Hyderabad Institute of Arts, Science and Technology

2nd Year 1st Semester HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:COMMUNICATION SKILLSCode:ENG 210Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:Functional EnglishSemester:First Semester Second Year Assessment :20% Sessional Work, 20% Mid Semester and 60% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:2(2+0)Marks:100Minimum Contact Hours 28Aims :To develop communication skills crucial to success in modern days’ Organizations.Objectives:In the end of the course the students will be able to communicate clearly and explicitly with his or her working colleagues in an organization.Contents :What is Communication, The Importance of Communication, and Communication Skills? The Communication Process. Perspectives in Communication. Factors Affecting Communication Perspective. Language as a Representational System. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Barriers of Communication. Interpersonal Communication, 7Cs of Communication. Internal Representation of Our World: Visual, Auditory & Kinesthetic Representational System. Elements of Communication. Communication Styles.Listening: Self-Awareness, Pseudo Listening, Active Listening, Effective Listening, Total Listing. Types of Expression. Rules of Effective Expression. Body Language. Para-language and Meta-messages. Hidden Agendas. Language Models. Communication Styles. Assertiveness. Responding to Criticism. Making Contact. The Art of Conversation. Negotiations. Prejudgment. The Power of Validation. Validation Strategies. Influencing Others. Public Speaking. Preparing Formal Oral Presentations: Design elements, elements of effective Delivery, Tension & Nerves, Handle Questions, Handling Tough Situations, Common Mistakes & Their Remedies, Dealing with Unexpected Disasters, Presentation for International Audience, Dealing People with Disabilities. Interviewing. Elements of Effective Written Communication. Building Rapports. Writing: Technical reports, Research reports, Research Papers, and memos.Drafting, revising, and editing compositions derived from science and Technology to develop skills in narration, Persuasion, analysis and documentation.Books Recommended:Effective Communication Skills, MTD Training &Ventus Publishing ApS.Message: The Communication Skills Book by Matthew McKay PhD, Martha Davis PhD, and Patrick Fanning, New Harbinger Publications Secrets of Successful Presenters: A Guide for Successful Presenters by Dr. M. A. Pasha & Dr. S. PashaCommunication Skills in English by Prof P N Kharu, DrVarinder Gandhi Essential Communication Skills, Teacher Edition with Talking Points by Patty Ann, Patty Ann.Approval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:COMPUTER ARCHITECTURECode:CMP 211Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:Digital Logic and Design Semester:First Semester Second YearAssessment :20% Sessional Work, 20% Mid Semester and 60% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:3 (3+0)Marks:100Minimum Contact Hours 42Aims :To study the structure and behavior of various functional modules of thecomputer and the modalities for processing the needs of the user.Objectives:After the completion of the course students will be able to understand thevarious functional modules of the computer and its structure and the modalities for processing the needs of the user in context of its architecture.Contents :INTRODUCTION: Regular transfer language, inter register transfer, Logic micro operations, shift micro operations codes, timing and control, Execution of instructions, I/O and interrupts, design of basic Computer.CENTRAL PRCESSOR ORGANIZATION: Processor Bus organization ALU organization, stack organization, instruction formats. Addressing mode, Data transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Micro processor Organization, Bit Slice Microprocessor.MICRO PROGRAM CONTROL ORGANIZATION: Control memory, address sequencing, Micro program examples, Micro program sequencer, and Microinstruction formats examples. Micro program sequencer, Micro Instruction formats.INPUT OUTPUT ORGANIZATION: Peripheral devices, I/O interface. Asynchronous data transfer, specification of IBM PC XT and AT, Direct memory Access, priority interrupts, I/O Processor, Multiprocessor organization, Data communication processor.MEMORY ORGANIZATION: Auxiliary memory, cache memory, virtual memory, Microcomputer memory, memory hierarchy, associative memory, memory management hardware, disk subsystem, floppy disk drive adjustment alignments, Memory Speed, memory classification, memory Allocation.ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE : Assembly Language Syntax, Name field, Operation filed, Operand field, comment field, Program data, variables, Byte Variable, word variables, Arrays, Program Structure, Memory Models, Data segment, Stack Statement, code segment. A first program certainty and running a program, displaying a string, cause conversion ProgramBooks Recommended:M. Morris Mano, Computer Systems Architecture”. Prentice HallComputer Organization, McGraw Hill.1984Kai Hawang& Faye Briggs, “Computer Architecture and parallel Processing”, Mc Graw Hill. GidconLangolz, Joan Francioni, and Abraham Kandel , Element of Computer Organization”.4tha 4u, “ Assembly Language Program and Organization of IBM PC”Approval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:DATA STRUCTURE AND ALGORITHMS Code:CMP 210Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:Discrete MathematicsSemester:First Semester Second YearAssessment :20% Sessional Work, 20% Mid Semester and 60% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:4 (3+1)Marks:100 + 50Minimum Contact Hours 42 + 42Aims :To use data structures as tools to algorithmically design efficient computer programs that will cope with the complexity of actual applications.Objectives:Students will get an in depth knowledge about the data structures their convenience, applications and algorithms used which includes all sorts of logarithmic and mathematical notations.Contents :Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. Complexity Analysis. Arrays.Sorting Algorithms: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, Heap Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort, and Bucket Sort.Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular List. Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queue. Recursion: Function call and Recursion Implementation, Tail Recursion, Non-tail Recursion, Indirect Recursion, Nested Recursion, Backtracking. Trees: Binary Trees, Binary Heap, Binary Search. Tree Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, and Balancing a Tree. Heap. B-Tree, B+Tree, Spanning Tree, Splay Trees. Graphs: Representation, Treversal, Shortest Path, and Cycle Detection; Isomorphic Graphs. Graph Traversal Algorithms. Hashing. Memory Management and Garbage Collection. Note:Practical will be based on theory.Books Recommended:Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java by Mark Allen Weiss, Addison-Wesley, 4th Edition (October 7, 2009). ISBN-10: 0321541405 (or Latest Edition) Algorithms, Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University Publisher: AddisonWesley Professional (latest Edition) Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java by Koffman and Wolfgang, Wiley; 2nd Edition (January 26, 2010). ISBN-10: 0470128704128Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Adam Drozdek, Course Technology; 4th Edition (August 27, 2012). ISBN-10: 1133608426 Data Structures Using C++ by D. S. Malik, Course Technology; 2nd Edition (July 31, 2009). ISBN-10: 0324782012 Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ by Michael Main and Walter Savitch, Prentice Hall; 4th Edition (March 6, 2010). ISBN-10: 0132129485Approval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:COMPUTER GRAPHICSCode:IT 210Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:Discrete Mathematics Semester:First Semester Second YearAssessment :20% Sessional Work, 20% Mid Semester and 60% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:4 (3+1)Marks:100 + 50Minimum Contact Hours 42 + 42Aims :To introduce students to design, analyze, and implement computer graphics, basic principles and techniques of the field to write substantial 2D and 3D graphics.Objectives:Students will acquire the conceptual knowledge about the computer graphics and will be able to analyze, design and implement computer graphics, it will also lead them to the field of writing substantial 2D and 3D graphics.Contents :Basics of Computer GraphicsOverview of Graphics SystemsOutput Primitives (point, line, polygon, circle, ellipse) Attributes of output PrimitivesFilled output primitivesTwo Dimensional Computer GraphicsTwo Dimensional Geometric transformationsThree Dimensional object representationsColor System and computer Graphics: Color perception, color models (RGB, CMY, HSV), color transformations. Color in OpenGL. RGB and Indexed colorProcessing Graphic Language: Fundamentals of computer graphic in a visual context, Adobe Photoshop: Work Space, Color basics, layers, web, screen and app design, Reshaping and Transforming, Draw and painting, Filter and effects, Video and Animation, 3D and technical imaging, Color management.Note:Practical will be based on theory.Books Recommended:Donald Hearn &M.Pauline Bake, “ Computer Graphics”. Latest editionRicherd F. Ferraro, “Learn 3D Graphics Programming on the PC “,.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book 1st EditionApproval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSCode:MTH 210Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:Calculus and Analytical GeometrySemester:First Semester Second YearAssessment :20% Sessional Work, 20% Mid Semester and 60% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:3 (3+0)Marks:100Minimum Contact Hours 42Aims :This course provides an introduction to topics involving ordinary differential equations. And will demonstrate the usefulness of ordinary differential equations for modeling physical and other phenomena. Objectives:Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts and select and use appropriate models and techniques for finding solutions to differential equations-related problems with and without technology.Contents :First-Order Differential EquationsExistence and uniqueness of solutions.Linear equationsSeparable equations and singular solutions, Exact Equations.Applications of first-order equationsLinear Equations of Higher OrderHomogeneous