Name________________________________ Period_____ Date______________

Due Date: February 21, 2017; 100 point assignment

10 point deduction per day if turned in late; half credit after Friday the 24th.

Parent signature #1 due by January 13th (5 points) indicating awareness of the assignment, the due date, and confirmation that the book has not been read previously, AND that it is NOT a movie. Late signatures and emailed signatures will not be accepted. X__________________________________

Book requirements: 700 lexile or higher () or grade equivalent of 6.0 or higher; at least 150 pages; must be a book you have NOT read before.

Work must be neat. Proofread your work carefully. Spelling, capitalization, and grammar will be fifteen points of the grade.

Title_____________________________________________________ Author __________________

Total # of pages ______Publisher_____________________________ Date of Publication_______

Lexile and / or grade level ____________________________

Topic (What is the book about?)______________________________________________________

Use complete sentences to explain why you chose to read a book about this particular topic. Give details.

I selected this book because ___________________________________________________________



What sort of reader does the book seem to be targeting? __________________________________


Using complete sentences, explain the author’s purpose for writing this book. Give examples from the book to show your knowledge of the content.




Choose THREE of the most interesting or exciting chapters or events in the book. Describe each one and state why you found each one interesting. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Describe Event #1 (with details) __________________________________________________________________________________


I found this chapter/event interesting because ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe Event #2 (with details) ___________________________________________________________________________


I found this chapter/event interesting because __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Describe Event #3 (with details) ___________________________________________________________________________


I found this chapter/event interesting because_______________________________________



On a separate sheet of paper:

1)) Using complete sentences, describe FOUR new facts or ideas that you learned from reading this book.

2)) If you met the author of this book, what are TWO suggestions or compliments you would make about the book? Use complete sentences to explain.

3)) Using complete sentences, and details from the book, explain why you liked or disliked the book. Be specific in your evaluation so that the reader will be able to decide if they would like to read this book.

4)) What was the MOST interesting thing you learned? What part of the book did you find the least interesting? WHY?

5)) Who do you think would like to read this book and why?

Parent signature: ___________________________________ ( 5 points) Date_________________

Parent’s printed name: ____________________________________

(Parent signature indicates that, to the best of your knowledge, your child read this book.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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