Dorothy McElhinney Middle School

Dorothy McElhinney Middle School

Mrs. Rutherford

6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Read 180

Dear Families, August 2012

Welcome to Dorothy McElhinney Middle School! I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to provide your child with the best education possible in 6th grade this year. I would like us to work together to help the students develop a positive attitude toward school and learning.

We begin our year by learning the classroom rules, establishing a daily routine, and setting goals. Our class time each day will open with O.T. (Organization Time). The students use this time to turn in homework, sharpen pencils, write down the agenda and homework, and get ready for the lesson.

The learning experience in our classroom is important. My job is to facilitate learning and your students’ job is to take this opportunity to learn. In order to assure each student the best environment for learning, I will be using the following discipline policy.


1. Follow directions quickly.

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3. Leave your seat ONLY during independent work times.

4. Make SMART choices. For instance; be prepared to begin class with necessary supplies, homework and/or projects, spend time studying for a test, and remember to follow class rules.

5. Keep your “Dear” teacher happy. (


1. 1st offense – Name on the board (Warning)

2. 2nd offense – Check mark by name (5 minutes in at lunch, break, or after school)

3. 3rd offense – Email home

Severe classroom behaviors will result in immediate removal from the classroom and referral to the principal. Consequences include detention, suspension, and/or Saturday School.


1.) Lots of praise and recognition

2.) Student incentives

3.) Opportunities for special privileges

4.) A sense of pride and responsibility

Cheating & Plagiarism: Encouraging students to do their own work is not only vital to learning but also character building. I adhere to a zero policy for cheating and plagiarism. You will be notified immediately if your child is seen cheating or plagiarizing. This action will definitely affect their grade.

Classwork/Homework is usually given each day as an extension of the day’s instruction. Each assignment is worth 10 points when complete, 5 points incomplete or late, and 0 points not turned in by Monday of the following week. Be careful…it’s amazing how a few lost points can add up quickly and bring down the grade! All assignments will be written on the board in the classroom and posted on my website. Students are given a Dorothy McElhinney Middle School Agenda to record their assignments. Please check your child’s agenda and the website daily.

Go to: and look for my name under teachers and click to go to my website.

This website is up and running and will informs you of each subject’s current content, a weekly calendar of classwork/homework assignments, and quiz/test and project due dates.

Absent work: For each excused absence, students have 1 day to make-up any missed work. Any projects/papers due the date of the absence will be due the day the student returns. Students are responsible for checking the agenda/calendar and/or website for missed work and collecting handouts and/or worksheets.

Late work: Students can turn in homework 1 day late for half credit (5 points). Late work will be accepted until Monday of the following week but will receive an F. Keep in mind, an F gives your student points whereas a zero does not. In the case of projects, essays, and presentations, late work will be accepted up to 3 days after the due date. Students will automatically lose 1 letter grade for each day late. Please encourage your child to turn work in on time!

Grades are based on cumulative points and a percentage-based scale.

Grading Scale:

Language Arts Social Studies Read 180

Tests 30% Tests 30% Tests 30%

Projects 20% Projects 20% Projects/Writing 20%

Quizzes 15% Quizzes 20% Classwork 20%

Classwork/Homework 10% Classwork/Homework 10% Homework 10%

Writing/Essays/Journal 25% Interactive Notebook 20% Skills (Computer) 20%

Supplies Needed Daily:

* One 1 ½inch binder (for my class)

*Crayons/Colored Pencils/or Markers

*Pencil sharpener

*College Ruled notebook paper

* Five 3 ring binder tabs labeled (L.A., S.S., Mountain Language, Spelling, and Journal Writes)


*3 hole punch with ruler

*Pencils with erasers

*Stapler (mini)


*Colored Pen for grading (red, green, purple, orange)

*Silent Reading Book to be brought to school daily

*5 plastic page protectors for a 3 ring binder

Since I have approximately 90 to 100 students coming through my room daily, it is very difficult to maintain supplies. The following is my “wish list” for the year. Any donation(s) throughout the school year will be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

• White copy paper

• Colored construction paper

• colored copy paper

• pencils

• erasers

• college ruled notebook paper

• white board markers

• colored, sharpie markers

• colored pencils

• washable markers

• antibacterial wipes to clean desktops

My goal for your students is to have a successful experience in the 6th grade, as well as a positive attitude toward their studies, classmates and school. I will take special care to give your child the encouragement he/she needs and provide opportunities for success. I hope you will join me in accomplishing this. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email me.


Mrs. Rutherford

6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Read 180

951-304-1880 x 3512

Please return this page to Mrs. Rutherford

6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Read 180

I have read this letter and discussed your classroom expectations with my son/daughter. We will work together to help___________________________ be the best he/she can be! (Your child’s name) _______________________________ _____________________________

Print Parent’s Name Parent Signature

Home Phone: _____________________

Other Phone (work, cell):______________

E-mail Address: (Please be sure this is the same email address you submitted to the attendance office).


Video Permission Slip: Rated PG movies

We will be watching some PG movies this year. As example, a follow-up activity for our core literature books will be to view the “video” version and create a compare/contrast account using the book and the video.

Please check the appropriate line and sign below:

__________ My child has permission to watch movies rated PG.

__________ My child does not have permission to watch movies rated PG.

___________________________________________Parent Signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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