linear equations with constant coefficientsGeneral solutions of linear equations—theoryInitial value problems and boundary value problemsNonhomogeneous equations—undetermined coefficientsLinear Systems of Differential EquationsThe method of eliminationThe eigenvalue method for homogeneous systemsApplications Differential EquationsLaplace Transform MethodsLaplace transforms and inverse transformsInitial-value problemsTranslation and partial fractionsImpulses and delta functionsBooks Recommended:S. M. Yousuf, Mathematical Methods. Latest Edition Zill, Dennis G, A First Course in Differential Equations, 10th edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage, 2013.Approval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:ISLAMIC STUDIESCode:SS 210Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:NoneSemester:First Semester Second YearAssessment :10% Sessional Work, 10% Mid Semester and 30% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:2 (2+0)Marks:50Minimum Contact Hours 28Aims :To provide proper knowledge based on Quran & Hadith.Objectives:After completing this course student should be able to effectively maintain his/her identity in a multicultural world and will be able to figure out why Muslims fail to equip themselves with essential survival tools needed in the world today.Contents :Quran and Uloomul Quran.Surah Al-Hujurat.Surah Al-Furqan.(These both surahs cover all topics related to the ethical values of Islamic society including Taqwa, Tawakal, Simplicity, Lawful earning, Social Justice, Rights of Parents, elders, neighbors, Fear of Allah and Truthfulness. Excellence of Holy Quran (Aijazul Quran).History of collection and compilation of Holy Quran.Basic Beliefs of Islam. Tauheed, its importance, effects on the life of believer, shirk and its types.Existence of Angles.Holy Scriptures.Prophethood, its need and necessities, characteristics and Finality of Prophethood.Concept on life hereafter.Life history of Holy Prophet Muhammad .Life history at Makkah (Before Prophethood).Life history at Makkah (after Prophethood).Life history at Madina (including Brotherhood, Charter of Madina, Victory of Makkah and Last Sermon of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S)}.Importance of Hadith and Sunnah.Ten selected Ahadiths (Covering topics related to Proper usage of time, Hospitality, quality of shyness, love and affection to humanity, facilitate to others and tolerance etc.)Fundamentals of Islam.Testifying KalimaShahadah.Prayer, its importance, pre-conditions, obligations and effects. Zakat, its aims & objectives, Requirements, Legal recipients, Nisab and benefits.Fasting, its philosophy, requirements and benefits.Pilgrimage, requirements, types, obligations, procedure and benefits.Jihad and its types.Islam and Science.Quran and Science.Importance of science and technology in Islam.Historical contribution of Islam and Muslims in the development of science. Verses of Holy Quran those cover different fields of science e.g. social, management and natural science.Books Recommended:A.A. Umrani, Islam: The universal Religion, Naseem book dept, 1994.A.Q. Natiq, Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, Urdu bazzar Karachi, 1992.S.M. Saeed, Islam aurHamariZindagi, Naseem book dept, 1988.M. Shabudden, Quran Science and Muslims, Al Maktabah Al Ashrafiya, Lahore, 2000.Approval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYBS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)Title of Subject:ETHICSCode:SS 211Effective:18 Batch and OnwardsPre-requisites:NoneSemester:First Semester Second Year Assessment :10% Sessional Work, 10% Mid Semester and 30% Final ExaminationCredit Hours:2(2+0)Marks:50Minimum Contact Hours 21Aims :To provide proper knowledge based on ethical and moral values of various famous religions.Objectives:After completing this course student should be able to create stable and healthy civilized atmosphere and develop uniformity of moral beliefs and behavior.Contents :Definition of Ethics and its position in different famous religions.Islam:IntroductionRole of Beliefs and Arkans of Islam in Character building.Ethical values including Brotherhood, Equality, Liberty, Tolerance, Social Justice, Rights of Non-Muslim.Ill effects of corruption and respect of law.Hinduism:IntroductionDoctrines.Religious books.Concept of Re-Birth.Celebration daysCast systems, Trimurti and Ethical teachings.Budhism:IntroductionDoctrines.Eight Nobel Paths of Buddha.Critical study on concept of Renunciation of material & worldly life.Christianity:IntroductionDoctrines.Religious Books.Human Honor.Self reforms, celebration days and Ethical teachingsJudaism:IntroductionDoctrines.Religious Books. Ethical Values. Ten Commandments of Moses (A.S)Books Recommended:Dr. A. Rasheed; Comparative Study of Religions Tahir Sons, Karachi. Adil Faraz; Ikhlaqiyat Mazahib-e-Aalam ki Nazar main, Apna Idara, Lahore.M. Hashim Channa; Mazahib-e-Aalam jo Taqabili Jaezo, Naseem Book DeptApproval :Board of Studies :01/2017, Res. No. 01;Dated: August 15, 2017Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities :01/2017, Res No. 04;Dated: October 9, 2017Academic Council:02/2017, Res No. 91.11 (d)Dated: October 17, 2017 ................

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