Europass Curriculum Vitae .hk

Curriculum VitaePersonal InformationFirst Name / Name Andreas FechE-mailandrejfech@NationalityGermanWork ExperienceDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerSeptember, 2017 – presentAssistant Professor Teaching Courses on Various Aspects of Chinese StudiesHong Kong Baptist University; Department of Chinese Studies224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, KLN, Hong KongDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerSeptember, 2015 – August, 2017LecturerTeaching Courses on Comparative Philosophy, European and Chinese History and German LanguageSUSTech; No 1088, Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan DistrictShenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerAugust, 2013 – August, 2015LecturerTeaching Courses on Chinese Studies, Ethics and Music Ford Academy; 3/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building6-12 Wing Kut Street, Central,?Hong KongDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerApril, 2013 – June, 2013Research AssistantWorking in the Project “Philosophical Underpinnings of the Chinese Reign Titles”Hong Kong Institute of Education; Department of Literature and Cultural Studies10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong KongDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerNovember, 2012 – February, 2013Research AssistantWorking in the Project “The Problem of Time and Poetics”Hong Kong Baptist University; Department of Humanities224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, KLN, Hong KongDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerDecember, 2011 – June, 2012Research and Teaching AssistantWorking in the Project “Commentary on Kant’s Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason”Hong Kong Baptist University; Department of Religion and Philosophy224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, KLN, Hong KongDatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerApril, 2007 – July, 2011LecturerTeaching Classical Chinese Philosophy and LanguageUniversity of Tuebingen; Department of Chinese and Korean StudiesWilhemstr. 133, 72074 Tuebingen (Germany)DatesOccupation or position heldMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of employerJuly, 2007 – June, 2010Project Coordinator Creation of the CrossAsia eGovernment-Archive for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Singapore University of Tuebingen; Department of Chinese and Korean StudiesWilhemstr. 133, 72074 Tuebingen (Germany)Scholarships and GrantsDatesName DatesName DatesNameDatesNameJanuary, 2019 – December, 2020ECS 22613218: “Elevating the Worthy” and “Mandate of Heaven” in the Late Zhanguo PeriodDecember, 2008 – April, 2009Visiting Scholar at the Renmin University of China February, 2007 – April, 2007DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Travel Grant for ChinaAugust, 2005 – June, 2007 Postgraduate Scholarship awarded by the Federal State of Baden-WuerttembergEducation and TrainingDatesMay, 2005 – July, 2011Title of qualification awardedPhD (magna cum laude)Principal subjects/occupational skills coveredTitle of Thesis: The Bamboo-Wenzi: An Attempt to Reconstruct the Philosophical Standpoint of an Early Han Daoist TextName and type of organisation providing education and trainingUniversity of Tuebingen; Faculty of HumanitiesWilhelmstr. 133, 72074 Tuebingen (Germany)DatesOctober, 1996 – March, 2005 Title of qualification awardedMagister Artium (M.A.) (with distinction)Principal subjects/occupational skills covered1st main subject: Chinese Studies;2nd main subject: (Western) PhilosophyName and type of organisation providing education and trainingUniversity of Tuebingen;Wilhelmstr. 133, 72074 Tuebingen (Germany)DatesOctober, 1994 – September, 1996Principal subjects/occupational skills coveredTitle of qualification awardedMechanical EngineeringIntermediate ExaminationName and type of organisation providing education and trainingUniversity of Stuttgart;70550 Stuttgart (Germany)DatesAugust, 1990 – December, 1993Principal subjects/occupational skills coveredMechanical EngineeringName and type of organisation providing education and trainingPolytechnic;Almaty (USSR/Kazakhstan)Personal Skills and CompetencesMother tongue(s)RussianOther language(s)Self-assessmentUnderstandingSpeakingWritingEuropean level (*)ListeningReadingSpoken interactionSpoken productionGermanC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userEnglishC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userMandarin ChineseC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC2Proficient userC1Proficient userC1Proficient userJapaneseB1Basic userB1Basic userB1Basic userB1Basic userA2Basic user(*) Common European Framework of