English Language Arts and Social Studies Curriculum ...

6th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Information

Mr. Aaron Wiens

Room 218

Clague Middle School

Contact Information

Email: wiensa@aaps.k12.mi.us (Email is the most convenient method of communication for me, as I am able to check it periodically throughout the day from my computer and my phone.)

Phone: 734-994-1976

Class Notes

• All assignments fall into the following two categories:

o Formative – Assignments scored and entered into PowerSchool, but do not factor into final grade. In sports terms, think of these assignments as “practice.”

o Summative – Assignments scored, entered into PowerSchool, and do factor into final grade. In sports terms, think of these assignments as “the big game.”

• Major assessments and projects are typically announced at least one week in advance.

• Reflections and opinion-based writing activities are graded based on level of thoughtfulness and depth (using the department social studies rubric).

• Reports, projects, and presentations are graded based on scoring rubrics and guidelines (provided to students in advance).

Curriculum Highlights

6th Grade Social Studies

The study of social studies centers on essential questions, or “big picture” concepts that align with State of Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations as well as the Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12 section of the Common Core State Standards.

Chapter 1 Investigating the Past

How do scientist investigate the past?

Chapter 3 From Hunter Gatherers to Farmers

What was life like during the Neolithic times?

Chapter 4 The Rise of Sumerian City States

What changes occurred in Mesopotamia?

Chapter 5 Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization?

What are the characteristics of civilizations?

Chapter 7 Geography and Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan

What environmental factors impacted the settlement of ancient Egypt, Kush, and Canaan?

Chapter 9 Daily Life in Egypt

How did the social structure influence daily life in Egypt?

Chapter 10 The Kingdom of Kush

What was the relationship between Egypt and the Kingdom of Kush?

Chapter 11 The Ancient Hebrews and Origins of Judaism

What did Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon contribute to the development of Judaism?

Chapter 12.2 Beliefs of Judaism

What are the central beliefs of Judaism?

Chapter 15 Learning about Hindu Beliefs

How did the Hindu religion affect the culture of India?

Chapter 16 The Story of Buddhism

What is the path to enlightenment?

Chapter 18 The Achievements of the Gupta Empire

What seven achievements came out of this rich period of India’s history?

Chapter 19 Geography and The Early Settlement of China

What are the five geographic regions in China, and how did they impact the civilization?

Chapter 21 Three Chinese Philosophies

How did three major philosophies influence China?

Chapter 24 The Silk Road

What goods and ideas were exchanged between the cultures of Asia and the West?

Chapter 26 The Rise of Democracy

What are the four forms of government and why did the city – states discover as they tried each form?

Chapter 27 Life in Two City States: Athens and Sparta

What differences exist in the government, economy and education in these two city-states?

Chapter 29 The Golden Age of Athens

Explore the ancient sites and learn about the growth of Greek culture.

Chapter 31 The Legacy of Ancient Greece

What did the Greeks contribute to our lives in the areas of language government, medicines and more?

Chapter 33 Rise of the Roman Republic

How was Rome founded?

Chapter 34 From Republic to Empire

How did Rome expand, and what were the costs of expansion?

Chapter 36 The Origins and Spread of Christianity

Where did Christianity begin, and how did it spread?

Chapter 37 Legacy of Rome in the Modern World

What did Rome contribute to modern society?

The Origins and Spread of Islam

How did Islam begin and spread, and what are its key beliefs/practices?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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