The 7 HABITS of Highly Effective TEENS by sean covey

The 7 HABITS of Highly Effective TEENS

It is now time to put your habits into action!

Working in groups of 2 (3 max), you will be assigned one of the habits.

You will be required to present your habit to the class. Include two components:

Interactive Role Play/Activity: You should act out or describe a situation where your habit would be used OR do an activity with the entire class which shows why your habit is important.

Recap the habit

Reinforce the learnings

Make the listener think and/or become actively involved in activities that support the habit.

Handout. Please create a one-page handout or quiz for the class which describes or reinforces your habit.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. (You may sign out a copy of the book)

In your discussion, make sure to answer (at least) the following questions:

Habit 1: What does it mean to be proactive? What does it mean to be reactive?

Habit 2: What does it mean to begin with the end in mind?

Habit 3: Describe each of the quadrants in the personal time quadrant.

Where do you spend most your time?

Habit 4: What are the 4 possible outcomes in reacting to situations? Provide an example for each.

Habit 5: Explain in your own words what “Begin with the End in Mind” means. Define each of the five poor listening skills discussed in this section.

Habit 6: Define Synergy. Give an example of we can use synergy to our benefit.

Habit 7: Define Sharpening the Saw. What are the four key dimensions to life? Which dimension of your life do you feel best about? Which do you feel you need to work on the most?

You will be marked on:

1. Originality & Interactivity (Is your presentation engaging? Relevant? Gets the class involved or thinking?)

2. Quality of Content (Is it clear that you know your habit thoroughly? Are there any missing points?)

3. Presentation Skills (Voice quality, poise, confidence, not using notes etc)

4. Handout (Does it reinforce key points? Is it relevant and useful?)

**You will have to see Ms J. or Mr P before your presentation in order to make photocopies!**

Presentation date:_______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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