6th Grade Homeroom and History

Welcome!I would like to welcome both students and families to my classroom! This will be the 6th grade homeroom classroom for the 2014-2015 school year. Students will report to homeroom 1st period every day, doors open at 7:50AM. In homeroom we will take attendance, store personnel materials (books, notebooks, binders, etc.) and make needed announcements. This will also be the 6th grade history classroom. In 6th grade history students will dive into and explore Ancient Civilizations. We will cruise through Ancient Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Mesoamerica, Greece, and Rome. We will become explorers and historians as we (re)discover Ancient Civilizations!I look forward to the opportunity to work with each student this coming year!Mr. Johnson Contact Information:Teacher: Trevor JohnsonEmail: tjohnson@Website: : 714-899-1600*Please feel free to contact me by email or phone. During school hours you will be able to leave a message on my phone.TextThe text used for this course will be Discovering Our Past: Ancient Civilizations. Online Resource: ca.hss.Behavior Policy All school wide and middle school behavior policies apply in the classroom. Classroom ExpectationsStudents must understand that to have a positive learning environment they must conduct themselves in a way that is appropriate and positive. My goal is to give each student the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. In our classroom we will follow a guideline that will make this possible.BE YOUR BESTBe ResponsibleBe RespectfulBe SafeGrading PolicyHomework 20%Projects 25%Quizzes 20%Tests 35%Grading ScaleA 90-100B 80-89C 70-79D 60-69F 59 & belowClass ComputersStudents will be able to access the internet and work on computers during class time for projects and assignments. Students are not allowed to access Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any other non-educational website. There are absolutely no games to be played on computers.WebsitePlease check weekly for updates to our classroom website. Homework, due dates and upcoming schedules will be available on the website. The website can be accessed through the homepage of GLS or directly by using the following link: : Students will have homework throughout the course. Homework is to be turned in on the given due date. Homework is to be turned in, to the appropriate basket, at the beginning of class.*Late Work Policy: Students have until the end of the chapter in which to turn in late assignments. If the assignment has not been turned in, it will be counted as 50% of assignment grade. .Projects: Students will create projects throughout the course. Projects will be completed during class time and also assigned as homework. Quizzes: Quizzes will be used to review and assess student learning before tests. These quizzes will cover readings, chapters and homework given.Tests: Tests will be given at the conclusion of chapters and/or units. Students will be notified of the test date well before in order to prepare. Materials: -Binder Divider -Note cards (3X5)-Lined Paper -Flash Drive-Pens, Pencils (#2)-Pencil Bag -Three-Ring Binder ................

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