Grade 7 Review Terms - Weebly

Gr. 7



Final Exam

Study Guide


Name_____________________ HR________

Social Studies Exam Review Strategies

• Organize your papers so you are working with everything you need

• Read your textbook • Read your textbook out loud

• Read your notes • Read your notes aloud

• Highlight your notes • Answer study guide questions

• Define key terms • Get lots of sleep…

• Feed your brain!

• Summarize your notes into paragraphs or re-write them as a story

• “Tell” your story to someone else

• Use a worksheet as a quiz by covering over the answers and re-doing it

• Make flashcards with worksheet questions on one side and answers on the back

• Practice with flashcards

• Ask someone to quiz you

• Outline or make a graphic version of written work (lists, columns, Venn diagrams, etc.)

• Look over old quizzes and try to figure out where you made mistakes (Certain topics? Types of questions?)

• Look over the returned assignments for the unit

• Look up the parts of the assignments that you didn't understand the first time.

• Relax and do your best!

Write your three best multiple choice questions then ask a friend to answer the questions.

Question: ______________________________________________________________________

Possible Answers:

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________

d. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Question: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Possible Answers:

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________

d. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Question: ______________________________________________________________________

Possible Answers:

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________

d. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Grade 7 Review Topics

First Nations Culture & way of life

• Mi’kmaq

• Anishinabe

• Haudenosaunee

• consensus

• • Beothuks

• Treaties

• Assimilation

• Residential Schools

Colonization of New France

• Jacques Cartier

• Seigneuers

• Habitants

• Governor

• Intendant

• Mercantile System

• Acadians

• Canadians and Canadiens

Fur Trade

• Hudson Bay Company

• Northwest Company

• voyageurs – portage

• coureurs de bois

• monopoly

Conflict 1750 - 1840

• British conquest of Canada

• Battle on the Plains of Abraham

• Louisbourg

• Proclamation Act (Royal Proclamation)

• Quebec Act

• American Revolution (who was involved & why)

• patriots and loyalists

• United Empire Loyalists and impact on Canada

• War of 1812 (who was involved)

• Great Migration (who came & impact on Canada)

• Rebellions of 1837 (who was involved & why

• William Lyon MacKenzie

• Louis Joseph Papineau

• Act of Union

Geographic terms in Canada

• Upper Canada – Canada West

• Lower Canada – Canada East

• creation of New Brunswick

• location of Rupert’s Land

• Assiniboia

• Location of North-west Territory

Confederation 1867

• political deadlock

• who joined/didn’t join

• reasons for and against

* John A. Macdonald

Expanding Confederation

• Louis Riel

• Red River Resistance

• Northwest Rebellion

• Métis


• building the CPR

• BC, PEI, AB, Sask, NFLD


• push & pull factors

• Key groups and where they settled: Chinese, Mennonite, Icelandic, German, Ukrainian, Scandinavian


• responsible government

• representation by population (rep by pop)

• democracy

Canadian culture

• Industrialization

• Women’s rights

• • pluralism

• assimilation

• urban and rural

Historical thinking

• primary and secondary sources

• cause and effect

• significance

Helpful Websites:

|assimilation | | |Acadians/Acadia |

|colonization | | |Act of Union | |

|consensus | | |American Revolution/War of Independence |

|deadlock | | |Anishinabe | |

|democracy | | |Battle of Batoche |

|deportation | | |Battle on the Plains of Abraham |

|expansion | | |Canada West/East |

|exploration | | |Canadiens | |

|famine | | |Confederation |

|immigration | | |Fenians | |

|incentive | | |Haudenosaunee |

|mercantile system | |Jacques Cartier |

|migration | | |John A. Macdonald |

|monopoly | | |Louis Papineau |

|oath | | |Louis Riel | |

|patriot | | |Louisbourg | |

|pemmican | | |Loyalists/Black Loyalists |

|pluralistic | | |Mennonites | |

|portage | | |Metis | |

|primary/secondary source | |Mi'kmaq | |

|provisional government | |New France | |

|push/pull factors | |Province of Canada |

|responsible government | |Rebellions of 1837 |

|rural/urban | | |Red River | |

|seigneur | | |Rupert's Land |

|settlers | | |Selkirk | |

| | | |Thirteen Colonies |

| | | |Thomas Scott |

| | | |Upper/Lower Canada |

| | | |War of 1812 | |

| | | |William Lyon Mackenzie |

| | | | |

| | | | |





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