Reference for LanguagesAdditional InformationPublications: Monographs:Das Bambus-Wenzi: Versuch der Rekonstruktion des philosophischen Standpunktes eines daoisti-schen Textes der Fruehen Han-Zeit (The Bamboo-Wenzi: An Attempt to Reconstruct the Philosophical Standpoint of an Early Han Daoist Text). Bern et. al.: Peter Lang, 2012. (Doctoral Dissertation)Wenzi: Der altchinesische Philosoph Wenzi und die in seinem Namen ueberlieferte Schrift vor dem Hintergrund des Textfundes von Dingxian (1973), Provinz Hebei (The Ancient Chinese Philosopher Wenzi and the Writing That Was Transmitted in His Name, against the Background of the Manuscripts Excavated in Dingxian (1973), Hebei province). Saarbruecken: Vdm Verlag, 2008.Chapters in Edited Volumes:“Time Concepts Compared: Laozi and Plotinus”, in Livia Kohn (ed.), Dao and Time: Comparative Perspectives (St. Petersburg: Three Pines Press), (forthcoming).“Auditory Perception and Cultivation: the Wenzi”, in Karyn Lai et al. (ed.), The Pursuit of Wisdom: Cultivation and Philosophy in Ancient China and Greece (London et al.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), pp. 208-220.“‘Dao’ yu ‘wen’” –– lun Wenzi de lunzheng tese” 「道」與「文」–論《文子》的論證特色 (The Pattern of the Way: Reflections on the Argumentation of the Wenzi), in Meng Fei孟飛 and Chen Zhuming 陳竹茗 (eds.), Hanxue yinghua 漢學英華 (Xianggang: Zhonghua shuju, 2018), pp. 215-251.Articles: “Righteous War in Early Daoist Classics”, in Journal of Daoist Studies 13 (2020) [peer reviewed journal], pp. 1-31.“Seeing and Hearing in the?Laozi?and?Zhuangzi?and the Question of Authority and Authenticity”, in Religions 2019, 10(3), 155 [peer reviewed journal], doi:10.3390/rel10030155, pp. 1-15.“The?Zhou?xun?and “Elevating the Worthy”, in Early China 41 (2018) [peer reviewed journal], doi: , pp. 149-178."Reflections on Artisan Metaphors in the Laozi: Who Cuts the ‘Uncarved Wood’ (pu 樸)?” (Part 2), in Philosophy Compass, Vol. 13, Issue 4 [peer reviewed journal], FEB 2018, doi:?10.1111/phc3.12481, pp. 1-11."Reflections on Artisan Metaphors in the Laozi: Who Cuts the ‘Uncarved Wood’ (pu 樸)?” (Part 1), in Philosophy Compass Vol. 13, Issue 4 [peer reviewed journal], FEB 2018, doi:?10.1111/phc3.12487, pp. 1-10.“‘Place’ in the Philosophy and Biography of Laozi”, in International Communication of Chinese Culture (2017) 4(1): “Daoism, Buddhism, and Place” [peer reviewed journal], pp. 53-64.“The Pattern of the Way: Reflections on the Argumentation of the Wenzi 文子”, in Bulletin of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology [peer reviewed journal], vol. 3 (2016), pp. 209-244. “The Protagonists of the Daoist Treatise Wenzi in Light of Newly Discovered Materials”, in Oriens Extremus [peer reviewed journal], vol. 54 (2015), pp. 209-248.“Spatial Concepts in the Laozi: a Contemporary Metaphor Theory Perspective”, in Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society [peer reviewed journal], vol. 46 (2015), pp. 43-55.“Xifang dui Wenzi de faxian yu tanjiu 西方對《文子》的發現與探究” (The Discovery of the Wenzi in the West), in Shijie Hanxue 世界漢學, (Beijing: Renmin daxue chubanshe), 5 (2009), pp. 150-153.Reviews:Van Els, Paul, The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018), in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), vol. 40 (2019), pp. 255-259. Allan, Sarah, Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2015), in Bulletin of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, vol. 4 (2017), pp. 395-402.Moeller, Hans-Georg, “Zhuangzis Schmetterlingstraum im Lichte des Kommentars von Guo Xiang” (Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream in the Light of Guo Xiang’s Commentary), in Ch. Hammer and B. Fuehrer (Ed.), Tradition und Moderne; Religion, Philosophie und Literatur in China, Dortmund 1997. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)Ommerborn, Wolfgang, “Absolute Leere, leerer Raum zwischen den empirischen Dingen oder Bereich des Nichtsichtbaren im Seinskontinuum? Zur Konzeption des Wu im Daoismus und Konfuzianismus” (Absolute Emptiness: Empty Space between the Empiric Things or the Purview of the Invisible in the Continuity of Being? On the Notion of Wu in Daoism and Confucianism), in Oriens Extremus 39 (1996.1), pp. 68-95. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)Opitz, Peter J. (Ed.), Chinesisches Altertum und konfuzianische Klassik. Politisches Denken in China von der Chou-Zeit bis zum Han-Reich (Chinese Antiquity and Confucian Classics, Political Thinking in China from the Zhou Dynasty to the Han-Empire). Munich 1968. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)Rousselle, Erwin, “Lao-Dsis Gang durch Seele, Geschichte und Welt. Versuch einer Deutung” (Laozi’s Journey through Soul, History and World. Attempt of an Interpretation), in Chinesisch-Deutscher Almanach 1935, pp. 24-42. