There are several reasons WHY the Roman Empire collapsed, and these are being debated by historians constantly.Slavery: Rome had WAY TOO MANY slaves. That means that the population gets lazy and carefree. This is never good for a society.The Generals, the armies and the soldiers just became TOO POWERFUL. Rome may have had the best soldiers but eventually these soldiers may rebel.When you have an empire gets as big as Rome, guess what, the peoples are gonna REBEL!!!!!! The villages, the cities, the disenfranchised groups are all gonna rebel. It’s just a matter of time before an empire gets TOO BIG TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!Disease: there were plenty of diseases that struck the Roman Empire:MalariaTyphoid feverTuberculosisDiarrhea…………………………………………….Various Plagues like Senioritis **A NOTE ABOUT DISEASESThere will NOT be a SINGLE country in the whole world that does not suffer from diseases. And DON’T 4GET, diseases fall under ‘E’ for ENVIRONMENT. On an AP Exam it’s not even important if you explain WHICH diseases they are, it’s enough to just say diseases (like coodies) existed and HURT the empire-state-country-people!!!!!!!!! The BIGGEST reason the Romans fell was…INVASIONSThe Germans started coming in from the East. The Germans were a powerful and ancient fighting group. The Romans had conquered GERMANIA way back near the year 100 and Ze Germans never forget it. By 400 CE, the Germans wanted revenge, and got it. Plus, the Germans were way more vicious and less spoiled than the Romans. But they weren’t the only ones who wanted revenge on the Roman Empire.The Vikings: The Vikings were an even better fighting group from the North (Together, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are known as Scandinavia)The Vikings actually landed in Canada 400 years before Christopher Columbus, but they didn’t build any settlements. Their most famous explorer was named Lief Erikson. The Vikings will come in with their swords and their ships, and together with the Germans really wreck the Roman Empire. Cities will burn and the Empire will fall.The Vikings will wreck the cities and turn them into glorified villages. In fact, Rome will go from city of millions to just a city with hundreds of thousands. Other cities of the Roman Empire will be cut off from each other because the Vikings didn’t value trade as much as the Romans. They also replaced wine with beer NOMADS-THE HUNSDON’T 4GET that Nomads-Pastoralists had to move around a lot. They didn’t have farms and villages like the established cities did. And guess what, they WANTED what they didn’t have. They will attack both Rome and China and they will eventually win in both (The Mongols WILL defeat China in the 1200’s)They wanted the fruits and vegetables of the empire. They wanted the gold and the jewels. They wanted the women and the slaves.Well, one of the biggest, baddest nomadic groups out there was named the HUNS. They were part German and also came from Central Asia, and of course they wanted all the land and gold the Romans had to offer. Their leader was a guy named Attila the Hun and he was a real nasty dude.Attila-the-Hun! Atilla means “Universal leader” They either killed you by shooting you with an arrow or they threw a javelin in your chest. How many of you would trust Plantation High School athletes with a javelin?!So, in 400 CE, the Roman Empire was being attacked by 3 different groups; 1) nomads, 2) the Germans and 3) the Vikings.By 476 CE, it would be a German would sit on the throne in Rome!This is when Constantine knew that he had to split the empire into 2; the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire was safer and easier to defend. Even after the Germans won, Constantinople survived for another 1000 years (Chapter 11)WHY DID THE ROMAN EMPIRE FALL (VERY IMPORTANT!)TOO BIG to control!TOO EXPENSIVE to control!TOO MANY REBELLIONS to control!TOO MANY SLAVES!!!!!!!!!INVASIONSINVADED BY ZE GERMANS!INVADED BY THE VIKINGS!INVADED BY THE HUNSHOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTSOK, you have everything you need for:Social, Political, Cultural, Economic and Environmental (SPEEC)Periodization.Change over Time. Now the only question is which ESSAY I will give you (cue diabolical laugh!!!!! )Assignment #1: Write down 3 or 4 things for each SPEEC letter:S:P:E:E:C:Assignment #2: SHORT-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (SAQ’S) FOR UNIT 2DON’T 4GET: This is EXACTLY how they will look on Test #2Question #1: Empires and states developed new techniques of imperial administration based, in part, on the success of earlier political forms. (DON’T 4GET, this means HOW a country organized its government.)In order to organize their subjects, the rulers created administrative institutions in many regions. Were there any LEGAL SYSTEMS or BUREAUCRACIES that Rome used? What forms of IMPERIAL ADMINISTRATION did Rome use?Imperial governments projected military power over larger areas using a variety of techniques. Identify and explain any of these techniques of PROJECTING MILITARY POWER. You can use the list below but ON A TEST U WILL NOT HAVE THEM!!!!!!)Required examples of such techniques:? Diplomacy? Developing supply lines? Building fortifications, defensive walls, and roads? Drawing new groups of military officers and soldiers from the localpopulations or conquered peoplesMuch of the success of the empires rested on their promotion of tradeand economic integration by building and maintaining roads and