7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens - Warren County Public ...

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


Name: __________________________________ Leadership Class: ______________

Session 1: August 13-24 The Set-Up P. 3-28

Discuss on 8/13 after giving books, reading back cover, and personal reflection time.

a. From reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, I hope to be able to do?

Read p. 3-28, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 8/20.

b. What is a paradigm? Did your paradigm change after listening to others paradigm?

c. What is a principle? Create a “t” chart of principles that are important to you on the left and why they are important to you on the right.

d. Create you own “personal wheel”. What is your life centered on and what are the things that you tend to spend your time on? (Refer to p. 25)

e. Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg. 28.

Session 2: August 27-31 The Personal Bank Account P. 31-46

Read p. 31-46, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 8/27.

a. Complete 3 RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) without the person who is receiving it finding out. How did that make you feel? Refer to p. 35-36.

b. What have you done lately to exercise self-discipline? Draw or write your answer.

c. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 45-46

Session 3: September 4-14 Habit 1-Be Proactive P. 47-72

Read p. 47-61, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 9/4.

a. What does proactive mean? Give an example of a proactive choice you’ve made?

b. What does reactive mean? When and where do you tend to be the most reactive?

c. Listen to your language. Is it proactive or reactive? List some examples (p. 51).

Read p. 62-72, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 9/10.

d. Reflect on the poem on p. 62. How does it relate to you?

e. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 71-72.

Session 4:Sept.17-28 Habit 2-Begin with End in Mind P.73-104

Read p. 73-89, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 9/17.

a. List some crossroads you will encounter in the next few months?

b. What qualities do I want to develop in my life?

c. What contributions do I want to make to others and my community?

d. What things will I need to have for the kind of future I want?

e. Complete the “Great Discovery” on p. 86-89?

Read p. 90-104, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 9/24.

f. Make a list of the most important things you want your personal mission statement to include. Review the “Great Discovery” and the previous question and write all of the ideas that come to your mind.

g. Create you own personal mission statement. Refer to p. 81-82, 90-91.

h. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 104.

Session 5: Oct. 8-19 Habit 3-Put First Things First P.105-130

Read p. 105-116, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 10/8.

a. Where do you spend most of you time? Write down how you spent your time yesterday. What took up most of your time? Did the things that filled up your day matter most to you? Where did you waste time? Where were you most productive?

b. Create you own “time quadrant” and reflect on where all you’re above activities fit in the graph. Refer to p. 112.

Read p. 117-130, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share class on 10/15.

c. Think of a time when you acted in the face of fear and took a risk to move outside of your comfort zone. What did you learn?

d. Under what circumstances do you need to step outside of your comfort zone and exercise more courage?

e. What holds you back from moving outside your courage zone?

f. How can you act more courageously?

g. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 128.

Session 6:Oct. 22-26 The Relationship Bank Account P.131-144

Read p. 131-144, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 10/22.

a. How would you define “public victory”?

b. Describe to someone and write down how the “relationship bank account” works and why it is important and what their response was?

c. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 144.

Session 7: Oct.29-Nov.2 Habit 4-Think Win-WIN!!! P.145-162

Read p. 145-162, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 10/29.

a. Write your definition of win-win thinking. Once you have your description, share it with a friend. Use examples from your own life.

b. It is hardest for me to think win-win when __? It is easiest for me to think win-win when __? When I practice win-win thinking, I enjoy the following benefits__?

c. Write about an experience where you had a win-lose mentality. How did you feel about it? Would you do things differently now?

d. Write about an experience where you practiced lose-win or someone acted in a lose-win way toward you. How did you feel?

e. List a specific situation that you may face in the next seven days that will require win-win thinking? How will you prepare yourself to think win-win? Later, write what the experience taught you about thinking win-win.

f. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 162.

Session 8:Nov.5-9 Habit 5-Seek First to Understand P.163-180

Read p. 163-180, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 11/5.

a. When was the last time you tried walking in someone else’s shoes? What was the experience like-actually trying to consider another person’s point of view or idea before sharing yours? Describe what happened and what you learned?

b. Write your own definition of the following listening styles: Spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening and word listening. Also self-centered listening: judging, advising and probing. Lastly what is genuine listening? Refer to p. 168-171.

c. When do you have the most difficult time giving feedback to others? Why?

d. If you genuinely listen to another person, what happens when you then express your feelings, ideas, suggestions, or opinions?

e. When was the last time you kept your thoughts and feelings to yourself even though you really wanted to share them? Why didn’t you share them?

f. Now that you have analyzed your actions, what can you do to improve your practice of the second half of Habit 5, then to be understood?

g. Reflect on the “baby steps” of p. 180.

Session 9: November 12-16 Habit 6-Synergize P. 181-204

Read p. 181-204, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 11/12.

a. Name some synergistic relationships in nature, in your school and in your home.

b. Some people love to be with groups of people. Some people like to spend much of their time alone. How do you prefer to spend your time? Why?

c. Some people are dreamers; they’re always thinking of new possibilities, new ways of doing things. Some people are very practical; they like to study the world and know how to do things. Which type of person are you? Why?

d. Some people make decisions based on their feelings and how they think others might feel. Other people make decisions based on facts. How do you prefer to make decisions? Why?

e. Some people like their lives planned out and scheduled. Other people like to be surprised or just see what happens. Which way do you prefer and why?

f. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 202.

g. Challenge: Write down an important issue that you, your community, your school, or your family is facing right now. Organize a group of 4 people to discuss the issue you chose. Think of ways to improve or change the problem (solutions). Together, decide which solutions will make the biggest difference. Write your group’s idea into an action plan for change. Use SYNERGY to make it happen.

Session 10: Nov. 26-30 Habit 7-Sharpen the Saw P.205-242

Read p. 205-243, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss and share in class on 11/26.

a. List all the things you want to do to “sharpen your saw” in each of the four categories: BODY, HEART, SOUL, & BRAIN.

b. What physical activities do you like to do? Are there activities you haven’t tried, but would like to? Make a list.

c. What type of a plan can you set that will help you focus on the nutritional elements of sharpening the saw physically?

d. To care for your brain is to sharpen the saw mentally. Make a list of skills or talents you enjoy or might like to learn.

e. Caring for your heart is how you sharpen the saw socially and emotionally. Look at it as a RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT. Care for your heart by making deposits. Create a list of how you can make deposits.

f. Write a thank-you note to ______ (Create a list and follow through)

g. Which of your relationships are the most important? Are you making deposits into these relationships? How can you improve your most important relationships?

h. To boost your emotional well being, why not start your own humor corner today? Write your favorite joke out and share it with someone.

i. Caring for your soul is how you sharpen the saw spiritually. Some activities that will help you do this is; meditate, volunteer to read to a child or listen to inspiring music. What other activities do you enjoy that will help awaken your soul. List them out.

j. Reflect on the “baby steps” on p. 242.

Session 11: December 3-7 Keep Hope Alive P. 243-246

Read p. 243-246, reflect on your favorite parts and answer the following questions.

Be ready to discuss in and share class on 12/3.

a. Did you meet your expectations going through this? What do you need to do now?

b. What valuable things did you learn that you didn’t expect to learn?

c. How will you apply the 7habits in the next week? The next month? The next year?

d. Did you share what you learned? How did it make a difference?

e. How will you continue to share what you’ve learned from the 7 habits?



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