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)Seidel, Anna, “Das neue Testament des Tao. Lao Tzu und die Entstehung der taoistischen Religion am Ende der Han-Zeit” (The New Testament of the Tao. Laozi and the Emergence of the Taoist Religion at the End of the Han), in Saeculum 29 (1978), pp. 147-172. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)Xue Hua, “Wandern mit Zhuang Zi” (Wandering with Zhuangzi), in T. Borsche and J. Kreuzer (ed.), Weisheit und Wissenschaft, Munich 1995, pp. 87-95. (Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German)“Lai Mai 賴邁, Lai zi dongfang de guangmang: Dongya yingxiang xia de Haidege’er zhuzuo 來自東方的光芒:東亞影響下的海德格爾著作” (Reinhard May, The Light From the East: Heidegger’s Work Under the East Asian Influence), in Jin Huimin 金惠敏 (ed.), Chayi 差異 (Difference), (Kaifeng: Henan daxue chubanshe), 2004, No. 1, pp. 253-256.Translations:Chapter 5 “Daode 道德” of the Daoist Classic Wenzi 文子, in The Ancient Chinese Philosopher Wenzi and the Writing Transmitted in His Name, against the Background of the Manuscripts Excavated in Dingxian (1973), Hebei province. Saarbruecken: Vdm Verlag, 2008.Significant contribution to Jin Huimin 金惠敏 (Tr.), Jieshixue meixue shijian zhexue: Gadamo’er yu Dute duitanlu 解釋、學美、學實踐哲學:伽達默爾與杜特談錄 (Hermeneutic, Aesthetics, Practical Philosophy: A Dialogue Between Carsten Dutt and Hans-Georg Gadamer). Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 2005.In collaboration with Brigitte Hoehenrieder, Peter Hoffmann and the research group “Chinese Literatu-re”: Xi Chuan 西川, Die Diskurse des Adlers: Gedichte und poetische Prosa 鹰的話語 (Discourses of the Eagle: Poetry and Poetic Prose). Bochum/Freiburg: Projekt Verlag, 2004.Academic Conferences and Workshops: “New Materials on King Ping of Zhou”, International Conference: “The Cambridge History of Ancient China: Twenty Years On”, The University of Chicago, Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong, September 14 – 15. (In English)Chair of the Panel Session “Social Dimensions of Time” at the 13th?International?Conference?on Daoist Studies, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, June 21 – 23, 2019. (In English)“’Return’ (fan 反), Time and Cultivation”, 13th?International?Conference?on Daoist Studies, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, June 21 – 23, 2019. (In English)“Zhou xun yin Shi Shu kaolun 《周訓》引《詩》《書》考論” (On the Zhou xun’s Citations of the Odes and the Documents), at the International Conference “第二屆儒家經典的跨域傳釋國際學術研討會”, Baptist University of Hong Kong, October 26 – 27, 2018. (In Mandarin)Chair of the Panel Session “Zhuangzi” at the 12th?International?Conference?on?Daoist?Studies, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, June 1 – 4, 2018. (In English)“Authority versus Authenticity – ‘Hearing the Way’ versus ‘Seeing the Way’?”, Plenary Session of the 12th?International?Conference?on?Daoist?Studies: “Authority versus Authenticity”, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, June 1 – 4, 2018. (In English)“Reflections on ‘Naturalness’ (ziran 自然) and Gravitation”, The Singapore-Hong Kong-Macau Symposium on Chinese Philosophy, Baptist University of Hong Kong, April 20 – 21, 2018. (In English)“Intertextuality in the Zhouxun 周訓”, Academic Conference: “Guji xinquan 古籍新詮”, Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 14 – 15, 2017. (In Mandarin) Discussant of the Session One at “Text, Artifact and Context: A Workshop on Cultural Practices in Early China”, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 13, 2017. (In English)“The Jin Wen Gong ru yu Jin 晉文公入于晉 and the Zhao Jianzi 趙簡子in Comparison with the Zhou xun 周訓”, Academic Conference “Tsinghua jian 清華簡”, Baptist University of Hong Kong, October 26, 2017. (In English)Chair of the Panel Session “Taoism and Neo-Taoism” at the 20th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), July 5, 2017. (In English)“The Way as Pattern – Daoist Philosophy of Master Wen”, 20th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), Singapore, July 4 – 7, 2017. (In English)“‘Naturalness’ (ziran 自然) and Gravitation”, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), Seattle, USA, April 12 – 15, 2017. (In English)“The Zhou xun 周訓 on Abdication”, The 5th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Early China (SSEC), Toronto, Canada, March 16, 2017. (In English)Chair of the Panel Session “Intuition, Space, and Time” at the Second Kant in Asia International Conference: Intuition, East and West, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 18, 2016. (In English)“Shixi Zhou Xun 試析《周訓》”, Academic Conference ‘Chutu wenxian yu wuzhi wenhua’“出土文獻與物質文化”, Baptist University of Hong