issuingcurrencies.QUESTION 2: Unique social and economic dimensions developed in imperial societies in Afro-Eurasia and the Americas.Provide 3 EXAMPLES of Rome doing this using the list below (the AP Exam WILL NOT give you this list)REQUIRED EXAMPLESCities served as centers of trade, public performance of religious rituals, and political administration for states and empires.The social structures of empires displayed hierarchies that included cultivators, laborers, slaves, artisans, merchants, elites, or caste groups.Imperial societies relied on a range of methods to maintain theproduction of food and provide rewards for the loyalty of the elites.Patriarchy continued to shape gender and family relations in allimperial societies of this period.QUESTION 3: The Roman, Han, Persian, Mauryan, and Gupta empires created POLITICAL, CULTURAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE difficulties that they could not manage, which eventually led to their decline, collapse, and transformation into successor empires or states.REQUIRED EXAMPLESA. Through excessive mobilization of resources, imperial governmentscaused environmental damage and generated social tensions and economicdifficulties by concentrating too much wealth in the hands of elites.B. External problems resulted from security issues along their frontiers,including the threat of invasions. (EAZY PEEZY!!!)Identify and explain how this applies to Rome. WHY did Rome fall?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MAIN IDEA: If U get Short-Answer Questions (SAQ’S), this is HOW they will look. Hint: This is EXACTLY how they will look on your test on Unit 2. Good Luck!Question 4: PERIODIZATION and CHANGE OVER TIME work:The transition from Rome to Roman Empire was an important and an interesting one. Identify and explain at least ONE characteristic of this transition.Please CHALLENGE the assertion above. Argue that Rome stayed the SAME also as it moved from kingdom to Republic to EmpireExplain how the PAX ROMANA was an example of something that either CHANGED or STAYED THE SAME.Do the same for the 3rd CENTURY CRISIS.Question 5: Question 5 refers to the passage below. “Trade and exchange across cultural lines have played a crucial role in human history, being perhaps the most important external stimuli to change. . . . External stimulation has been the most important single source of change and development in art, science, and technology. Perhaps this goes without saying, since no human group could invent by itself more than a small part of its cultural and technical heritage.”~ Philip Curtin, historian, Cross-Cultural Trade in World History, 1984Identify and explain ONE change or development prior to 600 C.E. that would support the author’s assertion in the passage above.Identify and explain TWO changes or developments prior to 600 C.E. that would challenge the author’s assertion in the passage above.ASSIGNMENT #3: Answer the following questions:Compare Rome’s Republic to Greece’s “Direct democracy”How did Rome become Christian?Why did Constantine split up the Roman Empire into the Byzantine Empire?What are a few examples of Roman technology or inventions?How is America’s political system similar to Rome’s?Explain which areas the Roman Empire controlled:Why was Julius Ceasar important?Explain how Rome treated its women?Explain how Rome treated its conquered peoples?Summarize slavery in the Roman Empire:How did Rome treat Jews?How did Rome treat Christians?Who was Atilla the Hun and where did he come from?When else invaded Rome and eventually won?Why did the Roman Empire collapse?ASSIGNMENT #4: ROMAN EMPIRE ‘LATIN’ SOME WORDS COME FROM THE GREEK (DEMOCRACY, PHILOSOPHY ETC.), BUT MANY ENGLISH WORDS ALSO COME FROM LATIN AS WELL.FOR EXAMPLE:‘DENS’ is a word that means ‘TOOTH’. That is where we get the words dentist, dental, dentures etc.SEE IF YOU CAN FIND 2 WORDS IN ENGLISH THAT COME FROM THE FOLLOWING WORDS IN LATIN:AQUA-HYDRO-DUO- TWOEQUUS -HORSECORPUS- BODYASSIGNMENT #5: GEOGRAPHY QUIZGrab a blank map outline of Europe and label each of these countries and their capitals. The BLANK MAP OUTLINES are usually hanging on the wall. The PURPLE TEXTBOOKS in the back of the room have great maps. You can use those. EUROPE:ENGLAND: LONDONFRANCE: PARISITALY: ROMEGREECE: ATHENSBELGIUM: BRUSSELSHOLLAND: AMSTERDAMNORWAY: OSLOSWEDEN: STOCKHOLMFINLAND: HELSINKIDENMARK: COPENHAGENSPAIN: MADRIDPORTUGAL: LISBONGERMANY: BERLINAUSTRIA: VIENNASWITZERLAND: BERNPOLAND-WARSAWROMANIA-BUCHAREST (PRONOUNCED BUHA-REST)HUNGARY- BUDAPEST (PRONOUNCED BUDA-PESHT)THE UKRAINE: KIEVRUSSIA: MOSCOWASSIGNMENT #6: GLADIATORS ESSAY QUESTION In Ancient Rome they used human beings as sport. The people in the audience, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, would cheer and shout with wild enthusiasm as one gladiator plunged a sword or a knife into the other. They would applaud at the Ceasar ordering the winner to finally kill the man who lost.We look at this now as barbaric. But how will future generations look at us? How will they look at our boxing, the NFL, MMA (mixed martial arts), and our UFC (united fighting championships)? Will they look at us as barbaric?Write a one-page essay answering the following question:“Should vicious sports like boxing, MMA and UFC be made illegal in the United States?”PLEASE MOVE ON TO Chapter 6 : ChinaAnd Chapter 7: IndiaHint: They MAY NOT be printed yet but they MAY appear on the website. Stay tuned! ................

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