Name: ____________________________________________Date ...

6th Grade Language Arts Book Report #3Name: ____________________________________________Date: _____________Period: ___________Due Date: February 23, 2016; 100 point assignment 10 point deduction per day if turned in late; not accepted after Friday the 12th Parent signature #1 due by January 15th (5 points) indicating awareness of the assignment, the due date, and confirmation that the book has not been read previously. Late signatures and emailed signatures will not be accepted. X_________________________________________ Book requirements: 700 lexile or higher () or grade equivalent of 6.0 or higher; at least 150 pages, must be a work of fiction; must be a book you have NOT read before.Work must be neat. Proofread your work carefully. Spelling, capitalization, and grammar will be twenty points of the grade. Part IBook Title: _______________________________________________________________________Author: ______________________________ Total number of pages: ________________Genre: _____________________ Fiction Lexile Level: ____________ and/or grade equivalentSetting: Where AND When ; be thorough ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Conflict: Describe the main problem or complication in the story on the following lines, then circle the type of conflict below. More than one may be circled. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________person vs. person person vs. society person vs. self person vs. nature person vs. fateTheme: Complete a theme sentence, then give a specific example from the book that supports this theme.Sentence: __________________________________________________________________________Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________**Do the remaining four portions on a separate sheet of paper.Characters: List a minimum of three main characters and tell something significant about each one.Plot: Use complete sentences to explain five main plot events (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and the resolution) from the story in chronological order. Be sure to use specific details and names.Favorite scene: What was your favorite scene from the book? Describe what happens, then explain why it is your favorite on the lines below. This should be 5 to 10 sentences in length.Imperative Statement: Give a thorough, compelling statement to encourage other students to want to read your book.Part IIFor the second half of your book report you will chose to write two paragraphs OR create a soundtrack pamphlet for your book.Two Paragraphs: Each paragraph must be four to six sentences long. The first paragraph should describe a scene from the book in detail, using text evidence. The second paragraph should describe what you would change about this scene if your book was being made into a movie. This paragraph should also explain why you would make the changes that you do.ORSoundtrack: You will create a soundtrack booklet that matches and describes your book. Examples will be shown in class. The booklet must have three to five songs and each song must have two sentences explaining WHERE in the book it belongs and WHY it belongs there. The student should use preexisting, school appropriate songs for this assignment.Parent Signature #2 (5 points): _____________________________________ Date: ______________Parent Name (Print): _______________________________________*Parent signature indicates that, 1) to the best of your knowledge, your child read this book in its entirety and 2) that you have seen the final product. ................

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