Kong, July 27 – 30, 2016. (In Mandarin)“‘Place’ in the Philosophy and Biography of Laozi”, “Place”: The 11th East-West Philosophers Conference, the East-West Center and the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA, May 25, 2016. (In English)“The Auditory and Visual Perception in the Early Confucian and Daoist texts”, In Pursuit of Wisdom: Ancient Chinese and Greek Perspectives on Cultivation, International Conference organized by University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, January 18, 2016. (In English)“The Laozi in Light of Contemporary Metaphor Theory”, How to Do Chinese and Comparative Philosophy?: Methodologies and Applications, Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), Washington DC, USA, January 7, 2016. (In English)Chair of the Panel Session “Early Chinese Thought” at the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 24, 2015. (In English) “The Emerging of the World and Artisan Metaphors in the Laozi”, 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 21 – 24, 2015. (In English)“Spatial Concepts and Metaphors in the Laozi”, World Sinology Conference世界漢學大會, Beijing, China, September 7, 2014. (In English)“Shixi E Da Bide bianzhengji 試析《俄大彼得變政記》” (Peter the Great and His Reforms in the Thought of Kang Youwei), Academic Conference “Kang Youwei and the Institutionalized Confucianism”“康有為與制度化儒學”, Xiqiao 西樵, China, June 26, 2014. (In Mandarin)“Das EGovernment (eGDP)–Projekt von CrossAsia” (The eGDP Project of the CrossAsia), Fachtagung Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ost- und Suedostasien (Workshop on the Virtual Library for the East and the Southeast Asia), Heidelberg, Germany, November 14, 2008. (In German)“The Introduction of the Database Handa Wenku 漢達文庫”, Fachtagung Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ost- und Suedostasien (Workshop on the Virtual Library for the East and the Southeast Asia), Heidelberg, Germany, November 14, 2008. (In German)“Xifang dui Wenzi de faxian yu tanjiu 西方對《文子》的發現與探究” (The Discovery of the Wenzi in the West), World Conference on Sinology 世界漢學大會, Beijing, China, March 21, 2007. (In Mandarin)Invited Talks and Lectures“Major ‘Governing’ Metaphors in Early China”, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, P.R. China, 31/10/2019. (In English)Appearance on the TVB Finance & Information Channel with a lecture on the Sunzi bingfa 孫子兵法,17/12/2018. (In Mandarin)“Shiji zhong de shanrang shuo yu chutu wenxian《史記》中的禪讓說與出土文獻” (Abdication Accounts in the Shiji and excavated manuscripts), Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, 24/10/2018. (In Mandarin)“Shiji zhong de shanrang shuo yu chutu wenxian《史記》中的禪讓說與出土文獻” (Abdication Accounts in the Shiji and excavated manuscripts), Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, 27/02/2018. (In Mandarin)“Accounts of Abdication in Early China”, City University of Hong Kong, Department of Public Policy, Center for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy, 07/06/2017. (In English)“Shiji zhong de Huang-Lao gainian 《史記》中的「黄老」概念” (On the Meaning of the Term ‘Huang-Lao’ in the Shiji), Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, 15/02/2017. (In Mandarin)“Dangdai yinyu lilun xia de Laozi 當代隱喻理論下的《老子》” (The Laozi from the Perspective of the Contemporary Metaphor Theory), Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology,?Hong Kong Baptist University, 24/04/2015. (In Mandarin)“Has the World Been “Made”? – Reflections on Artisan Metaphors of the Laozi”, City University of Hong Kong, Department of Public Policy, Center for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy, 15/04/2015. (In English)Appearance in the program “Shi shuo Lunyu 《世說論語》” (Discussing the Analects) of the channel Asia Television Limited (Hong Kong), 30/04/2015 and 01/05/2015. (In Mandarin)“Shiji zhong de Huang-Lao gainian 《史記》中的「黄老」概念” (On the Meaning of the Term ‘Huang-Lao’ in the Shiji), Hong Kong Institute of Education, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, 02/03/2015. (In Mandarin)“Three Different Concepts of Causation and Related Metaphors in the Laozi”, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Philosophy, 22/10/2014. (In English)“The Bamboo-Wenzi: Protagonists, Argumentative Strategies and Philosophy”, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, 26/09/2014. (In English)“Laozi zhong de yinyu 《老子》中的隱喻” (The Main Metaphors of the Laozi), Joint Publishing (H.K.) (Sanlian Shudian 三聯書店), Hong Kong, Lecture Two, 10/12/2013. (In Mandarin)“Laozi zhong de yinyu 《老子》中的隱喻” (The Main Metaphors of the Laozi), Joint Publishing (H.K.) (Sanlian Shudian), Hong Kong, Lecture One, 3/12/2013. (In Mandarin) ................

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