Social Studies – Grade 7

Social Studies - 7

Mr. Sarudi

Week of October 23, 2006

*Reminder: Find an article that deals with governments and revolution. Due on Monday, October 30. Typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, Times Roman w/ 1” margins. Copy of article must accompany.

Monday, 10/23/2006

Objectives: Describe Spanish exploration; discuss English, French, and Dutch ventures in North America

Bell Ringer: What do you know about Christopher Columbus? List what you know.

Class Activity:

❑ Create a vocabulary section in your binder/Review Bell Ringer/Share and Collect Articles

❑ Distribute books

❑ Vocabulary Words: Colony, Mercantilism, Northwest Passage

❑ Read Chapter 1/Section 2: European Explorations (Early Voyages/New Ventures) and do #3 (21)

Homework: Read Chapter 1/Section 3: The English Colonies and answer #1-4 (27)

Extra Credit: Do History and Economics (22) and answer #1-2 and do #3. Due on Friday 10/27.

Tuesday, 10/24/2006

Objectives: Examine the different kind of European colonies that were formed in America; discuss the ways in which American colonists differed from the British by 1750.

Bell Ringer: Imagine you are about to make a long, hazardous journey to a new land of which you nothing about. Why would you decide to make such a trip (think about push/pull)? What do you expect to find?

Class Activity:

❑ Review Bell Ringer/Review Homework

❑ Read Handout: Founding the Colonies (1607-1636)

❑ Map of Colonial North America

Homework: 1. Answer questions regarding reading. 2. Work on map of Colonial North America

Wednesday, 10/25/2006

Objectives: Examine the different kind of European colonies that were formed in America; discuss the ways in which American colonists differed from the British by 1750.

Bell Ringer: Based on last night’s reading, in which colony would you have preferred to be a settler? Why?

Class Activity:

❑ Review Bell Ringer/Review Homework

❑ Vocabulary Words: indentured servant, proprietor, congregation, commonwealth and constitution

❑ Start Reviewing Chapter 1/Section 3 (English Colonies) #3 and 4 (27)

❑ Map of Colonial North America

Homework: Read Handout: Founding the Colonies (1636-1733) and answer questions. 2. Finish map of Colonial North America.

Extra Credit: #1, 5 and 6 (27)

Thursday, 10/26/2006

Objective: Students will describe social classes and the role of women, indentured servants and African Americans; discuss the relationship between colonists and Native Americans; explain why religious toleration and freedom developed during the colonial period.

Bell Ringer: List the three colonial regions and in your opinion, describe which colony seemed most successful and why.

Class Activity:

❑ Review/Share Bell Ringer/Review Homework

❑ Vocabulary Words: Mennonites, the Great Awakening, and Gentry

❑ Review Chapter 1/Section 3: Colonial Life (Colonial Social Classes, Women, Slavery) #3 and 5 (35)

Homework: 1. Read handout “Colonial Lifestyles” and answer questions. 2. Finish Chapter 1/Section 3: Colonial Life (Native Americans, The Colonial Mind, Press in America and New Directions) and do #4 (35)

Friday, 10/27/2006

Objective: Students will describe social classes and the role of women, indentured servants and African Americans; discuss the relationship between colonists and Native Americans; explain why religious toleration and freedom developed during the colonial period.

Bell Ringer: Read Activity #6 (35) and provide an answer.

Class Activity:

❑ Review/Share Bell Ringer/

❑ Review Homework: Chapter 1/Section 3: Colonial Life (Native Americans, The Colonial Mind, Press in America and New Directions)

Homework: 1. Take Home Quiz. 2. Read Handout: Native Americans and New Settlers and answer questions.

Bell Ringer: What do you think a “Balance of Trade” means?

Class Activity:

❑ Review Bell Ringer/Review Homework

❑ Read Handout: The Colonial Economy

❑ Worksheets 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 and 8

Homework: Read Chapter 2/Section 1: The Road to Revolution and answer #1-4 (47)

Objectives: Explain the causes and results of the French and Indian War; discuss the events that led the colonies to armed resistance to British control over the colonies.

Bell Ringer: Based on everything we’ve talked and read about, list possible reasons for conflict between Britain and France. How would this conflict between these two powers affect the colonist living in North America?

Class Activity:

❑ Review Bell Ringer/ Review homework

❑ Finish worksheets not finished yesterday

Homework: Read Chaper 2/Section 2: War for Independence and answer #2-4 (56)

Extra Credit: Create a timeline of major events that contributed to the American Colonial break from Britain. Due on Monday

Objectives: State what factors contributed to the American Revolution; explain why the American were able to win the war.

Bell Ringer: In your opinion, what does the world Revolution mean? What reason lead people to revolt and overthrow their government?

Class Activity:

❑ Review/Share Bell Ringer/Review Homework

❑ Do the following activities: #5 (47) and #5 (56).

Homework: 1. Read Chapter 2/Section 3: The Confederation and answer #1-5 (66). 2. Do article on revolution.

Objectives: Identify the colonial economic system; determine the economic connection between colonies and British government.


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