Seventh Grade Standards



Sixth Grade Expectations


Dear Parent/Guardian:

We are looking forward to a great year of learning with your children. The following is a list of the 6th grade expectations that will help us facilitate your child’s learning. Please review the following information with your child and sign the Parent Student Acknowledgement Form found at the end of this document. Return the form to your child’s homeroom teacher.


Student Responsibility:

• Students will record all homework assignments, unfinished class work that needs to be completed as homework, and upcoming tests/project dates in their agendas.

• Agendas are used as a restroom/hall pass. Restroom/hall passes will not be issued if student does not have an agenda.

• If a student loses an agenda s/he may purchase a replacement for $5.00.


Parent Responsibility:

• Please check your child’s agenda nightly so you are aware of all homework assignments, unfinished class work that needs to be completed as homework, and upcoming tests/project dates.

• If your child’s agenda is blank, then they are not doing their job as a student and utilizing their agenda correctly as homework is written on the agenda boards in classrooms daily and time is provided for students to write in their agendas.

• Remind texts sent out are not a replacement for students writing homework in agendas as Remind messages are not sent for regular homework assignments—only for occasional reminders.


Unless otherwise noted in a teacher’s specific directions, the following heading should be placed in the upper right hand corner on all assignments that will be turned in to a teacher:

First & Last Name


Period #

Assignment Title

This is my assignment for Social Studeies and I am writing to show how to label my assignments

Correctly so that the teach will know that this is my paper. This is my assignment for Social Studeie

s and I am writing to show how to label my assignments orrectly so that the teach will know that thi

s is my paper.


Upon returning from any absence, it is each student’s responsibility to obtain class work and homework, as well as arrange any test make ups with each of their teachers.



• All class work and homework should be completed in a timely manner. Homework/practice may receive a 1/1 for completion or marked as late or missing work in the PowerSchools grade book. Late work may be accepted at the teacher’s discretion within 2 days of the assignment due date or return from absence.

• If a student is missing more than 9 assignments in a quarter a “needs improvement” (N) will be indicated under “effort” on the report card. Please check the “missing assignment” portion of your child’s Character Card for a record of missing assignments. Power Schools will also provide a record of missing/late assignments.

• Students may not opt-out of assignments, projects, or assessments. Any missing projects, assignments, homework or assessments may receive a score of zero and a “missing” in the gradebook.

• Tests may not be retaken*(see below math practices).

• Extra credit is not given to raise grades as it is not an effective way to show mastery of standards.

• A score of 50% will be recorded if a student earns less than a 50% on an assessment.

• Practice is essential to learning. If a student is missing or has not completed more than 2 assignments, the students may be expected to stay in at lunch recess as an “opportunity” until all work has been completed.

*Grading Practices in Mathematics

All of the above grading practices apply with the following exceptions:

• Retake/Test Corrections—Only math unit tests may be retaken if the following conditions are met:

o All assignments must be completed prior to the first test

o Student must have completed the study guide prior to the date of the test

• No retakes are allowed on weekly homework tests, pop quizzes or district assessments


Teachers typically update PowerSchools on a weekly basis. This powerful resource allows parents and students to have up-to-the minute information on student performance and progress toward mastery of standards. Check PowerSchools regularly to make sure your child is staying current with all assignments by visiting ps.public and entering your access code.

Both parents and students may obtain an access code by visiting West Wing’s Administration office in person. Teachers are not able to give out access codes.


Character Cards represent a structured behavior program designed for most students. Each teacher/administrator has the right to use his/her professional judgment to modify this plan for individual students as needed. After being seated in a classroom, a student will place their Character Card on their desk. Positives and Infractions may be given by any staff member to a student throughout the day to help encourage positive behavioral choices.

• Each quarter, all sixth grade students will receive a Character Card and are expected to have it in their possession during the school day.

• Teachers will use the positive side of the Character Card to record student character that is above and beyond expected behavior.

• Parents are strongly urged to review their child’s Character Card daily.

Any student who loses their character card will have it replaced with a white character card (with an infraction in the area of “prepares for class”) and will be exempt from participating in the Character Card Quarterly Celebration unless their original card is found. If the student finds their Character Card, then it is their responsibility to bring both the white Character Card and their original Character Card to their homeroom teacher at the end of the quarter to earn the Quarterly Reward.

Teachers will use the character cards when completing the student conduct portion of the quarterly report cards. Student conduct areas listed on the infraction side of the character card align with the conduct areas listed in the Deer Valley Unified District’s Promotion-Retention-Assessment Grading Handbook, as well as the conduct areas listed on the quarterly report cards.

6th Grade Steps in Encouraging Positive Behavior

• Positives: Students displaying positive character traits may receive “positives” on their Character Cards from any staff member to recognize positive choices and encourage GRIT characteristics.

• Quarterly Reward Celebrations: We would like to reward all 6th grade students at the end of each quarter who have received more positives than infractions on their character cards, have not received more than one after-school detention or more than two lunch detentions, and have had no on-campus or off-campus suspensions. Students who meet the criteria will be able to attend a Quarterly Reward Celebration. Students who do not meet the criteria will complete an assignment during the quarterly reward celebration time that requires them to reflect on ways they can meet the criteria to participate in the next Quarterly Celebration.

• Verbal Warnings: If a student displays an infraction of the character traits, then they may receive a verbal warning. If a verbal warning is given, the teacher may take the student’s card as a reminder that their behavior is not appropriate for the learning environment.

• Infractions: Infractions may be given after a verbal warning if the behavior continues. Immediate infractions (without prior verbal warning) may be given if the severity or repetition of behavior warrants.

• Detentions: If a student earns three infractions on their Character Card in one day then they will receive an afterschool detention. A date will be scheduled for the student to serve the detention and parents will be notified via email

• Office Referral: Physical or verbal aggression, theft, vandalism, threatening acts, fighting, or any infraction listed in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook (which can be found on the West Wing’s website) will warrant immediate consequences in the form of an office referral or teacher issued afterschool detention. The teacher may also choose to write an office referral for repeated minor infractions when other disciplinary practices have not been effective.


The sixth grade team uses Canvas, websites and Remind to communicate with parents. We will use your email information that has been recorded in the office for email communication. Please make sure to update the pink information sheet with your correct email. Information on signing up for Remind will be provided to you through this email address.

If you need to contact us, please send an email or call our classroom phone. Please note**Our classroom phones are forwarded to voicemail during the school day. Email is a more efficient way to contact teachers. We are looking forward to partnering with you to provide your child with an exciting year of learning. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Ms. Rogers TBA

6th Grade Mathematics 6th Grade Science

Room 309 Room 307 TBA@

623-376-5068 623-376-5066

Ms. Wilson Ms. Scheer

6th Grade Social Studies 6th Grade ELA

Room 306 Room 308

lori.wilson@ brittany.sheer@

623-376-5065 623-376-5067

Please remove, sign, and return this parent/student acknowledgement form to your homeroom teacher by Monday August 13th, 2018.

I have read and understand the West Wing School 2018-19

6th Grade Expectations.

Student Name_____________________________________________

Student Signature__________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name_______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________

Confidential Contact Information


Student Name_____________________________________________

Contact Information

Name____________________________ Relationship _____________

Daytime Phone: ___________________________________________

Evening Phone: ____________________________________________

Others authorized to be contacted regarding your child’s progress at school:

Does the student have access to the internet for homework? Yes No

Allergies to food, other: ____________________________________

___ I would like to volunteer to help with copies weekly. Please contact me(


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